The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 18, 1891, Image 6

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    The Weekly Gbfoniele.
FRIDAY, - - DECEMBER 18, 1891.
We arc under many obligations to
Hon. Pdnger Herman, M. C, for valua
ble public document.
The Congregational church will hold
its prayer meeting this Thursday eve
ning at the residence of Mr. 11. S. Hunt
ington. Word couies to this ofiVe that a small
vein of coal has been discovered on the
Seufert property at the mouth of Ten
Mile, three miles above this city.
The Sherman county bank, of Wascn,
was incorporated Monday, with
r&piul stock of (20,000; incorporators,
' M. A. Moody, W. M. P.rntt and V. C,
Twentr-ono cases ot diphtheria are
reiiortcd in Portland for tho present
month, but most of the caves are of a
mild tye and are easily handled by the
A private letter from Mora' informs u
that tl. D. Poarduiau of Kutledgc has
found the Lank check for t223, which
h lost a few days ago and which was
advertised in there columns.
The tire that was kindled in this city
on September 3rd is not yet out. This
is no figure of speech, as any one ran sec
by visiting the coal heap of the old J. L.
Thompson's blacksmith shop.
There w ill be services of the Lutheran
congregation at "their parsonage on
Ninth street next Sunday at 10:30 a. m.
and 7:."J.) p. iu. A cordial invitation Is
extend! to all. A. Horn, ja-tor.
Ed. Kiddle of Union fed two car loads
of fine hogs, at tho stock yards today.
They are on the way to the Sound
market when1 Mr. Kiddle ha sold thorn
for SV; cent, livo weight, delivered.
Seven cars of cattle, hipjcd from
W titer City, Idaho, by Citpt. Irwin
were unloads! at K. K. Saltmarshe's
stock yards Monday night to eed and rest
twenty-four hours and w 111 then proceed
to the market below .
The ladies of the Congregational
church will have an apron .ili ut the
free reading nxuii Frilay eve, December
iSth. A pretty or Uecful apron is hi- j
ways an acceptable ChrUtmas give. I jet
rerylHiy attend. j
The largest fif ortiii(-it of holiday J
good can l?s. en .t K. Jan.! sen A-'Co.'s
1C2 Second rlrect. All h.Kd.n , i
seen in the advertisement. This sjecial j North in. Kh Factory i.
sale will commence next Saturday and j Trouble,
i tseenu to be hawed on a new principle j The North Ialles sho. factory was tho
in store-keeping you pays your money ' scene of considerable excitement Monti
and takes your choice. day afternoon when a party of men un-
The Dalles Royal Arch Chapter Xo. rt. ,u'r command of C. W. Wright, repre
held its regular meeting last night and anting Z. T.Wright of Portland, entered
elected the following officers for the com-; f'"0T and by virtue of a bill of sale
ins year: R. F. Gibons, II. P. ; C. C. : cartetl off" two loads of machinery to ship
Hobart, K. : K. Schanno, S. ; 1. 1. P.ur-; I'ortlan.1. No trouble waex,erienced
get, C. of H. : John Marden. P.. A. C. ; ! io g-ing entrance to' the building, as
W. S. M vers, P. S. ; V. Itolton, G. M. . lhe Ullkn ln cha,Ve ' machinery un
IstW; H. Larsen,G.M.2dY.; D. !..; 1,uSl ;,n. " en on
Cates, G. M, 31 V.; Hugh Ixgan, secrc- proi-erty, had given orders fur its sur
tarv;G. A. Liebe, treasurer; Pi. hard render to Mr. Wright. After the last
Clostor sentinel. ! ,,aJ naJ ,cei1 ren,ovetl Ir Whealdon
The 'water commissioner held antTed building and was holding
meeting on Tuesdav night at trliicli'it i fur r,en lry.of turn went over
was'resolved to lav about 1300 feet .f six ! lm afternoon to get the rest of the
inch main on Second street, from Court Io.-rty. The meii found the .loom and
streetcar. This is a wise movement of windows barricaded aud the party of men
of the commissioners. The portion of inside, one of whom was Mr. Whealdon
Second street through which the new refused tho men admission. Justice
inajn w ill be laid is the principal part of , Gilmore read the riot act of the state of
tho city and the present four-inch main ; Washington, commanding the men in-
is not adequate for the needs of the dis- noe to dnjciac. I nc inei.te paia no
trirt. A six-inch main will enable the j attention to it, and Mr. W. 11. Wilson,
Cjiuomi'i.r office to do away with a j attorney for Mr. Wright ordered one of
steam engine and supply its place with ; the windows removed. Hans Han6on
a water motor. Doubtless others will started to ' pry oil" the window frame,
U accommodated iu a similar way. ' while. the men kept warning thojc
Thomas F. Ryan, of Tygh Ridge, died ! outside to desist on pain of "getting
this morning at 2 o'clock ago" GO years. ; hurt." Just then Justice GPu.ore turned
Mr. P van was stricken with paralysis ! the lablts on the U t-icgii'g k.rco by cr
aliout tifteen months ago and since then ' dcriug them to disperse. Mr. Wilson or
his health has been gradually giving dirred his men to leave w bile he proceeded
wav (ill about a week ago n lien he had a j to write out a complaint ng.iiast those
second attack from which he never ral-1 inside the building with u view to
lied. Tie was Wn In In land, was a i having them nrre-.ted for refusing to
soldier in the P.riti-h army and came to , obey tho command of an officer. About
the Pucific coat over twenty years ago. ! adoen persona in all, wero outside.
It is almost thirteen vears 6inco he came t probably half of whom wcro there
to Tygh Ridge where he has leen a well j through curiosity. The U bh ged nuui
known and resjected citizen. Mr. I lercd probably four men. Tiie attack
Ryan was a hard working, honest and , lug-party wcro unarmed, save that they,
industrious man. He leaves n wife and j lieing carpenters in the employ of Mr.
two grown daughters. He w ill bo. buried j Glenn had chisels i:ud raw s and other
tomorrow, in the Catholic cemetery near j tools that might a.ift thwm in forcing
Kingtley. an enlran.v to the Luildir.. There
I Wi re no loud wurd-i n:vl no riot in the
PEUS0XAL 'ordinary sense bit Mr. Wright teem
'determined t-) have the machinery and
Miu Lectcr of Warm Springs is iu the 1 the men went alnmt the buiiu-s of get
cly, '. ting admir:ou in a co-d and detormined
. , ,, . . i manner. Mr. Wilr-uii' complaint was
Dr. . I anderpovl of I'nfur was in , , . . . t . . .
... , , reing written out uieu iui reporter hal
town ednr sl.:v. iA , '
t to h-ave.
S. V.. Farm has n'turncl frjm aj
month's trip to Yakima. ' MnE.iej tum..
J. H. Mer.efee and Mike Cnllashun of i '"','"r ,''' ''""'' Titiiv King-Vv arc ;ni:e'
Dr. J. K. Kd.-Iiigton and wife.f Wttii lively t pn-Mii!. Ibdgate and
.. ... xt tt.-i ..'i k. .i. ii : w
paiU a Uil to tins city today. i -i" ,....... ...
Mr. (. Kiueislr made a short btisiue-s i
siuvmeio iniereM is n.iiiiii'iii
Wo l;ac a Verv f.ux:-"!"
Sit ii ly that inei-Ss once r. v. . vh, anil if
thiTO en:' thing inoo t!in:i atitl!i( r
last evening. The friends of Mr. Wil
liam W. Floyd, of Five Mile, and Miss
Nellie Fulton gathere there about 8
o'clock to w itness their marriage.
The ceremony being ended, the friends
were right in the midst of their congratu-.
lations to the hippy couple, when it was
announced that another couple were to
lie thus made happy in an adjoining
room and the whole party, led on by a
young man present (who for the first
time in his life had juct witnessed a
marriage ceremony) rose up with eager
entreaty of mine host for. the privilege
of Is-lng witnesses to that also, which
being granted, they adjourned to the
scene of interest, but the room was too
small for them all, and so they returned
to the parlor where Justice Doherty tied
the knot for Mark Enignit and Emma
M A Kill K I).
At the European House, in this city,
Deeemlcr H,J'JI,by Judge liberty,
Mark Enigait to Miss Emma Nucklcs.
In the parlor f tho European House,
in this i ity, Ivccrnber 14, 1801, by Rev.
W. C. Curtis. William W. Floyd and
Miss Nellie Fulton, Imth of this eitv.
Typhoid fever is raging in Myrtle
int, CocS county.
The city !oard of charities of Portland
disbursed the. sum of 4",l?5,rs during
the past year.
Tho fanners report the ground being
wet tteuper at the present lime than has
lce: kr.cwn for many years, at this sea
son of tho ye.-.r. If Sherman county
doesn't psoduce a healthy i rop thi vcar
we will always think it ought to. 'a:co
I). C. Ircl.ui 1 x Co. have sold their
newfp.tjtT plant to tho Coming Century
Publishing Co., nnd have discontinued
thir jicper-, the Ksrfu and Alliance
Farmer . The new proprietors will movo
their properjy ncrocs the river to the
now Oregon tan bu'.Ming ns eoon as that
structure is ready for them.
Mrs. Cyrus Wcstlako, who with her
husband resided in Linn county for
many years, died .in her home in Han
Jo.-e, Cal., on the 11th ins-t. Tho. de
ceased and her husband were Oregon
pioneers, having settled in Unn county
in I'.'.ij.t Thoy ii vnl there until aout
ten iMrs ago when they moved to Cali
forni and engngi'd in Iruil growing.
It i- r.ct alwavs tliat lionor and inter
vrt. U.h pull tothic in Oregon olitie?,
b.-.t ti they il-n't pull o: the amo line
tatiid b t'jld tu ui.ike r'.-o;!i f tiuir
next spring stock, whiili i ulrv.idy iu
trjin.-it. See :id. in ti!:iy's i.-u.-.
A cr. II I. .lit lien L-t:i'd fortlii? fienU-rs
of the dv't:iocr.t(it t-latc. central vuiii::i
tee to ii:eet iu Portland on Jjnu::ry K for
the piitpt.-: e t.f tlt sfrn.iting il.e tin e 'ul j
place h r Jiv!Ii:. tin: lu xt ileuu rr;ttic )
trip to tiohlentlale this week.
P. (.'. biginau and l'ku! r'cvin of
Dufur were ia the city Tuesday.
Mr. A. Uchres ai d family rctarnel to tj,at Kin;. v c:i
t ie on tiu DOfti train tottav. Li .-'. v.-p i . . a .).'
C. A. Il .a.i, of tra-rf Valiey, j-avo i a;i:ateur pviiwrmer.' iu tbt- h.ietrionic
this ( filce a pleasant tall Tucslay. 'art, and this nppli.if j.i:i!:y vT the
u,-nint letting f-inion step cat-liks ncrws
; the l)ir' .hlx,l ! i.f the federal judgeship,
liti rr.rv 1 it i'' 1 ' a ""'i! t! l: l-'th! The
moment !!.. i-ind j-.v .f Simon rtrites
hat scat ju.J,.ice. thct Moment the
.r lA ( rt - iri wi1! T:i!n. ifa Cl;otl'
1 ;.-.;: 1 it h lu-rpxHij wLit(. i:i,..,.r in .at dircrticn, and the
Mirf Mh'.nic Michcll it turned tn thy
noon train tod.;y frtn a;i extended trip
ti tLe taft.
"ii.- 2iii.liie Michell ia esjierted home
young e.';d old .f both ten . Tiui only
treubie th NK-iity !.: bud to Contend
with is the .ce;o..'o,:::l rudi-r.ers .ftho
i "lioU" t'.cm.cnt, lu boiH t
t thrt t!d-t w iil n ;t 1 o rv
etate coi.vci.lic:i n;.d for the n: jt.!;it
luciit of d,l.-;'T."eM t.i thv tauti.
Tl.-e troubla at North i::!lc reisains
unsettled its v.e go Ij j rs. "J.erif
Stii:) j.i ij in poMylon of the prjterty
and hs rciiiovctl the luachinery taki-:i
to th wh;.if 1-Mt bi'.tk to its rj!:.irters in
the factory. A new cret,ilrr jiau.ed
Hoii, frui.t Klickitat county, hay bv:j
place J in t i.aro.
Gove.riior IVniuncr I. at gt.iiite-l a f.i'l
j :inl:j, to t-.;e rtTi i t tH.iy, t j Jiiavi?
J. Mt:rt:in, w 1 it i.i th Hatti pt-!:i:t.;t-tiary
erie.g a term .r in::n
liiaughter. Mlm lenteru'vl frem
Wti.'tj county, uini tii jatd:i
ri.t d on tiio rvoi!i:::t'iitlui.'eii i f the
Uistrii t ntt'Ti.ey who j it cli d l iiii.
IxT-lie Ruder is :it.w a erari lie
says ho ciiMi'.t ritli.-.e it, but l.c'.t a
trani!.l i,il the sau:e. M;:'. Rnt'tr
writes !n.-n tVuaha, Wu: !il!:-t,.!;, I'. vA
Mrc lart pr.-sen'.cd her huei.-rti;..! !dj
a daughter o:i the I V.'.t ii; ; Mrr. j
Dysart will be re:i. .nI. r-l i;s Cora j
Rutler, Mr. Rutler'u hl.-st d o
Amos Dartieiile of l.:f;:r in
surjTi.ettie otter ttay. li.j l, l.r j
Pearl Tryan had huudet! him'.ietl looking violin t! : t
' needed repiiirs and wv.t value-l :i
two 1 itt. 'V.'licn Mr. D.trnetlltr t jk 1;
apai t Ij prepare it for lut ;i;;: ha wan
surprised to m'o, neatly carve.' o:i the
inside t!ej letters and fig.ire.t
hn r.
I: :i
f:,il. lit r im.'iT'i vi!t rilet:!ftv
....... i, lhe r.catl.-r : i
, , I Ivrt it has let :i to
Andre. Jack,. Wail, t, c If-ptieior ! jlue n,jc ,cur
of ti e liU Mil-.- ..r.:u4:.trie t,:,s ia ) ,.,v 2;) u!,
t jun tv :av. .,
:rc litcr-;;?.;d.
It.e, I ho -..;f s is t!.o
r vc-nil years at ibis
:d the f.Tuiert are
:'j ;cn:i:, - t-vtr l.:e
C. W. iT.'el a :.i O. 1 Pa pu t oi
Wgpinitla cuinc into to n Tue-Iay cen
Jl:g nitlin Kt.lti oi cattle iil' ihe Pofwhcul
itiarkt t.
l' Aim I)
OIIIo Aiue.i l
:uo toi.i.ig i:
ai d j iii J u r.
T. A. .i.uT; l j:!,' br.
u:l hit tl:'Jj;t!ter, Mi.-S
Anro:::, Murjiju cuuntv,
. s ar. u el K;iig?iv
;e:;:;;l j cr'. ri.t:? ter ui:d ' irekccper
Kelly, is ay 0 c: h o.d I lei i e
tr t!:tn ti e IkII tiAa of
In to n pnrt !;.:ir ;u.! y.r. ;ns to hi
h.r ,!, ni.
iier ot mr jtpu
i: houitt in l4
Ms-ii.i, iew.i, fu Fiidjy, the Hilt isitt,!
lit! uVlnfl; p. nt. I tirrivi-d in this!
thy oti Monday, ti.u 1 l:ii, e.; 0:.J j. tn. !
Mr. (Lrrut-uii will retvain with hisj ujid j t r;ect J.'iiiif-t. U iu lil tratle
ut v. :t!cU::.ati !J.;'.
Aiivntl V.lh !!!...
io rival i'i h!ie: i:;' Slhnp.- jii nt
North i,d!t s ::t I! o"i lo'. k thi uion.lng
f .Oit-l eviTMliii: : :!:L-t at tho f:i,-'...rv.
Mr. Mliuii'M kttjiVe.d at the d.K-r, but '.
i! -ci tin with no i-cf t-otiJ-e he caue xit-n s.t 1
!hi rive- and v .ufid tlli 7 o't 'ock, when i
c::t !
t! .ii g n thriving 1 iiint j. livery body
hire tue.irs I.y the C:: i.onk'I.U.
Keep no j oar !;-l:s, biu'.h:.." (lourlay,
ai.d il.e.p;i; h will rt.ty -atlli :.vt.
'D.t. ; '!(: i v, ju.
;:.l u 1 1 1. ii a of t' j .i .
Tho fkjihnving revolutioiit were ptnhfil
by rdumU.i Faruieri' Alli.i e-ii No. 1,
Klativa to the tl-'atii of Ilviih. r Andrew
Thouipo'i v.I.o tlcrt'tl iltl 'w'fe on
Dff-iuber 10, bUl', ri.l 'JI years, 10
months and 14 thus:
Wiwf:r.ts, In the t'.i-.itli .f Urother
Amlrew '1 hompson, !tdtjmbi I-"arnera'
Alliance No. 1. has 1 ml o;:e c' !;.JtfTi lent
meaibcra, ami tho eommunity a gol
jM-ighbt r sn'tl Wrreo ixuniy : f ;od clti
:t !i ; th.crefove la It
KeScUii, That Colttujb'u V&rvM-r' Ah
v.;ee l tin! donor ot Urvgon wit! l-e
h-!trd crj i;;;; ''Infamy 1" Kinnnth i'Zar.
liielittl mil of tho d itn'.)ei ag-iinst
tho v. ha!el;:iei; Welmoro for
?.n,i.00 is l rubjee', of . coiiiiler.ible
erit'v l.-i!!, Fi-.ys 1 1:0 .tioriin ; and the
genet al opinion id thai whilj it wa
rtntuial ft-rth c.ip'.r.ln end ownera t.
r.-t tti j i-rii i M nt It:.'. i as pj"ui so there
i rot l;ns reunite; t ili.r iv i t ti'T'tii to
; t t: 1 1 1 i S i ze hit ettirejnt t!av a.l
1 HI'IUDAT, Iwreniber 17, 1M-1.
Since our last report there have been
no changes to note .in business circles.
The rains and the bad condition of the
roads have had a demoralizing effect on
trafficin general, and all the trade done
is merely local. The near approach of
the holidays is causing some activity in
the notion line which is of a limited
character at present.
In financial circles money is not quite
as easy as it was some time ago. Never
theless there is no stringency, and but
little enquiry for loans. The fair har
vest and the good prices obtained by
our producers for their grain has, in a
large measure", evened up old scores, and
a better feeling prevails among all
classes. The year's harvest has put
into circulation at least $750,000 in the
counties of Wasco, Klickitat and Sher
man, and tho receipts from the sale of
wool which has been hipped cast and
is not reported yet will swell the
amount a cloan f l,o00,000 dollars,
w hich is handled by our people for the
produce for the year of 1891. Tlieycar
which in just tube ushered in upon us
promises a greater volume of wealth
than has heretofore been recorded for
this section.
The grain market is very inactive:
price abroad arcabit otTfrom last report.
Tho largo amount of exports have re
lieved the pressure in" foreign markets,
and the rejwrt comes that thcro will bo
no great demand for future deliveries,
inasmuch as the largo stock on band and
afloat, is quite sufficient to meet the re
quirements for several months to come.
In our coast markets there is a steady
mean and tl;o falling ofTof charier, has
had a quieting influence on buyers as
well as sellers. No doubt the opening
of spring w iil revive the inquiry and our
markets will !hj very ac'.'ue and higher i
l-e prices paid.
Our produco market is very quiet ami
is well supplied with everything needed
for domestic ucc. There is no change in
prices tor potatoes, cabbage, onions and
that class of garden produce. Apples
are firm and find a ready sale at a slight
advance. Poultry is In good supply and
is without any material change in de
mand or price. The holiday will nfford
a gotwl tlemaud for luxuries ami staples.
Eggs are more plentiful and weaker.
Putter, that is A I. is in good demnrtd
and scarce.
WiiL'tT We
per b;iheT.
3. ROBEKT3 Civil Emolxekk (len-
eml eiifriiiFrring practice. Korvevftir and
imuKiIhh; ctiraU-a ami pinna (ur Irrlicxtinn,
owtTKKt?, waUr-worki, railroads,, bridge, etc.
Atidreaa: P. O. Box 107, Tim lit. lien, Or.
Tit. BAUNUERd-AKCHmcT. rian and
rpefiftrationa fnrnlht-l (or duelllnjrt.,
;hurfhe, builtip block. w-hooW and fiwtorlc.
t:hrn modern tr. autWnrtion iniaraotwd. (
rttt.. ort-r Kreurb'a banlc, Tlio Dalle, Orejron.
Di: J. rTHERl.AND-FlXow or Tbikitt
MM1p1 t olliw, and member nf tlie fol-x-ot
I'lsyrirUna aud Surgeon. Ontario, I'by
et lan and pnr-.'wn. OHioe: rtMima S and 4 (:haj
iiu:i W:k. I:t-!d'.':irw; Judice Thorn bury hec
i:il atrwt. Office hours; lo to li . tii t to
tad T tos j. m. . '
DR. O. II. DOANE-rHYMCiA xu sca
ceos. Office: room 6 and S Chapman
aiorfc. ilraldrtire No. Zi. Fourth tlm-L
t .lurk Mulh l t'orr; iiouiw. tjtUx Lour s to 11
. i vi it ana 7 ut r. M.
. m Cep tn tichanno bulldlup, np fUtirs. The
oiitv, tniron.
D?IM).tU.-rKJmHT. Ga alter f.r Ui
a lutinleaa extrwtioii of tenth. Al".ttth
ft on Cowed aluminum tlu. JUxnn: tTTgn oi
. in Ojr liotiiar Itl.x k, W oMntrt.m g tract.
nkyimat Ltw. otltr-. KrtiK-h' blt-k nvt-r
iti MtUor.jtl Hank, 1 be l'llr, Orct. n.
s.s.wrva. azo. atkin. ssakk Kitri;rr.
frrit, W ATKINK A M EN E FEE ATT'jr.
NCTVAMtw-Kioin N.i. t. ovrr V,m
tttire i:,ii.tiiiie, hntruneeon n aahlufrhm tttrett
1 ho I lien. Orison.
It ant ?ki,New V.tLkck.btxtDds'.H-ct,
i r.v A'-i.t.'", t in-'n.
One palo red nnd white Jersey Cow,
branded with E It joined on right hip,
about five years old. Also one light
roan two-year-old cow, branded A K on
right hip, had 'a roan calf w ith same
brand on right ribs. . I -ml seen near
Johns' saw mill. " Will pay well for
information which will lead to their
E. P. KtuikRTS A Sons
12 11 1-1 Itox 107, The Dalles. Or.
quotJ S3 to 8d cents
In tt nn:ty court ! Wanto eouisty, Ortron, In
t:i the mutter of Cie t.ta of II. Vi. HowarJ, tJ-cwvwd.
OTICK tn Vfrvby Kltrn tliut tho nnd-'TfitmptJ
nltjUiitrntrlt t'l thorvlfiM of It. W. How
ard, dot-owd has lilctl her aeitmut In aolJ
etttt, on1 tfcmt atti order hnm li-n duly wad aj
tKilnUno; TuCMtuy, Januury i. 1.1, at 2 o'clock
P. M.. ia Uie county ci:it room. In Itnllna t.ily,
tintton, B the lima mwt pluro (or rcnrii.i; an'.i
finalatttHint ai.d any o,i lion that iray Im
iioido ttieretn, nr.d the (i:ial autU.uent lin-.-f.
1 bin nolice i )uhll:.!)"d by onl-rr t.l llorj. V. N.
Tlion bury. Jinlso o( ra:d c airt, U.iti.1 Nti.i!n.r
17, JANKC. iltWAKl,
iiov ju dccts A ;it;lr.!!ttrut.-ix ( attld l.t-u.U-.
t. S. I.tNh i rni a, Th IiUe.. Or.. Kt v. 17, t.-91
Notitt l bcrfby F'vcn tUut tho ft!liotiii
n..:;,i.l x. u'.vr but "liUxi notlcvj tit tii iott utfjn u.
inuLe tilidl rr.icf In auriurt t f hit t uil!M, aa.i
O tTK The oat market is shot t of PUp- I 1"'.t ' t wdi brtoro tr.e rtMrr
, ,,. ' !'.t riikcr t.( l!;o V. t. Ijxz.4 wine k', 1
ply. s quote l.( U i!'i:ts t ) JLIO ct PU!rs,i,r.,on Jsn. it, ix:. vi:
.1 An...:. I. ,
,c"lau I ::. t. Vo.rr.-J fur Hie Nt: '- r. Ulu I Qorlh i
IIaei.kv The Urk-v supply is faivlv j w-. !v . ,.
good 1th a ii.Tiitt 1 inoulry. Brewing l it cTti tt!dit.ct; mul tuiivaUcn
tt-M prr cental. IVt d I arcy r.t f0 i sSTrliVs".. ii. PMra.ttu V. t!. iV:;i.:
hi !U .mi.Ii ..,'.t,inl . i A-! mi Ku.'ejrn. f The i : l!t-s Or. -
, .' ;. y .a ticti JuilS . dj:w 1., j; Ti.tter. j
I-uicj:lx.f?il brand. v. IvA-j.ile, t, 1.75 1 ... - .
i-.'kCJ nV.A.
thEt ih come
iers t
One 'f ti; c.u .'jthoa
U f: re ci'icr:: t u. thb
rtl.'.'.ive t.J relt:ei-t,; ..'.;'. on .
ou'irent. I...- tms wilt nv.:tc tr:to a
tlt fh i:i thai . dc ;-.rt:;:'!-.t it w
t.: tho popt-j a v:i;-t sui:i nf mouev
it!;d give th t-)Vor!::;ir:it r.t b-.i'-t one
out!'.-; I gft " iiltlu aniiii'v int
the'l.t ti the p-op!e. (ini-.'.lr: 'i'oude
i i ! 1 n r; !;!ri;ci nnd font:.! f!:e f..ct jrv ' itit;cn No. 1 csteiuht t the rt l.itives of
dtPi-rU-d. th i ni t;:', then j.f.t J. S. j the tic cv.iFe s Jirolher i:s l syin
Wootlru;!' b.icl; in hi nld ehar a cure- pathh-s in thi their hour tf Lcreave
tnk r. Me.ttiv. l.ihj Mr. Stimpson hmljmeut.
orderetl tho euptain id . th! i;-;- j JUfjUxd, Thai these, rifn'ctoins be
ul :'.i,r t lo:td the iu t-1 cprad in full ru tho luir.uti s tif the alli-
c.tini rv tnai t.een i i :". ; :.-! ami n ctijy oi li e same :,o sent to
''h ut
A. M.
1S0,." Ti.'s sin pits ! l:a:t ru!sfd ! t- lbs wharf Ivat ut the Hock land land
the price oi the old fiddle iihout t t!:..u?- i 'uo xttcrd.iy. Sht rhr Miiiip-son is low
and prr cent. in p"Sr'csdt:i of the whcla machinery by
The artiif v. ho exhibited thet!e.r..m:etl
child ii this city a short time :i;-o have
been arreeteti in lVhtiletuii under tne
law th:t makes it a mink-im nnor to ex
hibit a de.'ormcd A-rson, punisluulu by
a lino of uot lets than l'S nor more than
0t or im prison men t of not more than
three months in the couuty jail, or ljth.
Tho names of tho accused ure Ian
Frank and Fred and Ida Prakenbush.
Franks wk finetl .V3 and Prakenhuth
t'S. They refustxl to pay ami were scut
to jail. The woman was released.
McFarland & French believe there is
-virtue in printer s ink. Thay have
changed their big ad. in the Chkomclk
which means a change of metlnxi that
lias only one object, the getting rid of
the remainder of their stock at what
prices it will bring. They now oiler the
choice of their entiro stock of mens' cas
simero suits fur ?U a cuit, the pick of
their corst stock forl anir; thoKime
of their ladles fine French fIha f.r '..So
a pair, with other s;vi:tl featutes t lie'
virtue t.f the atlachmeiit in f;ivor t-f
Hugh lilenn and the jurt removet! to
the wh-sifUiit vtili hi put back iu the!
morning unlets st-ntlccifiit ict in:iK :ind
the attachment tlis-.'ilved by du order
of the ctiUrt. It is amusing to rec;di the
fact that Justice Oilmorc who was tken
to the factory jestcrday uftcrnon to
read tho riot acj to thot-o w ho had pts
sesslon of the building, turnetl the tables
ou his employers be t-tnniuandiog tliem
"to disperse"' as well nsthe rest. T lay
it is rumored that his honor has itf-crd
eleven warrants for arrest for unla fl
Hsecmbly or somt thing of that kind, and
this numltcr is supposed to cover nil in
side and outside except the Cmtoxiri-E
representaiive, who was merely there to
record history while it ass In process of
. r.t f l.a ..a
munnutfuire. ii is ooiieveti tliat Uie
claim of Mr. litt-nn n:iins.t liie u ai-liin-try
niil bo st'ttlctl ltefore many hours.
This morning, to tho wife if T. A.
JJi:!-on, a nine-pound son. '
tho rtdatives of I'rothfr Thompson and
that they 4 pu'blirhed iu ,'i'he Dalles
papers. C H. lri-.o!.s,
N. II. Wji.UAMrt,
(IltACK 11. K!t'IEI.L,
tits Nt-t Let '12111 i?ortuiJity Paaa.
Paralleletl tilth tbo ringing of
tho sdeiety, tus the notable st.l work of
Miis Marie it.irnard, uhich we choose
t'ichifs as uf p.ii order not uiucli below
that of the greatest prima tlonna. Tho
limhrt t.f her voieu it ruvirhing in its
loner iiutes, remine-ci nt ci n of Kal
chl, c.ntl iu its whole rangy M.'eet, uielo-
iliut-.f, clc.-tr, ami ulttiiYH true, (lawless.
a NmuUIuI vi.iee in a hi-li stato of
cuitivntiou, of correct methotl, good
enunciatiun, perfect phrasing, and an
art of expression magnetic in its opera
tion. Mie was given u grand ovation of
hearty applause. Oakland, (Cat.,) i-'n-t'uirer.
Miss Purnanl is only one of tho tiuin
ler who form tlm Mendelssohn Quin
tette club, who will favor this city on
the 2flth. with their soul-charming
mmde. Now is tho time to prepare for
this great event.
Wedding: llt-Ila.
The P.irlor of tho Kur.ipean House
wjs the tenter cf not u litllo interest
Tho heat cr..;. t.f 1SJ1 i- thn pre:?tci:t
in ot:r id!iry ; the tobac crop is tht
gieaU-ct. The t-.-rn crop t.f lfil it lho
f re:;! 'n!, iidd the c .tttrti iT't H
oi.e of the greatest in ipmntitv ani.t!:,
ctittal of tho l ivt in tp.i.iiitv. 11m te -ot
rtiih? c:o; liu-ViT bctt.'T. und iht! fruit
crop :.s tieeer mj pro' i lie. The tr::::
crops t.f Ftoritla and California lire so
nno ttiL'.t iuii rl.f!i"n .i orauges tro:.'i
the Blcuitcranean is alvnt Fhr.tout.
Ti o KUthoritict t f 1-n Crar.d", backed
bp a ftrong pubi'v sentimeiit in iew of
the recent outrages committed tlioioand
the mvstertCiiH diKappearanco tf two
wf!l-l:novu citizens of the vicinity.
have ;rivo:i onlcrs arul art enforcing
them. t: icily, requiring all gamblers.
lin-lioni.', lioboH and roumlera genenHv
to K:ivt tho town. The g.tmbliug
Ihhim'm l.:;vo been closed and general
reformation h:ia tct in.
This is tho best short yarn so far seen
iu tho newapnpers of December, 1891:
It ia raid that tho timber on ho upper
Kalama river is bo denae thnt w hen the
trees uro sawed of! they just stand on
thettump. not haying room to fall. A
voui'' Swede bv tho name of Yon Yon
son sawed olf seven acres of trees and is
now waiting foi tho wind to blow them
John Jordan, of Wasco county, who
was committed to the penitentiary a
few days since to servo a two years'
K'ntenco for horse-stealing, is but ft lit
fie over IS year of age, just too old to
get into the rctorui tvt.ool. lie has a
brother, also in tho jH'iiitontiary, who is
ony 18 years ef nge, ami two ot tlitur
cimsins "not very much older, are also be
hind the sumo walls, committed for lar
ceny in Polk county. Tho stato reform
school board, in securing authority from
the last legislature to refuse admittance
to this institution to any lad over 10
years of age have laid themselves liable
to the charge that they were more anx
ious to make it easy for tho euierinten
dent of tho school than thev were to re
form youthful criminals. Oregonian.
Dealers in tho etafTof life in dvcrpool
have formed a trust or combination to
control the quantity of bread to be put
on the market and the rates to 00
lli u-y t wrs WVqtmtc bran ef -0.00
IKT td. IwohlU ?!. JT 100
SU'S! lind riitd-Uinjpv ?l"J.ryC..J-'o.P0
por t.'ii. An tt' in price is nnihi-
paie I.
il iv Timothy hay is in good e
ai quotations U j.tK) to ?I7.C0. Wheat
hny is i.i inurla : r.t J 10.00 per ton loose,
ami l-.i"0,.' ilC.OO pt.r ton, and ccarce,
b.i!.I. Wild hay is quoted at 5 11.00
per t '.i. A! fa! hi 12.W br.led. Oat
i ::-.y :
PuTtToj.! Abundant r.t cvvAs
asacl; and tcaicclv anv market.
P;iti:ii We quote Al c.-nts
pi-r roll, ami scirce.
Ktjus Ata i i' Fupj.U and Ikivo. n
down ard tendency, we quote ut 110 1'cnls
:t doi"ii c:i ! at;l o2 cetita in trade.
Pot' 1.1!
-Old fowls arc in les.t tie-
matitl :;t .C.V' Z.ZQ. Younj fowls r.t-c
c;is:ly s.!J ut WJZ.W per tlozen.
Tuiheys .10 ecnt.t per"-, nridretsed.
Di:c!..i ? 1.00 to J5.03 per dozen.
ihuK.t Prime dry hid;i are quoted at
.00 per pound. Culls .0h;'M. Cree:i.02;.
CClU. Salt .0:'.';.01. Sheep i.elt-i .'.'"
be:-.? skins lrf.) ; coyote .00; mink, .50
cents ecu; martin f 1.00; beaver, yJ.M
3.00 jvr lb.j otter, --.00.U5.lK) e:ich
for Al ; coon, .110 each ; badger, .25 each ;
fi.-her, i'-'.oO to Si.OQ each.
Vi:v Peef on foot clean afid prime
Wc. ordinary ami fism.
Mutton Choice weatliers f:.50; com
mon fli.OO. -
Hogs Live hcavv, .O-l'.'.Jr.Oo. Dressetl
Countrv tiacon in rounl lots .GO-m -.10.
Iird i. cans .P."t?.13 ; ll'll.
Lumk'r 'lhe supply is fairly gooti.
We quote No. 1 Mooring and rustic
fL'O.Ou. No. 'Z do. fil.0.). No. 3 do
IO.fH. Hough lumber to No.
1 ecdareliIiiKle8f2.&OC";-M)0. Lath f ...
Lime SI. 7a per bbt. Cemoiit
14.50 cr bbl.
CorrEK Ctst.i Pica is quoted at 23
cents by the uk;
Sugars t-nineso in 1U0E. mats. Drv
Graniihitetl, o.. ; llxtra C, 4; cents
C, 44 -cents.
American sugars Irv tiranulatetl in
barrels or sacks. t)i cents : Kxtra C. in
do., 5! cents ; C, 5 cents.
Sugars in llOtb boxes are quoted:
Golden C ll.SU; Extra. C, $1.00; Dry
Granulated 2.10.
Svrvp f'2.'2d to 2.5 jer keg.
Kick Japan rice, tJ'i'isfl cents; Is-
and rice, 7 cents. .
15EANS Small white, AKOto cents:
Pink,44'f?4 ii cents by the lOOlt.s.
Stock Salt la quoted at fw.uo per
ton. Liverpool, 50tlt sack, i0 cents
100 tLsack, 1.25; '-Wll. sack, $2.10.
Apples .o(.U.2o f box.
Vegetables Cabbage, turnips, carrots
and onions, 14 cent per pound.
Ni tlm ff lirru'y filork I nj-rt:tiri.
Tl'-: t-j!Uf.yiii? r'r.,''ii fcate b.fti i:M-Intit?
li-:i itj tH-i' tlifUlv i!u! t Ii: THY-t.i-H 1 r 1::
ii t Lciivo (i f. U l'!i:lll: it) 1i-m l''h:i
A. y. i:.u-rf, i.-"tr:.tii',.: P:.itt!i tt; t, ntk
IJrti.e; lsst;it5-a.-iiijfce vc:i; i i 'tis iii.W)'
" VcRSe.n ;:-.r.rsr-,
V.'i-ai,,i .'-if.; (n.'"':M i r.
ci;J.'.::!t -,. i.j'j. liuif
. V. 1 i tn:- 'S
i'r '..-!)!-
.'f n:i:.i
First national Bank.
:11c :ALii:5. - -
A! Pjiiiking n.imvi lruv: -c..
Dept-r-itS ivi t!, tT.bject to Si-;l:t .
Draft or ("her:;.
Cneetivns mad.; :ul pr-.wd-t pronpth
' remitted 0:1 day of cwIlt'i:on.
S;.:ht and Telegram ide r.el:ar.e sob! ft
Ne- York, San Franciit.t anil Portland.
D. i.
T. W
1 ::o.v.r.'in
Sr.t n Ks.
. Clo'.
'.V!rJl( TliZ OTHER EYE !
m mmmmsu
Has otened an oflico for Cleaning au .
r.eisiring i aiciie?, jeweiry, v.v:
All work guaranteetl and
promptly attended.
Dunham's Drug StoreJ
Cor. Hrrood aod Lnlnn Strrrtn.
Ward & Kerns.
We are now ready for Imsinesr;
111 our New liarn, corner
of Fourth and Federal