C I 1 VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1891. NUMBER 2. TROUBLE IS EXPECTED. . Tfce TelOTli Operators Must Cdt ftfr Crier or TtsirfcrL THf MEN REFl'SE TO COMPLY. The Insurance' Kates Ilciug Raked on Wholesale Houses. THE WATEK WAtl COKTKHTIOK They Wul Congress to de Kemetfcing Not so Bad as Kc ported Killed on Soaplclen. Omaha, IS. An order wu i oat yesterday to the telegraph r per ton working for the Fremont. Elk bora A Missouri valley road, notifying th men that they must leave the order of rail war telegrapher or leave the service of the company. This morning the super intendent of the road received a reply from feveral men refuting to obtr the order and trouble is exited. It I said that similar orders have been sent to all men employed on the entire Chicago and Northwestern system. Insurance Kates Cietag Up. Minneapolis. Minn., Dec. 18. The local insurance agents have received in strurttions from their home office" that dating from toddy rates on risk on wholesale mercantile establishment are to be advanced from 20 to 40 per cent. This advance is to be general over the country. This is the result of the alarming prevalency thie year of disas trous tires In jobbing establishment. The rotupanys declare that tbe las from these fires have more than absorbed all the premiums paid during the year on all classes of risks. The Water Ways Convention. Detroit, Mich., Dec 18. When tbe .deep water ways convention Med this morning the committee on resolutions introduced a memorial to congress urging that body to authorise immediate commencement and speedy completion of an unobstructed channel not less than twenty feet in depth and of sufficient width through the lakes and their connecting waters between Chicago, Duluth and Superior and Buffalo, No Bad a. Report. City or Mexico, Dec. IS. Reports from reliable sources in every state of the republic, are to the effect that the rumors of great distress caused by tbe famine, and of rioting by the impover ished people are untrue. In Chinos! ana, Dorango, Zaratecas, CbJhi and Potaat, the crops failed, causing some suffering, but measures for the relief of the needy are already taken. There has been bo actual starvation reported in any of these states. Killed Suspicion. Live Oak, Fla,, Dec 18. Just before 12 oeclock last night a mob of about 100 men, armed with rifles, called oa sheriff Tottsdamer and overpowered aim. They then made a rush for taw jail, and took from their cell two ne groes suspected of murder. Tbe pris oners were bound to trees a short dis tance from the jail and tbe bodies rid dled with bullets. rederated Labor Ueselatlei Birmingham, iec IS. Toe conven tion of the American federation of labor adopted a resolution at its morning ion favoring a women suffrage ment to the constitution. The oonven uon refused to adopt a resolution recom mending political action on the part of a trade union. A flood Rtmi for Mela Crony. New Yoke, Dec As the inveatiga tion by District Attorney N lea 11. in the failure of Field. Lindley, Weicbers A Co., progresses the horixon darkens for E. 31. Field. So far it is discovered that the crooked transactions of tbe de funct firm foot up to marly four bund red thousand dollars. A Might Earthooake. iiAKBisHi'Ku, l enn., iiec is. A very perceptible earthquake shock was felt in this city and the surrounding town at 8 :30 this morning. No damage was done, but the house were shaken as if by an explosion. A New Rail League Organised. Ixdiaxapoi.im, Iec. 18. The consoli dated ball league, now known as the National Ieague and American Associa tion, adjourned at four o'clock this morning. The two old organisation held separate meetings this morning and terminated their affairs, and dissolved. Nick Young was elected president, sec- retary and treasurer of the new league, and Chas. Phelps was chosen as solicitor Toe nendqoarters will remain the same as the old league at Washington. The board of directors was drawn by lot, and composed of members equally from the Eastern snd Western circuits. The members of the league organised on an iron dad ten-year basis, and no cfub can be dropped without the unanimous con sent of the clubs, including the one to be dropped. The terms of settlement with elnba dropped are said to have been satisfactory to all parties. Decided to Settle. London, Dec. 18. A large meeting of English holders of the Virginia debt was held today, and it was decided to accept tbe agreement effected between the Vir ginia state debt commission and the Al oott ootnmittee for settlement. Tho llninor Met Verified. Dsjcvrt, Dec. 18. The sheriff's jiosse patrolled Crested Butte all night. The strikers were turbulent, but no actunl violence was offered. The rumor that troops were ordered there cannot be verified. roar Persons Killed. gaAKAKK, Pa., Dec 18. A collision occurred in a tunnel on the Catawlssa branch of the Heading railroad this morning, by which four persons were killed and several Injured. Ciallty of Forgery. Nrw Yoke. Dee. 18. The grand jury today returned an indictment against Edward M. Field of the defunct firm of Field, Lindley & Co., charging him with forgery in the second degree. Caosed by Dynamite. IlaaaisBi-Ru, Dec. 18. Tike supposed eartbqoake was caused by an explosion ef 250 pounds of dynamite at Steelton. There was no one hurt. Another India Loose. Dunrii, Col.. Dec 18. Troops have ordered to Crested Butte and will leave as soon as possible. The (leathers Peel. Strike. 8 as Francisco, Dec 19. The tele grapbers' strike is still on, according to tbe reports of Mr. Cumstock, and still off accord in g to the reports from the Southern Pacific headquarters. D. U. Bamasy, grand chief 1 the order, is ex pected here tomorrow, and a meeting to welcome hi in will be held in Oakland. No disorder to the regular train service hi reported in consequence of the strike. Tnaapleo la Now Sara Port. Cm or Mxxico, Dec. 18. United States Consul Sutton, of Nuevo Laredo, reports from personal inspection of the Tampico harbor improvement that the probsesn of securing deep water has been solved. There are now thirteen to twenty feet of water on the bar. andl ..Ill HWIMv B imv yu 9 KltU tbe only safe one on the Gulf of Mexico. Two, Kngllah Vessels LmL LosrooM, Dec 18. Advices from Swa tow state the British steamer Yonnan wrecked and the cargo lost. The Longshan, while endeavoring to assist the Yunnan, went ashore, and will probably be a total loss. No lives were lost. ZUtlagaUhed Marriages In Paris. Paris, Dec 17. Duchess de Dino, nee Btevens, of New York, was married yesterday to Count Orlowskl, a Polish nobis. Count Grensnd de Saint Chris too was married to Uabrielle. daughter of doaara lierve, elitor ol Le boieil. Qneen Vlctorla'a Christmas. Loxdon, Dec 18. The queen, Prin- Beatrice and her children left Windsor castle today and went to Os bora boose, Isle of Wight, where Christ mas will be spent. Starving Penenata of II aula. Los don, Dec. 17. It is reported that a state of siege is declared in many of the famine-stricken districts of Russia, ow ing to the prevalence of brigasdaee and anarcny among the starving peasants. The Mlaatoaemah to He Floated. Jiaw Yobe, Dec. 19. The monitor Miantonomab, which is to be the first ship In the nsvy, will be floated out of the dry dock of the Brooklyn navy yard next weanesuay. It Was Time to Roalgn. WnasLiNO, W. Vs., Dec. 18. Chief of Police Delbrugge was caught Wednes day night in a low bouso raided by his own officers. Yesterday he resigned. Damaged hy PI re. Loso Island City, Dec. 18. Happens' tin factory, near Laurel Hill, was dam aged by fire last night; loss, $75,000. Death of on English Ulthsp. London, Dec. 18. Bight Reverend Harold Browne, D. D.. bishop of Win chester, is dead. Mille U Better. Washington, Dec. 18. representa tive Mills is much better. ' WASHINGTON NEWS. Very Little Easiness Beins Done Yet Outside of Ccmmitts Bepors. GETTING READY FOR IXo. The National Republican Clubs Hold a Meeting. Tt'RNED THE PRISONERS OCT. The Officer Have Been Having High Time WlthThelr Chargee Screed Theaa Right. Washington, Dec. ID. It is being understood that there will be but a short session of the houe this morning. The attendance of members is very small. The report of the committee on rules was presented, empowering the fcaker to appoint a cominitteo of the last house with the following charges: member- J ucioncy that ranges from four to livo hip, committee, ways and means com- j and-half Inches lu the Sacramento val mittee to be increased from thirteen to fifteen numbers: quadro centennial committee from nine to eleven numbers. The committee on Indian depredation claim was dispensed with snd the name of the committee on commerce wan changed to committee on rules of state and foreign commerce. A concurrent resolution was agreed to providing for a holiday recess from Wednesday, the 23rd Inst., until Tuesday, the 5th, proximo. r.nloe, ol Tennessee, oliureu a resolu tion of the appointment of a special committee of five numbers to inquire as to the charge made against the commis sioner of pensions and the administra tion of bis office, which was referred to the committee on rules Chlpman, of Michigan, announced the death of his colleague, Melbourne II Ford, and in respect to the memory of the deceased, the house adjourned until Wednesday, with the understanding that on that dav no business will be transacted except that of referring to the recess resolution and to the announce ment of committees by the speaker. A Meeting of the National Republican Clans. Chicago, Dec 19. A meeting of the president and secretary of state's repub lican league clubs was held this morn ing. James D. Clerkson, president of the national republican clubs, preasded. The state of Illinois, lows, Ohio, Indi ana, Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota were represented. The meeting wss held with closed doors, but it was learned thrt the session wss given up to matters pertaining to the dissemination of literature during the next campaign. One of the most Important features will be the collection of figures and statistics to prove the prices since the McKinley law bill passed were made lower Instead of higher. II Turned tho PaUoaera oat. Heading, Pa., Dec 10. A sensation was created here in court today by the ex-night watchman of the county prison, Reuben Rhodes, pleading guilty of re leasing from prison Beatrice Collins, a female counterfeiter, and John Miller, a buglar. He made a statement describ ing the roost shocking disorder, and drunken carousals in which the female prisoners snd jsil officers participated in at night. Tbe court has ordered a full Investigation of the matter. t Iter wed Them Bight. , Pohtlakd, Dec. 19. United States Prosecuting Attorney Maya this morn-. ing filed libel against the cargo of the British bark Ochtertyre. for $28,000. The cargo, which was seized by the Cal cutta of customs last night, consists of hardware winch was shipped to Portland troin New York by wsy of Antwerp, in violation of the statute prohibiting ship ping of domestic merchandise in foreign vessels between two American ports. Will Soon Know All Abeat tho Chilian Matter. i London, Dec. 19. A dispatch to the Tiwe$ from Santiago De Chili states that the publication of the correspond ence between the government of Chili and the United Sta'tes in relation to the assault upon the sailors from the American man-of-war Balti more is completed. The dispatch adds : "The public Is apparently satisfied with the course pursued by Chill." The Meal aeton lo Ho Settled. Washington, Dec. 19. It is an nounced that an agreement has been reached with the British government as to a liasis of arbitration in regard to the seal fisheries. The number and power of the arbitrators are fixed and it is con fidently expected that their appoint ment and term of arbitration will be an nounced in a few days. Had to CJIto l p the Plander. Sax Fbancihco, Dec. 19. Jesse Water man, a young nun employed by Schus sler Brothers, wholesale jewelers, was robbed of a box containing twenty thousand dollars worth of loose dia monds and other precious stones this morning, but the thieves failed to get away with the gems, as being closely pursued they threw the box into the street and made good their escape. Stockmen the Same Other Shipper. Chicago, Dec. 19. At a meeting of the live stock agents of the Western roads, which were in session the last two days in this city, resulted In the adopt ion of a resolution, by which, taking' ef fect January 1st. The issue of free transportation to live stock shippers, is to be abolished, except that provided for in classification and tariffs. The Weather. San Francisco, Icc 19. The weather bureau states that this season rains are in excess in Western Washington and Oregon and extreme Northwestern Cali fornia. Elsewhere thero is a general de. ley. Kain is falling steadily here today. A Ullght Hlow. Sax Fkaxcisco, Dec. 19. A two-story frame building in a part of the city known as the Western Addition was blown down this morning by the wind and Owen O'Dounell, a hod carrier, was killed, and two carpenters are probably fataly injured and the inmates of, the house, Mrs. Kreuz and her two daugh ters were more ore less bruised. A Blast Fnrnnco Kiploded. MiLWAtrxgg, Dec. 19. Tbe explosion of a blast furnace of the Illinois Steel company at Bay View, this morning killed two men and Injured several others. Peels Hotter Now. Poktland, Or., Dec. 19. J. A. Hayes, a resident of Futon, today committed suicide by Uklng "Hough on Rats." Ill health is assigned as the cause of the deed. Paaeed n Tariff CHI. SrDNXY, JJ. S. W., Doc. 19. The col onial parliament, after a disorderly sit ting of thirty-six hoars, passed a gov ernment tariff. Needed Looking After. Huron, S. D., Dec 19. The Huron national bank has been taken charge of by the national bank, examiner. Three Men Killed. SrsiNuriKLD, Mo., Dec. 19. Three men were killed this morning by the ex plosion of a boiler. Guilty of Smuggling. Sax Fbancibco, Dec 19. The sum of $70,000 ha been paid Into the treasury department -of the firm of Xeuberger, Keiss & Co., the membeis of which were indicted for smuggling. This is sup posed to be in satisfaction of the claims of tbe government against them, snd it is believed tbe civil suit will be dis missed. The case dates from last Sep tember, when a case of goods consigned to the firm fell from a dray and burs open, revealing tiie smuggled goous. The entire consignment was seized, as were several subsequent consignments, and nearly all proved to be falsely in voiced. Nearly all the invoices received by the firm during the year were in spected by L. M. Cashln, deputy col lector, who has been dismissed lor al leged complicity in the smuggling. Kvldeace of Other Forgeries. Nkw York, Dec. 19. District Attor ney NIcoll says: "I have learned by looking over the books of the bankrupt firm of Fields, Lindley, Weichers & Co., that Field was very hard pressed for money for sixty days before the failure, and hypothecated all the securities he could lay bis hands on, and paying out the money right and left in stock specu lations. The books sho that on Nov ember 24th Field drew checks for over $400,000, which he paid to various firms of stockbroker j. There are evidences of other forgeries besides those two bills of lading." Washed Vp on Shore. MAKsanxLD, Or., Dec. 19. Parties just arrived down the beach from Gardi ner report the finding of a boat right Bide np and the dead body of a man on the beach, three miles north of the mouth of the Umpqua river. The boat was intact and the position of the body indicated that the occupant of tbe beat had reached the beach alive nnd died soon afterward on account of bis weak i condition and exposure. It Is supposed to bo the lost shin's bout of the (i cncrnl ; Butler and one of its six ocenpants, SENATOR PLUMB DEAD Tbe Capitol Crowded Witli Friends of the Dead Senator. THERE IS NO DANGER OF A FIGHT Secretary Tracy Thinks There is no Liability or War With Chili. AN I M PORTA NT CASE DECIDED. Which Involve the Title to Valuable Ran Francisco Property Minor Mention. Washington, Dec. 21. Today the United States senate, the house of rep resentatives, the executive and judicial government, representatives of foreign powers and his many friends paid the last tribute of affection and respect to the memory of the late Senator IVeston B. Plumb. This morning there are but a few callers at tho house, the most of these being senate employes. At 10 o'clock the casket was borne from the bouxe to tho hearse by eight capitol police. Irumedtately the small funeral cortege, consisting of the liearce' and a single carriage, arriving at the capitol, the casket was placed near the presi dent's chair in the senate chamber on black catafalque and all were requested to retire. When the scnaty met at noon tbe chamber was partly arranged for the funeral obsequies. The desk and chair of the deceased senator were heavily draped. The galleries were crowded with spectators, exccpt' the diplomatic and vice president's galleries, which were reserved on motion of Manderson. Tbe reading of the journal was dispensed with and Peffer rose and made an an nouncement of Plumb's death, after which he offered the usual resolutions, eloquently enclosing, his late colleague. Tbe senate then took a recess. At 1 o'clock p. m. the senate was called to order. During the half-hour recess the work of preparing the cham ber for the funeral was completed. A row of arm chairs were placed in the area In front of the clerk's desk and the western side of the chamber was set apart for the occupancy of the members of the house and representatives. The public galleries had become too crowded. At 1 :20 the speaker and members of the house, with members of the diplo matic corps, the chief justice and su preme court and President Harrison and his cabinet entered and were as signed to seats. The floral offerings were large. At 1 :4o the funeral com mittee of the two houses, escorting the dead senator, appeared at the main en trance and the procession moved up the aisle, the chaplain reciting the opening sentences of the funeral service. When tbe chaplain had finished reading the servico and appropriate selections from the scriptures had been read, followed by prayer, the body of the deceased sen ator was borne out to be taken to the railway station. Tbe senate then ad journed till tomorrow. No Trouble Anticipated. Nkw York, Dec 21. Secreiary Tracy who was here for a day or two, in an swer to the inqufry if he thought tbe Chilian difficulty would be settled satis factorily said: "Yes, I believe so. I do not anticipate war with Chili. The Yorktown is the oaly United States man-of-war in Chilian waters at pres ent. The Boston is, however, on her way there and should reach Valparaiso this week." Secretary Tracy said there are twenty-two new ships in course of construction in the navy including cruisers and battle ships, and they would be completed by 1894, it congress continued the appropriations necessary for the work. An Important Cae Decided. Washington, Dec 21. The supreme court today reversed the decision of tho supreme court of California in the case of Thomas Knight vs. tho United Land Association and Clinton Tripp. This case has attracted much attention on the j Pacific coast and concerns the title to ! property in San Francisco of great value, j The effect of the decision is to sustain ! tho rulings of the interior department. ! The case involved a controversy as to ' the fine of boundary of the city of San ' Frnnciico. Caused by two Large Hats. Minneapolis, Dee. 21. A traveling. man will bring suit against Manage Calkins of the grand opera house on ac count of two big theatre hats at Satur day evening performance. His view of the stage was obstructed by two enor mous hats iu front of him. The usher declined to give him another seat and Calkins refused to refnnd tbe price of admission, hence the suit. No More Solitary Confinement. Washington, Dec 21. The supreme court today affirmed the decision of the lower court declaring the provision in the New York law which provides for foiitary confinement of persons con demned to death and other features of the law as unconstitutional. The legality of the punishment of death by means of electricity was not attacked. A Ulg Shortage. San Fkaxcisco, Dec. 21. The firm of A. Lusk & Co., dealers in canned and dried fruits, was attached this morning by tho bank of California for ,90,000 for monies advanced. l Is stated that Lusk owes a number of firms in addition to the bank of California, but no. statement of the firms' liabilities is yet made public. Field Indicted. New Yokx, Dec 21. Two indictments were returned today against Edward M. Field by the grand jury. Both indict- I ments specify grand larceny in the first ! degree. Failed to Open Ita Door. Altooxa, Penn., Dec. 21. Tyron's bank, a private institution failed to open its doors thia morning. The assets and liabilities are not known. I'eed tho City's Money. Pittsburg, Dec. 21. True bills were found today against Mayor Wytuan and ex-mayor Pearson, of Allegehauy for em bezzlement. No Troth In the Report. Chicago, Dec. 19. In regard to the report from Nebraska that the telegraph operators on the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road has been directed, to abandon the Order of Railway Tele graphers under penalty of being dis missed from service, General Manager Newman, of the Chicago St Northwestern,, which controls the Elkhorn road, said today : There is no truth in it and no founda tion for it. Nor such order ' has been issued. A Band of Boohere Defeated. Loxdox, Dec. 19. News was received from Hanoi, the capital of the province of Tonquin, of an engagement la the Dong Tsesien mountains between a de tachment of French troops and the band of the notorious robber Lunky. The robbers were finally defeated and fled leaving the troops in possession of their stronghold, it is believed this victory will result in restoring peace in. this district. Government Troops Ketreatlag. City or Mxxico. Dec 19. Advicer from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, state a very strict censorship of telegrams is en forced there. Regarding the uprising: tbe shine advices state that the govern.--ment troops were obliged to retreat at every point and that the rebels received some supplies of arms by wsy of Salvador. An Alabama Klot. Bibmixghym, Ala., Dec. 19. Another riot occurred at Coaburg today, near the seen of last night's riot on the passen ger train. The trouble tonight was be tween whites and blacks. John Stepens, colored, was shot and killed by Dr. D. Hudson and Ids eon Georgo, both of whom were also fatally shot. Presided at a Banquet. London, Dec IS. General John C. New, United States consul-general, pre sided at the annual banquet of tbe asso ciation of foieign consols last evening. Members of the London corporation and other prominent persons were present. Accidentally Shot. Boise City, Dec 20. This evening Frank Meinder, a cigar maker, formerly of Tacoma, was walking along the street when a revolver dropped from his pocket. The weapon exploded and the bullet broke a bone in Meinder's left leg. The Strike Lenders Arrested. Denxek, Col., Dec. 19. The strike at Crested Butte is about over. The Ital ian ringleaders of tho strikers were ar rested yesterday by Sheriff, Shores and a large force of deputies. Chicago Wheat Market. Chicago, December 21 .Close, wheat, steady i cash, .DO? January, .91.; May, .97w. 97 ,;. ' Weather Forecast. Sax Francisco, Dec. 21. Forecast for Oregon and Washington : Fair weather. Sau Krinrl.ro Wheat Market. ax Fkaxcisco. Dec 21. Wheat, buyer, 9I, 1.K;,; Sean l.SS..