THE DALLES, OREGON FRIDAY, - OCTOBER 23. 1891. vvoukt 'laJuue ail the gl'alu tiiey couiU U ; come this war, but if the privilege had i to be divided up between themselves I ard others they were not willing to cm- LOCAL AND PKKSOXAL. I bark in the enterprise. A contract was i then entered into by which the Inter ' state Company guaranteed the excluse i lf.Tlf lAeil-fejl A KtfIlf tl,0 lllllA tllA IVltl ' 1 1 gl, 1 V V. tUll V. . J . V II W till . 1 11 1 V. Llll, V ' 11 J tract was completed, and in the grey of Th 3 water main down Union street is t Sunday morning, an old scow belong being laid as fast as possible. ' , j ing to Z. F. Moody was conveyed across i the river and anchored at the landing directly in front of where the shute is i now placed, while a pair of grain scales -Willis Hendrix, a prominent farmer of Dufnr, was in town Tuesday. The recorder has furnished lu office at his own expense with a splendid new .desk. An electric light has been placed in position at the Regulator landing on ttie beach. Jack Mcintosh, a . prominent base ballist of Umatilla county, has fallen .lieir to a fortune of $10,000. The plans have arrived for the new Methodist church. It will be much larger and more conveniently arranged than the old one. . The steamer Baker landed for the first time, last Saturday at the portage in cline, with one passenger. Up till then She used to land in the mad a little above. The band boys have already ordered - their instruments from Sew York. They are expected in about two weeks. The horns are the latest improved in tripple silver and the drums are also the - latest improved with nickle rims and gilt trimmings. - - Six young nimrods went down the river yesterday duck hunting but we are of the opinion that the ducks must have flown high or elee the powder be- came wet and the guns wouldn't go off as they did notcome back with a boat load. The boys, however, say they mortally wounded several mod-hens. The handsomesfand finest stock of dry goods in this city, by long odds, is that of H. Herbring's. As everything is new and fresh and the mosr fashion able in the market, ladles wanting goods of this class will find it to their interest to call on him'. He will meet any : honorable competition in the matter of prices. From Mr. S. L. Brooks, who returned from a trip over the D. P. & A. X. Co's line last evening, wejearn that the com pany is doing much more business below the Cascades than above. The farmers on the Washington side of the river are patronizing the new line almost to a man, and load the boat down every day. It is thought that it will be necessary to put on another boat o.-. the lower river in order to carry all the freight that is offered. ' - McFarland & French have filled their 'show window with sample lots of their goods marked down below any prices that ever prevailed in this city. . Men's overalls are marked at 50 cents, Shaker socks $1.40-a' dozen, all wool socks $1.25 . a dozen, seamless cotton ocks at 00 cents a dozen. -There is a large heap of children's shoes, all sizes, at $1.25 a pair, ladies scarlet underwear at 95 cents and ladies fine gray wool underwear at 90 cents each. A Chbomclb man called on Joseph Knebel, the young man who was stabbed by Moreton in Lemke's saloon Sunday night. He is resting comfortably con sidering the wound which was inflicted with a pocket knife on his left breast, 'making a cut about three inches in depth. The knife blade entered the ' lung and Knebel in consequence, finds it rather difficult to breathe. According to his statement the trouble which led to the catting was a dispute over a dol lar, which Moreton claimed was due him from Knebel, while Knebel insisted that Moreton owed him four dollars. The result was the wounding of Knebel. Knebel is at the Columbia hotel where he is well cared for. Moreton 'a bail was set at $1000 by Justice Schutx, in default of " which he was committed to. the county jail to await the action . of tAe grand jury. ' . ; - were placed on the bluff. When Mr. Wheal don learned what had been done he called on M. A. Moody and told him that the Interstate Company had guar- ' i i it,. ; f li:..l-:i county the excluse privilege of using the landing and to the Regulator the exclu sive right to land there. The upshot of this, interview was that Whealdon bought the Moody scow and Mr. Moody vacated the' place. Then a shute was built which Mr. Smith has since used in connection with the scow to ship the grain purchased, on the Regulator! In the early part of the present week the announcement was made that the Baker was to be withdrawn from the river traffic. It is well-known she has been doing nothing since the Regulator started. But the announcement was scarcely made till it was revoked. revocation followed immediately after the appearance in . this city of the gen eral freight agent of the Union Pacific, Mr. Campbell. Then an effort was made to purchase from Mr. Smith the 2000 sacks of grain he has stacked near the landing. More than it wonld possi bly bring at Portland by five or six cents a bushel, with freight by the U. P. added, was offered but Mr. Smith refused to sell unless it would tie shipped by the Regulator. The next move occurred yesterday when M. A. Moody placed a pair of scales at the Rockland ferry, and prepared to buy wheat, offering more than Smith. One load of nineteen sacks was purchased till the present. The scales being again on the Interstate company's land on the east side of the landing, Mr. Whealdon informed Mr. Moody that h e must re- I move them. Moody than broke down a fence erected by the Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation company, around a landing secured to them by lease from Mr. Curtiss. Here Moody holds the fort todav and the end is not yet. That this is a move to cripple the Regulator, and in the interest of the Union Pacific, is as plain as that the heavens are stretched over the earth and that M. A. Moody is being need by the company for this purpose is equally clear. The Chbonicle will watch the progress of events with interest and relate them, without fear or favor, as they occur. that the State Board of Immigration are fitting up a special railroad car to be filled with Oregon products which it is their intention to send to the Eastern and interior states for the purpose of ad vertising the resources of this great ...... i the frontier. ing me car is now complete ana its in terior is now being filled with exhibits. The best of those shownat the exposi tion which has just closed will be sel ected and as many others as can find ac commodation. - The writer visited the car yesterday at Albina. It is of ordi nary length and is fitted upon each side with shelving that rises like steps from the floor to the ceiling. A three foot alley railed on each side, runs through' the full length of the car. The car is furnished with a complete electric light plant of its own which will furnish 28 lights inside and 12 outside. Ihe ex hibits will consist of grain threshed and unthreshed, grasses, fruits, vegetables and berries dried, canned, and green. wool, coal and minerals of all kinds and samples of Oregon woods. 50,000 sam ples of Oregon wheat done up in small bottles will be given away. Haifa mil lion of 4 by 6 inch dodgers will be dis tributed and Major Ed. A. Weed, an old newspaper man, and a 17 years resident in the state, who will have charge of the car, will deliver lectures at every con '" -Hi j. .unim:" th irrnTgrfTn nmbus, Ohio, on the 17th eighty years. The Nationalists of Poland inst. children Haver from deatn in croun or aged . whooping cough by the use of onions than any other known remedy, our I mothers used to make poultices of them, have Sent i nr a. fivrnn. whipli -oa a 1 -.i afTaitinut to ireianu a nanasome wreath to be in breaking up a cough or cold. Dr. placed over the grave of Parnell. The Poles were compelled to smuggle it across Wholesale and RetaU Draiistsj Democrats are jubilant in the East. It is a greal year for babies in the fami lies of their leaders. First Cleveland, then Pattison and now comes the demo cratic candidate for governor in New ork, Roswell P. Flower. To be sure, Mr. Flower was a little too old to be ex pected to become a papa, but the next best thing happened the other day. He became a grandpa forthe first time, and was made happy by this dispatch ; Dear Grandpa: lam here. Arrived eleven minutes past 12 o'clock. I weigh ten and a half pounds. Mamma and I are both doing well, and I hope yon will be elected governor sure. ROSWELL Fl.OWKR TAYI.OK. The epidemic of babies is looked upon by the democrats as a good omen, but it I will take more than one grandchild to ! onset the six beautiful pearls set in the crown of motherhood worn by Mr. Jen nie Crocker Fassett. Gnnn's Onion Svrnn ia innrlphmmviVnn.. ing a few simple remedies with"it which, ! make it more effective as a medicine and destroys the taste and odor of the onion. 50c. Sold by Blakeley & Hough'.on. A Favorite Remedy. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a favorite during the winter months on ac count of its great success in the cure of ! colds. There is nothing that will loosen a severe cold so quickly, or- as promptly relieve the lungs. Then it counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. It is pleasant and safe to take; and fullv worthy of its popularity. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, The Dalles, Or. d-w A Sure Cure, for Piles. Itching Piles aro known by moisture j like perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as i Blind, Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and ef fects a permanent cure. 50 cents. Drue ! gists or mail. -Circulars free. Dr. Bo j sanko, 329 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. -DEALERS IX- Imported, Key West and Domesfi! SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. PAINT Now is the time to paint your house and if you wish to get the, best quality and a fine color nse the Shewn, Williams Co.'s Paint. Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property of the Season in the Northwest. i For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate Investment Go., For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call theii j attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and other? I painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. 0. AYIOR, THE DALL S. 72 WA SHINTON ST., PORTLAND J-hei von:pnf rilniA frmn thfi nlnt.fnrm of the car. Two other men will accompany From Eight Mile. ' Eight Mile, Oct. 13, 1891. Editor of the Chronicle: A few items from Eight Mill may be acceptable. S . . . - The sound of the 'thresher is now sel dom heard in the land,' its work being much lighter than usnal. The hot east winds of July told disastrously on the nnalitv and miantitv of the wheat cmn. i v ' - i - The plucky farmer has already com menced seeding, hoping to be able, as of vnt-A i roan Vmnntifal hanrat The hard times have not prevented the erection of several new dwellings in our locality. This is said to imply that two or three most interesting events will follow in the near future. Some of our alliance friends are antic ipating a good time attending the county alliance' meeting, to be held at Hood River, October 13th. Night is made hideous pretty much all over the land by the festive coyote. He lays heavy tribute on the farmer and stockman. No family hereabout can be gin to afford such a luxurious table as the aforesaid coyote. Some farmers on Eight Mile lose over 100 fowls a year by this miserable epicure. He spares nei ther age nor sex. The young, the old, the middle-aged, seem alike toothsome to him. The elderly fowls are quite dis couraged and inquire, "Why is it thus?" The writer would suggest that a bounty on coyote scalps is the remedy and would tend to keep the price of eggs at moder ate figures. . Farmer. Advertlse-d Letter. The following is the list of ' letters re maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled for Saturday, Oct. 17; 1 891 . Persons call ing for these letters will please give the iate on which they were advertised : ' Adams, Ctias Alexander. Bush Cross, Perry (4) Graham, Wm Henton, Frank ' Keys, James Kuks, Anglus Martin, Edward Parton, Mrs Cora Prcut, E W Roberta, W F Rogers C E Straub, Chaa (2) Warner, Harrv Wood, John Wolf. P J M. T. Nolax, P. M. Fact are Chlels That Wlnna Ding." The wheat situation on the Washing ton side of the river is intensely inter esting and exciting. Geo. Smith had tha market all to himself till the general freight agent of the Union i'acihc com pany came np to The Dalles and spent two days here closeted a good deal of the time with the Moody's. Then the or der previously given to tie up the Baker waB countermanded and any one with half sense knew something was going to happen. Then an effort was made 'to buy Smith's wheat at two or three cents a bushel more than he could get for .it by shipping at the lower rates of the Regulator, not say by the Union Pacific. Smith refused to sell the wheat unless it should be shipped by the Regulator. The man who made the offer, J. H. Larsen says he was baying it forhis brother, and Mr. Larsen is an honorable man, but the wheat was not taken on this condi tion notwithstanding that the rates oi the Regulator are between four and five cents a bushel lower than the Union Pa cific. Whether it was Mr. Larsen buy ing for himself or for hie brother in Port land or as many believe, and with good reason, Mr. Larsen was buying for Moody, it is all the same. The party'at the back of the scheme was the Union Pacific and the intention was and is to cripple the Regulator. When Smith rer fused to sell the wheat unless it should be shippep by the Regulator, M. A, Moodyi immediately placed a pair of scales at the Washington side of the Rockland ferry, and there today he is buying wheat in opposition to George Smith and paying eighty-five cents a bushsl for it. The price of siioh heat in Portland is eighty-seven cents. It costs ten and two-fifths cents to ship it to Portland bv the Union Pacific. - AVho foots the bilIT The Union Pacific, with out a shadow of a doubt, and Moody is, as he has always been, the obsequious tool of the company. The only way Smith could bid, as he did to-lay, eighty-four and one-fourth cents, is Dy an agreement wuu tne Regulator company to carry the wheat for - nothing. We have no authority for saying this; but anyone not a positive idiot must infer as mnch. Smith has no money to lose and Moody has nne either. It is the' interest of the Union Pacific to run the Regulator off the river. They are willing to lose money to do it and Moody is also willing! to sell himself to the company for a little coin against the best interests of the city where he makes his bread and against the best interests of the country where he and bis family made every dol lar they own. This is the charge we make. Not that Mr. Moody, father or son, has not a right ordinarily to buy wheat anywhere or in competition with anybody, but the man who is so low down as to compete "under the present circumstances as the tool of the Union Pacific is low enough for anythin. ' the Major, and they expect to be gone about six months and perhaps longer. The originaors of the scheme, the Major assured us, have no private ax to grind. It is in no sepce got np by real estate boomers to boom a certain district. It is for the whole state and for every part of it. The mineral exhibit will be the finest purely Oregon exhibit ever gath ered together, in fact the only one worthy of the name, and for this result the credit is largely due to Major G. W. Ingalls It has been gathered from eight or ten counties of the state. The outside of the car presents a very at tractive appearance. On each side is painted in letters about a foot long the word "Oregon," and in smaller letters the words ; "No cy clones, no blizzards. The finest climate on the continent. The land of big red apples, glorious golden pr tinea and lux uriant berries,. Exported 4,170,2(50 bushels of wheat last year. . Season of 1889 exported 18,600,221 pounds of mer ino and other wool. The lumber re sources the greatest in the world. Sea son of 1890 exported 8,508,672 cans of salmon, etc.". On one side is a picture of the mouth of the Columbia and on the other of the falls of the Willamette, while underneath the latter are the words; "335,000 horsepower; mill siles free." Over each door is the word "wel come." The car will be taken across to Portland sometime this week and remain thereJor a few days when it will start East by way of the Northern Pacific. This route is adopted naturally because the Northern Pacific has furnished the car and transportation free. SEDITIOUS ANARCHISTS. ltnbiit Foreigner ' Who Shoultl at Once He Hounded From the Country. Philadelphia, Oct. 17. Before Judge Biddle today a hearing was had of the habeas corpus cases in the interest of Julius Moskowiti, Isidore Brenner, and Morris Gillis, Russian Jews, charged with a breach of the peace in distribut ing anarchistic circulars, making incen diary speeches and inciting riot. The officers testified as to their utterances at a meeting. They advised their hearers not to believe in God, not to fear the po lice: condemned the president of the United States, and said he ought to be killed. Judge Biddle declares' that he had no doubt that the preaching of their doctrines was seditions. These foreign ers came to this country voluntarily, and the first thing they did was to attack our institutions. Thev were enemies to the human race. He held all for trial. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WAI. SAUNDERSAbchitect.'-Plana and specifications furnished for dwellings, eharches, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed, of fice over French's bank. The Dalles, Oregon. THORXBURY, T. A. HUDSON, Late Rec. U. 8. Land Office. Notary Public DR. i. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Teinitt Medical College, and member of the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy siciau and Surgeon. Office; rooms g and 4 Chap man block. Residence: Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office nouns: lu to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. O. D. DOANE physician and sur geon. Office: rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence Xn. Fourth street, one Work south of Conrt House. Office hours S to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to i P. M.- AS. BENNETT, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. lice In Scbanno's building, up stairs. Dalles, Oregon. Of-The DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street Whiskey Claims Another. -About two o'clock last Friday,' the sound of a pistol shot was heard coining from one of the bedrooms of the Cosmo politan Hotel. A. clerk ran up to room 43 where he found a man lying on the floor besides the bed while the blood gushed "from a wound directly in the middle of his forehead and his brains scattered. on the carpet. A 44 caliber six shooter lay beside him with three of the chambers . empty. . ' A nearly full flask of whiskey was on the stand at the bed head and the smell emanating from the unconscious form of the suicide indicated that the man must have been under the influence of liquor when the deed was done. Enquiry soon discov ered the fact that the mans name was Lacey and that he came to the The Dalles from Antelope county where he has been engaged at sheep herding and other simular employment for the past two years. He has been in the city si nee last Saturday, all the time drink ing more or less heavily. He claimed yesterday to one of our citizens that ha had lost $100 since his arrival in gamb ling. A letter was found on his person which read as follows : Office or J. H. McDoxougii. Thk Dalles, Or., Oct. 16, 1891. To whom it may inltreit: The saving that no one commits suicide unless temporarily insane I think can be refuted in my case. The problem of existence is too muoh for me or I am for it, which amounts to the same thing. hiskcy has been my master lor years and the longer I live the more absolute (te control is. I have not the will power to resist it, so I am going to take this means of putting an end of a life that I have lost all interest in. I hope if there is a merciful God as my christian friends ; tea me, mat rie win not inquire too closely into a misspent life. ' My rela- A Gobler Sits On a Melon. Mr. James Grier, who livesabont. five miles east of Dawson, has a turkey gobbler that is a ennosity. Mr. Grier's turkeys consisted of two hens and the gobbler. -The hens made nests about seventy-five yards apart in Mr. Grier's melon patch, laid their nests full of eggs and went to eetting. The gobbler got lonesome and concluded that the proper thing for him to do was to ect also. ' He got an equal distance between the two turkey hens, squatted over a genuine watermelon and set six weeks before he was discovered. Mr. Grier thought his gobb'er had been stolen,' and was utterly astonished when he found him in the patch trying to hatch out young water melons. Enquirer-Sun. A Great Liver Sletllcine. Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills are a sure cure for sick headache, bilious com plaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, costive nes3, torpid liver, ate. These 'pills in sure perfect digestion, correct the liver and stomach, regulate the bowels, purify and enrich ihe blood and make the skin clear. They also produce a good appe tite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action. They only require one pill for ji dose and never gripe or sicken. Sold at 25 cents a box by Blakeley & Houghton. Unnecessary Suffering;. There is little doubt but that many persons suffer for years with ailments that could easily be cured by the use of some simple remedy. The following in cident is " an illustration of this fact : My wife was troubled with a pain in her side the greater part of the time for three years, until cured by Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It has, I think, per manently cured her. . We also have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever needed and believe it to be the best in the world. P. M. Boston, Pennville, Sullivan Co., Missouri. For sale -by Snipes & Kinersly Druggists. They Speak From Experience. "We know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that it will prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad berry & Worley, Percy, Iowa. They also add that the remedy has given great satisfaction in this vicinity, and that they believe it to be the best in the market for throat and lung diseases. For sale by Snipes & Kinerslv druggists. Notice. Chas, Stubbling desires all those in debted to him to come up and settle as soon as possible. He lost all his stock by the late fire and a prompt settlement would greatly oblige him. 9-26-diw-tf AR. THOMPSOXAttobket-at-law. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon F. r. If AYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON H. S. WILSON. MAY8, HUNTIXGTON WILSON Attor-neys-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. E.B.DUFUR. GEO. ATKINS. FRANK KEKEFEE. DUFUR, W ATKINS MEXEFEE Attoe-neys-at-law Room No. 43, over Post Otiice Building, Entrance on Washington Street i ne Aiaues, Oregon. D.S. Lad Office At tdreys, Booms 7 and 8, TJ. S. Land Office Building, THE DALLES, - r - OREGON. Filings, Contests, And Business of all Kinds Before the Local and General Lan Office Promptly Attended to. Minnesota Thresher Mfg. Go., -Manufacturers and Dealers in- Minnesota Chief Separators, Giant & Stillwater Plain and Traction Engines, "CHIEF" Farm Wagons, Stationary Engines and Boilers of all sizes. Saw Mills and Fixtures, Wood-AVorking Machinery, Wood Split Pulleys, Oils, Lace Belts and Belting. ; Minnesota Thresher Mfg. Co. M8FGet our Prices before Purchasing. . 267 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. Over Sixteen Tears Experience. -we ALSO DO A- General RealJEsrate Business. AH Correspondence Promptly Answered. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to E. ItECK.) XT H. WILSON ATTORNET-AT-LAW Rood T ? . 52 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Strcf , I - - J I.1111 i. u iu.u"m; ii..j u L,uua'fieji in one of the livery stables. He was respectably plothed and wrote a fine hand. He is still alive as we. go to press but Pr. Hollister who is in attendance gays he cannot possibly survive half an hour. 'utM for Fanners to Crack. A short time ajo George Smith and Richard Cant of Klickitat county came to Mr. Whealdon of this city and asked him what show there would be to obtain the exclusive right to use the land be longing to the Interstate) Company near the Kockland landing, for handling and shipping grain These gentleman with others were appointed by the grangers of Kliekitat county to attend to this DIED. At Wainic, in this county on Satur day evening the 17th instant the wife of Mr. Simon Mason of that place, aged about 65 years. Mrs.Mason was a most estimable christian woman a good neigh bor an affectionate wife and mother and her departure will leave a blank in the settlement not easily filled. The sym pathy of the community will go out to her bereaved and aged husband. BOBX. In this city, this morning, to the wife of Sam Johns, a daughter. Worthy of m Trial. If you are troubled with rheumatism ; or a lame back, bind on over the seat of . pain a piece of flannel dampened with j Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Yon will be ! surprised at the prompt relief it affords, j 50 cent bottle for sale by Snipe & Kin ersly. d4 Coroner Inquest, At the inquest held over the body of E. T. Lacey at the undertaking rooms of Coroner Michell, a nnmber of witnesses were examined whose testimony went to show that deceased came to his death by his own hand. He took a room at the Cosmopolitan hotel yesterday morn ing about 9:30 o'clock saving to the clerk that be bad been drinking and wanted to sleep it off, About 2 o'clock in the afternoon the clerk going to his room found hiin lying face downward on the floor, with a bullet wound in his forehead. The verdict of the coroner's jury is as j followers: - We the jury being duly sworn and empanelled to inquire into the cause of the death of the body now tiefore us, find from the evidence adduced that his I name was K. T. Lacev and that he com ! milled suicide by shooting himself in ; the head with a pistol, j John- Boss, . E. PlTMAX, - David Gbaham, C. F. Babsktt, J. DOHEBTY. J. T. OSBOBXE, i Are Your Children Subject to Croup? As a preventive and cure for croup, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no rival. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. There is not the least danger in giving it to children, as it coniains no injurious substance. For Bale atoO cents per bottle by Snipes & Kinersly. Druggists, d&w. There la None Better. Dr. -R. L. St. John of Howland, Put nam county. Missouri, takes esnecial Tpieasure in recommending Chamber ain s Coufgh Remedy, because he knows t to be reliable. He has used it in his practice for several years, and says there s none better, . it is especially valuable or colds and as a preventative and cure or croup. This most excellent medicine s for sale by Snipes & Kinerslv. The IDalles, Or. . d-w A span of work horses for sale cheap. tour and eight years old, weight about U&U each. Apply at this omce. dw8-28-lm An Old Adage. There is an old adage: "What every body says must be true." Henry Cook, of ew Knoxville. Ohio, in a recent let ter says : -'Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy has taken well here. Everybody likes it on account of tha immediate relief it gives," There is nothing like it to loosen and relieve a severe cold. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists, dw Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby waa nick, ire gare her Castoria. When ho wai a Child, she cried for Caatorla, When she became Miss, the clung to Cagtorla, Whop anahad Children, ahfl gTe them Oaatorla Vlomen, The common afflict lousoT women are s.' k-lK i aches, indigestion aud nervous troubles. 71 arise largely from stomach disorders. As J.; Vegetable Sarsaparilla is the only bowel r: j lating- preparation, yon can sco why it is un effective than any other EarsaparLla lit tin troubles, it Is daily rclicvine hundreds. T action is mild, direct and effective. We have scores of letters from grateful women. We refer to a few: Nervous debility, Mrs. J. Barron, 142 "th St., S. K. Nervous debility, Mrs. Fred. Loy,327 Ellis St.,S.F. General debility, Mrs. Belden, 610 Mason St., S.F, Ncrvons debility, Mrs. J. Lampherc, 735 Turk St., Nervous debility. Miss R. Roseublum. 2S2 17th St., S. F. Stomach troubles, Mrs. R. L. Wheaton, 701 Post Br., S. F. - Sick headaches, Mr. M. B. Price, 16 Prospect Place, S. F. Sick headaches, Sirs. M. Fowler, 327 Ellis St, S.F. Indigestion, "Mrs. C. D. Stuart, 1221 Mission St, CouBtipatlon, Mrs. C. Melvin, 126 Kearny St,S.F. Vegetable Sarsaparilla Most modern, most effective, largest bottle. ' Same price, 11.00 o 6 for $5.00. For Sale by SNIPES & KINERSLY. THE DULLES. OREGON. Grandall & Barget, MANUFACTURERS AND DKAI.ERS IN . FURNITURE CARPETS Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. f AMIS, CLOCKS, Joy's Jewelry, Diamonds, : DEALERS IN:- Staple and Fancg GiocciiGs, Hay, Grain and Feed. Watches, Clocks' and Jewelry . Repaired and Warranted. 165 Second St.. The Dalles.Or. 820 REWARD. Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalies, Oregon. New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLFS, OREGON. . HANDLEY & SINNOTT, PROP'S. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. THE Dalles, Portland & Astoria HAVIGATI0N COMPANY'S Klegant Steamer REGULATOR Will leave the foot of Court Street every morning at 7 A. M. for Portland and Way Points Connections Will be Made with the Fast Steamer " , DAIiliES GITY . A.t the Foot of the Cascade Locks. ' WILL BK i-Aiu FOR ANY INFORMATION j leading to the conviction of parties cutting f iub r'jnrB ui 111. Buy wily liiurritrr.UK Willi iut poies or uunfw ot nix clectbic uaui wire eo. H. GLENN, Health is Wealth ! For Paesenger or Freight Rates, Apply : to Agent, or Purser on Board. Office northeast corner of Court and Main street 8. t. BltQOKS, Agent. ' Tne GoiumDla PacRinoCo.. PACKERS OF Pork anil Beet Fino ilAXUFACTOBEKS OF Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAffD ' 'ml Da. E. C. West's Nkbvb akd Brain Treat jient, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness. Convulsions, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration cansed by the use or aiconoi or toDacco, wajceiumess, JuenLai re pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Powei in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abuse or over indulgence. Each box contain one month's treatment. 1.00 a box, or six boxes for 5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. W GUARANTIEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received b us for six boxes, accompanied by fo.00, we will. aena tne purcuaser our written guarantee to re fund the money If the treatment does not ctf'cc a otire. Guarantees issued only by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. The Dalles. Or. Ticket and Baggage Office of the O. R. & N. Company; and office of the Wetter " ' Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. P. Thompson President. J. S. Schxkck, H. M.Bbau : Vice-President. Cashier .First national Ban. HE DALLES. - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt ly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIRECTORS. fD. P. Thompson. Jso. 8. Sche.vck. T. W. Spabk8. Geo. A. Liebk. II. M. BxAU,. NEW A FSEtfCfi & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Wasco warehouse (So., Receives G-oods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. " . Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. fates Reasonable. MARK GOODS W - W . Oo - THE DALLES, OREQOKT. The Wasco warehouse is supplied with grain sacks which will be sold at the loM-est market figures. nn!4wtf Pried Beef, Etc. Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or. DIAMOND - EOLLEE - MILL 'Tli Di'Iji, :Jm.i, Oct. 17 1S91. A lady's gold watch. Walthani, with riverside movement, attached to a black silk fob. Twenty dollars reward will be paid for its return to the Cnno.vici.R ; office or to Mrs. T. Baldwin. i 14-tf. For Sale. Fifty head merino rams by the Tyifli Valley Ijind & live Stock Company." .For tlest-ription or particulars inquire of A. A. Boxxey, ocl9-23w The Dallas or Tygh Valley. A. IL CURTIS, Prop, lour of the Best Qual ity Always on Hand. PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices vri) be low accordingly. Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. Phil Willig, 124 UNIONIST., THE DAXLES, OR. - - , Keeps on hand a full line of MEN'S AND YOUTH'S Ready Made Clothing. Pants and Suits . . - MADE TO ORDER On Reasonable Terms. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States, Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco. Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. (All Birnei Out tnt Afl:aln in Business ! Wm. flHGflEMi, UNDERTAKER, And Embalmer, has. aicoja started with a new the indertakinar business. Particular attention paid to embalming and taking caro of the dead. Orders promptly attended to, day or . . night Prices as Low as the Lowest. Place of business, diagonally across from Opera Block, on the corner of Third and Wash ington Streets, Tuo Dalles, Oregon. dSir Call and see my Goods before burchasing elsewhere. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward lor anj case oi Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, 8ick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 80 Mils, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WFST COMPANY, CHICAGO, BLARKJ.KY A HOCGHfOJi, PresctlyHo Druggists, ITS Secoad S6 Th. DmllM, Or. First CLaa a iun . tarrinl, Fastest ul Maaat I. .. nri KW tOHnOMDOHDERBf AM 6LAS60W, NEW YORK, GIBBALTtB stcd NAFIJ9L At regular Intervals. t00, SECOND-CLASS AND STEEDABE- ? lowest terms to and from ths prtnclple- BsoTca mauea, msa au ceirrorssm, kjhtb- Exeunaonj ticket available to retora kv either the nie turjKue Clrde Worth of IrelaodKaples Oruti laa lisnty Mn tat 1st Atutst at lawwl It App!y to any of oar local Aeota or to aXKOBKSON BKOTREBsTciUmvo, 111. Pop sale at a Bargain - A GOOD Traction- Engine Has only been run sixty days. Buffalo Pitts Thresher oniy used two months. Chopping Mill, Capable of 15 to 20 tons per day ; co3 S31. The above will be sold on easy terma W. L. WARD. The Dalles, Or PAUL KREFT i CO.,. DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Glass; And the Most Complete and the Latest ' Patterns and Designs in Practical Painters and Panr-r Hanrara KW ft.. ka tuv. k .. .t i ... r . w uco uinuun vi iiip outrrwiu-n lluaiUS- j Paint used in all our work, and none but the- most suiiiea workmen employed. All orders romptly attend ed to. 10-17-d SIIOP .Adjoining Red Front Oraaarr. ' THIltU ST11EKT. o