The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 20, 1891, Image 4

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MAKCH 20. 1891
John Meddler of Sherman county was
in town Friday.
. A woolen mill is about to he built at
Dallas, Polk county.
Fossil, Gilliam county, is going to have
. a new flouring mill.
Mr. "Win. Holder, state lecturer of the
. grange was in the city Friday.
Captain William Endersby of Eight
Mile gave us a pleasant call Friday.
The upper supply pipe has been
placed in position through 'the bank of
the reservoir.
. It is reckoned that the work on the
reservoir contract will be completed by
- the first of May.
A car load of lumber arrived at the
hops yesterday to be used in repairing
- the round house.
" Twenty men are at present employed
.- at the shops where there were 450 this
time two years ago. '
Mr. Geo. Nolan of Dufur and John
Adams and Will Adams of Kansene were
-in the city last week.
, A box car filled with emigrants from
Dakota, bound for the sound,
through this city Saturday.
The big boiler punch, weighing five or
six tons, formerly used at the company's
shops, has been sent to LaGrande,
We are pleased to hear that the son of
Hon. E. B. Dufur, who was quite sick
for the past two days, is very much
Frank Huot of Eight mile has rented
the house lately owned by M. Robber-
' son, and will move his family into town
in a short time,
A.J.McHealy, of Eight Mile, J. J,
- Woolery, of Boyd, Aaron Frasier, J. A.
GuHiford. J. H. Hadley and James
Johnson, of Dufur, were in town Satur
day. . ' ' .
; "Steve Kistner and A. F. Brown of
- Tygh have sold out their interest there
and are moving to North Portland where
they intend going into the livery stable
The directors of tne Eastern Oregon
Co-operative Association held a meeting
in this city last evening, to perfect ar
rangements for. opening their new store
' on the 25th inst..
The committee appointed by The
Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation
company, to inquire into matters con
nected with the building of a line of
boats for the Middle Columbia left for
' Portland Saturday."
The purchase of the Hunt road by the
Northern Pacific makes an open river all
the more necessary. The people will
never receive what they should for their
. products as long as they are at the mercy
of a transporation company whose sole
aim is to earn dividends on an enormous
capitalization. East Oregonian.
;M. Harriet Vanderbrook, the wife of
John Vanderbrook, of Centerville, Wash
ington county, Oregon, died this morn
ing at Dufur, aged 47 years. She had
been suffering from cancer, and came to
Eastern Oregon to place herself under
the treatment of Dr. Vanderpool, when
' she was attacked with pneumonia fever
to which she succumbed. She leaves a
husband and two children.
The Chronicle is assured that the
- company are contemplating putting an
increased force of men at the shops in
this city in the near future. The officials
have ordered estimates to be made of the
cost of putting the shops in working re
pair, and the number of hands that can
- be employed without any considerable
enlargement. These estimates are on
. their way today to Portland. Report
will be made that 550 men can be profit-
ably employed without any enlargement.
The last number of the West Shore at
hand, has the appearance of a severe
attack of la grippe, and that, badly.
. Ever since Mr: Samuels', dismissal, the
Pride of Oregon, in illustrated journalism,
has had this curse of affliction thrust up
; on it, and has applied as a remedy "ama
teur photographiture" display, and other
attempted features of that class which is
neither attractive or worthy of the space
they occupy ; we are sorry to say, at this
. geometrical progressive rate of shrinkage.
We fear its motto will be non est. Oh !
give us the old West Shore.
Nichols and Garrison who have a
stock .ranch on the John .Day river,
about a mile and a half from its month,
have lost nearly eleven hundred dollars
worth of horses besides some cattle dur
ing the past week. Some miscreant has
not only placed poison on the range but
actually entered the stable and poisoned
some of the horses there. The man in
charge came near dying himself, from
the effects of what he believes to have
been poison, administered he knows not
: bow.-
George P. Morgan and Colonel E. W.
. Nevius, who are doing business together
at Garretson's old stand on Second
street, as land office attorneys, desire to
. state to their clients and to the general
public as well, that, it is now definitely
known that specific written instructions
as to filings on the forfeited railroad
lands will be received by the land office
by tne first of next week. Thirty days'
notice by publication is required before
filings will be accepted at this land
office. After such instructions are re
ceived it will be - well for all those who
intend to enter this land to come in at
once to have their papers made out and
all the preliminaries settled, thus avoid
. ing the inevitable rush and securing the
first chances at the land office by being
' ready.
It is believed there is nothing hand
somer in the state than the uniform of
the band boys of the Third regiment of
' O. N. G., of this city. The boys them
selves are delighted as they have reason
to be. The drum majors' is exceedingly
beautiful, not to say gorgeous and magni
ficent. The coat is Prince Albert cut, of
scarlet cloth, with white facings slashed
with gold, with an elaborate display of
gold aiguillettes set with jewels, and gold
epaulettes. ' The pants are of light blue
cloth, with white trimmings edged with
gold. The hat is a black bear skin
shako, with gold tassel studded with
jewels. The baton is polished mahog-
" any with gold cord and tassels and gold
bead. : The privates' uniform is made of
blue eloth withlight blue trimmings and
blue and white facings and epaulettes.
The belts are white enameled leather
with silverlmonogram "Third regiment"
- on the buckles. The whole outfit cost
$450, of which the state contributes $200
and the balance has to be footed by the
band lads themselves.
, . .ueeuug.
' At the meeting of the subscribers to
the stock of the Dalles, Astoria and
Portland Steamboat Co., held at the
board of trade rooms last night, Kobt.
Mays was elected chairman and J. M.
Huntington secretary of the meeting.
Mr. A. S. Macallister stated that the
object of the meeting was to make some
preliminary arrangements, in anticipa
tion of the regular stockholders' meet
ing to be held next month.
On motion Messrs. H. Glenn, B. F.
Laughlin, A. S. Macallister and Orion
Kinersley were selected as a committee
to visit Portland, for the purpose of col
lecting information as to the particular
kind of boat most suitable for this route
and the probable cost of constructing
and equipping the same.
A proposition from Capt. J. D. Miller
to run and manage a boat for the com
pany, was submitted and on motion
placed on file.
Messrs. Geo. W. Filloon, S. L. Brooks
and S. B." Adams were appointed a com
mittee with instructions to look for a
suitable landing at this place and ascer
tain what action is necessary to procure
the same. Both committees will report
at the regular meeting next month.
Forfaited Lands Can Be Purchased But
Not Reserved.
Department or the Interior, )
General Land Office.
Washington, D. C, March 6, 1891. )
Register and Receiver:
Sirs : You letter of February 27th ult.
has been received. In reply you are ad
vised that claimants under the 3d sec
tion of the act of September 29, 1890, if
they belong to either of the classes
therein provided for, have two years
from the date of the promulgation by
this office of the instructions for the
restoration of the forfeited lands within
which to make their purchase. The
presentation of a notice of intention to pur
chase under said section will not, however,
reserve the land from disposal. No such
notice is required to protect the rights of
such claimants. The law gives them the
right of purchase within the time speci
fied and any disposal of the lands must
be made subject to that right.
Louis A. Groff,
Wasco Correspondence.
Wasco, March 10, 1891.
Editor Chronicle : The ever welcome
Chinook which began here on Sunday
has caused the snow to disappear rapidly,
and farmers will soon be in the midst of
their spring work.
A larger acreage than ever before will
be sown to wheat this spring, and a large
yield is expected this year, as the
ground will be in excellent condition.
Mr. T. C. Neece is teaching a large
singing class at the Neece school house
a few miles southwest of this place. I
understand that the literary society held
at that place will close at their next
meeting, March 14, after a very success
ful session of meetings.
Mr. August Guinther of Gordon Ridge
is reported very sick. The result of a
bad cold.
We are glad to learn that Wm. Kase-
berg who was reported last week having
pneumonia fever, is able to be out
There will be a good opening in this
county for school teachers this spring as
most districts will begin school by April
1st.. . X. Y. Z.
leeds Filed for Record.
Dalles City to John Baldwin, the south
half of lot 10 in block 9, in Dalles City,
proper. '
Jane A. Erwin to Charles Verchuren,
lots 23 and 24 in block 10 in Erwin and
Watson's first addition to Hood River.
Consideration fifteen dollars.
John N. Coate8 and wife to R. Living
stone, the north half of the north half of
section 4, township 2 north, of range 17
east. Consideration one dollar.
Geo. Watkina and Maud Watkins ; E.
B. Dufur and Carrie Dufur, to Mary
Agnes Baldwin ; south of lot 10 in
block 9 of Dalles city. Consideration
$100.. . . -
Lower Fifteen Mile, March 14, 1891.
Editor Chronicle : It is delightful
weather, and everybody ie busy making
preparations for spring work; garden
work will commence in another week.
The snow is gone, with the exception on
the north side of the ridges and sheltered
places, some still remains.
The late cold spell has injured the
peaches some, the other kinds of fruit,
we think, is uninjured.
lira. Emerson has been quite sick all
winter, and is now in town under the
care of Dr. Rinehart.
Mrs. M. Hendrickson has been quite
sick and was not expected to live for a
while but is better now. Z. Carwen.
Real Estate Transactions.
Hood River Townsite Company to
Leslie Butler, et. aL, trustees of the
United Brethren church, lot 5 in block
11, in second addition to town of Hood
River; consideration, $125.
Is It True?
Klickitat Leader.
The Dalles is excited over a story that
has gained ground to the effect that
George Snipes has given the Onioa
Pacific railroad fortv acres of land on his
place about two miles west of the city.
That the U. P. expects to build car shops
and start a town called New Chicago. It
is also stated that tne company will
abandon the route along the river in
order to avoid the sand and will run
their line south of the city. Let the
object be what it may there are being a
large number of lots staked off at the
new town.
The Best Cough Medicine.
' of mv customers came in todav
and asked me for the best cough medi
cine I had," says Lew Young, a promi
nent druggist of .Newman throve, fteb.
Ut course 1 showed turn Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and he did not ask to see
any other. . I have never yet sold a medi
cine tnat would loosen and relieve a
severe cold so quickly as that does. I
have sold four dozen of it within the last
sixty days and do not know of a single
case where it failed to give the most per
fect satisfaction." 60 cent bottles for sale
by Snipes & Kinersley, druggists.
A choice lot of brood mares; also a
number of geldings and fillies by "Rock
wood Jr.," "Planter," "Oregon Wilkes,"
and "Idaho Chief," same standard bred.
Also three fine young stallions by
"Rock wood Jr." out of first class mares.
For prices and terms call on or address
either J. W. Condon, or J. H. Larsen,
The Dalles, Oregon.
around to attend the funeral of their
daughter, Bessie Priacilla, who passed
from this life to the home beyond, on
the morning of Friday the 14th inst.,
aged 6 years and 7 months. She was the
light and joy of the household and be
loved by' all who knew her.
"There Is a Reaper, whose name lis Death,
And with his sickle keen,
He reaps the bearded grain at a breath
And the flowers that grows between."
"Shall I have naught that is fair, smith he?
Have naught but the bearded grain?
Though the breath of these flowet. is sweet to me,
I will give them all back again."
'He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes.
He kissed their drooping leaves
It was for the Lord of Paradise,
He bound them in his sheaves."
"My Lord has need of these flowerets gay,
"The reaper said and smiled:
Dear tokens of earth they are,
- Where He was once a child."
"They shall bloom in a Held of light.
Transplanted by my care.
And saints, upon their garments wbite
These sacred blossoms wear."
"And the mother gave, in tears and pain.
The flowers she most did love.
She knew she should find them all again
In the field of light above."
"O, not in cruelty, not In wrath.
The reaper came that day,
Twas an angel visited the green earth,
And took the flower away."
Action of the Authorities. It Will he
Made International.
New Orleans, March 16. The dis
trict attorney has entered a nolle posse
as to all the indictments pending in sec
tion B of criminal court against the
Italians implicated in the Hennessy
assassination. This releases Mastrianea,
Incardonia and the Marchesi boy.
The indictment in section A still holds
Sunzeria Patorono, John Camse, Natalo
and Pietzo.
Things have quieted down here now,
The attorney general is making an in
vestigation of Saturday's proceedings,
The prison officials say they recognized
some of the persons on the inside of the
prison and their names are understood
to have been forwarded to the attorney
Some indictments may follow as -a
formality but by so great a number of
people being concerned in the killing it
will be impossible to arraign them all or
to secure a conviction in case tey should
be arrested.
The Italian consul says a full report
of the proceedings will be transmitted
to the legation at Washington and that
all further action will be taken through
the legation.
Estee Gains Three Totes and may win
the Election.
Sacramento, March 16. The ballot
taken in ioint session of legislature for
U. S. Senator today resulted as follows :
Estee, 31, De Young 24, Felton 14, Blan-
chard 12, Perkins 1, Wetmore 1.
This shows again over Saturday's vote
of three for Estee, one for De Young and
one for Felton. but as a number of the
members were then absent the gain
onlv apparent except in Estee's
where a net gain of three is made.
The democrats cast their twenty two
rotes for John P. Irish.
And as a Consequence He Has Sold All
His Horses.
Guttenburq, N. Y., March 14.
Jockev Ed Garrison broueht his brief
T "? a ifrse owner to a close today
when all of his horses were sold at
auction. The reason for the sale is that
Garrison has signed a contract to ride for
the cominz season. Who he is to ride
for is not positively known, but it is be
lieved to be Mike Dwyer. Text was the
center of some spirited bidding, and was
finally sold to r. WalDaum tor 43uu.
chesnut colt, by Verger, out of Victorine
was purchased by W. H. Roller for
$1100. Renounce, "Ghilowie Guy, Gray
Gelding and Bay Filly, by imp. Kapture
Galaxy, were also sold, but only fair
prizes were realized.
He Can Keep His Rich English Wife.
London, March 16. Her majesty's
high court justice today refused to grant
a writ of habeas corpus to compel E. H.
Jackson of Clitheral to produce his wife
in court. The court held that were the
woman ill treated she had a remedy in
application for protection, which she
could make before a magistrate. Jack
son, it will be remembered, March 8th,
abducted his wife, a wealthy lady in her
own right.
The Wrecked Boats.
New Bedford, Mass., March 16. Two
revenue cutters arrived here this morn
ing with the officers and crew of the
Triana, wrecked on Cutty Hunk. The
officers of these boats think the Triana,
Galena and Nina are doomed to be broken
up as the heavy seas are now washing
over them.
An Officer Killed hy Negroes.
Houston, Tex., March 16. While
Officer J. F. Tenn was attempting to
arreat two negroes in a dance house he
was shot, and instantly killed, and a
bystander Frank Michaels was mortally
wounded. The negroes escaped.
The Dead by the Asylum Fire.
Nashville, March 16. The number
of dead by the insane asylum fire has
been increased to eleven. One more
inmate missing is believed to be in the
. It may be High Treason.
Toronto, March 16. It is understood
that the government is considering what
it should do with Edward F. Farrer. The
government has been advised by solicit
ors that his conduct will come within
the law relating to high treason.
A Levee Breaks.
New Orleans, March 16. A crevasse
occurred this morning in the levee at
United States senator White's planta
tion. The break is sixty feet wide.
A Private Rank noses.
private bank of F. R.
this city, closed today,
given out.
March 16. The
Wood & Co., of
No statement is
- Still Baying Silver.
Washington, March 16. Three hun
dred and seven ounces of silver were pur
chased today at prices ranging from 09.
30 to 99.50.
The Best Cough Medicine.
"One of my customers came in todav
and asked me for the best cough medi
cine I had," says Lew Young, a promi
nent druggist of Newman Grove, Neb.
'Of course I showed him Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and he did not ask to
see any other. I have never yet sold a
medicine that would loosen and relieve
a severs cold so quickly as that does. I
have sold four dozen of it within the
last sixty davs, and do not know of a
single case where it failed to .give the
most perfect satisfaction." 50 cent bot
tles for sale by Snipes & Einersly, drug
Full Text of the Bill as Passed by the
Recent Legislature and Signed by
. the Governor. .
Section 1. That section 2 of the act
filed in the office of the secretary of state
February 19, 1889, be amended so as to
read as follows :
Sec. 2. The water worka purchased
and enlarged or constructed under the
provisions of said act and owned by said
Dalies Uitv shall be under the control
and management of seven commissioners
who shall be styled collectively "The
Board of Water Commissioners of
Dalles City," and individually water
commissioners and which shall, in the
first instance, be composed of the follow
ing named resident taxpayers of Dalles
mty to wit: Hugh ulenn, August
Tiii,.lla- UT T Knlan 1. f Yf,l-
auvuiL j vacau ma .a, iiAWU ,
Robert Mays, A. S. Macallister and
George Ruch, and whose term of office
shall be as follows: Two of said com
missioners shall hold their said office
until the first Monday of July, 1890, or
until tneir successors are elected and
qualified and their successors shall hold
their term of office for the term of three
years thereafter, two of said commission
ers shall hold their oftice until the first
Monday in Julv, 1891, and until their
successors are elected and qualified, and
their successors shall hold their said office
for the term of three years thereafter,
and the remaining three commissioners
shall hold their said office until the first
Monday in July, 1892, and until their
successors are elected and qualified, and
their successors- shall hold their said
office for the term of three years there
after ; provided further, that for the pur
pose of continuing said board of water
commissioners, they shall be elected as
follows: Two of said commissioners
shall hold their said office nntil the first
Monday of July, 1890, or until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified, and
their successors shall bold their term of
office for the term of three years there
after; two of said commissioners shall
hold their office until the first Monday
in July, 1891, and until their successors
are elected and qualified, and their suc
cessors shall hold their said office for the
term of three years thereafter; and the
remaining three commissioners shall
hold their sa'd office until the first .Mon
day in July, 1892, and until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified, and
their successors shall hold their said
office for the term of three years there
after. Provided further, that for the pur
pose of continuing said board of water
commissioners they shall be elected as
follows : At the next regular city elec
tion for Dalles City two such commis
sioners shall be elected to take their office
on the first Monday of July next, and at
the second regular city election for Dalles
City three such commissioners shall be
elected to take their office on the first
Monday of July, 1892. At every such
election for water commissioners one
shall be elected from each ward of said
city and at said regular city election for
1892, and at every third regular city
election thereafter one shall be elected
by the qualified voters of said city, at
large, who shall be known as commis
sioner at large ; each of said commis
sioners to be elected, shall be chosen for
the term of three years from the first
Monday of July, following their election
and until their successors are elected and
qualified. Vacancies occurring in said
office shall be filled by the majority vote
of said board ot water commissioners,
and their selection shall hold office only
until tne next regular city election and
until his successor is elected and quali
fied, who shall be elected for the mex
pired term of the three years in which
such vacancy arose. Said water com
missioners chosen from said wards, shall
have the same qualifications as council
men, and said water commissioner
chosen at large, shall have the same
qualifications as mayor of said city. To
entitle persons to vote lor water com
missioners such persons shall be required
to have the same qualifications as voters
for councilnien of said city. Before
entering upon the duties of their office
the commissioners shall each take and
subscribe an oath or affirmation required
of other city officers, and file the same
with the recorder of Dalles City, and the
office of any commissioner named in this
section, or hereafter elected as herein
provided, who shall fail to hie his oath
or affirmation with said city recorder
within twenty days after notice of his
election, shall be declared vacant to be
filled in the manner provided by this act
bee. . That section 3 ot said act nied
in the office of the Secretary of State,
i ebruary 19, 1889, as aforesaid be amend'
ed so as to read as follows :
bee. 3. The water commissioners
shall be inhabitants of Dalles City and
qualified voters of the regular city elec
tion mentioned in Bection 1 ot tnis act
and all vacancies occurring in the office
ot any sucn conimissioner shall be niied
by appointment made by a majority of
the remaining water commissioners.
Sec. 3. That section 4 of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act be amended
so as to read as follows :
Sec. 4. Said board of water com
missioners shall elect annually one of
their number . president of the board,
whose term of office shall be one year,
and until his successor is elected and
qualified the commissioners shall - hold
regular meetings at such times as they
mav aDDoint bv order and mav hold
special meetings at such times as they
may be requested bv written notice from
their president; they shall hold their
meetings at each places in Dalles Citv as
they may provide, and a majority of
their number shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of any business; they
shall elect one of their number at Secre
tary, whose term of office shal' be fixed
by the board as secretary, and who shall
keep a correct minute of their " proceed
ings ; all claims or debts incurred by the
Board of Water Commissioners shall be
audited by said Board and when audited
and allowed, a warrant tnerefor, signed
by the president and secretary of said
Board, shall be drawn against the Water
fund of said Citv on the City Treasurer
thereof, who shall pay the same out of
any funds belonging to said water fund
of said City applicable thereto or for
want of such funds he shall endorse such
warrants, "not paid for want of funds,"
giving the date thereof, which shall en
title such warrants to draw interest
from such date until paid or until called
for payment, at the. rate of eight per
cent per annum.
bee. 4. lhat section o of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act be amend
ed so as to read as follows :
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the
said board of water commissioners, by
and with the consent of the Council, to
negotiate the sale of bonds provided for
by this act. It shall also be their duty
to make contracts for the erection and
construction, or purchase and enlarge
ment of the necessary aqueducts and
reservoirs, the laying of the mains and
upes through the streets and alleys in
alles Citv, to make and estimate the
cost of the Water Works, and to perform
all other things for the purchasing and
extending or constructing, operating,
improving and maintaining of a good and
substantial system of Water Works for
the use of the city for fire and domestic,
purposes ; provided however, that before
any of the bonds provided for by this
act shall be sold said board of water
commissioners shall cause a notice to be
published m the Morning Oregonian six
times a week for at least four consecu
tive weeks, and cause such notice to be
published in such other papers and for
such time as said board mav direct, to
the effect that said bonds will, at a time
named in said notice, be offered for sale
by said board, and inviting sealed bids
tnerefor and requiring each bidder to
name in his bid the lowest rate of inter
est at which said bonds will be taken, at
not less than their face value, paying
cash in hand therefor, provided further
that the said council shall reserve the
right to reject any and all bids made in
umiiiiii." " 1
Sec. 5. That section 6 of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act be amend
ed so as to read as follows :
- Sec. 6. The corporate authorities of
Dalles City are hereby authorized and
empowered for the purpose of paying the
interest on any water bonds of said city
legally issued "in addition to the tax now
authorized by Dalles City charter to levy
annually the additional sum of one half
of one per cent, upon all of the taxable
pro'perty within said city; and said
board of water commissioners may pro
vide for the collection of a water tax
from all the consumers of said water and
impose fines and penalties for refusing
or neglecting to pay the same, and es
tablish the rate, time and manner in
which it shall be paid ; and all moneys
collected and received under the provis
ions of this section shall be applied to
the payment of said bonds and inter
est and the maintenance of said water
works and for no other purpose whatso
ever except as hereinafter provided;
provided, Iwwever, that after such bonds
and interests shall have been fully paid,
the board of water commissioners shall
collect only such an amount from the in
habitants bf the city as shall be sufficient
to maintain said water works in good re
pair. And said board of water commis
sioners is hereby empowered to adopt
all rules and regulations necessary or
proper to enforce their control and man
agement of said water works and water
of said city, and to regulate the use and
consumption of said water.
Sec. 6. All monevs received by Dalles
City from the sale of any bonds of said
city legally issued or to be issued for
water purposes unexpended shall be
kept by the treasurer of Dalles City in a
seperate fund known as the water fund.
Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the
said city treasurer to keep all funds that
may come to his possession in accor- ,
dance with the provisions of any of the
preceding sections of this act or of any
act of which this is amendatory which
shall be known and designated as the
water fund of Dalles City except such as
may be immediately needed to pay run
ning expenses, or me principal or uiwr
est of the water bonds hereinbefore re
ferred and to loan said sum to responsi
ble parties upon real estate security only
approved by a majority of said water
aommissioners and the city attorney.
Such security shall be worth not less
than three times the amount of such
loan exclusive of improvements, and the
title shall be aproved by said citv attor-
torney ; and it is further provided tnat
no loan shall be made for a longer period
than one year from the making thereof,
and at not less than eight per cent, per
Sec. 8. That section 7 of the act en
titled "An act to authorize Dalles City
to incur an indebtedness of $50,000 for
the purpose of providing the city with
good and wholesome water, and for the
erection and construction or purchase of
such water works and reservoirs within
or without the limits of the city as may
be necessary o convenient therefore and
provide for the issuing of bonds and the
payment of the principal and interest
thereon-," approved February 26, 1885,
be amended so as to read as follows.
Sec. 7. The board of water commission
ers of Dalles city or its agents shall have
the right to enter upon any lands out
side of the limits of Dalles city for the
purpose of examining, locating and sur
veying the line of such canal, conduits,
pipes or mains, doing no unnecessary
damage thereby ; and whenever it shall
become nesessary for said board or Dalles
city to convey the water Into said city
from any stream, river or creek as pro
vided in this act, over or across the lands
of any person or persons, then the board
of water commissioners shall have power
to purchase the right-of-way over such
land ; and in the event that the owner
or owners of such land and the board
shall be unable to agree upon the
amount of damage to be paid by Dalles
city, then it shall be lawful for Dalles
city by said board of water commission
ers" shall have power to purchase the
right-of-way over such land, in the event
that the owner or owners of such land
and the board shall be unable to agree
upon the amount of damage to be paid
by Dalles city, then it shall be lawful for
Dalles city, by said board of water com
missioners to appropriate so much of
said lands for a right-of-way as may be
necessary for the line of such canal, con
duits, pipes or mains in the manner
provided in title III of chapter 7, of the
miscellaneous laws of the state of Oregon,
and whenever it shall become necessary
for said board to appropriate any por
tion of any lot or lots within the limits
of Dalles city for the purpose of bringing
the water into said city for fire and do
mestic purposes, the " said board may
appropriate the same in the manner
provided in said title HI of chapter 7 of
the miscellaneous laws of the state 'of
Oregon. Said action shall be brought in
the name of Dalles city, to the use of
said board of water commissioners.
Sec. 9. That section 8 of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act be amen
ded so as to read as follows :
Sec. 8. Whenever the board of water
commissioners of Dalles city shall decide
to purchase and enlarge, or erect and
improve the water works, as in this act
provided then it shall be the duty of the
said board of water commissioners to
cause a notice to be published in some
newspaper of general circulation pub
lished weekly in said county for at least
four weeks in succession, inviting sealed
proposals, for the erections of such
works, giving a minute description of
the same, or if said board shall decide to
purchase any water works now owned
and operated bv any person, persons,
company or corporation within said city,
and shall decide to enlarge said water
works so purchased, then such water
works, to be so extended and enlarged,
minutely describing the same. Bids
may be received for the performance of
all the work, or any part thereof, which
shall not materially conflict with the
completion of the remaining portion or
for furnishing materials, baid worx
-must be let in whole or in part, as above
provided to the lowest responsible bid
der, provided, that the board of Dalles
city shall have the right to reject any
and all bids ; provided further that on
and after the date this act goes into af
fect all such notices shall be published
by and at the instance ot tne board ot
water commissioners, and all such bids
shall be rieived bv and shall be accented
or rejected by said, board of water com
missioners, anu an cuutracis peruuiiuig
to such purchase, enlargement erection
and construction of such water works
shall thereafter be made bv and with
said board of water commissioners, pro
vided furtlier, that no purchase shall be
made nor any contract let hereunder, as
hereinbefore" provided, until all the
bonds issued under the provisions of the
act of which this act is amendatory or
under this act shall have been sold and
the money received therefore shall have
been paid into the hands of the city
treasurer. The board of water commis
sioners shall provide for the taithrui
performance of any contract let under
this act and the provisions thereof may
be enforced by action, suit or proceeding
in the name of Dalles city whether such
contract shall have been made by the
council or said board, provided further,
that all contracts made, liabilities incur
red or trusts imposed in persuance of
any of the provisions of this act or any
act of wnich this is amendatory by said
council or board of water commissioners
shall hereafter be continued - and enfor
ced in like manner as' if made by said
board of water commissioners after said
Sec. 9. In addition to the Dowers
now conferred upon the council of Dalles
City, said council is hereby authorized
and empowered to bond the credit of
said city by the issuance of taxable
water bonds'of said city payable in such
time as said council may designate in
any sum not to exceed $25,000, to eom-
plete and perfect the water system of I
said Dallea City, provided however that
ThUifuV.' liJg'''..7.iiixn'..j"ui"illlixitrjprrrr
vote of the qualified voters of paid Dalles
City who actually pay a property tax
therein which said election shall be held
and said question submitted at such
times and in such manner as such coun
cil shall provide by ordinance. If said
bonds shall be issued, the proceeds
thereof shall be paid into the city treas
ury to be left in said water fund and
subject to draft thereon as such funds.
Sec. 10. All contracts made, obliga
tions or trusts imposed, all suits or
actions commenced, or choses in action
existing under any of the provisions of
the acts herein amended or repealed
shall be continued and remain unim
paired and to that extent the provisions
of said acts amended or repealed shall be
deemed as continuing in force.
Sec. 11. That the title of said act
mentioned in section 1 of this act, be
amended to include section 3 inadvert
antly omitted therefrom.
Sec. 12. Inasmuch as there is im
mediate necessity for the additional
powers granted by this act to said board
of water commissioners and to said
council this act shall take effect and be
in force, from and after its approval by
the governor.
Call for G. A. R. Encampment at Astoria
on April 8th.
H'dq't'rs. Department of Oregon, )
Grand Army op the Republic,
The Dalles, Or., March 12, 1891.)
General Orders,)
No. 4. )
I. The Tenth Annual Encampment
of the Department of Oregon, G. A. R.,
ill be held in Odd Fellows hall, at
Astoria, at 1 o'clock p. m., April 8, 1891.
The annual convention of the Womaus'
Relief Corps will be held at Astoria at
the same lime.
The council of administration will con
vene at the law office of Comrade A. G.
Hardesty, 452 Squomoque St., up-stairs,
at 10 :30 a. in., on the same date.
II. Department headquarters will be
established at the Occident hotel, Com
rade C. S. Wright, proprietor.
III. The following order of business
will be observed, subject to change by
vote of the encampment :
Roll call of department officers.
Roll call of delegates and iiieinlnTs.
Reports of department oflicers.
Appointments of committees.
Communications from posts.
Communications from individ-
Reports of committees.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Election of officers.
In Memoriam.
Good of the order.
Reading minutes.
The following comrades of dish
ing Post No. 14, have been detailed for
duty during the encampment, and will
report to the assistant adjutant general
at headquarters at 12 :30 p. in., April 8th,
Comrade E. H. Brodie, officer of the
day; Comrade F. N. Brezee, officer of
the guard ; Comrades Louis Hofine and
Jesse Baker, guards.
V. Reception committee, G. A. R. :
Comrades Thomas Dealv, J. W. Grannis,
Geo. C. Hall, C. A. May, A. G. Hardesty
and U. b. Wright, and they will receive
comrades in chamber of commerce hall.
VI. Posts that have not yet reported
the names of officers and delegates elect
will do so immediately. If, after this
general order, any post shall be omitted
from the roll and thus excluded from
representation in the encampment on ac
count of delinquency in regard to
reports, per capita tax, etc., the fault
will not rest with department head
VII. All requisitions for supplies
needed betore tne next department en
campment should be ordered before
April 1st.
The revised edition of the Blue Book
is published, and all orders for the same
will be tilled ny tne assistant quarter
master general, as soon as the books
arrive at these headquarters.
VIII. Informatiun is wanted relative
to the death of Edward L. Hight, Co. H,
8th Regiment, New Jersey Vol., who is
said to have died in Oregon about
October 16th. 1872.
IX. The proceedings, findings and
sentence of a post court martial in the
case of comrade E. R. Beach, of Raw
lfns Post No. 31, Department of Oregon,
are approved, and the said E. R. Beach
is hereby dishonorably discharged and
dismissed from the Grand Army of the
X. The following reduction of fares
have been arranged with the Oregon
Pacific railroad company : To the G. A.
R, and W. R. C, one and one-fifth, fare
for the round trip, from April 9th to 13th
inclusive. With the Southern Pacific
company (Pacific System) lines in Ore
gon, to G. A. R. and W. R. C, one and
one-third fare, 011 east and west side
divisions, and Woodburn-Springfield
branch. Certificates of attendance will
be provided and signed at the encamp
ment by the department commander, in
order to secure the above reduction in
fares for return trip, and the latter are
void after April 11th.
Advices just received from the passen
ger department of the Union Pacific sys
tem providing for one and one-fifth fare
for the round trip from points in Oregon
up to Portland on above certificate plan.
XI. It is confidently expected that
this will be one of the most enjoyable
reunions ever held in Oregon. The com
rades of Cushing Post, and the ladies of
the W. R. C. extend a hearty welcome to
visiting comrades and our auxiliaries.
and when they say to us, "We are doing
all that we possibly can to make the
coming encampment a perfect success in
every respect," we may rest assured that
a royal good time awaits our coming.
By order of James A. Varney,
Offici al : Dep't Commander.
W. S. Myers,
Assist. Adj't General
Is Disease a FnnishmentT
The following advertisement, published
by a prominent western patent medicine
house would indicate that they regard
disease as a punishment for sin :
Do you wish to know the quickest
way to cure a severe cold? We will tell
vou. To cure a cold quickly, it must be
treated before the cold has become settled
in the system. This can alwavs be done
if you choose to, as 'nature in her kind
ness to man gives timely warning and
plainly tells you in nature's way, that as
a punishment for some indiscretion, you
are to be afflicted with a cold unless vou
choose to ward it off bv nronint action
The first symptoms of a cold, in most
cases, is a dry, lond cough and sneezing.
The cough is soon followed by a profuse
watery expectoration and the sneezing
by a profuse watery discharge from the
nbse. In severe "cases there is a thin
white coating on the tongue. What to
do? It is onlv necessary to take Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in double doses
every hour. That will greatly lessen the
severity of the cold and in most cases
will effectually counteract it, and cure
what would have been a severe cold with
in one or two days time. Try it and be
convinced." 50 cent bottles" for sale by
Snipes & Kinersley.
, - v
The facilities of the Times-Mountaineer
office will be sadly strained, to put in
type all the new names that are being
applied to the Chronicle man. The
latest, which are the fruit of the invent
ive genius of Representative McCoy, de
serve a little attention. He is called a
"fledgline" when he is old enough to be
Mr. McCoy's father which he is not, and
for which he is devoutly thankful. But
l he was a "cheap clerk" of committee at
the last legislature. Oh the pity of it!
This is the crime of all crimes ; the sum
of all villanies ! He ought to have owned
a railroad warehouse, wear a railroad
collar and travel on a paaa
lu the" last" two' weeks
have been made at Portland,
Grove, McMinnville
are satisfied that
North Dalles
Is now the place for investment. New Man
ufactories are to be added and large improve
ments made. The next 90 days will be im
portant ones for this new cit3r.
Call at the office of the
Interstate Investment Co.,
Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or.
Hay, Grain
Cheap Express Wagons flos. 1 and 2.
Orders left at the Stcre'wil IJreoeive prompt attention.
Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City.
Wagonsalways on hand when Trains or Boat arrivf.'
No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts.
Dealer In
Boots and. Siloes etc.
We are the Sole Agents for the Celebrated
Triiipl Ranp ani Ramona Coot Stove,
Which have noeqnals, and Warranted togiv e Entire Satisfaction or Money Refunded
t - & .
Comer Second and Washington Streets, The Dalles, Orepn.
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decora-
. Hons, Artists' Materials, Oil Fainting Ciromos aiii Steel MWl
Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cornice PoIes
Etc., Paper Trimmed Free.
Fioture Frame 3VIa.cJo to Ox-dor '
276 and 278, Seoond Street.
Cor. of Third and f asninston Sts,,"The Dalles, Oregon. ' .
Clothier and Tailor,
Gents' Ftirnl
tyat5 ai?d Qap5,
Boot nd
Tacoma, Forest
: in the West.
The New
and: The Dalles. AH
Boot and ShoeQ
Mtire ffy.
Wire Works.
Pile Map.
Heoi Railroad
0 Fancy Groceries.
and Feed.
Furnaces, Ranges,
& Budget,
The Pallet, Or.
Ti Ing Goods,
JruiK5r: Valises,
f&txoom, Bto. '