THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1891. The Weekly Ghtoniele. Entered at the PoatoflW at Th PaUca. Orefrlu, a aecond-claaa matter. SCItsCRIPTION RATES. T mail (rofTAOS rurxio) IS ADVAICtg Woeklr, 1 year II month. S FOOLISH ECOSOMY. "The fifty-second congress in going to be an 'economical' one," says the Alov ian. "No extravagant appropriations are going to le made. So the demo cratic majority announce. That's busi ness. But the result will be in accord- so ft r anre with the majority's ilea of 'economy.' Already it is g'ven out that i to his readers, if not to himself. n.n. i tm f tiitit ierevri i verv nine lor nver anu - - ' "V - J . - : m IT'.. Si w haibor appropriation. That is not Addrwm all rororannJraUon to "THE CH RON- ! economy. That is folly. Theit! ICLK," Tba Dalle. Oregon. would be nnfeignedly sorry if it were j Chilian Matter, otherwise. It seeks no man's ruin and ; New Yohk, Dec. 10. A special from hopes the Mountaineer may live as long j Washington to the World says that its as it deserves to: but it won't "prolong correspondent was enabled to secure to ils existence by such breaks as it made night a translation of a cypher despatch last night. An editor of a newspaper, I from Minister Kgan to the Hate depart making any pretentions to respecta- j nient, in which he stated that a critical bilityi should never forget that he ought , state of a flairs existed in .Santiago. The to lx a gentleman. Ho ones that much i dispatch states that the American lega tion is surrounded by the police and a i mob, und threats aro freely made to Under the new tariff law the revenue i blow it up or burn it on account of the TWO OF- A KISV. I many deserving improvements going on rj that if checked will ciwt more to com jpletcthanif ise appropriations were ' made now. Kconomv is a good thing. . , , . ' Kconomv is siroplv the judicious qx- A few davs ago the CiiRoxirir madei , . , -ri , i penditure of ones income. There are mention of the fart that a merchant of . , . .. .... ..... , , times when it is cconomv to save live tni rnr u-ns HtiinTi n? mi cmmi nv ifif . . t t o n . Hre of tho national government has fallen offj refugees there. Copies of the cablegram, Baker. In commenting upon it these words were used : There is no remedy left for the people nothing ttiey can do, save let severely alone every merchant who turns traitor to the beet interests of the people. When the merchants of thin citr are i cents. There are times when it is ecou- i oniy to spend $1000, As with indi I Tiduals so with nations. We must all .'applaud economy, but in the light of Cleveland's vetoe of the appropriation ! for the improvement of the month of the ! Columbia at an inixrtaut joiiit in tho project, we .n , win, r.nlr ,n. -,..i.ti.n. fn Progress of that necessary tbe support of the Kwrulator. the ! have cause tocongratnlate ourselves that Chkonk i r des not projiose to re silent the great work has so far advanced that i Springfield, Mas., a prominent physi- j timore case. If this is unfavorable, con- anu iiiuw mat man or anr uuit r miii iu i If a! about iMO.OOO.OOO during tho jast five j ttie correspondent says, had lieen sent months. This means that the con sum- j to the president and navy department, ers have aid forty millions less taxes and much consternation had been during that time. This is a fact, not ! created in tho latter by its receipt. The theory and the friends and enemies alike j corresjondent further states that a of the McKinley law can draw their own j cablegram had been prepared to be sent conclusions. j to Minister Kgan, asking him to report I on the situation. It is believed at the A itacaiiy Young t'oiirce Man. j navy department, the correspondent! Nkw Haven, Conn., Dec. 17.-A1 ?ay; 11,1,1 of attain around the , . legation would not exist if proper police Koberts, a young man representing! rrotection WM given. If the situation himself to lie a Harvard graduate, is j is real'y as grave as reported, tho naval charged with having victimized Yale j officials think that nothing but force can students and prominent tradesmen to ; ,'1C out of the legation. The .. . . , , , , ,, effect of Mr. Kgan a dispatch, it is the amount of revera! hundred dollars. , lhougltti wiu mult in .'demand by Hcbcrts is a son of Dr. M. Koberts, of i Blaine for a iromnt decision in the RU Minnesota Thresher f.lfg. Go., . . Manufacturera and Dealers in Minnesota Chief Separators. Giant & Sfillwiter Pliii i( Traction Engines, -CHIEF" Farm Wagons, Stationary Engines and Boilers of all sizes. Mills anj Fixtures, Wood-Working Machinery, AVood Split Pulleys, Oils, Lace Belts and Belting.. sota Thresher Mfg. Co. Saw m mm hlWHW .fjfirGet our Inces before Purchasing. 267 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. Grandall & Buraet, no narrow pollicy of national 'economy' clan. can greatly binder its successful com pic- reap an advantage over the rest. mercliant lieconies a traitor to the Teo pie for the s.nke of saving !" cents on a tion. sack of sugar let him keep his stijjar. . Jrrrrrr? The people in that case ought not to buy I xjiC f0ijow inj. ,,nragranh, said to have IZ::.":,, ",r'r lv,"" .been uttered bv President Limoln has uit-y mil. i ' lieen in a . ? ... t .. 1 1?.t 1 i lio I iikiiYJ f t flid twit tl:fn ant laOfl - not now suppose that outcide the eiu. f"..eri.' allianc-e r.n.l othij- pessimhtic idarps of thu I'ni.iii I'm !() ihrrn lire fen men in Waseo,vunty who do not heartily J WSL',! .1 .t ... . l .1 . . . . ajij'rute ine sjmiu itiai prvinpieu mvse remarks. It was no wanton assault. It was in no sense instdred bv a desire to ' .. .'....! injure anvone it was not wriueii in as Hut I see in the near future a crisis aris inir lligf. unni'rviHi 1110 nntt mtiA fun t rt I 1 i i . m . i . e . . . ! irciuutu lur'iiie siiiciy oi my couniry. i As a result of the war, corporations have ' Ltpti pnf littnfi! mil nnitr. if MrrittitiAii 1 heat of passion or revenge. Kery word 1,1, p!a s will follow. The money ' was carefully weighed and every word ! power of tht country will endeavor to was written under a stern sense of the ' prolong its reign bv 'working upon the; ..a ; preju'iii-es of tlic ieopIe, until all the lO I -!.!. . - - I 1. .. rnn in iti n 11:111111 h !!! .. 1. . . ( The voung man claimed to be an fT' W,M tHeu upon 10 act, ana n in agent of the Harvard advisory coin- onstralions are made, an ultimatum will mittce. His mission was to look into le sent to the Chilian government and Yale's method in athletics and rcjiort. t,l ,,av.v wl,l l'k it up. Roberts was shown everv attention and ., Sy, . . , . ... . , . Half-i;r-r!a Are ol iDillaua. intitxluceil to all tiie prominent athletes ,, r in college. From them he borrowed i I iebue, S. Ik, Dec. 18. (treat excile consideraMc money, giving his rote in ; nient was created yesterday at Pierre security. He als contracted large bills ; nnd other .South Dakota towns bv nd. j vices from Washington to the Pierre 1 land office that the assistant attorncy- MAXUFACTURER8 AND DEALERS IX FURNITURE CARPETS duty the ('iikomcle Hupposed it ow tho public. It was only an incident in a battle the I'hkomcxx had len waging) in the ieop!e"s interests from thi time ! the I'nion Pacific began its war upon j the Regulator till the Raker was lied up! j The shipment referred to was no secret. It was no secret that A sign had j for various articles nt the stores in the ; city. For the goods he gave drafts on i his father. Theto have rone to protest. ; and Ida father refuses to honor them. ! general had decided thnt Jano Waldrou, saying that his son is 21 years old and i a half-breed Indian woman, was born a i legally cabbie of contracting bills on Mttn of ,htf r,it , Sa, A ,hat ins own account. , . , . , . , . ; her claim that she is an Indian by virtue M nd wife Mordmd. j of being born of au Indian mother can- Smkevepokt, Ia., Dec. 18. An old j not be allowed, and she can no longer j man named Jack Smith ouarrcled with : io iermitted to draw rations and annu i . i-1 . nd ! Wright Poland over a dog at Ruck horn, i ity or receive land in severalty. Hun Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 1GG SECOND STKKKT. the Republic destroyed. I feel at this I Rlenville parish. To gel revenge, Smith j dreds of half-bloods, like Mrs. Waldron, moment more unxien .or n.e raicij w : 0d h? three om awi four other men i have occupied all of the choicest and my count rv than ever before, even in; , . , ,. , ... ..... . , t. . . ... , . the midst of war iod crant that mv ' ro"e to 'n a house in the night time, ; most valuable tracts of the lately-cinled susriciotis mav iirove cVoundless. i summoned Poland nnd his wife It now turns out that the well know u door and shot tneni dead. M prohibition t aper the loirHiaa received was aiut to liecomo a mother. The South Ihikota land otfices were flooded ;iuiime, i i:iosi ruiuaoie tract oi tue laieiy-ciHieu :to the ' 'OQ3C lands, some of whili, lying oppo ' . , ; site Pierre, liave alrcadr advanced many . loland thousands of dollars 'in value. The New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. HANDLEY & SI NNOTT, PROP'S. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. taken under the severalty $1,000,000 is involved. act. At least Will not ltcaort to A runs. Sofia, Dec. 17. The French minister itriiiiiiiiwiiii w .mwm'Y ii a turm nui ns"" i v-rii . nama aa t u a,u in. v.uiiiu aa. iiitiLiici . aur: r it mi it tw a iiirtii Arinaa s t-A I ----'- - vvv a w t . i. ll A -am a ua,a iiiu tjiiii rra n l l c: Ut tl ) Ti.ltn v;?a- aii a tK lixl.ii ! rJiili?rvfi nf Pnlnnrta uiw ttlr Mr. ! ith ntitilimt Idns nil Aav frnm urliltoa f placed iu front of the gentleman s store. ! ... ; . . j ntm inr(i(.r,wi tMlflri:.. vn., . ho foulest thepe claims of the half-hn-eds cttheCiinoNicLE was the only paper llhlQTy of Abrahaa. Llnwln vcl mu-who was -rnJiii? the night with the tha. menUonl. we hud al.noH said : a 8Ulcmcnt t(t lhe thal j Polandn, recognixed Smith and his son. uared to mention t. The other, were whi,c w anJ Mr ,,av ,)ttJ niaJo B j mmoog tl)0 IIlurJcrcr9, Tho old man dumb as oysters Dunngad the anxious f(i, CftU, of 3ll' the writing, and i nd one sone have been aricsted. The Bu inuui iaM inat ue i.eguiator ttrfgncM wf Mr. Uncoln ther couldlotlicr son is at large. Frank Stewart, j of foreign affairs, after tho breaking off was Uglitmg for tier life they had lioth- ! fll, . .v-m m1.!n !l r.-t i Charles Reauchamn and L. O. Smith ! of dinlomatic relations between France collection that lsre any to have also been arrested. JamesStcwart j and Rulgana growing out of the expal- charged with taking part in the murders, j tion of Chodouine. a correspondent of is at large. j the r.grncy of Ravas, from Uulgaria, in- j strutted the French ' consuls in that j country to close their consulates and to withdraw. It not believed France ingtosay save to impugn the motive! of f hi (nuntirl fcr f.r tiji f Iimi. nnfl.v ! by stating that the Regulator did not need the supjort of the prefsibuta solitary reproof for the action of the Union Pacific in cutting Us and carry wheat for nothing to prevent the peo ples boats frcm getting it never. All they did, absolutely all, as if to show their sympathy was with the railroad, was to find fault with the Chsomcle. And so the .Sun comet out and says it was mean of the Chhoh le to attempt the statement in question and that they j believed it to le a forgery. The i"i' offers a reward of $10 to the first enon who will give definite inforuiatioa as toj the origin of the alleged quotation, i Ticket and Raggage Office of the O. K. A N. Company, and office of the Wester Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for ths -Safety of all Valuables. There is very little chance that the i inoner win ever be claimed. The steamer Dallej dtv unpleasant fur companies on Iti a boycott nnd then the TimefXvunfa infer like a blind luirmi. :it-a This is a mean, dirtr insinuation!0? t!,e, Vndlne' ,or, W,,lch tthnt l!at against the Merchants of this city, and charged the sum of 1S. Some time if the editor did not have the courage previously the Dalles City had performed any, maniioou 10 namo i!ie man he the same service for 5. Hlioniil nril Imt-o men Annl Iia m.lto. ' " " - ....... . V. ... . at all. Wanted to Hre a Naknt Mun. I.o.M)on-, Dec. 17. The ruling topic at a 5 o'clock tea in West End this after noon, was the scene that took place ves- ! terdar at the studio of Mr. Jopling ' INoi'l. ttii arltut SZunilnl tttA f mmr i. . . i I ' e J " ,ak,n. "(man, who is of an unusuallv handsome ir the old transporUtion j rgurc m . nudv Iuode, Mor9 . the lower river. A short ' . i.. f t . u time ago the city of Vancotiver aklpped ,d . quartcr. fhe occasion of his their fire engine to Portland and return , unrc W MaJmure on ,nalomy tJentk'men of the Sttn and Alvunlaiherr the Cheosicle. name the man-to please vou or else. You know w ho he is fullv as ap pearance w as a lecture on anatomy de livered by Mrs. Jopling Howe to her fellow-artists, and illustrated by Sandol. Newt having got abroad of tin. attrac- ixi Vorr nntur-i t!ve tableau, there was a great rush of . i r i. i: f t. - i . l. . -n . . , - . . i iis. tfvi'iiiiK o mcnuB. iiu iiio "J 'e press ui ,ncouver commentei MuJio w,g crwwdl by people, on the difference between the two I charges In a manner not complimentary , ,,or tuek Th" Soo . ,0 ! u .. j: -.- .t i .it r- m r r.- it ... i v tue x. Home. iow tue uarsrr oi tno vimiiu, jn.ti. r. vy , wvrtr- uyonei. . ...... ... ' ,. .... ,. ioai cornea oui in a letter io me com in- tary oi too ioston irou worts, last 111 ! i ... iV , . t will resort to arms to enforce her de mand that tho decree of expulsion be withdrawn, yet, nevertheless, the Bul garian minister of finance is going to Vienna to negotiate a loan for the pur pose of strengthening the army. Al ready troops have been hurried to lioutschank' and Philipopolis, and the garrisons at these places are now twice their usual size. Tiutti ill .. ft. t . T'l I a La & l as we do and seeing vou are so decplv n "un Ja"UIie9 ,u ci.nrge on inursuay too two oozes iroiu me rom- sensitive of the honor of the"merchanu:' I t,,v -rount, tLat l!,e OWDi'n of tl,c l'n" ' l'?'' viulta-one couUining diamonds of this citv against whouM his "mean !di"cI",iJ'0"'.v rt t,,ort time the j worth :1000 and the other iapers worth dirtv insinuation" has been tittered the MH7, taxes into the city treasury 110,000. He deposited the boxes in the Chboxiclk respeclTullr su-gusts 'tlint i of Vancouver and buy all their woo.1 at I waste-pa r basket, intending to put rouiiame him rourseives It will I "t flaw, while lh city, gets nothing j theta back in the vault in a few minutes, n !.:..... ...... !.i i from the Dalies Cilv. excepting the out lorgot them ana left Ins oinre. lhe m.v uuv Birr nam n wuni iu - ... . t. . hurt the feelings of the Union Pacilic. ; mouM' S0 of thc lrfinger. Cientlemen of the Sun and yoa dare not name the man. You would lose the advertising patronage of the Union Pacific if you did. You're a pretty pair of editors, you are. The Jiurt a man nauie. imni, uuiojeu .Vo.,rt,Wr 71,0 Co.,?mb!an euW?8tN thal the r,l' I is kept, and the police, who we,e noti- ; authorities oi Vancouver should look fied of the loss found them. Dahl has out that the I ndine does not get a been arrested, but says that he did not boxes contained anything chance to get back the remainder of the Know "e i valuable. M of taxes. juxls orr: ?r T Three Hullata In Ilia Head. The Wa-rfco u says: "tiovernor. Sax JrE, Deo. .17. Jacob Heft, aged jPennoyer promptly denies the sUte-1 i vea, 0lie 0f the wealthiest citizen. ' n.ent made in the Ciibosii lk that he jandan old resident of this city, put Un,der tho caption "Name the Man," j had w ritten to Speaker Crisp regarding j three bullets into his head w ith 'a re the present week's lsiie of the ,S ww has 1 an appropriation for the construction of j volver this morning. He is not dead, . . a a f 1 t 1 i MM! I. II. I . tbe following: a xriage rai.roau oeiwcen ine uaiiesjbut there is no boi of his recovcrv. I Some davs auo the Ciihomci.k urged and telilo. Is the Suneart about this? No reason can be assigned for tho sui lodlxnant at Mirbvl Dailtt. Dt nLi.v, Doc. 17. United Ireland to day prints an article signed "A Physical Force Man," which is a violent attack ujkju Miclml Davitt, McCartbyite candi date for the vacant scat for Waterford county in thc house of commons. Tbe article says: "Of all the Irish crowd, he was the lirst to throw a stone and draw a dagger on Mr. Parnell. Guarded by English allies and goaded by Euglish opinion, lie was the first to stab the great Irish leader." The articles ton cluded by asking: "Has he decided to enter parliament because he think. Mr. Parnell's mantle will fall on his shoulders?" HNCHOR LINE TBANS-ATLANTIC, Mteai cl ORIENTAL STEAMSHIPS' Passanger. booked to and from all parte of Europe and America. Drafts issued for any amount payable fre of charge ia England, Scotland, Ireland. Korway,' Sweden,' Denmark and Italy. If you want to send money to any part of the world. Call and see me lefore going elsewhere. T. A. HUDSON, General Agent, FOR OREGON AND WASHINGTON. U. S. LAND OFFICE BUILDING, THE DALLES, OREGON Ilvavy rire la lMttaburs. Pitts Kt bo, Dec. 18. Fire broke out iu the largo wholesale millinery estab lishment of Porter, Donaldson & Co., on Liberty -avenue, this afternoon. The building was owned by B. F. Jones. Loss on building, 'io.OOO; on stock, tp.'r,M)0:. Insurance, stock, $79,000; building, 50,000. SEWIHG VIIES. OI THIRD DTB.HET. Ladies'-and Childrens French Felt Hats, - - 25c. Trimmed Hats. - - - - 50s. AND UPWARDfl that a cert u in merchant In this city lc oycotted on account of his having mer- '' chundise shipped from Portland over the I'nion Pacific line. No name was i mentioned, and theaclion of thai paK-r ', The Oregunion says "the Governor has not written a letter to Sakcr Crisp." The .Sun is not exact. The Cui:oMrj.K said it vas "reliably informed that Gov- ' nnlaua it u-aa Irtu Mxrt V4UV) uuiinn i v v sa & iiu a s.-v IJO.000 in a street contract. Ho loss of backed the contractors and the accepted by the city, work was not Tlia Mew Secretary of XV mr. Washington, Dec. 17. The president sent to the senate the nomination of Stephen D. Elkins, of West Virginia, to j bo secretary of war. iu so iloifia is unjust to many of the : eruor Pennoyer had written to Speaker merciiauis iuuijt uunucfs in una i nt. If t la t 1 tit alir.rM w ft l.iiui,.tia mar. in The Dalles so far forvetful cf the But it now goes further best iuteiests of the withhold hisiiatroua line, tin; I nit should hedetinitetv know n The Oiim.MCi.ic ftiotild name the person so that the i-eople srenerally will know how to govern themselves and not let the stigma rest upon all the pien-hants To Start a bhlpplog KxcbaDgr. London, Dec. 17. Many leadtug Eng- Wlll llar Nuthlng- to Io VVHU It. ; "!..'! .1 ",...... ill i St. Iju'ih lrc 16. 4 ir.inrt miutcr ..v ..novi.r. BiijBiw.iui.j -- . i i:. U -l.J fl . V.... .,,..tV.I o. nd ti h its ihat i hweenev, of tho Switchmen a Aid assocl- "a" ""ri"" . . uvivu a a i v ii Moav;4 nuuk cv tivu no ui e commuuity as to ' the Governor said he had written a letter tge from the jieople's to Speaker Crisp ami whenever his j ganiiation would take in the matter of guarantee fund to start i change. shipping ex- of the citr. The CiiiioMci-K did not shpjwse there was a fie year old loy in the city who did not know the name of the merchant referred ts H the name was not given it was? only lnitsc theCiir.oMiLE lieti tated to ue Its ower to punish the merchant as he deserved. Bat wo have : a suggesliou to jiour into the capacious ear of the svribe of the Sun. If he is so ignorant as not to know what everybody '. else know s let him cull at thi oflice and the "devil" will furnish him with the excel lencv ClIKONKI.K Clll."Mfl.K ' that manufactures 4iemes mat h saul so, the : l"w iiiw.v - .vutinuu ui i.u.i.i ( will give the proof, is not a sensational sheet articles for occasion. Muflrlng From laflucnaa. The j employes, severely scored the advisory j CoruxiiAOEN, Dee. 18. Both the king wjuiitu ui laiinny iiic-n lur inn aivtuii , rv i. ..r.-T taken yesterday, and declared the ?ud 'I""" t,f Denmark are suffering switchmen would have nothing to do ' Iro,n tntluenza. with Ladies and Childrens Furnishing Goods, "WAV DOWN: Mrs. Phillips, - 81 Third Street. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO.. INCORPORATED 1889. ' No. G7 Washington Stbeet. . The Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Building Material and Dimension Tiakr, Dcsrs, Wisdaw Moldings, House Forcisliings Etc Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. Faotoryaud XjxxxrxVxssr T6rr-cl t -Old Pt. Salloan DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of thq city, j Itank Cl.arlnga Man Turna i'. j Clearances, 1322.027,53; Dec. 17. Edward nJfftS.W8.S3. who has been missin? since Saturday last, an one of the circuit judges in tl ninih dis- j .&T1 here tbia ,norning io a dad con- The Orfijuuian' Washington corres pondent telegraphs under 'date of I)4H-llllfT is that W. A AlianlnB Nvack, N. Y., balances, i: "iiie auess tonignt ; CoJe.f vIerk J$lHaTelt & Co. iiir ii iu win ix' eetccica lor information. Then let the Sun publish niendatloii has been s,K,ken of Mr tnct. Something that the Montana j dition. and unable to account for bis ab- men have learned very lately has caused j sence, Ilia appearance denotes ex- tlieni to lose all hope of the selection of PeHre' Judge Knowles and they believe that i Th. Huit.n Will Hrttlp i the president has decided on Hill. So! 1A,S Hec. 17. The Ke'publique Fran far as can Ik? learned nothing but com- ; tod. deei,.,. .i... ti.e Bultaii of Hill it to the worM and when it ht done siat it w ill have done the ilirst thing it -ver did on behalf of the peoples' lonls since they w re put on the river. If the Sun is si ha!tdicapHil that it cannot light f tii." jvt. hs' Interests, it must keep i. ham.; '.: tli'i-e w ho are engT-getl, to the ixvt of their uhiilty, in that work. even bv those who were candidate.-.." Nothing Simon any more than of the rare altogether. Turkev has asked France to leave it to pressing other ; .im ' d ti.a .u,ol.-in cf nuiPri. o set- is said of Joe J tie the queation growing out of the ex it he was out ' pulsion of Chadonia from that country. There are just 152 places under the doorkeeper of the house, worth $131,000 a year, and the indications are that Tammany Hall will fill about 152 of them. Doorkeeper Turner has received a telegram from Boss Crocker calling him to New York, and Mr. Turner conld not get to the station too quickly. The other Tammany members have gone to New York also, and it is supposed they are engaged in cutting tbe Tammany watermelon. The Titntt'Movutaiueer suys it i iWi lulely solvent. Well, w wasn't? Tho editor of t le Authorised iu Make . Loan. Thk Hauie, 1V house oi tne Dutch Wasco wareipse a. Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. The revenue of the national govern ment has fallen off 0,000,000 during 17. -The lower ' tue T"1 five months. That means forty j parliament has millions less taxes paid by the people. ! ho said it j pugs.-d n bill authorizing the government j This is certainly no bad ehowlng for the j Chkokicle I to ncgitiate a loan of 4o,000,(XH) florins, j new tariff law. fates Reasonable. MARK GOODS - "W". W. GO. THE DALIES, OKKOOM. Chrisman Bros., (Surreaaora to K. Taylor.J : proprietors or the: GUY PHPT UNION STREET. Dealers alias of Meats ID KALIS, BACON and SUSAGE ALWAYS OH HAND.