The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 31, 1891, Image 1

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    ri ffl r fet ir II srir fir itt r & Cl j
VOL. 1.
THE War in tenessee.
Xo Fighting as Yet but the Situation
is a Grave OneThe Attorney
General Complicates Matters.
A Race War. Probable between Lum
bermen and Italian Subjects
. The Bruisers WillFighL
Kkoxville. Tenn., Julv 24. There is
.scarcely doubt but the troops will move
from Cool Creek before noon today.
Two gatling pins will be mounted on
Startling- IMarovery bjr a Farmer on Hi
L.mnd near Nolfu.
Pkndleton. Or. July 24. Sour.' time
ago John S. Vinson noticed a peculiar
oily covering on the water of a spring at
his place near Nolfu, which could be
skimmed off like cream from a pan of
milk. On punching a bole in the ground
with a stick and placing a match at the
top of the bole, a flash was the result.
Vinson kept his discovery quiet, and has
since been prodding about his place in
search of a similar phenomena. He
now writes to a friend in Pendleton that
he has discovered natural gas and coal
oil in a number of places on his laud.
He will have the discovery examined by
an expert, and will endeavor to secure
the services of E. G. Locke, of the Un
ion Pacific, on his return to Pendleton.
The thermometer registered lOo in
; intense excitement has been caused
i tltom tliia mni-nincr nnr-.n rhf rpi-pinfr llf
flat cars and thus enter Cool Creek. .But the ehude here todav and yeterday 102. was formed headed by a hand and Cleve- ; the newg of ,he ki!ling 0i Deputy Sheriff
Itfcept l:in
The Ex-President Tendered
at Cape Cnd.
Sandwich. Mass., July 25. Sandwich
today extended a cordial recept ion to ex
President Cleveland who has chosen
Cape Cod as his place of residence dur
ing the summer mouths. The occasion
was not confined to the local hounds of
Sandwich and Bourne but to Cape Cod,
whose residents irrespective of politics
and summer visitors united in a wel
come. This morning a .special train having
on board Governor Russell 8nd staff and
other invited quests stopped at Buzzard
Bay from where Ex-President Cleve
land was escorted. Here a procession
Deputy Sheriff Poor Killed and
Cowboy Dangerously Wounded
Running in Chinese the Cause.
SL Louis Judge Decides that Pool
Selling is all Right Details of
the Latest European Horror.
law cannot effect. Protective laws
may undoubtedly create a home market
and thus enhance the value of the uro-
i ducts of the farm but they surely cannot
j effect the price of these commodities in
foreign countries. Xo protective law
I can change the higher law of supply and
j demand and it is this law that event-
Poeti.a.nd, Julv 27. A special to the ufllly fixes the price of wheat or any-
Evening Telegram from Seattle says that i thing else for that matter, in the foreign
THE SURPLUS FIXES THE PRICE, j and suggested that if the man would!
... . . , , I only ship bis wool by the Regulator, the I ;wW' VTr-vrT .; ZT-'-.i
We consider it verv si Iv 'ndeed to at- : a,,f.,.pS.a f . f- W A- SALNDEKs architect. Plans niid ,
. . success ot ttie new navigation company i f ions furnished for dwellings,
tribute the high price of wheat that is in ' -nnlH 1 0,o, Tn u " j churches, business Uwts, schools and factories.
protective for the farmers of this conn- ! f l 1 ' "hW .h,W wm: riT.. uf" '
try to the MiKinler bill. There are
some tilings mat mat mnun taiKed ot ..r,o,,n ,.a- k i
- .u.i . uu'. i wir CAUiail.tlll.iu
pletely we failed to grasp the "lo2i; and i fifte "ver French's bunk. The Dulles, Oregon
mathematics of the Times-Mountaineer :
there is not much danger of bloodshed
as the miners say that not a gun will be
fired. ;
A Bloody Mexican War Carried on
known to the Ontslde World.
! lanfl u'aa ocwir-tprt it a Inrtrr iiiif
the reception was held
The Tennessee- Militia Mich Disgusted
. at the Attaraay General' Decision.
K.NOXTIL1.E, July 24. there is no
change in the situation this afternoon.
The troops still remain in Knox ville and
all is quiet at Coal Creek and Briceville
Another and final conference will proba
bly be held this; afternoon between the
governor and representatives of the min
era. The opinion ot Attorney General
Pickle, rendered this morning with re
gard to the right Of the' governor ; under I In bands of fifty
Chicago, July 22. According to the
statements of two young Mexicans, now
in Chicago, there is a bloody war raging
in the mountains of Mexico, unknown
to the outside world. It has been sup
posed that with the death of the great
leader of the Yaqui Indians, Chief
Cajeme, the Indian wars in Mexico had
closed. According to the story told this
has not been the case. Thousands of
Yaquis are stronelv intrenched in the
mountains, and troops, which are
stationed at all towns along the Yaqni
river, are powerless to reach them to
protect the lives and property of citizens.
or more the laquis
wnere , Go. W. Poor at Woolry last night and
make raids on the towns and have fierce
fights with the troops. The condition
ol affairs is said to be daily growing
most alarming.
the law to call out the 'state 'militia is to
the effect that the governor cannot call
oat the militia, fbut they may be used as
a posse. This complicates the situation,
an rtiA mflitfo IaaI tKor aro n nrlT- nr
... . ., Nbw Yobs. July 23. Flour Closed
more obligation toserve as a posse than Jfrn for spring and winter pat-
ptner citizens.Of the stia, and that it is I ents. with an improved demand for
The Mew York Grain Market.
lowering to the dismitv of the military lower brands
oiar. mr!, ' sA far them Wheat Options
cad be seen no danger of an serious
trouble any where today.
. V f . -
Kaoxrllle Hardware Stores Selling Im
: anense- .eta of Arms-
Kjjoivildk, Tenn.. July 24. An in
vestigation shows that in the past
twenty-four hours there has been an
unusually large number of calls at the
Knoxville "hardware stores for Win
chester rifles. It is said that there are
500 men in the vicinity of Williamsburg,
Ky., ready to come to the aid. of the
miners at Coal' Creek. It is known that
- a telegram was received from Appena, a
mining town, proposing contributions of
. money and also men if necessary. At
' no time has the situation appeared
more serious, though there will be no
conflict until i the governor moves the
were strong in the
morning dealings and advanced sharply
on a good buying, due to the announce-.
ment of the break in the trie canal, and 1
which, it was said, would take several
days to repair The Cables were firmer,
and foreign houses were buyers to a
moderate extent. Ihe market under
went a decided change in the last half of
the day, and the advance was more than
wiped out nnder a selling . to 'realize.
The closing figures were .(c lower.
Snot lots closed steady. Snot sales of
of No. 2 red winter at 9?4c; No. 2 red
winter, July, 97r'c; do August, 95c:
do September, 95c; do October, 96,0.
i the wuundinc of CowIhjv Terrv and
In welcoming Ex-President Cleveland ! Custoni Inspector Baird and Deputy In
on behalf of the citizens of Cape Cod, j speotor Tav)or Holden is under arrest.
Governor Kussell warmly eulogized , The Rhootnj, is 8aia to n!ive over
Cleveland's administration and closed ! the eaptnre o a band of chinamen who
with the assurrance that Massasehusetts , were SUir,ggcd into tbe TjnUud
believes in sound currency. In replying gtateH from victoria. Terrv Holden and
to the toast "Onr Neighbors" the ex- j Poor were and the atorv is that
president returned thanks for neighborly ! Deputv Inspector Buchanan and Baird
intentions of the inhabitants of Capejwere jeaous Gf each other's partv and
Cod and speaking of the presidency said j they ,aid in ambnsb for them. fhirtv
he.hadagainreturne.lto the people to , gho'la were exebaneed between the two
........ .
ship subject to the same rule of behavior , The g jury charged Baird and
which should apply to his fellow coun- j Bucnanai) with the death of Poor.
try men and his return should be ac- ;
corded the same fair and decent treat
ment. The New York people, however, ap
pear to believe that once out of office we
are constantly engaged in plotting for
our own benefit and end. Not only to
destroy the party to which we belong
but to subvert popular liberty and
utterly nproot free American institutions.
renatayleaalw lumbermen, and Italian
Laborex Will Probably Fight.
, Glen Hazxl, Penn., July 24. A race
' War-whir h threatens the diolomatic com- the board has authority to condemn in
DlicationV similar toThose erowine ont fected fruit and to prosecute dealers who
Offleem of the State Horticultural Board
Keeping: a Sharp Lookout.
Inspector Varney and Secretarv Allen
of the State Board of Horticulture, visit
tbe commission houses every two
three days to see if infected fruit is of'
fered for sale. Since they ordered 100
boxes of bad California fruit returned
thev have had no trouble. Thev find
that the commission men are in sym
path v with -them and aid them in their
efforts to keep infected frnit out of Ore
gon.' Fruit dealers are also anxious
have tbe law inforced. While thev suf
fer Nt hardship at present. Sec re tar
Allen is confident that they will be bene'
fited in the long run. Under the law
Over Two Hundred People Killed in Ihe
St. Maude Collision A Horrible
Paris, July 27. It is now reported
that 200 people were killed or injured as
the result of the St. Maude collision yes
terday. Many of the unfortuifite peo
ple were imprisoned beneath the wreck,
and drowned by firemen who poured tor-
obeoon crop report. rents of water upon the wreck and
i seemed to be utterlv unaware' that they
Wheat Turning- Ont Better Than wu) . , ,
Expected. were drowning the people they were at-
I ratnntinnf fit raoona
Pn .V., n- 9 TllA lmn W"lfMg fcv
of the New Orleans affair, exist here
Some days ago in a drunken row between
: some lumbermen and 'x gang of Italian
railroad laborers, Horace Fisher, a lnra
ber.uan, was stabbed and killed by Paolo
. Passu zzi who escaped to the Italian
camp where he has since been protected.
The Italians flung
persist in selling it.
to the "breeze and defied the lumbermen
- to interfere with Paasuzzi. The lum
bermen are thoroughly aroused and
. threaten to kill - every Italian in tbe
neighborhood. 'They have notified the
Italians that unless Passuzsi is delivered
to the jail for trial inside of five days,
U:ey will come prepared to take him at
; the point of Winchester rifles. The
- Italians have appealed to the Italian
consul at Philadelphia, who has de
manded protection for Italy's subjects.
lay Gould Traveling- West, This
in Searth of Health.
inicAGO. July zz. Jay Uould an
party arrived at 4:50 o'clock this after
noon, on the North Shore limited, and
departed for the Rocky mountains
the flag of Italy the Omaha limited, over the Rock Is
land, at 7 p. in. Mr. Gould is very much
under the weather, and thin, pale and
haggard. He Is not in nearly as good
health as when he was W est in March
and seems to feel the effects of the heat
very much. Mr. Gould's visit West
solely in searth ot health. He was ac
companied by younger children, his
private physician (.Dr. .Munn) and t. rl
H. Clark, first vice-president and gen
eral manager of the Missouri Pacific and
Union Pact he railways.
Kansas' Alliance Judge.
Topkka, Kan., July 22. Judge McKay
the alliance judge who has been sum
moned before the supreme court to an
swer a charge of contempt of court, ar
rived here this morning. To a reporter
tins aitemoon McKay said :
ihe stories about the Htinnywell case
have been all one-sided. It is not an
alliance fight. The statement that the
Superintendent of Immigration
Sajs. If Can,- be Done.
washkcto-s, Jnly 24. The superin
tendent of Immigration has rendered a
v decision ton the application of the stamp- alliance in secret session is dictating to
!i company of St. Louis to be permitted m7 conrt.i8. falsei .Hnywell is of nn-
:J4 " lajii j i'u i .v sonnd mind, and is not competent to
to import -Wiled labor for their tin manage his affairs. I think the supreme
pirn mum, to ine eneci mat tne immi- court will uphold my action when it has
t ration law plainlv intends that skilled heard the other side of the case
labor may be imported into the Cnited
Mates to. do work in an industry not yet
t-rfiablishcd, provided skilled workmen
rrf that industry cannot be found among
ar own people.. Therefore tbe lmpor
'trttion. will be permitted as such cannot
1 found in the United States.
In rest! fating a Murder.
Bbidokpobt, - Calif., July 24. S. B.
Hopkin, formerly depnty United States
marshal i arrived here last evening and
this morning cbmmenced taking testi
mony ur 5fard to the murder of Ah
Quong -Tia, the Cfiinaman who was
killed and brutally chopped to pieces by
Indians on tbe 9th day of Jnne last.
The Chinaman had murdered an .Indian
)y the name of Poker Tom, and had cnt
)is body into .pieces, salted it down,
cooked it, and had fed the Indians a por
i!on of it i which so exasperated them
" that they cut and mnrdered his body in
tii same manner.
A Railroad Collision.
Secretary Blaine Still Improving.
Wasaingtoj.-, Julv 22. It is learned
through reliable sources that Secretary
Blaine is gradually preparing to resume
charge ot the state nepartment anairs,
He now has bis private secretary with
him, and is getting together the loose
ends of his work. It can hardlv be said
that he is actuallv at work vet. and the
most he will undertake for some time, if
his health continues to improve, will be
merely in an advisory caoacitv. The
awakening of interest in his work has
not, it is said, retarded his recovery, but
it seems to be beneficial to him. This
being the case, it is believed he will be
able to resume his position in the ad
ministration in the fall. : -
PeSTer Will Head the Alliance Ticket.
topkka, Kan., Julv 'ss. The rumor
that Senator Peffer was fignring for the
nomination for nresidt-nt b the ipoiilt')
paity in mn was connrmed today. The
AUxance ArtDoeaU. tne peonie s oartv
organ in Kansas, raises his name, aud,
in an editorial states that Kansas took
tne initiatory step in the new move
ment, and was entitled to the honor.
Until it was known that Senator Peffer
desired the nomination, the nrefareni.
Dk.vvek, July 24. The Narrow Guage among the alliance men seemed to be
: : east bound express from Sslida on the or President Polk of North Carolina.
Denver 4 Rj0 Grande railway collided
Senator Pefler's friends Bav that the
with the broad Salt Lake Express going s8 b5j. enoneh for a ..rSsidentml ..ndi-
. . X n r rt ,.. 1 . i ? I i . "
wni m icw mi 1Kb ww varusie eariy inis uaw
morning. V The trains were running at
full speed with heavily loaded engines
and front coaches. Both trains were
a-otnpletely wrecked and four
The Kehring Sea Matter.
Cape, may, July 22. S. V.' White,
more tamilharly known as "Deacon
White," of Wall' street, has arrived here
by appointment with the president, and
will call upon him tomorrow. It is under
stood that White's appointment is rela
tive to the contract that the government
has with the North American commer
cial companv, for the privilege of catch-
A Chance for Hall and Fits.
Gbans Rapids, Minn., Jnly 24. The
Pokegama Athletic association of Grand
Hapids has decided to offer $10,000 for ing seals in Behring sea
the Hall-Fitzsimmons fight with or
-without gloves, the club to furnish a
guarantee that the fight will not be in
terfered with.
Wanted to Jflope With His Step-Daugh
Bektox. Tex.. Julv 22. Last nieht B.
Williamson shot and. killed his wite and
W. Hamilton. He is being pursued by
a large posse. A short time ago Will
iamson eloped with his 11-vear-old step-
lnt was brought back. He
Tbe ft ports in Court.
SjPacl, July 24. Hall and Fitzeim-
- innlLlnrl f hotr nn-n en.tti. I danehter.
nndJim Carroll, were arraigned in the
municipal conrt this morning but the kiHed her and also Hamilton. All con
cases were continued. - cerned are negroes.
crop i
bulletin issued by the Oregon weather
bureau today says the weather conditions !
have been favorable to ripening of grain. !
The harvest is now begun all over the j
state. Wheat in every section is tnrn- j
ing out better than was expected. In
few sections smut is reported but not toj
any great extent. The oat crop is re-!
ported to be a good one. The codlin
market. It is no disparagment of the
McKinley law to say that it deserves no
credit for the price of grain that is in
profcpect. If the grain fields of Europa
and India had yielded as abundantly this
year as they have done in years gone by
all the protective laws on earth would
not have very materially raised the
price of a commodity whose former
cheapness was attributable to its over
abundance, more than to anything else.
The man who has a thousand bushels of
wheat to sell where only five hundred is
wanted, must take what he can get
for the surplus five hundred, while the
man who has only five hundred where a
thousand is needed can name his own
price for all he has got to sell. It is the
surplus, therefore, in the markets of the
world or its absence that fixes the price
of the remainder, and this year the pros
pect now is that there is going to be no
given in its issue of last evening.
A "thousand sheep on a thousand
hills" signifies only one on a hill, and
not a total of a million sheep. Our
cotemporary should study mathematics
and try and comprehend the rules of
So it appears, after all, that the man
has only a thousand sheep, though why
he should plant oue on eveiy hill top of
the thousand hills of Grant county, is
what we cannot find out, unless, as is
quite possible, the cayotes may have got
among them and " stampeded them.
We're going to study logic and mathe
matics, however, and then we'll know
all about it.
rvR. J. SUTHERLAND Fellow of Tkimty
1 Medical C'ollt-ce, and niemiiei of tile Col-
leareof Physicians nnd Surpreonn, Ontario, I'hy
siciiin and Surgeon. Office: rooms 3 mid 4 Chiip
man block. Uesidoncc; Judge T hornburv's Sec
ond street. Gttiee hours; 10 to 12 a. m.", 2 to 4
ana i to s p. in.
Today the town hall at St. Maude pre
sents a fearful spectacle. The blackened
bodies have beua placed in rows upon
the floor and tables until in some cases
the remains are little more than a heap
tf iMnrlpra intfirmiirpr! u-ir.h nnrtinnu nf
One pile of charred limbs and human
cinders is especially conspicuous, con-
One of the tuoet important industries
of the great state of California is her
grape culture. , Lands adapted for rais
ing grapes command prices ranging from
a hundred to five hundred and a thous
and dollars an acre. Here, in Oregon,
there is a stretch of country,- bordering
on the Columbia, from the John Day
river to the Multnomah countv line.
that, for raising grapes is not excelled j w hen Governor Merriatn interposed
by any part of California. The truth of ! to stoP tfae slugging match the other day
this statemsnt has" been demonstrated ! iu St- Paul he performed an act for which
a hundred times in a hundred ways. I he wU1 bave the grateful thanks of every
Xo one acquainted with the country pre- j rl'ght minded citizen, without respect of
tendB for a moment to deny it, and .yet i chl8f creed or party. These beastly ex
many of these lands can be purchased ! hibitions of brute force and mis-called
today for five to twenty dollars and acre, j science are becoming thoroughly dis-
Where is General. Varney and Emile
Schanno and Uncle Jerry Rusk and the
Oregon Horticultural Society and tbe
State Entomologist? The Timen-Mottn-taineer
has made a discovery and here it
is : "The forthcoming pest ol" the coun
try is the Hessian fly which is develop
ing its propensities in ' the orchards of
the different portions of the state."
Shades of Ciucinuatus and Horace
Greely! That's what a man gets by
"studying logic and metaphysics." That
beats the city belle who supposed that
cow's milk was obtained by pumping it
out of the cow, and using the tail as a
handle. That beats the editor who ad
vised farmers t exterminate the wevil
from iheir grain bins with a shot
guns. We shall not be surprised to
soon.hear of the devastating effects of
horse flies on the green corn, or type i
lice on printer s e3'es.
J GEON. otlice; rooms 5 aud 6 :ha.rii:in
i P. M.
Residence over McFarland & French
Oflice hours S to 12 A. hi., 1 to 5 and 7 to
im tlce in Sehumio'8 building, up stairs.
Dulles, Oregon.
DSIDDALI. E?."nhT. Gas given for the
painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
:t on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
lit. noiuen lootu, isecona sireer.
j. V. in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
i ne mines, uregon
. I KB ys-at-law. Offices, French's block over
. 4ii wuuuusi xajiK, ine jiaues, Oregon.
i s sbys-at-law riooms Nod. 71, 73, 75 and 77.
' 1 AJiw-jk, oa-uuu otrcei, luc uaues, Oregon,
V7 H. WILSON Attobnky-at-law Rooms
t t tK ana jew v ogl ttloct. Second Street,
i tit LfHiieH, Oregon.
Phil .Wiliig,
Keeps on hand a full line of
Ready Made Clothing.
Pants and Suits
On Reasonable Terms.
i t ,.(.uni: ..j ivl.iln ntko,o tr. cn,rn r-aarcnta i:,ii i .. i sustinsT. 1 hev are a blot 11 non the civ
mom is ooing someaamage nops are placed Jn ft heap , ferior can had for little over tfle gov. ( ilization of the age and ought to be as
quite promising, ihe peacti crop win j esecation of yonng and j ernment price, and, even excellent fruit j repugnant to the taste of anyone entitled
be the largest on record. ; D , acconiDlices of Mere Ber- I and grape lands can be had for the tak- ' be called a gentleman as a Roman
land in Courberer's murder, took piacelingnp. A resident of this city, who j gladiatorial murder or a modern Span-
this morning on the place de Laroqnettervpent his first twenty-eight years on the ! ish DQU fignt-
Berland walked calmly to the guillotine, iJlhine and the remainder of an extended j
hut. o dMini9ti atrmro-U trinlr nlacp nn life on a favorer! ci-ane-raiRinff npptinn nn i E W MARKET FOR HOG PRO-
A Brutal Fight Between Light: Weight
t on Long Inland.
New York.- Julv 25. A nrize fieht
remarkable for its astonishing brutality- j the scaffold. Dorre made no resistance, this morning at a sporting No 800ner had the heads 01 the mur
resort on Long Island between Tim Tom- j dercrs rolled into the basket than the
allv and Bill Hoeeart. litrht weitthts. ! crowd forward and with a mighty
When time was called they went at it
Call and see my Goods before
Durchasing elsewhere.
( Successor to K. KECK.i
like game cocks, hammer and tongs.
Tomally by a lucky blow caught Hog
gart on the jugular rein and knocked
him out. Neither one was satisfied with
the result and it is thought they will
meet again.
The Result of the Latest English Elec
tion. London, July 25. The tory press com
menting on the result of the Wisbeck
parlamentary election concedes that a
liberal victory menaces greatly the union
The Chronicle says : "The result is
due to the conservative candidate adopt-
ing the protection cry. Tbe laborers
recognize that protection for the fanners
will not increase their wages. They
voted for the Gladstonian candidate be
lieving that radical measures had better
be intrusted to a radical government.
rush and. broke through tiie cordon of
soldiers and policemen and began a dis
gusting scramble for an opportunity to
view the work of the guillotine.
Vlltard Oh tains Control of all the Street
Car Lines in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, July 25. Henry Villard,
by another deal consummated today has
obtained control of every International
Transportation line in the city except
the one on the short electric road. The
Villard people have erected the largest
electric power house in the world here
more than sufficient for all purposes yet
developed with control of all the btreet
car tracks.
The People's Home Savings Bank
San Francisco Having Jtard Luck. '
San Francisco, July 27. A iun was
began on the People's Home Saving
bank this morning and several thousand
dollars paid back to depositors. The
bank commissioners have begun an in
vestigation of the bank's affairs. Ac
cording to its report of July 1st tbe
People's bank has a capital stock of
$1,000,000 of which one third is paid up.
There is due depositers who number
about 8000 the sum of !f 190,000.
The bank's officers state that the in
stitution isjperfectly solvent. Two of the
San Francisco morning papers have di
rected the attention to the bank within
the past two days, contending that the
8 nte bank examiners had not made a
proper examination of the bank's affairs.
the Mississippi river, remarked to the
writer that he had been engaged in
grape culture and vineyard work all his
life and that he never saw a country
that excelled this for raising grapes.
These facts are so well known to the
people ot this section that they require
A late dispatch from Paris says that it
is believed that the government has de
cided to accede to the request of Minis
ter Reid to remove the embargo on
American pork, as it is known that the
government nas agreed to introduce a
no proof. The only strange thing about j bill modifying the general tariff law of
them is that thev have not been taken
advantage of to a greater extent.
Lincoln's Daughter to he Married.
London, Jnly 25. The engagement of
Mary Lincoln, the eldest daughter of
Robert Lincoln, United States Minister
to Great Britain, to Charles Isham of
New York, is announced. The wedding
will be solemnized in this city during the
comingautumn. The prospective bride
groom was formerly private secretary to
Lincoln. '
A Catamaran Capsizes on Long Island
Sound With Mnch Loss nf Life.
New Haven, Conn., July 27. The
Catamaran "Typhoon," having on board
Judge Hugh Daly, his little niece, Capt.
Geo. Austin, Clarence Beebe and Rufus
Sbephardof this city were capsized ig
Long Island Sound last night. Capt.
Austin and neice were rescued bv a
The Irish party in the British parlia
ment are manifesting a surprising
willingness to accept a local government
bill from the tories. Precisely what the
bill contemplated will grant to Ireland
is, as yet, a matter of mere conjecture,
but the chief secretary has intimated
that it will be based broadly on the
English and Scutch acts and if such is
the case" it is believed that the Irish
members cannot consistently refuse to
support it. It is contended on all hands
that Ireland cannot reasonably ask for
more liberty of action than England and
Scotland are content with and Irish
members have many times asserted
their willingness to accept the same
privileges and the same degree of local
government that England and Scotland
enjoy. To the downfall of Parnell is
generally ascribed the amazing change
of attitude of the Irish members to the
government party. It is even asserted j
tbat Mr. Parnell has actually stood in I
the way of homo rule for several years I
pact by reason of bis refusal to accept J
any measures originated Dy tne tories.
There is now, it is said, a wide-spread
feeling that by the downfall of Parnell
I the most serious obstacle in the way of
Mty 1881 and fix the duty at 20 francs
per hundred kilos on all salted pork,
ham and bacon imported from the Unit
ed States. This would mean a tariff
duty of less than two cents a pound
which is by no means prohibitory. It
would also mean a largely increased
market and better times for the pork in
dustry of the United States, especially,
too as it is likely to be followed by the
opening of, the German markets to the
same product.
JJewelry, Diamonds,
SMEflWriRE, :-: ETC
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
Heal Estate and
. InsoraDee Agents;
Abstracts of. and Information Conceiv
ing. Land Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Homes in
Bugiqe Location,
Should Call on or Write to na.
Agents for a Full Line of
LeaSiii Fire Insnrance Companies,
And Will Write Insurance for J
A1TT J!L20TJlrT,
on .all . .
Correspondence Solicited. All Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
. Address,
Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or.
Wholesale anil Retail Druisti.
Fine Imported,. Key West and Domestic
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get Jthe best quality
and a fine color use the
Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint
For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call their
attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles. Or.
Lute Rec. U. S. Land Office.
Notary Public
Dndertakinor Establisliment !
steamer. It is thought tbat the others
are lost. The last seen of Judge Daly, ! home rule, which must come gradually
Beebe nnd Shephard they were clinging j has been removed. '
to a wreck, with the waves threatening j 1
Whisky . Trnt to Cnncentrate Mano-
Chicago, JulyV 24. It is stated at the
International Revenue office that the
whisky trust has decided to concentrate
all the whisky manufactories at Peoria
iy sale from time - to- time - to outside
honscs. The object of concentration is
economy in operation and reduction in
the working force.
A Millionaire Woman' Death. -
Mktucg, Mass., July' 25. Mrs.
to carry them under at any moment.
.Jndge Daly is one of the leading repub
lican politician of Connecticut. Shep
hard is a well known banker of New
Haven. Beelte belonged to one of the
citv's best families.
Governor Boles' Letter of Acceptaaee.
Des Moisks, Iowa, July 25. Governor
Boies' letter accepting the democratic
nomination was given to the press today.
The issues of the campaign are dis
cussed. Special stress is laid on prohibi
tion and tariff but the letter is somewhat
; nou-committal on free 'coinage of silver
i which was endorsed by the democrats
! at the Ottum wa convention.
Hopkins Searles, wife of E, F, Searles I
the New York architect and widow of J
A Texas llaxe.
Dallas, Texas, July 25. A fire broke
! . i t u r- is i
the Millionaire Hopkins, of the Pacific i oufc "u 'u,,r UOU3C
slope, died here this morning as the re. j on Commercial street early this morn
suit of an attack of grippe. Her first I ,n Pd V1 to the Benbrock
fccnool turmture company, the lirew-
husband left an estate valued at $60,-
000,000. Mrs. Searle.s wealth is esti
mated at ijHO.OOO.OOO.
The Italian Consul's Views. s
PHtLAnELPHiA, July 24. The Italian
consul here shvs the rfnrr (if r tliiwifc. 3""pe"
ened race war at Glen Hazel is exagger
ated hut he admits that there has been
correspondence about the matter passed
between him and the district attorney.
erst Storage Company's warehouse and
Wolfe and Co.'s cotton gin. Five hund
red bales of cotton in t he gin was des
troyed. The estimated loss is $2,000 ,000.
Want lntles Removed.
Ottowa, July 24. A petition signed
by 15,000 members of the order of pat-
u-onsof Industry was presented the do- j
minion house' of commons praying for
the removal of import duty on binder
twine, salt and sugar, and setting these
articles on the free list.
will Have no Prize Fight.
Minneapolis. July 25. The chief of
police has issued an order that hereafter
no glove contests shall occur at the thea
ter Comique or Pence opera bouse. The
administration is evidently opposed to
sparring unless conducted under club
auspices. - A contest was to have been
held at Pence opera house tonight.
Chicag-o Wheat Market.
Chicago, 111., July 27. Close:
wheat firm cash 914 i September, 88
The Chicago Tribune lately .published
a brief table which is of considerable in
terest to every student of-the liquor
question. The population of Chicago, is
in round numbers 1,200,000. A recent
report of the citv board of health gives
the number of firms and persons en
gaged in- various occupations. From
that report the Tribune takes the figures
in the following table, which ehows the
number of inhabitants to each sal non,
meat market etc.: Saloon, 217: meat
market, 770; lawyer, 450; cigat shop,
900; grocery, 377; drug store, 2,000;
doctor 700 ; office holder, 120. The office
holders are at the head of the procession
and the saloons come next; Notice the
great jump there is from "the saloon to
the grocery and meat market, both of
which cater to the prime necessity- of
mankind food. The Tribune remarks
that "there is one municipal and gov
ernment employe for every 120 Chica
goans, men women and children ; that
is a good record, and it shows where the
taxes go." But there is one saloon for
every 217 people men, women and
children in Chicago and this shows un
doubtedly, where a great deal of the
money goes.
It is a sad commentary on the admin
istration of justice in the United States
that only 102 persons were legally exe
cuted for the 4,290 mnrders committed
in the year 1890 while 126 persons were
lynched. Statistics clearly show that
tne man wno commits a murder nas a
better chance of escaping than the man
who steals a loaf of bread. There is
surely something wrong when the execu
tions by lynch law are twenty-five per
cent greater in nnmber than by organ
ized justice and all the hangings put to
gether are not three per cent of the
number of murders. There ought to be
more hangings or fewer murders.
Furniture -and Carpets.
We have added to our business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust onr" prices will
rbe low accordingly.
Kemember our place on Second street,
next to Moodv's bank.
U.S. -Land Office Attorneys,
Rooms 7 and 8, 17. S. Land
Othce Bunding, -
Two days ago our evening coutempor-
: ary told ur of a man in Grant county
who had "a thousand sheep on a thous
and hills, etc." We supposed that "a
thousand sheep on a thousand hills"
meant a million" and that the "etc"
meant some more that he did not count,
Klngsley Items.
The hot winds are getting away
the crops! J
A three months school closes tomorrow j
after a four-months hard struggle to find
the lost day, with Profes.-or Pitman as
Robert Kelly has gone to Portland on j
business. '
Johnny Whitten has given up the
idea of ever finding water in his newj
well after digging a depth of thirty-eight i
feet. "The devil take the water j
witches," so thinks Johnny.
Ira Americk has nearly filled the Ath
ens feed stable with rye hay.
Emerson Williams is clerking for E.
Keiley during Mr. Kelly's stay in Port
land. If Robert stays much longer
Emerson will have to have his pants and
hat made larger. -
John Russell is hauling .lumber from f
juviupcuu o luiii fj . uui iu a uuupe 111
Grass Valley for his eldest son
Mr. Sherman Clark and Misa Mary E.
Hillman, of Oak Grove, were married
at the residence of Chas. Fralev. one-
and-a-half miles east of Kingsley. Luck
to the happy couple wherever they may
go. ' .
The widow Baxter has the finest crop
on Tygh Ridge.
The farmers are making hay quite
lively. There will be lots of feed on
Tygh Ridge this winter.
Mr. James Cox has gone to The Dalles
with his wife for medical treatment.
C. G. Abott has just had his hair
shingled. He had quite a large fleece to
contend with in hot weather.
Robert Kelly has forty acres of corn
which looks fine.
C. G. Abott is getting his stock ready
to take in the fairs this fall.
The Sunday school is moving along
nicely with Jerry Vaughn acting as
superintendent. Everybody is invited
to attend. Rasp.
For Sale at a Bargain.
Traction Engine
Has only been run sixty days.
Buffalo Pitts Thresher
Only used two months.
Chopping Mill,
Capable of 15 to" 20 tons per day; cost
$31. . ...
' The above will be sold on easy terms.
' W. L. WARD,
The Dalles, Or.
Filings, Contests,
And Business of all Kinds Befor the Local
and General Land Office
Promptly Attended to.
, Over Sixteen Years Experience.
- WE AXSO do a
General Heal Estate Business.
All Correspondence Promptly Answered.
Health is Wealth !
TRANSACT a generalbanking businebs
De. E. C. West's Nerve akb Bkaik Tbat
xent, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dlzzl-
Headache, Nerv ous Prostration caused by the us
I ot uleuiiol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Do
I pressloii, Softening of tbe Brain, resulting in in-'
t sanitv nud Ictidinar to mfserv. derav and death.
Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power
in euner sex, involuntary .Losses ana spermsy
orrhrpa caused by over exertion of the brain, self
abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains
one month's treatment, f 1.00 a box, or six boxes
for $6.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of prioa.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we wiQ
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
cure. Guarantees issued only by
' - Prescription Drug-gists,
175 Second St. " The Dalles, Or.
! Letters of Credit issued available in. the
E.iHtem States.
Sieht Eschanee and Telegraphic
Transfers solden New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections at all points on fav
orable terms.
D. P. Thompson' J. 8. Schenck, H. 1L. Beau
President. Vice-President. Cashier.
First M0 Bant
Fine Frnit Ranch for Sale I
IOU miles below the town of Hood River, on
the Columbia. 4ti fruit trees most in bearing,
200 grape vines in bearing, half an acre of black
berries, one acre of strawberries, 3 or four acres
of corn and 2 of clover. There will be about
4000 pounds of blackberries this year, also big
crop of peaches grapes, apples, etc. Fine irri
gating facilities with water all on the place;
1200 feet of Hume, two reservoirs, over 400 feet of
water pipe, conveying water into bouse. Be
tween S and 9 acres in cultivation balance in
woods. Most of land lays well and can be culti
vated. Price $2,3l0- Call on at ranch or address
Hood Kiver, Oregon.
$20 EE WARD.
leading to the conviction of unities cuttine
rones ir In niiv wnr intnrfeHno- u'it). tto
wir - Doles c- Idm'ns of Tux Electric
ii ullage!
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Kew York, San Francisco and Portland.
Thompson. Jno. 8. Schenck.
. Sparks. Geo. A. Liebb.
H. M. Beall.
$500 Re-ward!
We will pay the above reward for any ease of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In
digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictlv complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fail to give satiBfae
tiuii. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing t
Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi
tations. The genuine manufactured only b
Prescription Drngrlata,
175 Second St. The Dallas, Or.