The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 18, 1891, Image 3

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Destined to be the Best
Manufacturing Center In
the Inland Empire.
For Further Information Call at th Offlca of
Interstate Investment Go.,
The E. 0. Co-Operative Store
Groceries, Family Supplies, Boots and Shoes,
laps, Carls, Rearers ni Iter, and all IMs of Airicultiral
Comer Federal and Third Streets.
Argand Stoves and Ranges, Garland Stoves and
8ar.g.s, Jcoell's Stoves anJ Ranges, Universal Stoves and Ranges.
X'e are also agents fc? tha Celebrated Doynton furnace.
.AaaoniHoa and Loaded Shells,' Etc.
MKT A It 1. 1st! lHi.
m mil btosKepy.
A full liao of I .amp, ll.isaA.mi and I -. of nil Li l. fiher pl.-b-d Kern .
Fork an! ijoni. When you am selecting your Chritr-a rreents
iur.k through my ft'!; ru 1 ;o,i will pvi ro:rc!!.l:i:: useful
sis Veil & i-rtiamcntal.'
4 r?4
OmUlu mm aUiiUM
Hay, Grain and FtetL
frlascnt: Block, Ccrnsr Third fnd Ccurt Stoats, Th Ca!iE$,0ra2cr
VfXfo fT
Tho pulilic in iv.sjKTifiilly invited to nr
; store, and iniect all tho beautiful omU and eall .
often at
I. C. fUCELtSEJl'S, .
Tb8 Largest Store ci Its Kind la the city.
All flew Goods ! .Bed-Rock Prices !
First class Pianos antl Organs
Music and Hooks. Fine (iold WaU-hoa, Jewelrv
and Pen?, fiamen, Toys, Toilet ('ases
and Albums.
Second Street,
Best Selling Property of
the Season In the North
west. UN OP-
the Dailies, oncon
only. Full Assortment of
The Dalles, Or.
Dalles. Portland & Astoria
Elrfunt Ftcnmer
. Will leave the foot of Court Street
everv morning at 7 A. M.
Portland and Way Points
Connections Will Le Made w ith the
Fast 8teamer
At the Foot of the Cascade Ixx'ks.
For FaawnKcr or Freight Kate, Apply
tciAgcnt, or Purser on Board.
Offcc northcot eimer of Court ntnl Main tn-ft
wes a kiwlyV
Wlolesale and Retail Drepls.
Fine Imported, Key .West and Domes!.'
Now is the time to paint your home
and if you wish to get llic lcst quality
and a fine color um the
Shenvia, WiULiiiis IVs Taint
For those wishing to see the ipialhy j
and color of the above paint w o ta.l Men
attention to the residence of S. I- r.rooks
Judge I'ennctt, Smith French and other
painted by Taul Kreft.
Sni- c K Inertly are agent for tin
above paint for The Ibllcs. Or.
A. A. Brown,
Kto a tl'.it nrti'n-nl of
Staple ami Fancy Groceries,
u c rr.-rr t.i ! . :"m-ii
to Casli Buyers.
HiM Cnsli Prices fir Eis acil
. cltor FrcanQ3.
Mil Mill Agam in BuBiness!
......... t
Win. miGilEIih,
A t;il, l.n rr.i;t Mnl l with a ri-.r
).! cutii; Ku-ti.w l; n vr,i:i::nr in'i!--l iii
'; :i.;or ;:hi . t'.:! u? r
i.r.f!it..iu j-i-i.i ! "I.!' mil
liii.ijM.til! i.ifUf:
l-t..wjit:v t!!-t.a- 1 ti-, 5.v ir
.' i..!-:.
Pricco r.3 Lev
l'Ui-o if Uu-im--. i!
0XT 3;ti k. nil i . . n 'l
liiS'.eli .-tret H e
tho Lcwctt
i. ai U
, tl!; ; .11
tkan.v"T a;i:n::u.i.i a n kinj ii n ks -
Letters of Credit ined available in th-!
Kastcrn i tatt's.
Sight Kxehivi::e mid Telegraphic
Transfers sold o:i New York, Cliicugo, it.
liOui", San Franeiseo, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wn-h., ami various points in Or
ejon and Washington.
Collections made at all oints on 'uv-
om?il, Innin.
Sciostiflo Am erica a
! Agsncy for
' 4 TKHJt H1KII,
- ,4 ptSIOM PATtNTa
For infannsttfm ami fpoa IlandtiocV wrlta to
OUuat buraa (nrHoinni pitUMita in Amvrioa.
Vry piteul turn out lr u I brought twtw
lbs puUio by a uutica givoa lrvo ot ciuiga la Ui
gtitntitit mcricnu
IiTRst rlrmilattmi ef ans eriTOUPc papw In tha
woflil. hplmiilidlr tlluKralvt. No iiiiriltiK'iit
mwi houid ba wit hot., tt. Werklr. KJ.UO a
fear; St -at lx rji.,nu. AdJm MtlXN ii CO
I'l U11-UI.U5, 1 Uruailway, Au VixU.
The Weekly Gbroniele.
Entered at the Piiatofllce at The Dull,-, Oregon,
aa acorna cibjw maiu-r.
iy u in. (roTAuc mr io) t.i advasce.
Wct-lly. 1 rc&r ... 1 M
" 6 m.mtlin 0
' 0 SO
IhiHv. 1 Year
d month 3w
per - 0 SO
AcMrcaa all nrnimiinlrotlon ti "THE fHROX
K l.E," The Dalles, orntn.
Tin: cmiosiCLE past, ii:i:sest
ASfi FL'TVllK.
Twelve months no tolay the fir.t
number of The Jialles Wckklv Ciikoxi
cle was issued and today its puhlishers
send forth to tho world the first number
of its second volume. The story of its
origin, needs no rehersal here. "Suflieo
it that tho merehants and business men
of The Iallei Mieved there was a mis
eion in the Held of journalism in this
city yet unoectiied and the .'nuoxiri.c
was started to fulfill that mission. It
was never intended ti be the vehicle of
a faction or the organ of a party. Its
founders were no disgruntled jwlit'trians
nor disappointed ofliee-Hoekera hut bus
iness men whose interehts were bound
up with and inseparable from the in
terests of the whole community. It is
with no dctiiro to stir up unpleasant rec
ollections that we remind our readers
that lieforo the advent of tie Ciiko.mcmc
tlie press of this city had descended to
the level of a narrow ami miserabio fac
tionalism where it is still bound as firmly
as the prince of darkneps in the lsion
of tho npocalypc. The rights of tho
fmajor portion of the community were
ignored and tho columns of at least one
journal teemed with dally denunciations
of everything aiid everybody who could
not as the censorship of its imperial
los. In this unhappy condition the
Ciikoxiclk became the child of neces
sity. It had to be born. A field of use
fulness, wholly unoccupied, lay open
before it and how well it has fulfilled its
mission", let the record of the put yejr
tcniify. On xjl;tial qui-ations, ulsut
which men may houcttly di(T.T, the
Cii.omcm; 1;:m nought to RuiJe rather
than to load, but on all questions affect
inj; the material interests of The IXtlles
nn.l of I lie n.plrc from which the
C'liuoMfLK dr..vs its support, it has
aiim-l to 1 honest, e.:. Wish and h-jr-Ief..
And it has t!ie h'iprfu.e ?.itif.U-
itiosi of knowing that Us JaU rs in the
pcc;;!u's i:iUT ; t- h.:aol'!i ap'.rveiatl.
Twelve months nyotoday thefiitoxiciu
w ai l.-.-Juched upon the sea of ja;:riia!isui
without a solitary sultriUr. Tk5.i"
Its dally pud weekly tdltions h.ivoi
hiri-r numlier t-f lih-cri! ers than any
j ajvr uhlii hid i:i l-jtftcrn Oroon with
ore ":hh exception. I'.efore the
CtscMCi E wn'i tlx -i.ontl.s ul l its circit
hUiisu iti Wmv iid aj'didii j counllvs
liad outiiiitid i red l:s -oi:tciuj)rar-if-s
(one of .tthh-h flr.rt -d ii:to life ovtr
:,' e;.rs rjo,) and ilnre then to:i:t:if.t
a!a.c-t da'.'.y .:on-'ons have l
made to tta i;ls criplion li.t. Thii i;i
;iid iu no tj-irit of i5!o l:'ttn. It ia a
s-f-itt !.'.c:.t of fa:-t and n record uf which
any j tir;.:il uw.y 1 . prviid. The pc.b-liiu-i
t-I tho Wt r.ui.V t'liuoMvi-i: have
t f.r p rt- l.iU l tl:e pr.troiUjjy it ha
r.ceivnl tl.:it they sotnl out the lii't
iiiitjil'AV t.f iu t,w)i:d voliitne in n liu'W
ci. it '!:5.!r;.'!-l foriu. T!e chifge inv civ s
an !-.i!dilio;i cjs;:.l to nine columns t-f
ri;tt:i:i;; i:::'..:cr o-jual to Its j resent fclro,
hut the p.-Ive fcmalii" the name, while
the volume of livui furnlshe-l wcikty to
;. ::..-..!. . . I.. ..,...,,.
Ill mjii-'-iiui I l . . rt m 1.1.4 vi i.i:
lif its local cin! We mni
Sv.'.Ktly old that it is confidently x
j,t c!ed that lhn l.-V-t c.'foi I to u.ake t!n
t'UKoMCLi: iiu)ro worthy t.f publie sup
pxrt w ill le duly- appiv-i:sted und'th.U
l.irt'0 cdi;ions will in conte.i:erico Le
tn.-olo t'. its eul-soiij tion ll-'t ni.d r.dver
th'ins patronage.
The ttsto lxv.rd of tquuliiition is
co!!)p!aii.i!i2 that some of the. ast-circ rs
have teturned a ri.licnlotiyly small num
ber of jjll taxes. Thin f howt that the
giutlci.ien com jKi.-iirs the board never
had any experience collecting poll Uses.
If they had had they never y.ouM tay a
word about them. The law that re
quires au !isra-sor to eolhet a joil tax
of one from nil nsali) iuhnhitauts,
! not exempt, belween the ages cf L'l nnd
.V.) U in every way ridiculous and absurd.
Tl'e ,aw u,k'i, il the "utJ yf cesc?or
to collect it but gives him no power to
do to. If a man refuses to pay tho tax
it Js tiie duty of tho assessor to report
forthwith to the sheriff and it then be
comes the t-heiitrs duty to travel a
hundred milt s, if need be, toTcollect that
single dollar, a thing that nobody in his
sense's would expect, that nfUclul to do,
especially us he would have to make the
trip at his own ex fen sc. 'JHten the
assessor is con fronted with this difficulty.
If he attempts t-i collect from cvcrylnxly
idilltd to. pay, the cost to the county
will overcome the profit, not to tuy that
few assessors have tho time to waste
running after dollars they have no cer
tainty of finding. If the assessor does
tho best ho can it will amount to this,
and no more; Those who are willing to
pay tho tax, pay it anil the rest go free.
This of course, does yot apply to per
sons who pay u property tas. .In all
such caws the poll tax is added to the"
other tax on the assessment roll. Iu a
word tho poll tax law is a farce. In
half the instances or nearly so, It cannot
be collected at all. It thus lacks the
equality and uniformity demanded in a
ust law. It should be abolished or the
amount Increased to a sum worth spend
iim the time to collect and the assessor j rapacious, cruel, hypocritical and tyran
given fall anthority of law to collect it, j uical missionary ring and their tool the
but better in our opinion abolish it alto-' queeu." It is safe to say that Mr. Blaine
gether. j gjve these professional revolutionists
' -. , - ; no such assurance.
n win jx" umicuii to Keep me silver
question from becoming an iinprtant is
sue in t lie coming presidential campaign.
It has long been taken for granted that
the present session of congress will at-
tempt to pass a free coinage bill, and no
one doubts its ability to do so. In the
house the democrats have a majority of
three-fourths. In the the senate a suf
ficieut'namher of far western lie publi
cans are pledged to free coinage to make
it iossible to pass the measure in that
body. A free coinage bill has been al
ready Introduced and it is announced
that the republican will content them
selves w ith voting and speaking against
it tuit will attempt no speech-making to
kin time or filibustering or intriguing to
prevent a vote. They will simply act so
as to loave all the responsibility of the
measure on the democrats. If the
democrats assume this responsibility
the president will certainly veto-the bill
and as they cannot command a sufficient
majority to over-ride the veto tho ques
tion will bo carried into tho campaign.
In that event it 3 hard to determine
what the result may be. Whatever
strength free coinage may liavo in the
far west it will undoubtedly meet with
bitter opposition iu the money centers
of the cast ; but the democrats can pasj
a frot! coinage bill if they want to and it
will be interesting to watch what will
be done with tho opportunity.
It is by no means certain that the
Chilian trouble will end j-caec&bly.
Notwithstanding the assurance of Minis
ter Montt that Chili docs not want war
and that justice would be done in the
Baltiruoro affair, late dispatches inti
mate that the Chilians aro lcnt on re
turning another imprudent answer to
the claims of the United States. Both
Consc.l McCreary and Minister Fgan
have rdviml the authorities" at Wash
ington thut an rifly feeling against the
IT sittcd BUites w is again cropping out
ii. Chili and that truoUe of a rerlous
nat'-ire mifchi incur in tho r.c.i future.
The imr uUhe Chilians are a'VistonicJ i
to work tLeia.e!vc up into K-rIodical
j r.: .ysi.iS of fr nzy tha govern
ment, goaded en, turcimrt hr.s it, by
the iiieddlcsvmo and tni-chicf-t.iakicg
intcrfence of Ufi le:i British merchants
who have aUircl iits-iiuousir evr since t
tho rcvjlutidi 'i.dc.i t inllamo tiie
United States
i ! .,.!.,
Chilians r:rairi.-t ih
Whatever h ay be tl.:r ol joct there i-n
lc no doult of the f.:ct, and if Chili '13
'into t rouble with thii cm try she will
have this, British iuterfcrcncj to b.ame
mrra tlutn anything the.
They haver, nntty Chi.tosn minister
In thtf Corcart pemmda. A -report
.iiifd ens rency theio t-J the effect that
the pre.-enl telgnii'g funily-waa about
to enter h;lo a treat t.-e..ty wifj V-'-t-i t
t tie chief provision of which va that,
that country was tool-lain a protectorate
vivcr Cc-rea cud t'ort Ihimilton lo .ceded
to it for a co:.ii rtr.lin. As tooa a?
tho ChtiiC ie representative pot irto p-s-Swi'5u
of the torrel ho priiij-lly calhil
011 the Corcn jiritud in'nii.'.er a;i-l to'.l
hha to stop tliis fix.liihne.-s cliche would
eeiso tho whola ('jea;i ministry, bagaud
!,;ig-;gc, "tiethcei up" and path them
off to China. It vr.s 110 threat for
tlx years ago ti e fan 0 Chinaman it-Jzrd
tl.e kti G's father and sent him exile
in China and hero fr tuo "jirc-cnt tee
prolcctoratu bm-inc.-;a ends.
Tl:ecentlemanIy.aSeat of th ? -.u-:
I'aeillc at thii pl.u-e.Mr. Lytic, informed
tho Cii&OMCLi: man this n.or;nu.
the U.iker will m:'.e hor la.-t ttij to the
Cascades loth.y. The CaaOKtct-s lias
said Femo hard things about tho coiu
pany VutV.t this mometit'it had no fe-l-ing
Lilt thst cf gradludo tov.crds it.
There ta not local business enough h.-r
both bo:.ts and the company wriil have
learned ly thij lime that li.J Imlace they eu.iM t-iTer 13 tuH:ci'nt to
buy up a .couimuuty united" a!u.i. t
oito iiuu ia mpport of their own Injat.
If the compjtny gives va the river (and
we'il have it whether vr no) it can h.ive
tho railrottd and cur blessing with it,
which itself is no Email thing.
One hutidred citir.cns of Milwaukee,
representing a capital of several mil
lions, havo signed their names to a
gcarauteo fund ef $100,000 to pay thees
peuscs of the detuecratio national con
vention bh uld Milwuukee roitiro it.
A "booudcg" ivmmittee of 100 Jms lw:t
chosen to 0 to V'ashine;ton. The
members of tlto tvmmlttee will wear
djrk suits with cream colored tritu-
miugs and one of tho big brewcrieoj
will send a car load of beer to Waging.
ton for free distribution. The ativmr.'.
to capture a democratic eo.",.'i.iiti.i:i wit!-,
free beer is contrary to all precedent.
The scheme wont work.
The prospect. for jeaceful times in the
Sandwich Islands is not promising. The
islands seem to lie infested with a se t of
professional revolutionists who, it may
be believed, are working the game of
overthrowing tho government, for all
there i.- in it, for themselves. One of
them at tho Washington end of the line
says "tho revolution will be sprung
whcii?.lr. I'.iamo gives assurance that
the United States will not be allowed to
interfere" which appears to mean that
the revolutionists want permission to
demolish what thev call the "mean.
Tlfe Ortgonian believes there Is no
possible hoje of getting an appropria
tion for a portage railway in Oregon from
a democratic consrress. nor. it might have
j ajJed. from anv other comrress. When
genator Polph addressed the people of
The Palles, while on a visit here last sum
mer, he distinctly pointed outthedifli-
culty of getting congress to make any Im
provements not of a pernfanent nature,
lie said it was contrary to all precedent.
A portage railroad ft best was only a
temporary expedient and" congress was
not accustomed to deal in anything short
of permanent works. But if Governor
: pennoyer can persuade Speaker Crisp
i an j a jc CCratic congress todepart from
! congresskuipl precedent for jn-t this onco
the people of the Inland Umpire will Ik
devoutly thankful. In that case vu
won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
One of the half dozen copies published
by our evening contemporary, by tho
merest fatuity, fell into our hands thU
morning and from it we clip the follow
ing: '"It was rumored today that the
Baker had tied up for the winter; but
the report could not be traced to any
official source. After diligent inquiry
we informed that the toat was
stopped for repairs." The report could
have lecn "traced to nn official source."
if anybody had taken the trouble. It
did nottako the least bit of "diligent in
quiry" for tho Chboxicik to discover,
and that from the highest official sourco
n thoso parts, that the Baker has Ihvh
ordered to bo tied up and that she will
be removed to her winter quarters at
Crate's I'oint this afternoon.
Until tho full return come in we
shall always think that Arlington is en
titled to the cake for tho possession of
the bipgeit whiskey drinker in America,
That is, she possesed biru till last Sat
utday night when he drank over fifteen
bottles of whiskey, in a space oL two or
thre houra and then the stuff did not
"set" well oa his stomach or something
?nd he fell asleep to wake in a land
w he ru he'll need whole hogshead of
water ta quench his thirst and won't
get it. Ilia name was Jthn Tehan and
he was au til i logging camp hand. II'
.is attacked w jih violent spasms and hi
FI'itc of i'-r could dj b'i died t
! or thiee hoe.rj af;er having loaded
frothing at the mout".
The f.itt that th'us:in,l; are perichicg
of hunger and ftirratioti in 'he cur'j
dominirns ioi;trakta vividly with Uin
story that couic over the wires to tiu
fffect that hi is alout ti tuake a prevent
to 11.' wife .of "tho most marvelou.J ptu'-l of taot'era t'mts." It toclc
i rir".T ji0::i'-9r twenty years ) e.;
the J c:i : 1.- 1 f which it ii coninirrcd ;;-id
)3 viluol at.l':,WX
It look now at if Sihinu will t b
cpjiointe.l tt thu feh'ral jadje.d;-. :
app-.irs i-ert.iii ti'.-tt ttrong pro:-.r
havo been gent in ng-i'mtt tl.r? ap; i:.t
meiitrtnd tnat thi-y have had their " :
This is poxl itet? with only one J s-i
If Pinion ilov.i n.;t gyt the judge"'..:." :
will reiiuti.i a? a ci'.n-e to tho repubi.c--.
iiticc Bm-sel Fage's recent
dv tv.i:.".i
; CXIt ru-ce Governor David B. lilll
J gut mired ;ai J now w hercvec .tlm ,:o-
j frnor sou" he U W!ov.vd bv thr.'e rci!o
. &.u.cih.t. 5Vertv i-.aa fat:.o thch'cd
: ,i;..t:V;l..t.:.s but it sever n-ed- I . hire
to protect it.
The almost universal oritdou
servative circles in Kngland is aid
that thrt bill (;rantotg loeul jveri
io Irt'h'.nd i.iv.r can be p;:.--v..l i-,
present Kiriiumeut,
There'll nothing s:;;;til a'out
Unaif Co.mty AVy. It c.Ttr i
vu;!:'.g catt1 cut ripiLu.
Oregon liOivcf aretfcmuiundingrcs;
thi'-tt'o.'ld over. Thl1" time. 2t is a Com
mon every-d.iy luiu:h-t:nis.--er that has
made a icconl for hiiiiMiif and a name
for Oregon. A letter to Julia "chmeer,
of Albany, frjin Little Kock, Ark., stati-.s
that a horsu fulil sevend months ago by
Mr. .Si-hmCer in IVnthtnd, and afterwards
jmrchsfiil by an -u?-r'Tii man,-has jui-c
pacc-.l a mile in and was consid
ered worth lit.Uk. S hvn sold he way
merely a bunch-grass, and U wtes not
then known that he could pace at all.
Tho fact li that n;nning, trotting and
pacing hones, capable of making a
world famed record, can be taken lrom
t 10 rntices ol Ijike countv u tnost anv
day. Lake view JJ.tjiutintr.
, ; "
On n rough estimate there has been
JT-" .o,B w-.-o Cou.c
thtuvt over. 2.k),(HX) buxhcls of wheat.
Assuming that the same amount has
been tddpped from Biggs and 100,000
bushels from tlrant, we have the sum
total of GOO.OOO of grain shipped from
Sherman county this year, beside the
largo amount of grain that Is being held
over until next spring. Tho amount of
grain shipjwd this season has required
something near 100 cars to haul it otf or
putting it in another iiuht, the amount
of grain shipped from Sherman county
alone would load a train of cars about
seven miles long. With favorable con
ditions our countv will do even better
' "e1 "easpn
iri-c. AVicd.