The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 25, 1891, Image 2

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A Captain and Ms Trocp an.Har.lial
Hell np.
The Steamship Abyssinia Burned at
Too HmiUm Will Taka all That Is, Rent
A (Meaner Capalsed Fell Dm
tbe Elevator Shaft.
Washington, Iec. 22. The president
today nominated the following postmas
ters for Washington : Francis O. Cole,
Snohomish; Convene O. Cole, New
Whatcom; George W. Clney, South
The secretary of flute received a dis
patch from the United States' consul, at
I.areds, saving that Captain Kardee, of
the third cavalry, and his troops to
gether with the United State marshal,
were surrounded ncarFort Mcintosh
Texas, by a large body of Mexican In
surants, under Garcia. It if not k no an
whether the Americana are at liberty or
are prisoners. The matter was referred
to the war department, and a telegram
and inquiry an sent to Genera! Stanley,
commanding the department of Texas,
and a reply waa received faying that lie
had ordered lroo to the scene of the
reported trouble.
The army officials do not attach much
Mgnificance to the consul's telegram.
' A Mfiiurr liaraed.
London, Dec. 22. The steamship
Abyssinia of the Guion line, which
sailed from New York on the 13th of
December for Liverpool, burned at sea.
She carried eighteen cabin and thirty
eight steerage passengers, and a crew of
eighty men. All on board were saved.
The Abyssinia which ia valued at $200,
000, carried a valuable cargo of merchan
dise, but what it ia worth cannot be
ascertained yet. For the. past fire years
the AbysM'nla has boon running between
Vancouver, It. C, and Hong Kong, as
one of the Canadian Pacific line steamers
and this was her first regular trip for the
Gnion line, since then.
Mar Mlp all They Want To.
Wamunotos, Dec. 22. Charge De
affaires of the Kusbian legation, in re
plying to a letter asking for Information
aa to the famine In Russia, and whether
the movement for help was necessary,
said that the population from twelve
province, over twenty million eople,
are starving and that any assistance
given would l much appreciated.
A Muniff Capslted.
JUmihivi, Calif., Dec. 22. The
steamer West Coast, which arrived here
fioni f'an Francisco, IVcember 10, and
w us loaded with railroad tics, was cap
sued off Point Arena yesterday and
nine of her crew drowned. The captain
and three men were saved.
A Larky Man.
Portland, Dec. 22. W. E. Russell, a
carpenter, einploved on the new Or
gvi.inu building, Jell ibid afternoon down
the elevator shaft, a distance of one
hundred and forty feet. Several of his
rils were fractured but it U thought he received no fatal injuries.
Tlx- Efctlre Furr ItUrhargcd.'
St. Joscen, Mo., Iee. 21, AU'fhop
men, round-houi-e men and terminal
employes f the Keck Inland road, alxjiit
sixty in all, were discharged last night.
Tbt men aver they A not know why
and the local official ple.ul ignorance.
Fiu;lt fur Three Hour.
iali.ou iiBuve, ivy., I see. .1. idiii
. i- . ... i t
baiitam-wuhts, Jimmy O'C'onucll and
Mickey Norton, fought for time hours
yesterdav. After fortv-five severe
rounds the tight w as decided a draw.
Trli;s lu Kettle the Will Cae.
Sr. Pah., Minn., Ilec. 22. Dispatches
state thai negotiations ore pending at
Butte, Montana, for the settlement of
the ceicbruN-d Davis will w hich it is
stated w ill never come to trial itgain.
Killed l.jr an Icicle. j
Wii.KLsiiAKite, Pa., Je.-. 22. Bernard
Be.ldv. WUS kilUtl r.d Hcitrv Linneil !
fatally woiinde.1, by the fall of an icicle;
in the Mm it on the Ixhigh Valley Coal J
Co.'s mine at Pittstown.
.1. I. aie Head.
Kacink, Wis., Iec. 22. Jerome I.
Case, the well known manufacturer and
horse breeder of this city, died hero
early this morning, aged 70 years.
CIH for Knglantl.
I.nxtMN, Dev. 22. Intensely eo'd
weather prevails throughout England,
which is causing more or less diftrefs
t-verv where. .'
The 'ninlaatiu Cow firmed.
Washim.i on, Dee. 22.-The senate in '
executive ffli:ii confirmed the nomina-!
tion of S. B. F.lkins a! secretary of w ar, '
Enos II. Nebecker, Indiana, United
States treasurer. Win. Simonds, Con-
nei ticut. commissioner of uatenti. All i
the military nominations, 202 in nura
ber received up to the present date were j
S,rjJ"t't;tv";!te Speaker Aumn tne Floran
not vet received action by the commit-1
tee on judiciary. J COiMitteCS Mtij.
li In o Marry.
Topeka, Kas., Doc. 22. Cov. Hum
phrey denies the rumor that he M ill re
sign and have thp lieutenant-governor
appoint him as senator to. succeed
Plnmb. In addition to those named
last night ex-Governor Craw ford, Joseph
W. Addy, United States district attor
ney and Major Hudson, editor of the
Topeka Capital are mentioned as candi
dates for the vacancy. Govonmr Hum
phrey says ho is in no haste to make the
Ioa't Wan I to Fay Tae.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 22. The Union
Pacilic this morning obtained a tempor
ary injunction restraining the city of
Omaha from collecting the taxes on the
projerty of the roads. The petition
alleges that the property is already re
turned for assessment to the state audi
for and collection taxes by the city will
be n double assessment.
Aa Iowa Zephyr.
Maemialltown, Iowa, Dec. 22. A
storm having all the elements of a sum
mer hnrrienno struck this section shortly
before nine o'clock lost night, causing
much damage. The house of Andrew
Olesou.of this city, was blown down
and burned. Oleson was caught in the
wreck and so badly crushed that he will
die. Many barns and buildings were
demolished and trees uprooted.
Mill training the American.
New York, Dec. 21. The Iff raid's
Valparaiso cable says that Minister
Egau today officially requested the
Argentine minister, Sonor Urriburn, to
note the presence of Chilian police
agents in the immediate vicinity of the
American legation, as also theattempted
arrest Saturday night of Frank Egan,
the minister's son. Senor Urriburn in
his diplomatic capacity will call a meet
ing of the foreign ministers for the pur
pose of requesting tlfc attention of the
Chilian government toward the action
of te municipal authorities in main
taining police surveillance of th. Ameri
can legation. An additional insult was
offered the American miuister yesterday
in the rase ol onool the refugees who
applied for release upon furnishing
bonds as recently granted Balmaceda's
minister of war, alaspuex. The gov
ernment replied the refugee must first
leuve the American legation and sur
render himself to Chilian authorities
aud submit to imprisonment.
China and Ike World'a Fair.
New York, Dec. 22. A special high
commissioner of the Chinese empire has
arrived from Frame. He is Chue Yow
.Sing an attache of the legation in Paris,
and comes by direct appointment of the
Pckln government to investigate tlo
question of a Chinese exhibition at the
world's fair. To a rejorter Chue Yow
Sing said it wus his first visit to this
country. "1 do uot know the inten
tions of the Chinese governmeu," he
said, "concerning an exhibit at the
world's fair. I understood the govern
ment declined t. exhibit, but my in
structions are to make a searching in
quiry into the conduct and probabilities
of the exposition. 1 sumose the gov- j
ernuients decision will be influenced by
my report. I want to see what prepara
tions have been made and above alt, to
try and learn just what interest the
American people take in the fair. If
China makes any exhibit I think it w ill
be a creditable one.
.1 Mixing Ilelr Tarn I p.
Cortland, N. Y., lce. 22. John
(ivens, missing heir to tho immense
Given estate here, has been found in
Wheeling, W. Va. He has been miss
ing since June, when he left for San
Francisco. He was heard from there i
and then all trace was hl. lit bag-j! was found in San Francisco and it t
wau suiiosihI he hud licen munlereu
j aud tiie liody concealed. lie wns
mourned forn dead isere. Tho executor
' of tho estate, Hubbard, heard from him
j this morniug.
Caused by a t (ct tlte t' lue.
MoM:ov"i v, Cal., In-e.22. At 2 o'clock
this morning four of our largest business
buildings and contents were, consumed
by tire. La.-go A Wheeler' furniture
store, A. Holdzkom's harut-K shop,
Mushrunh & Adair-!' meat market and
carriage repctitory were totally des
t roved. The Johnson block wl par
tia(ly dtstroyel. The los is heavy on
nil, and only "a little insurance. The lire
originated in a defective tluc in the har-ne-
Cau.e.l l,y llepndrncy.
s.n Jo, Cal., Dec. 22. Jacob Heft,
t., j.jt Jlit, after living four days with
two bullet-holes iu bis bend, is dead.
I I left was coiiiK'iou most of the time
(after the Miooting until lat night, when
j he grew delirious und struggled to get
up. The day after he shot himself be
'made hi will, leaving tbe bulk of his
j property to bis wife. The cause of the
I net wu "despondency over unprofitable
! investments.
SnicMe of a Veteran.
Kamm:, Iec. 22. Captain K. 1
Baker committed suicide last -night by
shooting. ills isxiy was louua uus
morning in an open lot. He was
.)() :
VM, ,', Rj v,.ter;l!1 f ,eVar. He I
)., a M, i i'aHf,,riiiH and a daughter !
iu providence, K. I.
Senator Plumb's Remains Arrive at
Kansas City.
A Cargo of Dynamite Itlew tip A Cot
tarn Officer Discharged Fatal
Washington, IHjc. 23. Following is
the composition of the principal house
committees as announced by Speaker
Crisp today :
Ways and means Wm. Springer,
Illinois; McMillin, Tennessee; Turner,
Georgia; Wilson, Yermont; Montgom
ery, Kentucky; Whiting, Michigan;
Shively, Indiana; Cochran, New York;
Stevens, Massachusetts; P.ryan, Neb
raska; Heed, Maine; Burrows, Michi
gan; McKennn, California; Payne, New
York and Dulsell,. Pennsylvania.
Elections Oferrel, Vermont; Moore,
Texas; Copp,' Alabama; Pnyntcr, Ken
tucky; Drown, Indiana; Lcxkwood,
New York; Law son, Georgia ; Gillespie,
Pennsylvania; Johnstone, South Caro
lina; Hanger, Wisconsin ; Taylor, Ten
nessee; Doan, Ohio; Johnson, Indiana;
lieybnrn, Pennsylvania and Clark,
Appropriations Hoi man, Frney
Sayresand Breckcnridge of Kentucky.
Dockcry, Mutchlerand I'.reckenridge cf
Arkansas, Barnes, Compton and O'
Neill of Mass., Livingston, Henderson,
Camplndl, Bingham, Diugley and Groat.
Minsge weights ami measures
Bland. Charles True v, Williams, Kil-
gore, Kobinson, Pierce, Epps and Will
iams of Massachusetts; McKeigham,
Bart in and Taylor, of Illinois ; Stone, of
Pennsylvania; and Johnson, of North
Judiciary D. B. Cuibcrson, Gates,
I Bynum, Stockdale, Goodnight, Boatner,
and Buchannan, of Virginia; Chapln,
Layton, Volverton, and Taylor, of Ohio;
Buchanan, of New Jersey; and Bay
Powers Berdeck.
Interstate and foreien coinmerce
Mills, Wise, Prii-e, llaynor, Brickner,
Gray, and Houk, of Ohio; Mallary,
Patterson, and O'Neill, of Missouri;
O'Neill, Ponne. Livid. Bandall and
Ketch u in.
Itivers ami harbors Blauchard,
Cathings, Stewart, and Lester, of
Georgia; Clark, of Alabama ; Haynes,
Wordock, Jones, Paige, Byrnes, and
Henderson, of Illinois; Herman Stephen
and Stone, of Pennsylvania and Quack
Foreign affairs Blount, McCreary,
Hooker, Chipman, Filch, Andrews,
Cable, Isadur Baynor, Hilt, Harmer,
()'IXutiell, Sanford.
Agriculture Hatch, Iewis. Alexan
der, Youmans, Shell, Farman, White,
Camauetli, Moses, Long, Fuimton, Wil
on, Joley, Waugh and Cheatham,
Pacific roads Kiley, Ianham, Ine,
Brow u, Kellis, Covert, Castle, Holedgc,
Snodgrns, Baiucs, Elliott, Lind, Taylor.
Banking and currency Bacon, Wike,
(irans, Cate, Dickerson, Serry, Gantz
and Cox of Tenn., Cobb of Missouri,
Walker of Mass., Brosius.Tow nsend and
Henderson of Illinois.
Public lands McBae, Pendleton,
Tucker, Merman, Bailey, Dearmand aud
Zerley of Ohio; stout, Pickler, Town-
send, Sweet uud Clark "of Wvoming.
Indian affairs S. W. Peet, Allen,
Turpen, Rockwell, Bradlev, 'Lynch,
English, Clover, Kern, aud Wilson of
Washington, Joseph, McKenna, and
Hooker of New York, Hopkins IVnn.,
und Harvey of Oklahoma.
Territories J. A. Washington. Kil
gare, Monsur, Campbell, Purrett,
Branch, Terry, Jerry Simpson, lVnovan,
Kite and Smith of Illinois, Perkins,
O'Duiiuell nnd Joseph.
Pensions Wilson, of Missouri, Hen
derson, Baukhead, Morton, Barrett,
Barwig, Jones, Moses, Stewart, Seull,
Waugh and Houk, of .Tennessee, and
Bow ers.
Voetoflices and pout roads Henderson,
Blount, Kyle, Paltlwon, of Ohio, Crosby,
Hopkins, Caldwell, Wilson, of Washing
ton, Bergen, Iiud, Cuine.
Merchants, marine and fisheries
Fowler, Fithian, Moore. Carutli and
Buchumui of Virginia, Forest, Magner,
Stump and Wheeler, of Michigan, aud
Hopkins, of Illinois; Atkinson, Wilson
and Perkins, of Iowa.
A Fire for Sacramento.
S.vckamento. Dec. 23. The tnoet dis
astrous fire that bus occurred in Sacra
mento for years broke out this morning
ami destroyed the linker A Hamilton
mwrii ill frit fH! I mtslnnnih f . r twin an fuiii
taVning valuab stocl ofl' "' Walla. 11.57. 1
the warehouse were: wagons, reapers,
buggies and agricultural implements, j
About I.OOO.OviO gun cartridges were ;
among the contents uml their explosion ,
k?! ,ivc!-v ,loUe' l u,i' Poum's of
sample powder exploded just as iromen
j Steve Miller and Dick Trenjone were'
entering the door and they were blown
backward and seriously bat not danger-
oualy burned and otlifrwiee injured.
The warehouse building belongs to
William H. Howard of San Francisco
and is insured for 13,000. w hich will
cover the lws ai tho walls are intact.
The contents were valued at between
7.,000 and 80,000, which is nearly a
total loss, but is fully covered by insur
ance. Hcoalor I'luinb'a ICcrnalnsat Kansas City.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 25. The train
bearing the body of the late Senator
Plumb arrived here early this morning.
Those who fonued tho ercort were Gov
ernor Humphreys, of Kansas, his staff
and the officers of the state, Timothy
McCarthy, department commander of
the G. A. K., of Kansas, his staff, and a
delegation from the various parts of
Kansas. The pnll bearers were Mayor
Hannon nnd the members of tho city
council of Kansas City, and a committee
of representative men of that city, and a
detachment of the metropolitan police.
Governor Humphrey formally received
the body from the sergeant at arms of
the senate.
Blew t p the Mhlp.
A.TWKRr. Iec. 2-'!. This morning a
cargo of dynamite which was being dis
charged from n lugger into a lighter, ex
ploded, shattering one Vessel and sink
ing the other. Twenty men who were
employed on the vessel were cither In
stantly killed or blown into the water
where they were drowned.
A I'ttiUm Collector Discharged.
Washington, Dec. 2;'. The president
today issued an order for the removal of
Samuel D. Warmcastlc, collector of in
ternal revenue taxes ior the 23rd district
of Pennsylvania at Pittsburg. Warm
castle is charged with neglect of duty.
Killed Ujr aa Kxploalon.
Kansas Citv, Iec. 23. The ammonia
tank in Armour's establishment ex
ploded this morning and four men were
A Hrrcc Ualtle With the Uebela In
Which Tltejr Come tTut Victorious
IX dox, Dec. 23. 'Particulars of tho
recent battle reported near Foochow, in
which it was stated that the rebels had
leen routed, have just leen received
here, and showed that tbe imperial
army suffered a crushing defeat. The
people had risen en masse in the dis
trict of Tuk Fa, three days' journey from
Foot-how, in n northeast direction, and
had slaughtered several officials. Five
thousand imperial troops wrre sent
against the rioters by Viceroy Pin and a
blood v engagement ensued in which
2000 of the soldier wero killed, the re
mainder fleeing panic-stricken. A new
subject for discuseion and excitement in
Foochow ia just now detracting some at
tention from the rebellion, and the
authorities hone it will help them in the
suppression of the rioters. It is talk
aUut a possible war between Uussia
and China. Doubtless this has been
caused bv dispatches from London re
porting the advance of tho Busman ex
pedition over the Chinese frontier. The
authorities are fanning the flame and
making the most of it.
Oakland I'rlnlers on a filrlk.
Oakland, Cal., Dec. 23. All the com-poi-Itors
ou the Ti'difs w cut on a strike
last night. They state that about three
weeks ago the proprietor of the paper
left notes on the cases of several printers
saying that their services were no
longer desired and warning them not to
come around the ofKce again. The
grievance was immediately referred to
the Oakland TyKgrapl.ical Union, and
negotiations failing, the union ordered
the strike last night. The men walked
out quietly.
Chilian Cabinet Will i:elgu.
Londox, Iec; 23. A correspondent of
tho Time at Santiago do Chili says that
the entire Chilian cabinet will resign
December 20, when lTCtident Montt
wil! be formally Installed in office. The
president will, then apjoint a uew
Advices state that the ravages of yel
low fever in Brazil are grow ing heavier
daily. A wide-spread panin lias seized
upon the people, and all those able are
fleeing to the mountains for safety.
Mora Trouble In Draill.
London, Iee. 23. A dispatch was re-
ceived in tins city today from Buenos
Ay res saying reports are current there
that iolitical troubles in the Bruxilian
state of Bio Grande have broken out
again. Disorders occurred in various
jarts of the state, aud w here the civil
and military authorities attempt to
suppress the independent the move
ments are succeeding rapidly.
Hough Weather at Sea.
Sax Francisco, Dec. 23. The steam
ship City of Pnebla arrived this morn
ing from Puget sound, aud reports being
struck by a heavy sea off Cape Flattery,
which badly battered the vesse! ond
shifted tho cargo. Three men were
severely injured, one having his ribs
and arms broken.
Chlcaao Wheat Market.
Ciucaoo, December 24. Close, wheat, i
steady ; cash, December .90?3Ji ; Janu
ary, .i)K'.?i; May, .'.Hic.r?,.
Portland Wheat Blarket
Pohti.ani, Dee. 24. Wheat,
Weather Forecast,
yAS Francisco, Dec. 24. Forecast for
Oreiron and Washinzton
Fair weather. '
tian Francisco Wheat Market. !
oak Francisco. Dec. 24. Wheat,
buyer, year, 1.81?,; Season 1.88?4'. j
TIib GoTernmeiit Morim Troops ant For
waitoi Munitions of War.
The Administration is Getting Tired of
Iking Fooled With.
Several I'eople Lott la It Tbe Mexican
Revolt Field la not Improving
The Cherokee Election.
Chicago. Dec. 24. A Washington
special says: "There are some facts
that point strongly to the probability of
war." The war department is forward
ing recruits in squads of forty or fifty as
rapidly as possible to fill complete regi
ments. "In the far west and on the
Pacific," General Scboflcld said : "There
are 10,000 men available to send out of
the country, but no more could be spared
from the general army." Gun carriages
are being shipped to San Francisco, in
sections and guns will follow at an early
date. General Schofield has been twice
summoned before the cabinet and Las
given it as his opinion that if ten thous
and men are sent oiit of the country, it
will be quite possible to fdl their places
in the regular army at home by the teru
poiary enlistments from tho militia. A
certain quUi of the regulars equipped
for actual service at army posts are to be
called for from each state. In case the
10,000 men transported to Chili should
not bo enough, it is reported that the
president may call for 20,000 volunteers
for one year.
The AdmlnUtratlow la Weary.
Washington, IJec. 24. It is slated
semiofficially that the patience of tbe
administration is nearly exhausted re
garding the Cbiliau situation. Secre
tary Blaine is now at work on an Amer
ican view of the case, and, when fin
ished, the president will incorporate it
in a special messngeto congress. The
case will be such that congress can
take but one view. There is no doubt
among tho foreign legation here whose
opinions are of any consequence, that
the United States must hold Chili re
sponsible for the violence of its mob,-or
fait to perforin its duty under the inter
national stipulations.
Lost la tha Faff.
London, Dec. 24. The fog that set
tled down over the city Tuesday last still
hangs over it and everywhere it is as
black as night. Business is interruped
and tho money loss is serious as people
will not venture out even to make
Christmas purchases. The saddest feat
ure of the siduation is the great loss of
life caused by persons losing their way
and waudering into rivers, canals and
Hfonds. Already seven bodies of unfortu
nates who have fallen into the river and
drowned have been recovered. Four
other men and frirls are reported missing
and there is scarcely any doubt they
perished as the others did.
A dispatch from Leeds this morning
states that three men, while walking
beside the canal, lost their war in the
fog and fell into the water and were
drowned. There has been several perr
sons killed on the railways.
The Mexican Kevolt.
Lauedo, Tex., Dec. 24. Reports have
been received from Carrisio, in Seapota
county, by Captain HarUie'a troops at
tbe United States cavalry station were
to the effect that there is no doubt that
Garcia crossed the line w ithoueliundred
men into Mexico at a point between that
city nnd Brownsville. Also that Garcia's
men met the Mexican troops at Lasto
villas, 70 miles from tha border and de
feated tho latter. There were about
forty men killed on both sides. This is
doubtless authentic, as it comes from
an officer on tho ground.
Field No Uetter.
New Yokk, Dee. 24. Edward Field
manifested no interest in the decision
rendered by the lunacy commissioners
in bis case. He is seemingly as
oblivious to his surrounding and fate us
heretofore. He still reaiwes food, and
refuses himself to all callers. He today
denied himself the ono thing that seems
to have been his only comfort, news
papers. Cyrus W. Field condition is
still hopeful, but Lindley is slowly
Waaltlng-ton News.
Washington, Dec. 24. Kepresenta-
tive Wright, of Pennsylvania, who was
confined to bis residence by an attack of
grippe is reported better today. Con
gressman Mill: health continues to im
prove. Speaker Crisp is better today.
Secretary Elkins was sworn into office
There are but few signs of life at the
capito! today. Most ot the senators and
representatives have left Washington
for t)lCir hme9 and there is IlO proba-
hHiiv that nnv committee work will be i
done during the holidays. The delega ;
tion of Black foot Indians who are visit
ing this city were. given a reception by
the president this afternoon.
Senator Flnrab' Fnaeral.
Empobia, Kansas, Dec. 24. All that
is mortal of the late Preston B. Tlumb
was placed beneath his native soil to
day. Tha whole city is in mourning.
Service commenced with a private fu
neral service at the family residence,
which was of the simplest nature, and
was attended only by members ojt the
family, tbe congressional delegates and
a few intimate friends. The funeral car
waa then escorted to the church where
the casket waa placed upon the cata
falque and the lid wns removed. At 2
o'clock the funeral services were held.
A Novel Salt.
New Yokk, Dec. 24. Tbe Br
World says ; "Unless a comprou4io is
effected, Russell Sago will probably be
made the defendant in a most novel
suit. Preliminary steps have been
taken to brtng action against Sage for
heavy damages for having used Brokers
Clark and W. R. Laid low to shield him
self when Narcross, the dynamiter, ex
ploded bis bomb in Eage'a office. It is
understood that tho amount of damages
to be claimed has been placed at
The I'arnellitea Ahead.
Dcblin, Dec. 24 The election in
Waterford yesterday to fill the vacancy
in the commons caused by the death of
Powers, passed off without any serious
disturbance of the peace. The Parnell
itcs carried the day. This is the first
election won by that section of the Irish
party since the split occurred. The re
turns show that John Redmond (Par-nellitt-
received 1,725 votes and Micluel
Davitt (McCarthyite,) 1 ,233.
Will I'robably o to Chill.
San Francisco, Dec. 24. The flag
shin San Francisco will sail at noon on
Saturday next, unless contradictory or
ders are received. As her orders are
scaled, her destination is a matter of
conjecture, but there is little doubt but
that she ia bound for Chili. It is ex
pected that supplies and mail for the
steamship Charleston will le. transferred
to that vessel, probably at Aeapulco.
The Cherokee Election.
Taiilxqcak, Ind. Ter., Dec. 24. C.
J. Harris has been elected the principal
chief of the Cherokee nation, to succeed
J. B. Mays, who died last week. Ste
phen Tehee waa elected second chief.
Preparing for aa Emergency.
Pa xaua, Dec. 24. The Stor-llera'ul
says: "Tbe United States government'
is said to be endeavoring to secure a
coaling station in tbe Galapagos islands.
One tlnaband; Too Many.
London, Dec. 23. Tho Bonapart di
vorce case came up for further hearing
yesterday. Justice Jeune decided when
the case first came np that the petition
should be so amended as to include the
charge of adultery, and ordered if the
petition was not so amended it should
betaken off file. When the case was
called the petitioner failed to amend her
petition as directed by thecourt. Prince
CTbvi Bona partes then presented a
counter petition asking for a disolation
of bis marriage to petitioner on the
ground that the ceremony was void be
cause the woman's first husband was
'Money for the Kaaataa Poor.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 22. The ezar
has had Colonel Wendrick Tobostoff in
vested with absolute lower to organize
tho railw ay tariff so as to effect the dis- .
tribution of coin. The czarowita has
just donated 50,000 rubles to the famine
fund, while the Grand Dukes George.
Alexander and Sergius each contributed
40,000 rubles. Money for relief purposes
is also flowing in freely from other
. Wont off Than lie fore.
Odessa, Dec. 22. A party of Polish
peasants, w ho some time ago emigrated
to Brazil in the belief that their condi
tion would be greatly improved, have
returned in a destitnte condition. Thev
found it impossible to gain a livlihood
in Kraxil.
tfenadUn LeRlltnre to be l:Mlved.
Month:.!., Dec, 22. It is'now stated
the Quebec legislatiue will not be sum
moned the 20th inst., but that the lieutenant-governor
will immediately issue
a proclamation dissolving the legislature
and ordering a new election.
V lt-celrer Ar-rolnted.
.New York, Dec. 22.Leo C. Dessar.
has been apjointed receiver for the firm
of Donnell, I .aw son & Simpson, bankers,
on supplementary proceedings connected
w ith old matters on the replication of
judgment creditors.
To Itnn to 1'ucct Sound.
San Francisco, Dec. 22. Tbe state
ment is made that on the arrival of the
steamer Keweenaw from San Diego, she
w ill lie taken off the freight line between
New York and this jirt and be placed
in the Puget Sound coal service.
Crniser San Francisco l Iteady.
Sax Francisco, Dec. 22. The cruiser
San Francisco came down from Mare
Wand navy-yard this morning, and is
anchored in the stream. It is expected
that she will put to sea shortly.
Deed of a Jealoua Husband.
Omaha, Dec. 22. Nicholas Fox this
morning shot hia wife at South Omaha,
and then cut his throat with a razor.
Mrs. Fox will recover, but her husband
will die. Jealously was the cause.