OPERATORS STRIKE. Tts Dispatchers and Operators on tbe Atlantic and Pacific Go Out. PREMIER OF OXTARia SPEAKS. He Gives Mis Ideas on the Reciprocity Question. 1IAK1 TIME OIt lti f A. Khe la visited With Smsl l-poitV ork is the MenateThe Chinese Wont Okw Boston, It. 13. A d'snateh from Albuquerque, New Mexico, says: "Ev ery dispatcher and operator in the em ploy of the Atlantic A Pacific, from thin city to Mojawe, California, has quit work anl all it train are at a standstill. The strike l-egan at 10 o'clock thin morning, but it is not yet known how many men are actually 'out. There are from 00 to S4)0 operators on the South ern Pacific y:cu:, hut it in not known what proportion of that number are member of the te'egraphlc brother hood. Sax Fbamimo, Iec, 1"). Up toioon today the strikers were reported out at San Miguel, Sanardo and Snrlock, Cali fornia, and at four j-oints in Nerada and one in Utah, on the Central Pacific. The rrenvler of Ontario Writes a Letter. Tokonto, IVc. 15. Oliver Morvalt premier cf Ontario writes an ojen letter to Alexander Mackenzie, veteran ex premier of the dominion, in which I. discusses at length, unrestricted reci procity, uud Rritih connection, Morvnlt declared he in in favor of irrcstricled reciprocity without im erriliig Canada' loyalty to (treat Britain. lie ridicules the annexation movement as of a few malct Dtents. The llnsslans Having n Hard Tiro. St. pETKittatKH, IVc. 15. To the hor rors of famine'are added those which arise from a visitation of smallpox which is carrying off large number of tlie im- poverihed cople. In two small vll I age two hundred jeople are down w ith the d Incase and fifty deaths liave already occurred. In addition to this, typhus fever is carrrying off numerous victims In th various provinces. Work ! tha Senate. Wamiixutox, IVc. 15. In the senate today the vice-president announced the appointment of Marrill as regent of the Smithsonian institute to fill a vacancy. Among the tills Introduced and re ferral were the following: For the purchase of a site Jor a building for the supreme court of the United States ; for a bronze fart of Christopher Columbus in Washington ; and to promote and en courage display of the flag of the United States. TV Csa4iet Alans Without Them. Ciiicaoo, Iec. 15. A Washington sjwchil says : "The Chinese empire, has officially notified the state department that it will take 110 art in the world's fair. The emptor's grounds for declin ing to Mnd exhibits are that the United States is discriminating against the citi zen . of that empire. WtRl to the Wall. New Yore, Dec. 15. Couover Broth ers company, piano manufacturers, be came insolvent and Geo. W. Cotterall was appointed receiver. Tha Keveane Cutter Jlash. Sax Fhaxciwco, IVc. 15. The' United States revenue cutter Hush arrived this morning, being nine days out from (hinataskn. THE POLITICAL POT. The Nomination Will lie liy Acclamation This Time. A ItKLIUIOt's CKANK. a. jr- hchritie nf lbs Man Arrested fr Ins; Fresldent Morrison. PnTsBi'Ru, Pa., Dec. 14. Inquiry at Homestead, u suburb of PitU)urg, shows that Charles Henry William Hogg, who was arrested at Washington last Friday forannoving President Har rison, is a crank of very large ideas. He came to Homestead la.t spring mid remained until September. He did not seek employment, and seemed to have enough money 011 which to live comfort ably. He sought the society of the cler gymen of the tow n and unfolded 1 3 them the scheme w hich was upper rn'wt in his mind. He said that all religious socie ties at present in existence are founded on wrong ideas, and that ace will not come to the world until ail the churches are destroyed, and one grand central ed ifice erected w itli branches' of the same kind in every town. Ho said he had been appointed to le master architect, and that nil who agisted in the enter prise would lo saint. He left for Washington w ith the express purposo of. interesting President Harrison in his nroiect. While at Homestead I loan conducted himself as a gentleman, and was considered harmless. IHspatrhrs From Itmlo I arlia Pari. Ic. 15. Private disiatchca are received from Africa, which state that Kinin rasha had several blood v con flict in the lake div.rict. and that his position is precarious. Thoce advices, however, do not agree with reports from other sources regarding the movements of Kmin, which stated Kmin waV re ceived with the greatest enthusia-m by the troop w ho had served tinder him when he was governor of the equatorial province. It is said further when the news of F.min's movements reached Uganda, a British olliccr with 1000 troops, started toopoe his further ad vance. It may l this force rame in conflict with r.'iniu's soldiers, and it is to these engagements the Paris dispatch refers. telniubaa. Ohio. Afflicted..,. Colcmiii, ()., Dee. 15. At no time since la grippe fin-t made its apcar- anee here has it claimed more victims than just now. The mild weather, with considerable precipitation, seems to have furnished just the condition the epi demic requires to flourish in. and all the physicians say the amount of sickness in Columbus now is almost unprecedented; the schools show irregular attendance, due to the epidemic, but among the children it has rarely proved fatal. It is with the older people, andescviallv the aged, that it is most to lie feared, Even though they survive the first attack, la grippe is rarely eliminated from the system, and often developes into some other malady w.at eventually proves fatal. NO CHANCE TO DECLINE. The Striking Operators Will he Taken Hack A 53 in. KIM.KOIN A HAILIlOAl ACCIDENT. The Nrw tHstrlrt Judges Thousands of Dead Heals Another Hank Oari Hrokr. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 16. Col. Conger, a memlicr of the republican ex ecutive committee in an interview today, speaking of the coming convention said: "The committee prooes that the whole field shall be looked over and the strength of the .various candidates care fully considered, then a division w ill 1ms made and a mail w ill be named by ac clamation bv the convention. former, and was one of the most active members of the ways and means com mittee. He says, however, that he is in favor of the appointment of Mills as chairman of the last-named committee. HARRISON IS IN IT Treated a Democrats. Washington, f)ec. 16. The demo cratic caucus committee today com pleted its Ulrs in the assignment of i the minority representatives upon ! enate committees. It is understood' that the new senators have leen well THE cared for . J Kyle and Irby, alliance senators, were treated as democrats, while Senator Peffer was left to the republicans to care for in arranging their lists. President Harrison lias Decided to Take a Hand in Reciprocity. STATEMENT UNAUTHORIZED. Conner is Said to Have 00 Authority For his Promise. welcome delivered by Mayor Pender. Thomas W. Palmer, temporary chair made, then made un address. There were delegates present from Ohio, Illi nois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and New York. Indians Don't Count. Siorx Falls, S. D., Dec. 17. In the ease of the V nekton Indian, indicted for adultery, Judge tkJjrerton decided it was not intended by congress to make the Edmunds law applicable to Indians on a reservation, and discharged the defendant. There will be no contest on the floor of the convention. There will bo no at- j atl everyone ot Her crew temt.t tu Mit dow n i.nl.lic sentiment ! Only one person was saved but the whole matter will le informally understood mid acquiesced in detail lie- fore the convention gets down to work. In regard to the letter of declimation from Blaine, Col. Conger said there is nothing in it. There is no reason why Blaine should write a letter now, he continued, or until the nomination is tendered 1dm, and in that event, Under the plan of the committee projcs the work he certainly could not decline, neither could Harrison or any other man who may be selected. The colonel said that Blaine is feeling better lhan he had in manv years. As to whether Blaine i health. would run again he declined to bej Won Their Fight. quoted. Ho thought the defeat of Mills! iE.NVrK. w. 16. The Atlantic Iowa, 1 pacific Railroad company conceded toall Looking- Over the tironnd. MtN.vEAfoi.is, Minn., Dec. 16. Chair man Clarkson of the National Republi can committee and the members of the co rn ru it tee spent today looking over the exposition building and consulting with the architect as to its remodeling to meet the needs, of the convention. The Mrt Car of Tin. PiTTsBTRi;, IVc. 10. What is supposed to be the first car load of pig tin ever mined in the North America continent arrived here. It came from Durango, Mexico, and is the proerty of the Pitts burg A Mexican tin mining company. The Terl and Crew Lost. LoMox, iK-c.' 16. It is reported that the steamer Prince Sail kotl" from liarry for St. Nazacca, was wrecked oflT Prest, drowned, from the steamer which was the captain. In the l!one. Wasiiim.ton. Dec. 16. In the house the sieaker announce J the appointment of a committee on rules as follows: the sjK'akcr, chairman, Messrs. Mc Millan, Hutchings, Kecd and Purrowa. The house then adjourned till Saturday. Washington Note. Washington, Dec. 16. Representa tive Mills condition is slightly better today. Secretary Foster is sti't improving in had settled Cleveland's chances ho said was republican en the national issue. STATU KCIlETAItY liONK Wiro.Ml. The Hteamer Charles W. Wetmore lie leased Arreated on tinsplrlon Labor Itesolatluns. New York, Dec. 17. President Har rison, according to a Washington spec ial, has decided to exercise the power vested in him in the reciprocity clause of the McKinlcy tariff bill and issued a proclamation restoring the duties on sugar, coftVe, teas and molasses, from countries that do not enter into negotia tion for reciprocity treaties witJi our government. Only the countries that concluded reciprocity treaties with the United States and w.lll consequently not le included in the proclamation. These are; Prazil, Cuba. Porto Rico, San" Ikmiiigo and the Pritish West In dies. . The Htatement was t'aant horlied. MiLw-Ai-cce, Dec. ,17. Henry J. Payne has just returned from Minneap olis, where ho went with the members of the executive committee of the na tional republican committee. When asked about the report, credited to Con ger, thirt there would be no contest for the nomination for president in the con vention, and that the committee should select a man before the convention was called to older, he said : "Neither Con ger, nor any other member has any au thority to make such a statement." A ttrsslllan itevolallon hojuelrhed. Rio Jaxkio, IVc. 15. There is a rev olutionary movement in the province of 800 Paulo. The object Is to depose the governor of the province. I'n to the present time the insurgents have ouly succeeded in ousting a number of local officials. Later reiorts state thai the revolt was suppressed by the govern ment' trooj, and quiet now prevails throughout the state. The Mrlkers Will He Taken Mark. Sax Fuam imo, Icc. 16. There were no developments in the railroad tele graph operators strike this morning yond the fact that one man left his sta tion at Spadra, Ixs Angeles county. General Manager Towne, of the South erh Tacitic, states that of the two men w ho struck on the Salt Lake division out one lias ijceu reinstated at his own application . . Manager Town say's all the men who make application and agree to conform to the rules of the company w ill be taken back. A ICasso-TarkUh Alliance. St. Pktkicski'Kg, Ice. 15. The JW rofti publishes an article today urging an alliance between Russia and Turkey. The (taper declares that the Russo-Turk-ish war, resulting as it did in the libera tion of slaves, rendered au alliance be- tweeu the two ower possible by re moving all pretext for new conflicts. The Wine C rop of rranre. Pah:, Ikc. 15. Otlicial statistics of -the wine season of France chow a yield of 4,000,000 .hectolitre above the yield for 1MA. In Algeria the yield Is doubled. -Allowiuz for the increase in raisin and wine for sweetening, the total production shows an increase of l.VW.OOO hectolitres. An Engineer Irois Head. Cincinnati, Dee. 15. Colooel William K. Merril, United States engineer in charge of the Ohio river and aliits nav igable tributaries, dropjed dead this evening on the Ohio A Mississippi train, near Kdgeficld, 111., while going to Shawnee town on business. - Washed Overboard and lrsrd. London, Dee. 15. Her majesty's steamer Anson, flagship of the Channel squadron, w hile crufslng in the vicinity of Gibraltar, encountered a terrilic gale, in .which several men were washed over board and drowned. A Ysmbi Fhyslrlan Killed. Ririit-ANu, Tex., Iee. 15. Dr. Allen, a young phvsicKn, was shot and killed here today by Matthrew Dunlevy, one of the wealthiest stockraisers in the state. Ihinlevy was arrested. He as serts Allen mde disparaging remarks about his daughter. Hilled In n Itallroad Aerldent. Ijma, Ohio, Dec. 16. The westlound passenger train on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne A Chicago roud, left the track this morning near Lima, because of a broken rail and crushed into the engine of a freight train standing on a siding, j The pull man and dining cars rolled down j an embankment ami K. J. Manuel, a cook, was instantly killed, and Edward Ne:r, fireman, was fatally injured, and about tive other were badly hurt. Among the Injured is F. S. Dunn, of Seattle, Wash., who had his hip sjuashed. The New IMstrl'rt Jnogrs. Washington, IHrc.' 16. Tle president today sent the senate the following nom ination to the United States circuit judge a provided in section 1, chapter 517 United States statue. At large, Wiu. L. Putnam, of Maine, for first judicial circuit, Nathand hipman of Connecticut, ; second George M. Dallas, Pennsylvania; third Nathan Gou of West Virginia; fourth Wm. II.Taft of Ohio; fifth Win. A. Woods of Indiana; seventh Warren Truitt of Oregon, dis trict judge for the district Alaska. Lota of Iead Heals. Sax Fka.vcisco, Dec. 10. Ounalaska advice up to December 5th, state that with the departure of the seal south ward, an apportunity was given of in specting the rookeiies at Seal Islands, and that more than ten thousand young seal were found dead, apparently from starvation. The indiscriminate slaugh ter of seal without regard to sex It is contended, deprived the young seals 'of their dams, and their natural sustenance. The last know n sealer has left the Dehr Ing Sea. Another Hank ttrraks. PiTTsiit iio, Iec. 16. The Irwin" bank at Irwin, Pennsylvania, failed to open this morning. Poole and Son, proprie tors, made an alignment. They say the bank could not recover fom the shock caused by former suspension. It is stid that between 75,000 and $100, 000 was drawn out within the past week. Poole clai oil that every dollar of the de- 1hb will bo paid np. the striking operators' demands. Iealh of n I'roratnent I'hsslrlan. Afi.lsTA, G., Dec. 16. After ten months' illness, Dr. Henry F. Campbell died at II o'clock last night. He was born in Savannah,' Ga., sixty-seven years ago. He graduated as a doctor from the medical college of this city when onlv 18 years old. He held the chair as professor of surgery In that col lego for fifteen years. He was president of the American Medical association in 1&H5, and belonged to nearly every med ical association in the country, and known by refutation throughout Ku rope. He leaves an invalid wife and one daughter. I'rohably Honnd for Chill. Sas Fnancibco, Dec. lti. The flagship San Francisco, Admiral Prown, is ex pected down fro in Mare Island today. Her destination is believed to be Val paraiso. She has sealed orders, and it is anticipated that her stop in thestream will be a short one, and that she will proceed to sea as soon as possible. fatal Aerldent on n I'anama Itoad. Panama, Dec. 16. News reached here today that a fatal railroad accident oc curred Ijctween Puerto, Kim on and Fan Jose. George W. Callphhis, of Amster dam, chief engineer 0 the Rive 1'late Loan & Trust Company, and one other passenger wa killed.' Many person were Injured. Two Men Killed. Richmond, Va., Dec. 16. A collision occurred on the Chesapeake it Ohio rail road near Alderson, West Virginia, this morning, between a freight and a senger train. Fireman Lyons and lWal Clerk Purnett were killed, and seven other persons' were injured. Will fay Oood Portion. CotVMBiA, Tenn., Iec. 16. The cred itors committee of the bank of Colum bia and Columbia Banking company, now insolvent, reported this morn'ng that the banks will pay ttO or 70 cents on the dollar certain, with a probability ot more. A Chance fur Allen. Washington, IKv. 16. It is stated upon good authority that Senator Allen, of Washington will be appointed circuit judge to succeed the lata Jodge Lorenso Sowyer. State nerretarjr Cioae Wrong;. Laxcini;, Mich., Dei-. 17. At mid night Secretary of state Daniel E. So per tendered his resignation to take ellect immediately, to Governor Winans, who accepted it. The resignation is the put come of charges tiled by Mayor Johnston of this city. They charge malfeasance in office. When confronted with the charges by the governor, Sojht acknowl edged the truthfulness of each of them. FnrnUned Honda for the - lense. Vessel's He- Ike strike Liable In be (ieneral. 8t. lit is, Iec. 15 A. D. Thurston, grand chief 4 the order of railway tele graphers said today: "If we cannot settle our trouble with the Southern Pad lie and Atlantic and Pacific, we w ill involve every railroad in the United - States. "The olrlke l "aid to He n rallnre. X'nifACiC, Dec. 15. Colonel Clowry, 'general superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph company, received advices today that the rtrike of the telegrapher on the Southern Pacific railroad has proved a failure. V lnaurlnlljr Troubled. PiTTKSiBo, Dc 15. Julius Voelter, an extensive cattle dealer and pork packer of F-at Liberty, is financially embarrassed. He estimate his liabili ties at eighty thonaud dollar and assets at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. W unl Effect fcnrrnanenlo. Sacbamknto, Iiec. 15. The strike of the Southern Pacific telegraphers does not effect this division as none of the operators are member of the order. Held IteeoserlnK' Naw Yokk, Dec. 15. Cyrus W. Field has improved rapidly. There was a marked change "for the letter exper ienced yesterday and it continues today. Hon't Wnnt the Offlre. PiTTsiti Ki;, lec. 15. In an interview j last night M.S. tjuay said that he is not a candidal for ic-electlon to the United States senate. 1 " 1 j Deposed by the I'oue. . Una Ieelared a Ultldrnd. .. .. ..... .. , . , komk, iee. u. .Monsigneur roiciu ( Boston, Dec 15.-The Oregon Rail- L deilused by tli) fronithe; mmj . .w.ijpuou CUH.J.HIIT iiu um.mi i nl ..tn4, ,,irniiP r,l .1.. -r-M1.n iP , 14 I-tr cert.,!. hamber. owlnir to faults in his admin-" ew nicuioera on the rule Istration. ! committee, is prominent as a tariff re- l.ti2l8 ; Walla Walla. 1 .57 Man franrleeo Wheat Market. Has FkANCisco. Dec. 17. Wheat, buyer, 'VI, 1.75; Season 1.85. qn:irterly dividend of payable January "ud. Vasora Mills' Appointment Washinotox, Iec. 16. McMillan, The InHnensa la Masaarhasetta. Boston, lec. 16, Tle infiuenxa is raging throughout the state. Mill and schools are suffering aud every workshop tore and profession is affected. Ka-Uovernor Stafford Iead. Tauhan SrKiNus, lec. 16. Ex-Governor Stafford, of Arizona, died at his home here yesterday morning, after an Illness of over w year. lie Killed Two Men. Whabton, Tex., Iec. lti.-r-Last even ing Frank Sparks killed J. G. De Long and IV n ton Duke at East Barnard. The men had quarreled. Chleano Wheat Market. Chicago, December 17. Close, wheat, steady ; 1'okti.and, Iiec. 17. The ngentsof the whale back steamer Charles W. 'Wet more, today furnished a bond of two hundred thousand dollars with W. S. I Id, and Captain W. R. Williams, both of this rity, as bondsmen. The vessel has lieen ordered released from custody and as soon as the necessary re pair can be made, she will proceed to her destination. Arrested on Snapletoa. Ciiicaoo, Dec. 17. A man whose name the police refuse to give was ar rested today on suspicion of being eon cerned in the robbery of the United States snail wagon, on Wednesday. The national prohibition committee met this afternoon for the purpose of deciding uon the time and place for holding the next national convention to nominate candidates for president and vice-president of the United Slates. federated Labor Kesolntlons. HiBMiYTisj am, Ala., Iec. 17. The con vention of the federation of labor in this morning's session passed a resolution in favor of the re-establishment of a repub lican form of government in the district of Columbia, governmental central tele graphs, and protesting against the action of the Chicago police in breaking up public meetings. Hay Ha Gnllty Alter A if. Mekced, Dec. 17. The detectives who have been following up the case of the murder of the wealthy rancher, John Juett, for which crime August Olsen, (Juett'a brother-in-law,) was re cently tried and acquitted, claim they hnve fouud new and sufficient evidence to convict Olsen of the crime. A .MIGHT or Trillion. Adventures la the China Kea on Hoard a Mervhant Vessel. San Fbancisco, Dec. 14. George Merchant, mate of the ill-fated schooner Pearl, that was run down in the China sea August 5 by a large steamer, U in the city, on his way to visit his brother at Fresno. ' He says the Pearl was a small schooner employed in trading around the Philippine islands, but on the last voyage was bound to Hong Kong from Pamay. The schooner car ried a crew of six. When within about eighty miles of her destination, on the night of August 5, it was blowing a strong gale and the schooner was hove to. Merchant ond a seaman named May w ere on deck, when the lights of a large steamer were seen coming straight for the Pearl. May ran to the cabin hatch and got a flare, but before he could light it the steamer crashed into the schooner, nearly cutting her in two. May's arm was broken and he was badly hurt in ternally. The rest of the crew were asleep and were no doubt killed in their bunks. Merchant succeeded in cutting the only boat adrift, and by almost sucrhanian efforts cot it over the rail into the water. The two men had barely time to get into the loat when the schooner went down head first. They shouted frantically for aid, but the steamer kept on her way and the two castaways were left to their fate. They had Neither food nor water and onlr a single pair of oars. May died at day light and Merchant soon bccamedelirious and iusensible. He- was rescued by a Chinese junk and taken to Hong Kong, proceeding thence to Victoria by the steamer Empress of China. He fell overlward during the voyage, but was quickly rescued. Thinks Field la Insane. New York, Dec. 14. E. M. Field is still at the Vernon house, Mount Ver non, where he was taken a few day after the collapse of the firm. Dr. Grainger is of the opinion that he is insane. He is most of the. time in bed and takes food sparingly, fearing that it is poisoned. The relatives of his partner, Wiechers, who gave him the fGOO.OOO which Mr. Field squandered, are on their wav to this country to demand an explanation and a settlement, 't is said that Mr. Field lost most of Wiechers' money in the corn deal three months ago. ( Offering a I'renslnm for Itobbery. St. Lous, Mo., Iec. 15. A compro mise is said to have leen effected with the roblers who recently etoppeil a San Francisco train out of this city and robbed the express-car of $100,000. The robbers are said to have returned most . of the money after being promised safe conduct out of the country. R.. W. Goode. an attorney, admitted that one of the rohliers communicated with him and asked him to try and effect a com promise, but will sa'y nothing more. cash .80.'(t; January, .Wl4; May, .90T,a.7. rortland Wheat Market. PoKTLAKit, Dec. 17. Wheat, Valley The OoTernor of fhe National Holdlera' Home la Dead. Milwatkke, Wis.. Dec. 17.-Col. Nathaway, governor of the National Soldiers' Home, died this morning on home grounds. He suffered three strokes of apoplexy during the night. In tha Senate. Washington, Dee. 17. In the senate today, resolutions for the appointment of a select and a standing committee was adopted. The credentials of Senator Eleet Hill of New York, were placed on file. Turpen then proceeded to address the senate in support of the joint resolu tion proiosing an amendment to the constitution providing for the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people of the several states. The Waterways Convention. Detboit, Mich., Dec. 17. The Water way convention was called to order at 10 o'clock this morning. The call of the convention was read and the address of A Fiend Kemaaded for Trial. London-, Dec. 10. The man. Wood, who assaulted and killed a 5-year-old girl at Brighton a few days ago, was ex amined in court today, and remanded for a week in order to give time for the public prosecutor, who has taken charge of the case, to obtain "evidence.. The people of Brighton are still highly wrought up over the atrocious crime anil Wood has to be strongly guarded, for fear of an attempt to , wreak popular vengeance on him. Iter Feelings Were Depressed. Pll!LADELIIU!Ar Dec. 16. Eight III- mates in a home for indigent widows and single women, la this cllv, have died within the past few day from com plaints aggravated by grip;. This morning Miss Mary McGaw, also an in-. 'mate, suflerinj? with grippe, who waa greatly depressed by the death ol her companions, committed suicide by cut ting her throat. " The American Federation of Labor. Biumingh am. Ala., Dec. 16. The con vention of the federation of labor this morning adopted a resolution condemn ing the conspiracy laws of Pennsylvania id the decision of the secretary .of the -treasury in allowing foreign musicians to come -inio the country as artists. Congress was ttilioned to put trades- union labels ou a legal footing wdth trade marks. . Street of the Copyright Law. London, Dec. 14. Further interviews regarding the working of the recent copyright legislation were secured by the Associated Press. The consensus of opinion seems to be the act is not effect ing any change iu tike commercial rela tions of English and American oublish ing houses, but a difference of opiuion exists as to whether literary efforts are stimulated bv it. " - Weather Forecast. Sax Fkancimx), Doc. 17. Forecast for Oregon and Washington: Scattering rains on immediate const and in Eastern, portions. Five Men browned. Londom, Dec. 16. The fishing smack Osprey was wrecked in Firtfa-of-Tay during a snow squall, and five men were drowned. a -