The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, June 12, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
I" J!
San Francisco Dealers Say They Will
Have Plenty of Tonnage for all
Wheat That is Offered.
The Canadian Premier Xearing His
End A .New Orleans Editor Does
Some Poor Shooting.
San Fhascisco, June 6. "There will
be no difficulty about moving our large
wheat crop this ye r," says George W.
McNear. There is'" plenty of tonnage
here and plenty to arrive. The number
of ships on the way here is larger than
is usual at this tiraexf the year. By
October there will be plenty of them.
Crop reports from -Sacramento Valley
are very good, bnt reports from San Joa
quine Valley are not very encouraging.
There is a general feeling that wheat
will bring a good price- this year.
Special A (tent Investigating Cuei of lh
Mont Glaring Fraud.
San Francisco, June 3. A. B. Hall,
special agent of the land office, is inveati
eatimr several timber land frauds alone
the northern coast and in several of the
lower Oregon counties. Writing of his
work to this city he says that an im
mense amount of "timber thieving" is
being done in Chehallis, Jefferson and
Clallam counties. There is in that sec
tion a considerable extent of unsurveyed
government land. The thieves do not
confine their operations to unoccupied
land, but invade land that has been
entered. The scheme of the wary logger
is to agree with the owner of a quarter
section to buy his stum page. The
stunipage is then legitimately removed
and the logger finds it easy to put a
heavy force across the boundary line, on
the adjoining quarter ana cut aown an .
immense amount of timber in a short The Methodists of South Wales a cen
time, put it into booms and tow it to the - tain Their Prince Is a Gambler and .
mill." An instance is noted in 'one of I ... -. They Condemn Him. - "
. . i . l ncn rVi wk a, .
tne nortnera counuefl nere Cardiff. Jnne 5.-The Methodists of
priated during the absence of thelegiti-
The Convention Determine to Have
Higher Education.
Portland, June 5. The convention of
Methodists composed of representatives
from Oregon, Washington and Idaho,
which has been in session here for the
past three days under the presidency of
Bishop C. H. Fowler adjourned today.
The general question of higher education
in the northwest was considered. Be
fore adjournment a resolution was adopt
ed providing for a commission consisting
of twenty ministers and laymen from
the districts represented and three bish
ops to unify the educational interests of
the church in the northwest.
Universal Mourning for Him What Will
the Change Bring to Canada
Toronto, Ont., June 8. From almost
every point in Canada, comes the tidings
of universal sorrow at the death of Sir
John M"eDonald. Every where signs of
mourning are to be seen.
Arrangements have been made to fire
five minute-guns at Ottawa and in every
citv in Canada during the progress of
the funeral of the dead premier.
An autopsy will be made on the body
of Sir John by independent medical
men in order that the public may know
what really caused his death.
The Empire, the government organ, in
an editorial on "The Duty of the
House," says: "It is plain that Sir
The City of Frankfort which, report has
it, the Union Pacific bought the other
day and tied up, in order to prevent her
making connections with our new steam
er on the lower river, was patched up
out of the " Traveler " one of the oldest
boats on the Lower Columbia which was
sold some time ago for 4500. Pacq net &
Smith built a new hull for her at a cost
of $2225 and the old machinery was re
paired and placed in it. The whole out
fit cost less than $7000 and if the owners
have succeeded in. cinching the Union
Pacific into paying a good round sum for
her we shall be so far gratified. The
story of the City of Frankfort reminds us
of another, well known in these parts to
all the older settlers. The little Gold
80 per cent. The average we believe is PUNISHMENT DOES
somewhere about 60 per cent, at least. ! CHIME.
To large shippers the cost of freight to !
Boston on so much waste matter is very
'considerable. The freight on wool last
year from this point to Boston was two
and a quarter cents per pound. To a j
man who has fifty or a hundred thousand
pounds of wool the saving of sixty per
cent of his freight bill is an important
item. To our large buyers and shippers
it is still more important. The cost of a
scouring plant is of trifling importance
when compared with the saving to be
affected and there is no doubt in the
world that such a plant would be a
profitable paying investment.
John's disappearance from the stage Dut aoout.Jejtjceiitt-was a bitter
mate owner, and it was all done in one
week. . Agent Hall repjrts forty cases of
Cleveland Hardware Company.
Clvrland, O., June 6v The buildings
of the Cleveland - Hardware company
burned to the ground this morning.
The low is $150,000. Insurance $100,000.
A Milwaukee Blaze.
Milwaukee, . Wis., June 6. Early
this morning the Island Sash and Door
company's plant at Clinton, burned.
The lose is estimated at $100,000; insur
ance, $32,000. ; ;
' A Serious Fire.
Santiago dk Chili, June 6. An ex
tensive and disastrous fire broke out in
"this city today. Among the buildings
destroyed by the flames was one occu
pied by the British legation. The
British minister, . G. Kennedy and
Mrs. Kennedy, his wife, had a narrow
escape from death. The German lega
tion was damaged. . .
Fit Subject For King Lynch.
Waterloo, Iowa, June 6. Yesterday
afternoon Joseph Brannon, aged nine
teen, a young farmer living near Wash
burn was at home and three tramps
called at the house in the absence of the
family and demanded something to eat.
Brannon refused the request telling of
the absence of the family. The refusal
angered the tramps and they assaulted
the lad throwing him to the ground and
horribly mutilating him. The wretches
will undoubtedly be lynched if they are j ceda government has promised com pen
The Democrat Will Now Have a Seat In
New Haven, Conn., June 3. The
state supreme court today rendered its
decision on the suit of Fields vs. Osborne
better known as the contested Branford
election case. The court is unanimous
in the opinion that the plaintiff was" not
elected selectman of Branford and dis
misses his petition, which prayed that
he be declared elected. This decision is
of the greatest importance, as it practi
cally decides the disputed gubernatorial
controversy in favor ot Morns, tne aem
ocratic candidate, and disproves the
claims of the man now acting in the
gubernatorial capacity, BulkeTy.7''Thi8
is the man Governor Hill, of New York
refused to recognize, and Hill refused to
issue extradition papers when asked for
by Bulkely. The legal points at issue in
the case decided by the court today were
tne same as are involved in the guberna
torial disonte. and today's decision sus
tains the position taken by the democrats.
Another Effort to Be Made by Balma
' ceda to Bring Iqulque to Surrender.
London, June 4. A Valparaiso cable
says that the president is about to make
another ettort to Dnng iquique to sur
render. The rebel general, Urrutia, the
only Chilian general who proved un
faithful to the established government,
is scouring the provinces held by the
rebels for recruits, and in many Instances
men have been shot for refusing to enlist
The rebels i re attempting to organize an
army with a view to a forlorn-hope
march on Santiago. Balmaceda, how
ever, has within immediate call for de
fense of the capital a force of about 25,
000 men, including 1200 cavalry and six
batteries Of field artillery. The iJalma
An Editor Poor Markmansnlp.
New Orleans, ; June 6. About
o'clock this afternoon a shooting affray
occurred between Oliphant, president of
the state board of health, and Geo. W.
Dupree, editor of the Daily Stale,
Dupree, it is stated, fired five shots and
Oliphant one. The former was shot
through the face" while the latter was
unhurt".-' ' -
Placed Under English Protection.
Washington, June 6. The bureau of
American Republics has furnished the
following: Steamers of the Chilian,
South American Steamship Co., has been
placed under the British flag, which is
b resumed to be simulated as a sale to
the English company pending pacifica
tion to the country.
Honoring Pennsylvania's Noble Son.
MokaisTOWN, Penn.', June 6. Six
thousand soldiers, five thousand veterans
and twenty thousand civilians today
took part in the unveiling of a - monu
ment to major general John F Hartranft
erected by the subscriptions of - the
National guards of the state.
Cutting Off American Supplies.
New York; -: June 6.--Jndge Bartell
rendered a decision today ' denying the
application to enjoin Kelly, treasurer of
the fond raised at a Dillon and O'Brien
meeting in this" city, from sending the
money to Justin McCarthy and others.
Confederate Memorial Day.
Baltimore, June 6. Confederate me
morial day was observed today through
out the" state. " In this city it was ob
served by the unveiling of a monument
to Brigadier-General Herbert. -
Will Affect Nearly all Ireland. .
London, Jane 6. The withdrawal of
the Crimes act will apply to the whole of
Ireland except Clare and portions of
Tipperary and Kerry.
, . - Bad Outlook for Spain.
Madrid, June 6. The condition of
the poor here is critical, owing to the
lack of rain, -Prices in grain is advanc
ing. i -i " - -
Killed by m Cave-In.
Calico, Cal., June 6. A cave occurred
in the Waterloo mine this morning.
James ilcGowan was killed and two men
severely injured.
California Eclipsed for Onee.
Mount Hamilton, Cal., June 6. The
solar eclipse was successfully observed
at the Lick Observatory this morning.
sation for foreign vessels injured during
the recent attack on the Aiaggaianes, an
insurgent warship at Chanaral harbor. '
Upper Portion of the Middle West Swept
by a Furious Tornado.
Cincinnati, June 3. The Commercial
Gazette's specials report serious storms
throughout Indiana and Ohio this even
ing. At La Porte, Lnd., King & Field's
warehouse was unroofed and damaged
to the amount of $50,000. At New Phil
adelphia, O., a storm of rain and hail
and wind, greatly damaged crops.
Lightning struck theschoolhouse, but no
one was seriously hurt. . At Seymour,
lnd., a tornado tore up trees, demolished
an ice factory, and blew away the third
story of the 'high school building, but
fortunately no one was injured. At Fal
mouth, Ky., James Austin's barn was
wrecked - and his 16-year-old daughter
killed. At Salina, O.," a church and
several houses were wrecked. Minor
damages reported from many other
points. -
Trouble Over an
New York, Jene 3. Francis Hawlett,
a 25-year-old Englishman, is detained at
the barge office, accused of coming here
under contract to work for ex-United
States " Senator Enstis, of Louisiana.
Hawlett says that EuBtis made a contract
with his father in Paris last year where
by the son was to come to America and
work for him as head stableman. He
was also to act as horseman on the tally
ho. Hawlett sent ord to his would-be
employer and received a message to the
effect that the ex-senator would be at
the barge office in the morning and settle
matters. It was learned later that the
Eustis referred to was not the' ex-senator,
but his nephew. It is understood
that be claims the right to bring the man
over under the exemption for domestic
Cardiff, Jnne 5. The
South Wales have adopted resolutions
expressing their regret at learning that
the prince of Wales took part in a game
of baccarat at Tranby Croft. It adds,
"We respectfully submit to his royal
highness that by his conduct he has of
fended the religions sense of the people
and drags the royal house from the high
position in which it stood and tends to
lessen the loving and devoted affection
to the throne which has ever been cher
ished by us."
The Itata Is Short That Amount If Re
ports Are True.
San Francisco, Jnne 5. Yesterday's
dispatches in announcing that arms
-taken from the Robert and Minnie had
been surrendered with the Itata were
explicit in stating that the property
turned over consisted of bnt 5000 rifles.
If this is true the Itata has managed to
dispose . of just that many rifles and
2,500,000 cartridges as the number of
Remington's landed on Long wharf,
Oakland, was 10,000 instead of 5000.
The First Woman of American Birth
Who Has Been to the Polar Regions.
New York, June 5. Probably the
first American woman who has ever
made the trip to the Polar regions will be
Mrs. Peary, who will accompany her
husband, Lieutenant R. E. Peary, of the
United States navy, who has been placed
in charge of the expedition to he sent out
by the academy of 'natural science of
Philadelphia on his propossd exploration
of Greenland.
Big Storms Cause Streams to Leave Their
Banks and do Much Damage.
St. Louis, June 8. Dispatches from
several points along Red River in Texas
indicate that the stream is rising rapidly
At Gainesville it is above high water
mark. All communication with Indian
Territory is cut off and it will be some
time before the damage can be repaired.
Messengers from the Burling state
that the river is running wild in that
section and the destruction of property
is great.
Some lives are reported lost. D. T.
Harris, a stockman lost 500 head of cattle
and fifty five horses in a heavy rain. At
Chilticothe, Texas, two employes of Mr.
T. Lindsay and two strangers who were
camped near the bridge at that place
were drowned.
The Whisky Conspirator Escapes.
Chicago, June 8. Judge Blodgett
this morning quashed the United States
indictment against Geo. G. Gibson,
secretary of the whisky trust, charged
with conspiracy to destroy the Shufeldt's
distillery. The decision is on the ground
that the case is one for a state court and
not for the United States courts to 'de
cide, in which there is no statute of
penalty on the crime for which he was
The "Closed
Season" Bill
the Lords.
Passed by
German Fleet in California.
San Francisco, June 5. A German
fleet of three corvettes, the Leipsic,
Soppie and Alexandrine, arrived this
morning. The fleet is bound for the
Chilian coast and will take coal and
provisions here as well as auxiliary sup
plies for the German war ships now in
South America.
The Corwln Ordered to Behrlng Sea.
Washington, June 5. Acting Secre
tary Spaulding has telegraphed instruc
tions to the commander of the revenue
steamer Corwin at San Francisco to pre
pare that vessel fdr a trip to the Behring
sea. This is iu anticipation of the
agreement by all countries interested
for a closed season in the seal fisheries.
Two. Children Burned to Death.
Pittsburg, June 5. The dwelling of
Samuel B. Myers, a prominent farmer
living near Myersdale, Pa., was burned
late last night and two children, aged 9
and 12 years were roasted in the flames.
Five other occupants had narrow escapes.
It is not known how the fire started.
London, June 8. The bill to enable
her majesty by order of incouncil to
make special provision for prohibiting
catching seal in Behring Sea by her sub
jects, during the period named in order,
passed the house of lords today. ,
More Mob Law.
Louisville, June 6. At Wickcliffe
this morning Evan E. Shelby was taken
from jail and hung by a mob. ' Shelby
was charged with the murder of Mrs.
Sal lie Moore in 1888.
Co. The utmost value one could, place
on the boat was not to exceed $3000.
Yet it is stated on perfectly reliable au
thority that the owner, Captain Spencei,
a year after she was withdrawn from
competition, was still drawing the snug
sum of $500 a month from the company
for his service in putting her out of the
way. About the same time another little
boat called the Elvina was on the middle
river. She was worth, not to exceed
$2500, yet to get rid of her the company
agreed to pay her owners for tying her
up for one year, the sum of $200 a month
and at the end of the year another con
tract was made, on condition " that she
should be taken below the Cascades, by
which the owners received the sum of
$1800 or $150 a month for twelve months.
We mention these facts that the people
who are not already familiar with . them
may know - hat friendship we may nat
urally expect from the Union Pacific
when our new boat is put upon the river.
' ThikHA u-hn rtnlifT-a that ti mitiarnta ta
punishment of crime or to abolish the
death penalty will tend to lessen the
number of crimes or murders will have
difficulty in explaining the statistics that
clearly prove that since the period when
punisments were mitigated in Europe
crime has largely increased in the coun
tries where such mitigation has taken
place. Mr. Charles Scott in a late num
ber of ths Juridical Review says : "In
France from 1828 to 1884 murders have
increased from 197 to 234 ; infanticides
from 102 to 194 ; blows and assaults from
8000 to 19,000; robberieslfrom 900 to 33,
000, and so on with other crimes and
offenses. And yet from 1826 to 1884 the.
r -Mr: V; C. Brock, county clerk of Shef- j population had only increased by seven
man county, has received a letter from millions. In 1885 the volume of crime
the professor of etomology, F. L. Wash- ; was still augmenting. In Naples, in
burne of the state agricultural college at 1 1832 homicides of all kinds, (uninten
Corvallis, which contains that gentle- j tional included) amounted to 669, and in
man's description of the worm which j 1880 (unintentional not included) to
plays such havoc in our young grain 1 1061. Where the death penalty has
fields. The professor calls it the "wire j been altogether or almost abolished,
worm" which transforms after two i murder has increased in an extraordi-
Porter Will Rest In England. '
London, June 6. A. J. Porter, United
States minister to Italy, will pass his
annual vacation in Great Britain.
Our Senator Gets Home. -
Portland, June ' 6. United States
senator Mitchell arrived here this morn
ing from San Francisco.
The Premier's Condition Unchanged.
Ottawa, Ont., June 5. There is no
change to report in Sir John McDonald's
4-onditioh this morniug. .
Sill Hunting for Hanchette.
Chicago, June 4. Mrs. Hanchette. of
Los Angeles, telegraphed Lieutenant
Kipley, of the central station, this morn
ing, that she would pay a reward of $300
for the location of her husband alive. A
dispatch was immediately sent to Sheriff
itogiey, at r landrean.S. u.. wbo believes
he has located the missing man selling
organs. Mrs. Hanchette says her hus
band is a skillful organist, and the fact
that his brother, C. D. Hanchette,- ol
Hancock j Mich., once sold organs, lends
a significant appearance to the theory
entertained by the South Dakota officers'.
Obtained a Big Judgment.
New York, June 5. James Corrigan
a member of the banking firm of Dolli
bor, Hussey and Co., of Cleveland ob
tained judgment against Stephen W.
Dorsey for $24,466 on drafts dated Aug
ust 19, 1887.
The Closed Season Bill Passes.
London, June 5. The bill providing
for the issue of an order in council pro
hibiting the taking of seals in Behring
sea by British subjects, passed the house
of commons, notwithstanding some op
position to it.
The Bribery Case on Trial.
New Orleans, June 5. The jury
bribery cases were called iu the district
court today and continued until Wednes
day next. .
- Ellen Terry 111.
London, June 5. Miss Ellen Terry,
the actress, is seriously ill with conges
tion of the lungs.
Damage from a Brush Fire.
Shbrbrooke, Que., June 8. Brush
fires at Black have communicated to the
houses and from thirty to thirty-three
were burned.
Weather Foreeastt
San Francisco, June 8. Forecast for
Oregon and Washington. Light rains
in Western Oregon.
Royal Arch Masons in Council.
Portland, June 6. The grand chapter
of Royal Arch Masons met here today.
For the Week
Saturday June
A Twelve-Inch Sun Manufactured.
Washington, June 3. The first 12
inch steel gun made in the United States
has been comqleted-at Water v lei t arse
nal, and shipped to the-Sand v Hook I
proving grounds for testing. This is the
largest steel gnu built in this country,
and the test, which will take place in "a
week or two, is looked forward to with
great interest. The work at Watervleit
is progressing finely and the arsenal will
turn out a number of 8-inch gnns,
besides a number of smaller ones during
the vear.
Gone Baek to His Own.
Rome, June 5. Consul Corte, wbo was
recently recalled from New Orleans, has
arrived here. -
His Days Are Numbered.
- Ottawa, June 6. Sir John Mac Don
ald Is sinking rapidly." .
Object to Taking a Census.
Olvmpia, June 3. A letter was re
ceived at the executive department this
morning from Acting Commissioner
Bell of the department of the interior in
which it was stated the United States
government objected to the taking of the
census of the Colville Indians by Messrs.
Gwyder and Keene, the commissioners
appointed by the late acting governor, as
i it would hurt negotiations now pending
j between the government and the Indians,
j For this reason the census takers would
I not be permitted to visit the reservation.
German Crop Prospects Poor.
Berlin," June 3. Rye has risen, 6
marks. The Vottitche Zeilung and other
journals advocate the anti-duty agitation
on the ground that, unless harvest pros
pects unexpectedly improve, the govern
ment will be compelled to reverse its
j decision against a reduction of duties.
The fact that Washington never told a
he has been satisfactorily accounted for,
H never went flshlDg. . ',
The Temperance Lectures. .
Col. Bain of Kentucky lectured on
Saturday and Sunday nights in this city
under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.,
on the subject of temperance. Saturday
night the lecture was given in the Con
gregational church and the following
night at Vogt's opera house. Both lec
tures were listened to by large audiences,
and universal satisfaction was expressed
by all whoattended. Col. Bain is a man
of fine presence of about 60 years of age
and his whole life has been given to the
advocacy of the cause of temperance.
He is an easy speaker, but without the
trickery of many orators. No one would
call him an orator in the broad meaning
of the word and were it not for the di
rectness of his appeals and the o ic of h is
concessions, he would not attract! atten
tion as a speaker. But he is terribly in
earnest and that fact is impressed upon
his listeners. He indulges in no cheap
abuse of the liquor traffic,, but deals
in facts that cannot be controverted. He
appeals to the reasoning powers and
backs his arguments with facts that are
every day apparent. He departs largely
from the beaten paths of the average
temperance speaker and therein lies
much of his strength. He deals in new
ideas, keeps abreast of the times, and ac
cepts things as they exist and prepares
to meet the enemy on his own grounds.
There is no measuring the good that a
man like Col. Bain is doing in this world
in keeping young men from becoming
drunkards. - His work is a noble one
i and be is meeting wtib deserved success. 1
6, 1891.
Oregon Weather Bureau,!
Central Office , Portland, Oregon. )
western oregon weather.
Cool, partly cloudy and cloudy weather
with occasional rain showers prevailing
during the past week. Un Mar 30th
quite a heavy thunder storm prevailed
in the western portion of the Willamette
valley; on the 4th, 5th and 6th showers
were general. There was an absence of
bright warm sunshine.
The weather conditions have been ex
ceedingly favorable to cereals, causing
the prospects for harvest to be extraordi
nary good.' General reports indicate
hay crop to be unusually heavy ; wheat
.and oats appear to be in better condition
than for many years, if sgver better at
this season. The cool weather and rains
have not been favorable to the straw
berry crop, which is now ripening and
berries are not as plentiful. Stone fruits
will not be an average, especially in the
wiiJamettee valley. The : warmth in
January, the cool spring and frosts,
which at the time were not supposed to
have done much damage, did really do
great damage. Fruit is . falling off, and
some trees dying. Cherries and prunes
are especially injured. Cherries are be
ginning to ripen. Better reports in "re
gard to the fruit is receive from portions
of Douglas and from Josephine, Jackson
and Curry counties. Corn acreage has
been increased and is doing well. Vine
yards are unusually thrifty ; clusters are
forming. Hops are doing well, in some
sections lice are reported, in others, es
pecially about Lebanon, Linn county no
lice are found.
A lower temperature than the previous
week, together, with : partly cloudy
weather and general rains prevailed. In
some sections the rain was unusually
heavy. Thunder storms are generally
General crop prospects, were never bet
ter at this season of the year, than they
are at present throughout this section.
Farmers are jubilant over excellent
prospects. The rains were, copious,
timely and very beneficial. New life
and vigor has been imported by the rain
to all vegetation. The hot winds of two
weeks ago did some damage, but it has
been more than recompensed by the
benefit the rain has been to winter and
especially spring wheat. ."I have never
seen a more promising prospect for
crops" writes a correspondent from Mor
row county and similar reports are re
ceived from every county. Crickets are
doing some damage in -Malheur county.
irrigation is in progress in Baker county.
In Wasco and about Milton, Umatilla
county, strawberries are . very plentiful,
and cherries are ripening. . Absense of
hot winds during the present month will
allow of the present excellent prospects
to be realized. " B. S. Pagur,
Observer U. 8. Weather Bureau.
Milk may be canned just as you would
can fruit. Bring the milk to the boiling
point and fill your jars to the brim with
it; then shut air tight. This will keep
any length of time and be just as good
wh'en opened as wbsn it was put up.
Those who advocate the purchase and
operation, by the general government,
of railroads, steamboat, telegraph and
telephone lines may well pause at the
magnitude of the undertaking. The
property, if obtained at all, must be ob
tained by purchase. As Senator Car
lisle said the other day " In order to buy
them, the people must pay for them, and
to do that they must tax themselves.
The railroads, telegraph and telephone
lines and steamboats of the United
States represent an invested capital of
about ten thousand million dollars.
Four thousand millions is bonded in
debtedness and must be paid." The to
tal interest bearing bebt of the United
States in the year 1867, three years after
the suppression of the rebellion was two
thousand two hundred and forty eight
millions. The ' purchase of these -lines
means a national deal, about sixteen
times greater then at present and nearly
four and a half times greater than that
of 1867. Is it possible that the nation
would ever consent to tax itself to pay
this indebtedness? And if not the pur
chase of these lines In the crazy dream
of senseless lunacy. The men who talk
of this purchase are the men above all
others who complain of high taxes.
Can they seriously and intelligently j
mean to adopt a measure that would in
crease taxation, for the purchase money
only, by more than four hundred per
But this is not all. As Mr. Carlisle
says : "After you have got these prop
erties are you ready to tax yourselves to
operate them? For the government
never yet succeeded in doing business at
a profit. Then again . .this plan would
perhaps add one million two hundred
thousand men and women to the roll of
government employes. How. would you
ever succeed in turning out of power an
administration with such resources at its
command? The more corrupt it was the
more difficult it must be to displace it."
It is easy to see that the result of such
a measure would be a slavery ten-fold
worse than any the country has ever
conceived of.
year's life as a larva, into the snapping
beetle (elatendae.) He claims that land
that has lain for two or three years
without a crop will be much infested
with the worm and that the first and
subsequent crops will suffer unless such
crops are planted as are distasteful to
the worm and they are thereby starved
out. He mentions clover as a favorite
food for these worms and says that low
moist land is more infested than high
sandy soil. The professor's remedy for
their distraction is a rotation of such
crops as are distasteful to them. Among
these he mentions woad, buckwheat and
white mustard. - Woad is of no earthly i
nary degree. In Belgium murders in
creased in a frightful manner, whenever
the knowledge of the abolition of the
scaffold spread among the masses,
From 1865 to 1830 murders increased
from 31 to 120. In Prussia, where for
many years there had been no execu
tions, murders increased from 242 in
1854 to 518 in 1880. In Switzerland
where capital punishment was abolished
iu 1874 murders increased in five years
in the proportion of 75 per cent. The
same effect was produced in France and
Italy." How will the modern crank
who holds that punishment is not re
formatory and that the death penalty is
Heal Estate -
Insoranee flQehti
Abstracts of, and Information Concern
ing Land Titles on Short Notice, -
account to us any more than tar-weed ;; not a deterrent of murder, account for
buckwheat might be cultivated in gar-I these facts? .. ,
den patches with profit, but its use as an
exterminator is impracticable, and any
kind of mustard, "black, white or grey,"
as a cure for anything is as bad as the
disease itself. Of course the white
mustard plant is different from the weed
known as "wild mustard," but if the
wire-worm of eastern 'Oregon is never
killed till we poison him with any kind
of mustard he will live a long time.
Fall plowing is spoken of as another
remedy, but .while this is practicable we
have no faith in it as a remedy for wire
worms. At any rate we have never
heard or known of any market! difference
between fall and spring plowing in re
spect to the ravage of the worm on the
grain subsequently planted on either of
them. It is said that in the old countries
"compacting the ground by rolling, or
driving . sheep over it is practiced by
some farmers to lessen their attacks."
Rolling is"-very generally practiced here
yet we have never noticed any difference
between rolled ground and that which
was merely leveled by a clod-smasher.
The professor closes his suggestions by
recommending summer-fallowing and
then keeping the ground free from weeds
and any other growth during the sum
mer ' season . He says this ought to
starve them and perhaps it would but
we have a piofound impression that we
have yet a good deal to learn "about the
habits and best means of exterminating
the Eastern Oregon "wire-worm."
The Pendleton . Eatt Oregonian an
nounces that in the near future it in
tends to increase its telegraphic service,
in order to give its readers "more and
fresher news." We congratulate the
East Oregonian on its enterprise. In
these days "of speedy transmission of
news, and delayed trains, a daily caper
that has to wait for the arrival of the
Portland Oregonian, or other papers that
take the associated press dispatches, for
the latest happenings, had better con
fine itself to a weakly issue. A daily
paper that cannot afford to take the dis
patches cannot afford to live. Besides it
is not a newspaper ; it is only a copyist
and news pirate.
for-Sale and Horn to' Bed,1
Parties Looking for Homes In r . :
Bi$ie$ Loealirjjtf,
Should Calf on or Write to n. ' ' " '
Agents for a Full Line of , ;
And Will Write Insurance tor . V
any . Xpoxns.
Correspondence flnllfitrd -nil 11 Tottinrs
- Promptly Answered. Call oa or
Address, " -'
Opera House Block. 'le TMlfW.'O.
' ' ..iM'-v-f.i iioJsliiirM
Wholesale and ;: Betafl:; jD)T2Biti;
DR. O. D. DOANE physician and rob
esoH. Office; rooms 6 and tlhapman
Block.. Residence over McKarland 4c French's
store. ' Olttne hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
8 P.M. ' .
A so-called liberal union society at
Woodburn, Marion county, has lately re
fused to allow Col. Bain, the temperance
lecturer, the use of their, hall on the
ground there "has been enough of them
blanked fools around here we are going
to stop it." This is quite in keeping
with liberalism. The most illiberal men
on earth ' are to be found .' among
those who are calling themselves liberals.
The man who, today, would dare in pub
lic print to defend old fashioned .forms
of thought that, stripped of unimportant
and unessential . accretions that - time
perchance has wrapped around, will re
main true when suns : and -stars have
ceased to roll must expect to be branded
with every epithet that contumely and
ridicule can divise. It is the fashion of
these enlightened days .forsooth. There
be things in the form of men who strut
in the garb of scientists mouth learned
words, like a pied parrot and boast of
liberality and scientific research wbo
know as much of science as a Digger
Indian and are, in their way, as illiberal
as those who kindled the fires of the
Spanish inqusition. There be men who
are mentally and morally . incapable of
understanding the truth upon which
they sit in judgment. No more illiberal
words have, ever dropped from human
lips than those which fall from modern
liberalism and ignorance and illiberality
always walk abreast, . .
The situation of the wool market at
this place is somewhat peculiar. The
buyers and sellers have locked horns
and neither are disposed to yield. ; The
wool-men think that outside quotations
warrant better prices than the the buy
ers are disposed to offer, and the former
are free in expressing the opinion that
the latter have conspired to "bear" the
market. Whether this is so or not we
have no means of knowing, but we do
know that several of the largest wool
growers, at present in the city, express
themselves freely when they say that
if the dead-lack is not broken within the
next two or three days, they will return
to their homes and wait for events.
Wool-men, as a rule, are not particularly
crowded for money as they can borrow
all they need for their present necessities
on their stored clips. If the buyers are,
as alleged, playing a fine game we hope
the wool-growers will stand by their
colors to the last moment, and we know
some of them will.
flee in Schanno's building, up stairs.
Dalles, Oregon.
SICIAN and bUBUKON. Office Hours: 9
to 12 A. M ' ; 1 to 4, and 7 to 8 P' K. Calls answered
promptly day or night' Office; upstairs In Chap
man Block'
8IDDALL Dbntist. Gas given for the
alnless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
AR. THOMPSON Attornst-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon .
Fine Imported, Key West ihd g
- i -ii ,.,.:
"Sow is the time to paint your :boun
and if you wish to get , the, best ouUs
and a fine color use the
: .... .'. i. el .. ,
Sherwin, Williams Cos ;
For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call, ibsir
attention to the residence of &?Brook4,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft. :
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for tha
above paint for The Dalles. Or." ' . '''
Late Ree. U. S. Land Office,
Notary PuhlM
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
NS ts-at-law Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
Postoflc Bos lit, j-'- "
WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms
. 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
(Sneesssor to K. RECK.
Our wool-growers are discussing the
advisability of establishing a scouring
mill at this point. Not long since1 Mr.
Shearer had the matter under . consider
ation and made estimates on the cost of
putting in a plant at his place on the
Deschutes. Valuable as such an enter
prise would be at that point it would be
still more valuable if located here. It is
well-known that more wool is handled at
The Dalles from actual wool -growers than
at any other point in the United States.
Soqoa classes of wool shrink as high as
The Goldendale Sentinel intimates
that Klickitat county is making arrange
ments to ship her wheat "up the river
to some outlet to the sea." This means,
most likely, shipping by the Northern
Pacific to the Sound. - Klickitat county
is a great agricultural county and capable
of . immense . development. Portland
might have every -pound of her freight if
we had an open river. The Columbia
river is the natural outlet for Klickitat
county and an open river would practi
cally control its trade, but if Portland
site supinely and allows that fine terri
tory to make other connections she will
soon discover that she has lost her trade
forever. The cities on the Sound are
looking out for the trade of Klickitat
county and paBt experience shows they
are willing to make sacrifices to get it.
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Filings, Cootelfeii
And all other Bosins In lie
. - Proinptly Attended, fa.
We have ordered f Blanks for ;FJlfnjsL
Entries and the purchase, of Bailroma
Lands under the 'recent Forfeiture-Acf , -which
we will have, and advise the psb
licat the earliest date; when such- enlrif9
can be made. Look, for radvertiseBjeot
in this paper. ' ''. 'j,'"'
Health is Wnalih !
r . j i v i
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
The Sherman county farmers are thor
oughly alive on the question of connec
tion with this city by a railroad that
shall serve both as a portage around
the Celilo falls and as a means of cheap
ening the freight on the immense grain
products of that fine agricultural county.
Already two meetings have been held
for the purpose of agitating the question
of co-operation with the company lately
incorporated in this city, for the exten
sion of the survey, already begun, from
Biggs to Wasco. The interests of the
farmers of Sherman county, in this mat
ter, are so closely related to our own
that it will be a proud day for us when
we shall be able to record that a railroad
from this city to Wasco is an assured
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
- Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
$500 Reward !
We will pay the above reward for any ease ol
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In
digestion, Constipnuon or Costtvenesa we cunuot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
I Qjrecaons are nni-uy computn wiui, iney are
1 purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac
tion. . Sugar Coated. I.arge boxes containing SO
Pills, cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi
tations. The genuine manufactured only by
Prescription Druggists,
ITS Socond St. Ths Pallas, Or.
Da. E. C. West's Nervs a Rsaik Tsa
mint, a guaranteed specific for-Hysteriay tscV
ness, Convulsionsn. Fits,;-Nervaus Nsnrslnia,
Headache, Nervous rrostratlon caused or tat am
of alcohol or tobacco, - Wsketolasss-lleasmK Do.
pression, 8oftening of the .Brain, resolting in la-
sanity ana leaning to misery aecay aaa asia, .
Premature Old Age.' BKrreHHLoatf i'owa
In either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermst-orrhaea-eaused
abuse or over indulgence. - E,acb-6z,, contains
one month's treatment. $l.wa'box,or'x feoxs
for $5.00, sent by mail prepaia on aacWpt-st-swrtga.
To cure any case.- With each -order -races to pt
us for six boxes, -accompanied by tiVt lu
send the purchaser our written -guaran tee lo re
fund the money If the-treatment -doeg eoet
a cure. Guarantees issued pnlyi by , .. r ' t9lrtr.
. . - Prescription Drvgtrtsss, ' '
ITS Seoond St. - . Tsalalan).i. ,
D. P. THOaTsoW
Vice-President Cash (sr.
A General Banking Business 'transacted
Deposits received," subject'tO' Right
Draft or Check. ' '
Collections made and l
- remitted on day of colle
ion. '
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold o
. New York, San Francisco, and Pert-land.''
Thompson. Jho. 8. Scfuuec
. Sparks. (ibo. A. Lisas.
II. M. Bkall.
ropes or In any way Interfering with lbs
poies or tamps oi ths alictsic uif