J THE IIALLIS, - - OKEGOX FRIDAY, - - NOVEMBER 13,1891 LOCAL AND PEltSOXAl. Condon, in Gilliam county. attorney and a furniture store. .' . State Senator Blackman passed , through the city Monday on the iioon , jmssenger. j Internal revenue reports show that J Montana haa a saloon for every eixty in- habitauts. carry j The Baker City Blade urges the or I ganization of a committee for the driv ing of thieves tinhorns picK-pockels anu thugs" out of the city. Robert Bradley of Boyd has traded his ranch on Union Hollow for a ranch Benton conntv, formerly owned by wants an i.eion'ers court met on' Wednesday with a j In fact Dr. Kiuehart himself has a fourth j of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it j 1 1 1 iM0Tnt. nrmin ' cava faootc 4 ZnA- full attendance. The following business I interest in, the concern. A private letter berry & AVorley, Percy, Iowa.""" They was transacted : . ' to the doctor from " bU brother contains-; lsn add that the remedy has given great ! The surveyor's Teoort on road Xo. 01 ; the following account of the robberv : ; satisfaction in' this vicinity, and that ! 7 o'clock to do some work and tC little ! was laid over because it was signed by ; I returned to the office last night about ' only two viewers. ! Road 20" was ordered opened; the ' conditions being that the petitioners thev believe it to be the best in the market for throat and lung diseases. le and Retail DrDiisk ssrjloftfl Dalles, Washington - The three banks of Pendleton a million dollars of deposits. The net earnings of the late Portland exposition amount to nearly $10,000. Counterfeit five and ten dollar bills are being circulated in Portland. Jlr. W. A. Hunt and family of Buffalo, ). x. .r . . , . ' . ' W illiam Bennett of Ten Mile. : 1 UKve urnveu in xne jjuuea, w uere j they intend to make their future home. It is said that the Columbia river at this place raised two feet Friday night There must have been heavv rains fnr- ' ther east. - A very heavy shower fell Friday night some time after midnight, lasting only about twenty minutes, but very heavy - while it lasted. A man nam:d D. F. Smyer brought jnto Pendleton the. other day a gold nugget which weighed out $3.55. It was found at the Susanville placer mines. " Mays and Crowe have, commenced to move into their new store and as the goOds are being moved out of the shelves of the old store, Mr. I. C. Nickelsen is filling them up with a new stock of stationary and notions. Mr". Peter Mohr of Hood River, came up last Thursday on the Regulator. Mr. Mohr is one of the most successful fruit raisers in the Hood River valley. He took no less than thirty-two prizes ' for fruits at the last agricultural fail1 twenty-one first prizes, eight second, and three sweep-stakes. -' A gentleman of this county whose fiuances 'were reduced to a lone fifty ent piece went down to Portland on the Baker Friday. He called at this office yesterday and explained the situa tion to the writer and requested that his name be not mentioned, assuring us that no condition, other than abject ne cessity could induce him to do as he has done. The connty court Thursday afternoon appointed Vernon Roberts of Sherar.s Bridge to the office of stock inspector. . Mr. Roberts isa gentleman in every way qualified for the office, and is a man of excellent ability and habits. The wrfter speaks thus of his own personal knpwledge. AVe may have our own likes and preferences but the county could no( have made a better appointment. Here is a witty comment by the Xew "berg Graphic: What with the discus sion lietween lrs. Kowiana ana utne relative to the age and general all-round -effectiveness of the insane asylum bed bugs, and Messrs Clark and Varney's little Wit over the San Jose scale busi ness, one is. led to think that Oregon may soon be taken by "varments" of one kind or anotiier, ana tne reaay puDiic will be well prepared ot '112. for the campaign The Curoxiclk office is indebted to the kindness of Major G. W. Ingalls for the present of an exceedingly handsome photographic, picture of the Wasco county frnit exhibit at the late Portland . exposition. It will be remembered that Wasco county took the first prize at the exposition, over the whole Northwest, t i . c... TV, a ivr but; utrpfc caiiiuiit ui iiuiw. picture is a magnificent. representation of the exhibit, and after we have put it 111 IIMIUOV1UC eCkUUg 1 V n 111 uuui ii .au show window of the Chronicle office and be the pride and admiration of every . . r a 1 1 nrimn 1 1 1 vrunci iihi ww mmi-i. iiiihi.v. .. . . .. . j It is the general opmlou' and exper ience af Dalles business men that they have never known a time when"-more .business was being transacted in this city than there is at present, and every thing indicates prosperous times ahead. Dr Siddall, who has traveled exten sively over" the towns and cities of the northwest during the past summer, says he does not. know of a town anywhere where business of any kfnd is more prosperons than it is here. . . He believes " . . . . 1 1 ! tnai out oi ine asnes ana ueuns tn uur late fire a city will arise more beautiful more populous and more prosperous than the old, and in this opinion the majority of our citizens fully shared Noticing a broad smile on the genial conntenace of our popular den test Dr. D. Siddell, Thursday afternoon, theCHaosi clk man ventured to ask "Whats' up doctor?" "What's up! Why every thing. I "have been waiting anxiously ever since the fire to see bow the poli tical cat would hop, afraid to invest a dollar for fear the country might possi bly adopt principle that would drive it to the dogs, but now that McKinley is elected in Ohio and the country is safe I am going to erect two fine residence houses in this city, fitted up with every modern improvement, because I believe wcare going to see an era of prosperous times such as the United States never . experienced in all her past history." and th scribe reverently murmered "Amen" and continued to pursue the "delusive" item. Major Ingalls, arrived in The Dalles on the noon passenger today. He has started out on his work of raising sub scriptions for the Oregon exhibit at the world's fair tinder the" auspices .ot the Oregon State Board of Cmeree, and the Major will work l1' ' rough the proverbial incrustat .n moss about as raccesefuUj'wtKer man' in the state. It is characteristic-of his energy to say that he was not an hour in The Dalles till he had obtained pledges for nearly $400. The Major goes np to night to La Grande wheie he has ar ranged to meet a committee just about to start for the great mining convention to be held in Denver in a few days. The committee has promised the Major a liberal subscription. "He will return to finish his work at The Dalles about next Monday. A committee from Al liance No. 1 of Eight Mile has obtained a promise from the Major for an address to be given at the resilience of J. A. a iv T v x 'i v iivuun v iiLiuua iiiv Hth instant. The address will deal largely with the subject "Lessons de rived from the Wasco county Horticul tural Exhibit at the late Portland Ex position." . A party of surveyors numbering about fourteen erno crospe l the river Satur day morning. Tliey were fully equipped with a complete camping outfit and sup plies. It is their intentions to complete the survey of the portage road on the Mr. I. Humason and wife, Miss E. Humason, and Dr. W." II. Wells came up on the Regulator Saturday evening to visit friends in the city and returned by the same way Monday morning. The lot has fallen on the following persons to act as grand jurors; R. R. Hinton, foreman ; E. L. Boynton, clerk ; John Hienrichs ; E. L- Craft ; Frank Graves ; Henry Hillgen ; and Clay Butler. The engagement is announced of Miss Mattie E. Mitchell, daughter of Senator John II. Mitchell, of Oregon, to the Duke Francois de la Rochetoncanld of France. The date of the marriage has not yet been announced but it will be celebrated soon. - In conversation with Mr. R. Spencer of Morrow county today we learned that the old ranch of 200 acres of argricul tural land in Gilliam county, formerly the property of C. L. Richmond of this city produced this year year an average of 30 bushels of wheat to the acre. Charley is sorry that he is not a farmer th is year. An election for mayor and council- men lor iJaker tjity tooK place a lew- days ago. Last Thursday the old coun cil met for the last time and just before adjourning sine die thev voted them selves a salary of $G0 each for services daring the past year. It was proposed to make it $100 but the sixty-dollar mo tion . prevailed. Queer fellows those Baker City fathers. Eight of the nine prisoners in the county jail were put under the hands oi Barber Nicholas Monday' and had their hair cut and faces shaved prepara tory to their appearance before the cir cuit court. The ninth is a Chinaman and his case is left to the tender mercies to the janitor, John FitzGerald, who is said to be the only white man in the city who can shave a Chinaman in the cor rect Chinese tonsorial style. Abont dark Sunday evening a track walker named Peter Peterson ' was knocked off a bridge below Hood River, j by a passing train ' and sustained in- ! juries by which he died a few hours after. The man fell a distance of sixty feet and when the company's physician, Dr. Doan, arrived he found his "ribs after 8 I returned home. After blowing I ror 8a,e " onipes jnersiiv urnegistg. out the lights I started out the frontdoor j There Nnne ,5ettrr; and uist as I opened it. two masked men . . , , . , .. . m tt limir nil th Anense involved in nreaented niatols at ma and ftuml m uu u Jj- el-?lin . MOWMtia, i at- .? . . r ., i .m ntnthohcU i .(.,;.u, I nam county, Missouri, takes me cimijge oi ruau, uuu liiul iuc vm , , , - wiii, utiu wic uyvi aiuiuBt siul uib utev -DEALERS IX- SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. road shall be kept open till the new one is accepted by the road supervisor. Report of supervisor of road district No. 22 was laid over till next regular term. Viewers report of road district No. 200 read and approved. The bill of Dr. Doane was laid over for explanation. ' New warrants Nos. Ili20, 1G23, lot2 and 1289 were ordered issued, in lieu of warrants lost, to Dr. O. C. Hollister. The petition of Lewis Anderson for change of road was granted and Thomas Grey, John Root and Wm. Doak were appointed viewers and E. F. Sharp sur veyor, the surveyor to fix the day for the survey. The petition of J. i. Atwell for new warrants to be issued to take the place of warrants Nos. 388, 545 and 1790 lost or destroyed was granted. The bid of M. M. Cushing for keeping the county poor was accepted. Inasmuch as the boundaries of the county have been reduced by the last legislature the salary of the stock in spector was reduced from $800 per an mini to $600. Dr. W. E. Rinehart's bid for attend ance on the county patients having been the lowest he was awarded the contract at $143 per annum. No bills having been filed in the mat ter of survey of road No. 207 the usual fees were ordered paid and Alex Ander son was allowed $3 for the use of his team. The court accepted the resignation of Stock Inspector C. W. Rice with regret at the state of health that made the resignation necessary, and appointed Vernon Roberts to fill the office till June 30, 1892. A six months liquor license was granted to Dial & Russel of Antelope. The sum of $20 was- appropriated for road district No. 16. The sum of $-30 was appropriated for the New Bridge road in this county. BILLS ALLOWED. $ 18 00 and back mashed in." Peterson wasJ J p Mclnerny , 29 00 placed on the next train to be taken to the Portland hospital but be died on the way. James Darneille of Dufur sold his wheat Saturday. He was bound it should be shipped by the Regulator and made an agreement with the buyer that he could not have it unless it were so shipped. He has no-doubt he could have got more for his wheat from other parties but he said to the writer: "If the Reg ulator were not on the river I would not be getting more than" abont sixty-five cents, so I'm still ahead, even if I did sell it ttta little loss. Here'e the way the Baker City Demo crat touches off its eveningTcontempor ary. . It is just such geins of literature that makes newspaper work endurable in the far west: "The licentious old reprobate, irregular practitioner and general all round two-Jegged apiece of ir responsibility that is undertaking to palm himself off as an editor, continues his old tactics of lying in the face of the truth, but it profits him nothing. If the peoole were not so well acquainted with him his practices might have some weight. John Anthony late in the employ of August Bnchler, now in the confection ary business at La Grande, came down on the passenger this morning. Mr. Anthony is well pleased with his new home and with his success -in business, but very naturally he has a soft spot in his heart for The Dalles. Just how long it may remain soft it is hard to tell. The fact is there is going to be a wedding held at the brewery . next Thursday evening in which John will figure as chief mourner and after that it is cojec tural what may happen. ' AVe hope, however, that during all his future life he may be able to look back and say that The Dalles is the best place in the world because it furnished him the best wife in the world. The name of the future Mrs. Anthony is Miss Matilda Eichenberger, and the Chronicle devoutly wishes to her and her intended husband many happy days. ESchutz..'. Louis Payette Thomas Sullivan. . G Conley James Magill J Kaseberger. . . . Geo Nowak F Hereanx J Knebel M J Speicenger. . . Fred Leinke J H Jackson Con Howe Time-3fo'u nlaiiieer T F Grey .- EF Sharp 4 00 TFGrev 2 00 40 25 2 00 J F Haworth 1 00 MT Nolan 8 95 GAR Meyer. . . 15 00 WH Wilson 2 00 A G Hall . . 5 15 I J Norman 18 00 Hugh Logan 37 50 E Schutz 3ft 96 R V Gibons ... .J. . .... 58 20 E Schutz. 4 60 Hood Rivvr Glacier 3 00 LL McCartney 1 70 E Buschke... 170 Wm Mann & Co . . 70 25 Albert Webster -. 12 50 Snipes & Kinerslv. 7 25 Specialty Man. Co . 6 05 Dalles Ice Co 6 90 Hood River Glacier 2 50 Snipes & Kinersly . 26 30 Seam Wood Saw '2 50 Rosco & Gibons.' . , 3 25 Hugh Gourlav. . . . 1 70 R W Crandall 1 20 Isaac Joles : 1 20 RGCloster '.. 1 20 SB Adams 1 20 Wm Tackman 1 20 Maier & Benton . 2 00 Ward & Kerns r. . . 6 00 Blakelev & Houghton . .' 5 90 Wm Mi'chell. . ..-..;' .-. . 36 mO Thos O'Connor 170 Thos Sullivan 1 70 WT Wiseman 1 70 CL Richmond 1 70 J Stalev 1 70 W J Every. : -1 70 John Bonn 1 20 E Pitman r- 1 20 D Graham 1 20 C S Bernett 1 20 J Dohertv '. 1 20 Z S Osburn 1 20 O C Hollister 5 00 A R Thompson.: 30 00 E Jacobsen .' , 410 Fish & Bardon 108 55 overpowered me. During the time I made one good yell, and Jack Patters saloon dour was open but they thought it was some boy and paid no attention to me. I was forced at the muzzle of the gun to open the vault and deliver over the cash. They got away with $4779.S0. How is that? e will make u. clear search for them in a couple of hours and hope to be able to do somethiug. Yours trulv H. C. Rkixhakt. ITOIOX PACIFIC 1SUYINO WHEAT. Superintendent Farley of the Htate Por tage RelterateM Hln Statement. G. J. Farley, of The Dalles, superin tendent of the Cascades portage railroad, was in Portland yesterday, and ex pressed himself freely about the war the Union Pacific is making on the govern ment line. "We continue to handle the bulk of the passenger business, though our rate is still $2.00," he said, "against theirs of 50 cents. Moody is buying most of the wheat at within 2 cents of the Portland price, though the freight is 10 2-5 cents a bushel from Dalles City to Portland. Of course, there mnst be a heavy cut in rates, thonglrl am still of the decided opinion that the company is buying the wheat for itself. ' I know it is claimed that the Union Pacific has no money to spare for such a purpose, but it doesn't take much money. Yon see, they can realize on it at once when . the wheat reaches here. The way they do is to ferry Moody's wheat across the river at Dalles City, then load it onto cars and bring it down to Portland. "There is no doubt, in my opinion, of the entire success of the government j line, in spite ot tne coin pan v s opposi tion and of ultimate failure of the Union cut in rates. Tne boats have been run ning at a loss for years, and of course are doing worse now. They cannot keep it up except at very great loss. So far as freight business is concerned, the opposition boats are owned by Dalles City merchants, and they will continue to ship their freight by their own boats. The expense of operating the "portage road is not over JUiU a month, and is amply covered by the traffic. The boat leaving up yesterday had all the freight that could be put aboard her. The Union Pacific boats cet very little passenger business from Dalles City. They sell a good many tickets from Pendleton, Baker, La Grande and Huntington to Dalles City. Here the passengers get off, and ride to Portland on the boat for 50 cents. The fare by rail from Dalles City down is $3.55; so that by this arrangement the company loses $6.10 on every round trip passen ger." Oregonian, Unnecessary Sufferings. There is little doubt but that many persons sutler for years with ailments that could easily be cured by the use of some simple remedy. The following in cident is an illustration, of this fact: Mv wife was troubled with u nain in her side the greater part of the time for three years, until cured by Chamber lain s Pain Halm, it has, I think, per manently enred her. We also have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever needed and believe it to be the best in the world. P. M. Boston, Pennville, Sullivan Co., Missouri. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly Druggists. JHonthly ffleteoFologleal Report. Weather bureau, detmrtiiii'iit of nerieulture. Station, The Dalles, Oregon, for the month, of October, MM. . county, Missouri, takes especial I pleasure in recommending Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, because he knows j it to be reliable. He has used it in his practice for several years, and says there ! is none better, It is especially valuable, for colds and as a preventative and cure I for croup. This most excellent medicine ; I is for sale by Snipes & Kinersh- The i ; Dalles, Or. " l-w A Favorite Kemedy. j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a ' i favorite during the winter month's on ac- I , count of its great success in the cure of colds, ibere is nothing that will loosen ' a severe cold so quickly, or us promptly ; relieve the lungs. Then it counteracts j any tendency toward pneumonia. It is j pleasant and safe to take, and fully ! worth- of its popularity. For sale by I Snipes & Kinersly, The Dalles, Or. d-w Fine Imported, Key West and Doiiiesfi; OIG-ARS. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season in the Northwest. Are Your Children Subject to Crotip? Ad a preventive and cure for croup, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no rival. It is, in .fact, the onlv remeav j v Timpvpmv . PAINT ! i Now is the time to paint your house j and if you wish to get the lest quality j and a fine color use the i Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint. For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call theii attention to the residence of S. L. Brooke. Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are. agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., that can always be depended upon and : that is pleasant and safe to take. There ! is not the least danger in giving it to : children, as it coniains no injurious 1 substance. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Snipes & Kinersly. Druggists. d&w. A Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles are known by moisture ) use perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly On parts aflecteel, absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drug gists or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Bo sanko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. 41 Saved from Death by Onions. There has no doubt been more lives of children saver from deatii in croup or whooping cough by . the use of onions than any other, known remedy, our mothers used to make poultices of them, or a syrup, which was always etlectuul in breaking up'ji cough or cold. Dr. Gnnn's Onion Syrup is made by combin ing a few simple remedies with it which, make it more effective as a medicine and destroys the taste and odor of the onion. 50c. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Late Kec. U. S. Lund Olflce. T. A. HUDSON, Notary Public TESilPeBYSPSOJ, U.S. Land Olce Attorneys Rooms 7 and 8, U. S. Land Office Building, 0. D. TAYLOR, THE DAILES. 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND. Thresher Mfg. Go., THE DALLES, OREGON. pilings, Contests, . And Business of ail Kinds Before the Local . and General Lan Office Promptly Attended to. Over Sixteen Years Experience. -WE ALSO DO A- General Eealjsiate Business. . All Crreiondciico Promptly Answered. I-KOFESSIOXAL CARDS. TVTM. J. KODERTS Civil Engineer ;cii 1 cml ciiRineerinpt practice. Surveying nnd mapping; estimates anil plans for irrigation, sewerage,, water-works, railroads, bridges, ete. Address: P. O. Box H7, The Dalles, Or. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to K. ItKOK., VTTM. SAUXPERS Architect. Plans and ? specifications furnished for dwellings, churches, business bloeks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of flee over French's bank, The Dalles, Oregon. DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow or Trinitv Medical College, and member of the Col lego of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Surgeon. Office: rooms S and 4 Chap man block. Residences Judge Thornbury's Sec rod street. Oflicc hours; 10 to 12 a. in., 2 to 4 nd 7 to 8 p. in. DR. O. D. DOANE physician and sur geon. -Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. !, Fourth street, one Mock south of, Conrt House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to i P. SI. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-I-AW. Of- flee in Schanuo's building, up stairs. The, Dalles, Oregon. - D SIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth tet on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of she Golden Tooth, Second Street,- VR. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon 8.. 9.. 10.. 11.. 12 3.. 14.. US. Advertised Letters. ine following is tne list ot letters re maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled for Saturday, Xov. 7, 1891. Persons call ing for these letters will please give the date on which they were advertised : Baker, Jonnie . Clason, Delia Cochrane, Jerry Cole, Tommie Garson, J - Haagen, Armand Hanee, Knad Kingsley, James ferry, irank Bryant, Rev A M Crews, J K Clout man, Frank Carolan, Patrick Groesback, Prof Geo Heeley, Wm G Hollings worth, J B Peaters, Johnny 1'Mlilps, Jobn K (2) Scbultz. Miss Nellie Swereneen. T B Stewart, H Stewart, Miss Hattie Vanmeter, John Walk, PL. ood, Mrs Blanche M. T. Nolan, P. M. In this city, last Friday, Mrs. Mary Case, wife of Mr. J. P. Case, aged abont twenty-four years. Mrs. Case arrived in this city abont three weeks ago in company witn her husband who is a brakeman for the Union Pacific. Last Monday she gave birth to a girl baby, which survives her, and which is now in the care of Dr. lUiiuehart. The re- ; mains were embalmed by Crandall & Bnrgett and taken by Mr. Case to her old home in Norfolk, Nebraska, on the Saturday night's train. On Thursday, November 3, 1891 , at the residence of her mother, Mrs, Murray, of .this city, Mrs. R. Guise, aged 20 years.. Mrs. Guise died of that fell disease consumption. She leaves a husband and one child about a year old. ; The funeral took place from - Mrs. Murr j ra 's residence this aftei noon nnd was conuueted by Rev. A. C. Spencer. 1 H FDietzel ; . 1 20 Jno Crate ." 4 00 C Bills... . 4 00 a rieiu r. . . . i iu J xewis ., I 4l Ed Sharp. 3 20 J Doherty.. ., 12 10 EELvtle... 1 70 Wm Dunn ". . . 1 70 Thos Scully.. . 1 70 James Sinclair -, 1 70 J Doherty 7 95 Maier & Benton 133 75 Harbison Bros 9 00 J Doherty 1 75 Song Wah - 1 90 Fd Harriman 2 00 C F Wagonblast 2 00 C Wagonblast 2 00 Ness Simonson' 2 00 E F Sharp 32 00 Geo Herbert 2 00 J A Wilson -2 00 J R Rankin .... 2 00 Wm Davidson ". . 2 00 J B Hunt 2 00 Chas Ceubav 2 00 dinger & Bone . 2 00 ESchutz 3 00 Trov Shelley 3 00 J H Cradlebaugh 10 00 Clerk's Bill... 291 92 Sheriff's " 936 08 Assessor's " Cll 00 CNThornbury 2 00 20... :l .. 58 m t 61 3(1 AO .TO 4! DO 51 54 57 59 59 56 50 56 55 54 53 54 51 44 42 61 C2 76 80 7ft 62 62 61 66 62 60 62 ttti 66 70 71 67 64 61 62 62 62 64 58 58 53 48 46 46 47 43 42 40 12 42 46 52 45 36 :w 39 37 36 42 44 48 40 48 51 51 48 45 52 50 44 3i 36 F. P. MAYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON H. S. WILSON. f AYS,' HDXTINGTON fc WILSON Attob .1 nrts-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. K.B.DUFUR. GEO. ATKINS. FRANK KRNKFKK. CFCR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attor- NEY8-AT-LAW KOOm Kl). 43, OVCr lt Office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. '. ;Manufacturers and Dealers in Minnesota Chief Separators, Giant & Stillwater Plain and Traction Engines, "CHIEF" Farm Wagons. Stationary Engines and Boilers of all sizes. baw Mills and Fixtures, Wood-Working Machinery, Wood Split Pulleys, Oils, Lace Belts and Belting. ' m: - xi i n - mimmsuici mresnsr mrg. uu. EtiGet our Prices before Purchasing. 267 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. Crandall & Barqet, .".'.MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. t -DEALER IN- won BLOCKS Jewelry, Diamonds, SILVERWARE, :-: ETC Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 165 Secon-.l St.. The Dalles.Or. T H. WILSON Attorn RY-AT-LiW Rooms ? 52 and 53, New V'ogt Block, Second Street, The Dilles, Oregon. .OS .05 .lti .02 .41 .40 .01 THE Health is Wealth ! Mean barometer, 80.078; highest barometer, 30.:)A", on 3d : lowest barometer 29.8-21, on 28th. Mean temperature 54.3; highest temperature, 80, on 8th ; lowest temperature, 33, on the 13th. . Greatest daily range of temperature 38 on 8tb. Least daily range of temperature, 8, on 28tb. MEAN TKMPERATCEE FOB THIS MONTH IN 1872 1873 :. 1874........ 1875....fi0.0 11877.... 49. 5 I1SS2.-.. 1878.. ..48.0 11883... 1879.. .44.5 1884.. 1880. ...&4.0 1883. .. A Coroner's Verdict. A coroner out west recently reasoned out a verdict more sensible than one half the verdicts usually rendered. It appears that an Irishman, .conceiving that a little powder thrown upon some green wood would facilitate its burning, directed a email stream of powder from a keg upon the burning stick ; but not possessing a hand sufficiently quick to cut this off, was blown into a million pieces. The following was the verdict. delivered with great gravity by the offi cial : "Can't be called suicide, bekase he didn't mean to kill hinself: it wasn't "visitation of (Jod" bekase he wasn't struck by lightning: - he didn't die for want of breath for he hadn't anything to breathe with; it's plain he didn't know what he was about, so I shall bnn.' in Died for want of common sense." The Bank Kobbery of Nnininerville. The dispatches have already told us of j il.a ..,1,1.,,.... ,.l C. ... ..,...!! I I I. lllO I UlfULI . , bill; .(I1ILJ1U1 UUIIIV Vlt the night of the 3d inst. It may not be generally known here that the robbed .4n.0'lSR7....47.5 .48.0 1888.... "2.0 .ao.a!isK9....a(.8 ..rvl.5- 1SH0....C2.0 1876 ,.0 jl881....44.5jl8S6 51.0 !IM)1..-. . Total exeesa lu temperature ' during the' month, 30.1. Total deficiency in temperature since January 1st, 01.2 deer. Prevailing direction of wind. West. . Total precipitation, 1.14; number of davson' which .01 Inch or more of precipitation fell, 7, 1872 '1877.. ..1.66 11882. . . .2.80 11887.- . .0.15 1873 1878. .. .1.53 1883.. .. 0.46 il888. ... 0.96 1874 1879... 0.88 1884 ...1.27 11889... .0.90 1875.... 4. 80 11880. ...0.12 1885. .. .0.28 1890. .. .1. 16 1876.. ..2.37 11881.... 2. U7 1 1886. .. .0.28 11891. .. .1.14 Total deficiency in precipitation during UlOIllO. tl..1. Total detieiency in precipitation since January Number of cloudless days, 13: partly cloudy uavs, e; ciouay aays, lu. Dates of frosts Light frost on 13th. Frost In higher altitudes on 12th, 13tb, 14th, ltlth, 17th, um ana mm. , The frosts were not severe enough to kill teiP der vegetables and onlv hastened the ripening. Solar halos on 19th and 30th Notb. Barometer reduced to sea level. T Indi cates trace of precipitation. SAMUEL. L. BROOK8, Voluntary Signal Corps Observer. Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION COMPANY'S ' Elegant Steamer SEGUliJlTOH Will leave the foot of Court Street every morning at 7 A. M. for Portland and Way Points Connections Will be Made with the Fast Steamer - - " ' DAMiES GITY, At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. rriin r? Z '.TR f ATM E NT!? : DEALERS IN: Staple and Fancy Groceries, . Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. New - Umatilla V House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. , HANDLEY & SIN NOTT, PROP'S. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Db. E. C. West's Kebvk akd Brain Treai ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, lizzi nees. Convulsions, Vita, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of .alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Sof teiiing of the Brain, resulting iu in vanity and lending to misery, decay and deatii. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Pouci in either sea, Involuntary Losses and Spermat orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, sell abuse or over indulgence. Each box con taint one month's treatment, f 1.00 a box, or six boxe for J5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. VI GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received b us fr six boxes, accompanied by 15.00, we wil send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment docs not eO'cc' a cure. Guarantees issued only by BLAKELEI & HOUGHTON, Preacrlption Drngrgtat", 175 Second St. The Dalles. Or. Ticket and Baggage Office of the O..R. & N. Company, and office of the Wester Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. ; P. Thompson' President. J. S. Schxnck, H. M. Be ALL Vice-President. Cashier First liatlonai Bant .'HE DALLES, - - OREGON CON stipation: MT.irta hall" the American people yet there la csily o:ie irvparatio:i of Saraaparilla lliut acts nu the Moure and reaches lliia lmortaut trouble, a:id that J Joy'i Vecctublc Sarsnparilla. It re lieves it lu 24 houri, and au occasional dose prevents return. "Vc refer by permission, to C. E. Elklngton, J25 Locust Avenue, San Francisco; J. II. Lrown, Pctaluma; n. a WIuu, Geary Court, Sau Fraut-isco, and hundreds of othcrswbohave used it in constipation. - One letter is a sample of IiKodredi. F.lkingtoii, writes: "I have been foi years subject lo bilious headaches aud constipa tion. Ilaro been po bad for a year bock have had to take a physic every other night or else I would have a headache. After taking one bottle of J. V. S., I am in splendid shape. It has done wonderful things lor me. People similarly troubled should try It and be convinced." Sarsaparilla Most luo.Iir.. ?i..yl e.Vi., ti . U:fi-t bottla. tame price, tl.o . m. .. i vu,. For Sale by SNIPES; & KINERSLY. TUE- DAIXES. OBEGOW For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply to Agent, or Purser on Board. Oflicc northeast corner of Court and Main street ANEW Tne CoiumDia PackfnoCo.. PACKERS OF Pofk and Beef. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight -Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt ly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- . land. , - Wasco WaiGlQDSu Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and For-wards same to their destination. Receives Consignments iFor Sale on Commission- fates treasonable. DIRECTORS. P. Thompson. Jxo. S. Schenck. W. SPABK8. Gbo. A. Likrk. - ' H. M. B.E.LL. -MARK GOODS PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IS Furniture and Carpets. we nave auacu to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, ana as we are in no way connected witli the Undertakers' Trust our prices wil be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. Curers of BRAND HaiiBii J Dried Beef,-Etc. . Masonic Building. The Dalles. Or. DIAMOND - ROLLED' - MILL STAGY SfMIH, He vatcfiniaRer, Has opened an office for Cleaning and Repairing Watches, Jewelry, etc. All work guaranteed and promptly attended. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS, TRANSACT A UENERALBANKiN BUSINESS 77V "W- Go. IHB DALLES, OMT3 OW- Letterd of Credit Issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Dunham's Dfug Store, Cor. Second and Union Street. A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Joy' s lour pf the Best Qual ity Always on Hand.- THE DALLES. OREGON. W ri ; Vl! C-yl '' " Bnniei Out MApi in Business! Wm. MCflEItli, UNDERTAKER, And Embalmcr, has again started with a new ana complete mock ot cveryuime nceaea in the undertaking business. Particular attention paid to embalming and taking care ot the dead. Orders promptly attended to, day or night. Prices as Low as the Lowest Place of business, diagonally Across from Opera Block, on the corner of Third and Wash ington Streets, The Dalles, Oregon d&w PIP'S The 1 ,"flISTRICTUr NRSTbLASe indAmom uiPlml tn the Warti. IEW.V0RK. LONDONDERRY AND 6U8G0W- Every Saturday, . SEW IOKK, WBltALTKR nd NAPIJc!.. At regular Interval. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE ' mJSlfl -. lowe"t terms to awl from the principle SOOTCS, ZUQUSH, XBISH AU, CONTINENTAL fCINTC Exenraiontlckrts available to return by either thruSc Jufjaque Clyde A North or Ireland or Naples ft Olbrata. Drifu lad Itatr (Mtn to Any Amnat it Iewit ttuu ..Applr 10 an" of onr local Agents or to HENDtiRSOX BROTHERS, Chicago, Ki. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for an ol Liver Complaint, Dysieiia, Siek iieada.vhe. In digestion, Constitution or CotiveueKS we cannot cure nitb West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when 'h directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, nnd never fail to give mtl.(ne tinn. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing Pills, renin. Ilewarc of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufacture! onlv tv TliKJOHN C. WKKT COMPANY,. Clilt.At.O. IMK018. III.AKKI.KY t IIOl'tlliTON. Pop Sale at a Bargain. a good Traction Engine ' lias only been run eixty days. Buffalo Pitts Thresher Only used two months. Chopping Mill,. Capable of 15 to 20 tons per day : cot $31. The above will be sold on easy terms. k W. L. WARD, . The Dalles, Oi. 1711 Heeonil Hi. rrearrlpllon Druggists, Th Dalles, r. PAUL KREFT I CO., DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Glass -Ami the Must Complete and the Latest Patterns and lesignH in . Practical Painters and PaM.T Hangers. Xone but the best brands of the hcrwiii-Viniaiiis Paint used In all our work, and mine but th most skilled workmen employed. All orders romptly attended to. 10-17-d SHOP Adjoining Red Front Grocery. THIltD STitKKT. -