r er 11 ii fj 7 VOL. II. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1891. NUMBER 1. f .. l .a r 7J HELD FOR SALVAGE. His Vfcale Bart Steamer Tawed Into Pen A LARGE HOP YIELD REPORTED! The Pacific Coast Come In for a Kg Share of the Crop. ITIAMIR MAGGIE ROB DESERTED. Her Craw la uppoed ta Hava Lost While Try lag ta Kearh bare. Portland, Dec II. Pairs were filed this morning in the office of the United States clerk by Frank Upton, owner of the steamship Zambesi, libel ing the w baleLack Charles Wetinorc, which was picked op by the Zambesi Iecember 9, offTHIamook rock, wJtbout a rudder, and towed Into Astoria. The owner of the Zambesi in the libel alleges that the Wet more was In extreme jer!I, and was towed into harbor at great dan ger to the Zambesi. 1230,000 salvage is asked for, and the Wet more is valued at $2.10,000 and h cargo , at $500,000. She is now lying at Astoria In charge of the deputy United State marshal. A Large Hop T 114. Si'Kixc.riELD, Mass., Dec. -11. The hop crop of ISfll is computed by the New F.ngland UoinerteaJ is 243,303 bales, grown on 51,54 acres, as comparel with 204,541) bales, on 4n,62 acres last year. The new crop aggregates 20'a million pounds in New York state, and about half this quantity in Washington, and T.CO0.0O0 pounds in California, and 4, 702,000 pounds in Oregon, which is a very considerable increase over last year. The Wisconsin crop ia practically a fall are. Two third of the new crop is already In second hands, having been old at an average of 161,' cents per pound to date, agafnst 30 for last crop. The Hvmetuad reports confirm the earlier foreign shortage. Aaather Rtoaasar ritkei I' p. Sax Francisco, Dec. 11. Information was received this morning from Yaquina bay that the steamer Maggie Ross, from Coos Bay for tbis citr.' -was towed into port by the steamer Willamette, which picked her op thirty miles south of that point. On board, the dead body of a man supposed to be II. C. Annesan, of this city, the steward of the vessel, was found. The small boats of the steamer were mUsinjr, and it is supposed they were taken by the crew, which num bered sixteen hands, and that they were lost while trying to make shore. Saws Proa Chlao- London, Dec. Jl. A TiWi dispatch from Singapore, states that a severe gale prevailed at Hong Kong, on December 4th, a large number of Chinese vessels were destroyed and hundreds of Chinese sailors and laborers were drowned. A dispatch from PeLin, states that all the disturbance in the country appear to have terminated and affairs are resum ing in a normal condition again. Forty two insurgents who had a hand in the murder of Christians were beheaded at Iakott. A Bis Land Crab. Sacramexto, Calif., Dec. 11. The litt prints an article claiming great frauds in the locating and handling of "lieu" lands by a combination including John A. Benson aud the land firm of D. M., and F. A. Hyde and their employers and associates. Nearly 200,000 acres, the Bee says, have been located by ten Individuals, since March 1, 1W1, most of it is claimed through dummies. Gml Dajnaff Ioaa by tha Starra. Los do , Dec. 11. The storm is still raging. The loss sustained by the de struction of the telegraph, telephone and electric light lines is very heavy and communication with almost all points is cut off. The meagre reports being received, however, bri ng many r, mostly stories of wreck and disaster, mostly among the fishing and coasting craft. fa need by Klre. Brookltx, Dec. 11. Henry Batter man's dry goods store and contents were fortlally burned this morning. The loss Is $200,000, which was caused mostly by water. The insurances amounts lo about $1&. 000. Waeblagtoa Note. Washington, Iec. II. Attorney Geuera! Miller has determined to tent the right of a railway to i?sue free j passes. 'He will shortly liring -uit ; agamst one of the New England railroads j as a test race. The official correspond- j ence was made pur. no mis aiiernoon setting fortjh the detail of the reciproc ity arrangement entered Into between the United State and Germany, where by sugar, later secure continued free admission into the United States and a reduction made in German tariff duties on American wheat of .30, rice .SO, oat .37W. corn .20. butter .15. salted and pickled pork and beef .15, wheat, flour j and corn meal 30 per cent. The ar- rangements are submitted to the German j rechtadt and if approved by that body j will go into effect, February 1st next. i Caaght at a Crosslag. Portland. Pec. 11. It la reported here that the north bound overland pa-J senger train this morning ran Into a , wagon and team containing two French men, near Gervais. Both horses were j kiiled, and a leg of one of the occupants ; of the wagon broken.'. The men could j not see the approaching train ow ing to ! the fog. ; Tnraa Desperadoes Caaght. Wichita, Kansas, Pec. 11. A United States marshal brought from Creek county two heavily-armed In dians named Ijesley Scott and Caesar Jack, both members of the famous Cap-. tain Wiley band of desperadoes which has terrorized that country for several months. Want la Move. W a i hi xgtox , Dec. 11. The ot ! master general received a letter from Crawford, S. C, saying that 10,000 col a I'raparlaa far tha Fatare. Mr.LttoiaxK, Itec. 11. A pcmianent building and investment society of this cut has Dcen aeirauued oi vj.u'u pounds i by one of its officers. Aeqaltt4 of Marker Oaklaxd, loe. 11. John G. Hornell, who shot and killed R. 6. Calvin August 3d, was acquitted by the jury this morn ing of the charge of murder. A Anabaaaadar A ppolated. Loxdox, Dec. 11. Lord Duferin has been appointed British ambassador to France, in place of the late Lord Lytton. W aaled at Ealaaa. The Harry Miller who was vetteaday arrested by the sheriff of Mendocino county, Cal., a son of Joaquin Miller, Is none other than the young man who es caped from the penitentiary here Au gust 14th 10, while working as a trusty at the reform school. He had been sent p from Portland for two years for lar ceny, and bad only served about six months when he escaped, and Superin tendent Iow nIng is very anxious for its return, in fact, there is a reward of I-jO offered for his return, which is still good. The man will probably be turned over to serve out hi term here before he is tried for the present offense. Jaakaoa Matched With Mlarla. Sax Feaxcihco, Dec. 11. Peter Jack son received last evening articles of agreement for his glove contest with Slavin at the National Club, London, on June 15 next. The articles have Slavin's signature attached, and it was not long they had arrived here 'before Peter's autograph also figured Upon them. They call for a vlove contest for a purse of $10,000. Jackson being allowed $750 for traveling expenses. Jackson will start for fhe Fast within a couple of weeks, but will not sail from New York for IJverjiool until February. He will train at Brighton, Fngland, for the match. Mhaald ba Coas palled to ttmy Thara. New Yobk, Dec. 11. Two thousand Italians left Hoboken yesterday on the steamer Werra, of the Bremen 'line, for Europe. The Werra will land them in Genoa. They think they can spend the j water more cheaply in Italy than in I America, dolns only occasional work. ! Ther intend tri return in the surinc. The dock was infested with confidence 1 nen, and it it said ther got a good deal from the unsuspecting Italians. Ha Woald Nat Kaalg-a. Rio Janeiro, Iec. 11. Disagreements have arisen between the government I "'' Prteila, governor of the stato of i Wo Jnir- The government re- j quested Governor Portella to resign his i ixwltion. This the governor declined to do. It is now expected that the gov ernment will appoint a military gov ernor of the state, and that martial law will be proclaimed. Victim of the Laalawllla fire Loi'iNviLi.E.Ikjr. 11. Thenussinjrmen ! supposed to be in the ruins of the candy f factory, have returned to their homes, i and the record closed with eight lost at I the Mennes and four at the Boone Paper I icomi-anv lires. The search has clomnl. j The total loss is now -placed at. $500,000, ored people there want to emigrate to ;a'""7 or,n" ol r " Africa, and aLlng whether the govern- j ! rxta. ment could aid them. The letter waaj Work or tha rtamaa. referred to the superintendent of Imn.i-j VS!tlPM, Dec. 12. The Ijirne hotel "r"t,on- i nd the Ontario house at Moose Jaw The CHilian GoYernment Has not Eraded Ite Question. WORK OF THL . FLAMES. Four People Loose Their . Burning Hotel. Lives in a Tl K GRAND JIKY ILLEGAL. The Baltimore on her srky Home--What rirrna Drowned Blim tha Wfiura Road . l" New York, Iec. I2.-Tho Herald' imm..,,lnt at Valparaiso. Chill. cible the following: "President JorgeJ Montt has sent to the Chilian ministers j In the United States and Europe, a reply to President Harrison's message to the coneress of the United States in i Nation to the assault on the iHor j mho landed from the cruiser Baltimore. He declares that the Chilian authorities j have never attempted to evade in the) slightest particular any responsibility for which the country may bo Justly held, but insists tnat the proper and or- i . t t i . i . ... . burned early this morning. The pro- prleter, Larne, Henry Jackman and his littlo girl, and a young womau named Hutu McIKucal were burned to death. j a rauroao man nameu jic.uiran ana j Mrs. Jackman were fatally injured while attempting to escape. The other guests had a narrow escape. The fire was not extinguished nntil twenty buildings, in cluding a church, were burned. Tha Grand Jnry llleaal. Sax Fraxcibco, Dec. 12. The sute supreme court by five justices against two, decided today that the present grand jury of the city and county of San Francisco Is illegal today. The qeestlon came before tlie supreme court, on the application of ex-Assemblyman Kl wood Braner, for a writ of prohibition to res train Superior Judge Wallace from pro ceeding against him under an indictment found by the grand jury, charging Bru jier with malfeasance in office. Tha Baltimore Coming Uome. Washixgtox Dec. 12. The secretary of the navy received a cablegram from Captain Schley commanding the United States' steamer Baltimore, ssyinjf she had sailed yesterday for San Francisco, for the purpose of being docked and scraped. The York town is now the only American war ship' at Valparaiso, but she will be joined there in about ten days by the cruiser "Boston, which sailed from Montevideo a few days ago. fc A CI.eaa Reported Lett. New, Yoke, Dec. 12. It is feared that the members of Lewand's circus have been drowned somewhere off the north coast of Soqth America. There are about twenty-five people attached to the circus, Including Lewand, a well-known equestrian, and one of the Misses Stlckney, also a rider. The circus is a snlall, one-ring affair, that traveled from place to place in a schooner which it is thought has been wrecked. Tha Wetterm Road to ftlame. New'Yokk, Dec. 12. Dispatches from the west within the last two weeks de clared that the heavy crops have caused a wheat blockade, and much trouble is attributed to eastern railroads. But ac cording to railroad men here, there is no blockade ; they lay the blame for such trouble as there is to the ffblcngo and western roads, and say they can attend to all the grain that comes to this city. Kdller Ames Dead. BotfTox, Dec. 12. Miss Julia A. Ame, j editor of the I'm ion Siqnal. of Chicago, official organ of the Woman's Christian! Temperance Union, died this morning 1 at the homeopathic hospital In this city, after a short illness. Tha I. I. In Hard Lack Canal. Boston, Dec. 12. The October state ment of the Union Pacific railway for the whole system shows a net earnings of $2,004,000 an increase of $505,000. w, ,5 , t M of ,.,h lf , WAMIIMJTOSf . 12It Unot th t, idcnt wi Inttke j ' , . ... new appointments before thp end of the appointments to be mode, the chief of which is the vacancy in the war depart ment, caused br the resignation of Sen- i ator Proctor. S. Belkins, of West Vir i ginia, is mentioned as the most likely to i receive the appointment, bat Assistant j Secretary Grant is thought to stand a ; very good chance of getting it. Washington Notes. I Washington, Dec. 12. When the i . . . . lions met today bpeaker Crisp an nounced the appointment of the follow ing committees: On accounts Messrs Rusk of Mary land, Cooper of Indiana, - Moore of South Carolina, Seerly of Iowa, Peer son of Ohio, Quackenbush of New York, Griswold of Pennsylvania and Cutting of California. On mileage Messrs Cas tle of Minnesota, Crawford of North Carolina, Kendall of Kentucky, Caldwell of Ohio and Flick of Iowa. An adjourn ment was then taken until Wednesday. Weather Report. Sax Francisco, Dee. 12. The weather ' bureau this morning states that an un- i official report from Nevada and in the I mountains iii extreme Eastern Cil i for la indicate that the temperature last night fell as low as 26 degrees below ero at Ila'lock, Nevada, and 20 at Car- Ln, and 10 below at F.lko, with 15 be- i low at l.oca, lalilornia. The tern pera- ; ture was at freeilng point at Fresno and 1 Yuma this morning. Have Learned Nothing;. Nrw York, Dec. 12. Inspector Byrnes, who has charge of the official work in endeavoring to find out who the bomb thrower was, said today that he I Imd no knowledge that the Iicad found Sago's office had been identified. Ntrln(r Roller Barata. j Gesoa, Dec. 12.-The boiler of the Italian ateamer Calabraia, which left . . . - i iere m, morning for Naples, exploded, ,iking the steamer. Thirty-six persons j were on board, of whom twenty-one I were downed. A Coal Mine AceldeaU Wilkekbakra, Pa., Dec. 12. An ex plosion in the Hollnian Valley Coal Co.'s mines today killed James Klttrick and fatally injured Hugh Jones. Weather FerecaeU Sax Frascisoo, Dec. 12. Forecast for Oregon and Washington: Scattering rains in Western and Northern Wash ington. i I ad atone and Ika Laboring; Men. Loxuoxf Dec. 11. Four hundred rival delegates to the National Liberal Federa tion conference partook of a breakfast 'this morning, at which the principal guest was Gladstone. Gladstone ad dressed them. He said he thought the time bad come for tl commencement of continuous efforts to bring about rural reforms. Speaking on the subject of working men, Gladstone said the labor question had i wide range. Home rule was 'a part of the labor controversy. The condition of the rural laborers was the most urgent question. Proof of this statement lay in the constant migration of these laborers. Kvery endeavor ought to be made to keep laborers at home, He hoped to see labor candidates for seats in parliament increase in num ber. Lata ews Tram Guatemala. City or Mexico, Dec. 11. Advices from Guatemala state that President Barrillas declares that be is not a can didate for re-election. He also said that after his four years abroad he would re tire to private life. ' Excitement in Gua temala is intense, but there is no danger of a revolution.' Financial difficulties are becoming thicker. The Isst Spanish steamer which arrived at Vera Crua had smallpox aboard. In the state of Campeche the situation is grave, as smallpox is epidemic there. . Qaeee War er Loeemaktag. Colcmbts, O., Dec. 11. George Hamilton, of Ross county, was convicted here today of impersonating a United States officer, and sent to prison for eighteen months. His crime was com mitted as a part of his wooing. He fell in love with Miss Ida Somers, of Chilli cothe, whom he had never formally met. He arrested her for alleged coun terfeiting, representing himself to be a Federal officer, and as he was driving to town in his buggy proposed marriage to her. Tha Klaka Are Too Heavy. ,'OXDOJ in ,,,iPPI London, Dec. 11. Much alarm is felt ng and commercial circles be- cause of the resignations of underwriters at Lloyd's. Three more gentlemen en gaged in the marine insurance business have concluded to withdraw, as their loeses are very heavy. This makes a total of seventeen underwriters who have withdrawn from the society of Llovd's within a few weeks.' and the I effect upon ship-owners and shippers is ! not reassuring. round De.d in in. Bed. w M T)w 10.Charles B. "1,UM "' A Evarts, son of Hon. William Evarts, THE CHILIAN AFFAIR. ! Tim Chilian Goycrnmcnt fill Stand on f . its Dignity.-' AX I'GLY FEELING PREVAILS. The Committees Organizing and Getting to Work. WILL JCOT APPROPRIATE. It la not Likely That Congrea Will Maka . aa Appropriation for the World'a Fair. Sax FaAxcwtco, D tc. 14. A Washing ton special says: "The Chilian im broglio bears ugly looks and is giving the administration more uneaines than the president or his advisors will be likely to admit. There is no doubt of the truthfullnees of the report that on Saturday Secretary Blaine received a dispatch from Consul Mebrery stating that the ugly feeling against Americans was again cropping cut in Chili and that trouble of a serious nature might occur. About the same time there came a long cablegram from Minister Kgan, which was hastily deciphered and at oncq placed in the hands of the presi dent. This was to the effect that the finding of the court of inquiry into the bloody Baltimore massacre would prob ably oppose the claims of tbn United States and might probably be made the basis of a saucy and unsatisfacsory note to Secretary Blaine. la tha Committee. Wahhisutox, Iec. 14. The republi can senators caucus committee, charged with the arrangement of the republican representation upon tbe senate com-, mlttecs, completed its reports. Hoar in accordance with his seniority, becomes chairman of the judiciary committee, relinquishing his place a chairman of the committee on privilege and elec tions, to which Teller succeeds. The three vacancies in the membership of the judiciary committee was filled by Mitchell, Teller, and natf. The places vacated by Edmunds and Evarts, on the foreign relations committee were assigned to Hiscock and Davis. Senator Proctor was assigned to the military committee. Senator Dubois and another new senator was assigned to a membership in the committee on irriga tion, emigration, manufactures and ex penditures, and on executive depart ments, His colleague, Senator Shoup, was given 'a chairmanship on the com mittee on Indian depredations, and a place on (he 'committee on Indian af fairs. Senator Carey, of Wyoming, was given the chairmanship of the commit tee on education, and a place on the public building committee. j Will Maka aa Appropriation. j Washington, Dec 14. Representative Springer, of Illinois, in speaking of the action of the board in control' of the World' Columbia exposition in deciding to ask for an appropriation of five mil lion instead of a .loan of that amount, a at. first contemplated, said: "I do' not think there is any good reasons to expect congress to make an appropriation of tbe amount specified, for this congress will be quite chary in it expenditures. Congress will, however, I am confident, make a loan to the board of that amount, for, guaranteed as It will be, by receipts ' which will aggregate three times the amount asked. j Want to nnlld Hia Koa.1, Portland, Dec. 14. The evening Tel egram today publishes the third proposi- j tion made by Messrs. Griggs and Hens- j tis, of Tacouia, to the people of Astoria to construct a railroad from Gable to Astoria. The above- named gentlemen j are of the opinion that the road can be built within the estimate of a million : and A half, reported by Engineer Ken- j nedy. They ask for a subsidy of four, hundred thousand dollar and one thousand acres of laud. It Is though! that the bid is made in the in tercet of j the Nort'iern Pacific. ' Tha Senate Adjoarued. j Wasuixuton, lec. 14. The senate ad-! journed at 12 o'clock until tomorrow. A i number of- bills were introduced and during the short executive session the ; recent appointments were sent lit by the . president and referred the proper com mittees. Tha Vederatlon of Labor Meet. i Birmingham, Ala., IVc. 14. The! eleventh annual national convention of. the federation of Ialor convened this morning, being called to order by Presi dent Combers. There were about 150 delegates present from all parts of the United States and Canada. Only routine business being transacted today. e THIKTV LIVES' LOST. Tka Storm la European Water Doe Maeh Damage. London, Dec. 14. The list of casual ties caused by the storm is gaining fresh accessions.- The most serious of all the disaster was the wreck of the British ship "Enterkin," off Ramsgate, in the county of Kent. Thirty lives were lost, every person except an apprentice boy being drowned. MeKlnley Sick. CoLCa-nrs, Ohio, Dec. 14. Governor Elect McKialey is suffering from an at tack of malaria at Canton, Ohio. CT".IDE THE STATES. Argentine' Prosperity. Washington, Dec. 12. The bureau of American republics is informed that the present crops of wheat and wool in the Argentine Republic are said to be the largest ever known in the country and the railway companies have not rolling stock enough to carry the pro duce to market. The immense. crops alj caused a revival of immigration. Wages have been doubled and trebled and even quadrupled in some districts. Gloomy Outlook In Rraxll. London, Dec. 12. A dispatch from Rio Janeiro to the Exchange Telegraph company, declares the reports of the gravity of the political situation there are greatly exaggi'ratad. The dispatch adds tluit the financial situation con tinues to be of a most gloomy nature. Many of the largest undertakings, it says, are likely to collapse at any moment. Reciprocity With Jamaica. Washisoton. Dec. 12. Hie British commissioners from Jamaica were at the state department today in consultation with General Foster, special plenipoten tiary of the United States, in regard to the terms of a commercial reciprocity agreement between tbe United States ai.d Jamaica. It ia believed the con vention will be concluded next week. rat to Hen for Safety. Sax Pedro, Dec. 12. The schooner Marion, consigned to the Willamette Lumber company at Redondo Beach, arrived here this morning to xlischarge cargo and for repairs. She found it im possible to discharge at Redondo Beach on account of the heavy sea, and alter having parted all her lines was com pelled to put to sea for safety. A Stage Robber Captared. San Francisco, Dec. 12. Abe Jones, one of the gang of bold stage robber which operated in Oregon and northern California, has been captured in Modoc county. Bill Howard and hi father were, also member of the gang. The old man is now in the Alameda jail and Bill was killed at his father's house while resisting arrest. Tha Steamer Kansas Disabled. London, Dee. 13. The British steamer Iran arrived at Liverpool today and re ports that she passed the steamer Kan sas at midnight, December 8, 000 miles west of Cape Clear, In a disabled condi tion. The Kansas signaled that she bad transferred her passengers to the City of Chicago. Kspcns of tha Revolutionist. WAsnixoTox, Dec. 12. Newspaper in Chili estimate that the expenses of the congressional party in the rcvolu-. tion against Balniaceda reached $15,000,- 000, of which Senora Edwards, mother of Ion Edwards,, minister of finance, contributed $SS5,000 from her .own for tune. Natural Gas la t'tah. Salt Lake, Dec. 12. Trenton rock was reached in the natural gas field, twelve miles from this city yesterday, and a flow with a pressure of 145 jounds is the resul t. The gas reservoir is ap parently inexhaustible. The gas w ill be piped to this city. 't Reiterate tha Htatemeat. London, Dec. 12. The Timet' Valpa raiso correspondent reiterates his state ment that a proposal w disco sired by the finance committee of the senate to abolish the Chilian legation in Wash ington. San I'raaclirn Wheat Market. San Franoihco. Pec. 14. Wheat. buyer, Season, l.Sl.'g. Portland Wheat Market. Portland, Deo. 14. Wheat, Valley 1.05; Walla Walla. 1.6'J. ' i