The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 27, 1890, Image 2

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    me raeejuy uDromeie.
Published at The Dalles, Oregon, every Saturday
. at $1-50 per year in advance. -
The action of the Union Pacific man
agement in 'withdrawing the steamer
. : Baker from the middle Columbia route
. for the winter is a piece of very bad
management, and gross ' injustice to
river points. The boat was withdrawn
withont a moments notice and the large
settlements of the White Salmon,
' ininVtliil mnA XXTinA vtvrAv era loft" vifli.
oat service. At White Salmon the
make, the stores have not yet got in
their winter supplies, and the farmers
. . are left without means of getting goods
or getting rid of their remaining surplus
There is no excuse for it. The weather
is warm, and there is no prospect of
freeze. In justice to the people who de
pend on the boat for their connection
with the outside world the company
should, put the boat in service at once
and keep her there until they get in
their winter supplies, or the weather
compels her to abandon the route.
That the Farmers' Alliance is growing
very rapidly cannot be denied, nor can
me statement mat tne iarmern nave
. .1 i . i e 1
sounded the keynote to success
refuted. They may have as a party
some crude ideas concerning finance.
'.' and the power of the government
create money, or go into the money-
lending business, but they are on the
. right track and while it is probable their
t is pretty certain that some legislation
tending to provide cheap money will be
forced by this new party. The farmers
- have discovered their power aud have
. found out how to apply it. Heretofore
tripv rmvA hAn ficrrttinir one another in
th ranks of the two old parties. Now
they have an issue of their own and are
a unit in the cause. Both parties are
uneasy, and well they may be, for the
young giant nas snown nis power ana is
increasing in sinew and stature every
: day. '. '' :
Uncle Sam is well .aware that Sitting
Bull is dead, and while there are con
flicting stories as to the manner of his
death, there is no doubt but that "Bull
head" and 'Red Tomahawk," two In
aian iwucemen. cave me oia Betienrarv
misnomer his ticket-of-leave. His death
. was an undisguised blessing to the
country and no doubt satisfactory to the
grim old fraud who can now perform
the ghost dance an nature!. Uncle Sam
is however troubled with a tender con
science, and thinks the old scourge was
murdered, that he didn't have a, fair
shake, and that the policeman who killed
him may, probably should be made an
example of. The same view was taken
of what was known as the Fiegan mas
sacre some years ago, and the gallant
commander of the troops came near be
ing court martialed because he tackled
. the Piegans when they were not prepared
- fight, and were down with the -small
vox. It is well enough to let well
enough alone, and Sitting Bnll is well
enough. '
Mr. John Minto in answering .an ar
:a1a am. ABmamo Ifrf ' PnhaD 'tiili
appeared in the Oregonian a few weeks
ago, undertakes to ridicule that which it
seems he has not the ability to refute
Mr. Minto seems to imagine that cheap
ouu uuuuuiu etfcrctuuii w ui un.e iuc piwx
of argument and set aside facts. He is
sadly msstaken. He assumes that be
cause Mr. Roberts is a Scotchman that a
lrttle.alleged sarcasm about the Duke of
Argyle would take the place of a review
of the wool question. Air. .Roberts ad
vanced a number, of ideas, stated a num
ber of facts, and deduced a conclusion
from them, and this Mr. Minto answers
in a column of maudlin sarcasm. , He
should, understand that his forte is not
in that .direction, like his merino wool,
"tne heawvolk of his sarcasm is
'drain upon his constitution," and
severe strain upon the mentality of those
who try to follow the thread of his dis
course, which s devoid of both warp and
WOOf. ' j, ; .
Another use for a navy is to protect us
against the encroachments of foreigners
generally, and the gun-boats and bat
teries of John Bull especially. The lat
ter old gentleman with his good-natured
rotundity has been magnified into
first-class bng-a-boo by the muchly but
toned young gentleman recently from
West Point or' Anapolis, but he is really
more of a Santa Claus than a Satan. We
,i ... .
neea no navy tor turn, mere are too
many other available defenses. For in
stance, we might put Jay Gould at the
head of all of our railroads and by pre
venting the movement of crops, reduce
the old gentleman's abdominal surplus.
We con Id, or rather our representative
in- the white house could for us, issue a
ne exeat, and Johnny Bull would ex-eat.
At the first symptom of quarrelsomeness
or selfwill we would send him to bed
without his little supper.
The navy department seems to be
anxious to make further improvements
in the way of ship-building, an anxiety
that congress seems willing to cater to,
and put up for. The result so far, has
been at least partially satisfactory. We
have, or rather will have a pretty fair
navy, soon ; one of which in our good
natured way we can feel proud of as
American citizens, that is, provided we
feel at all, and some ingenious dynamiter
does not invent a combination of gun
and volcano that will make our nickel-
plated steel cruisers, as bubbles of glass,
political? promises, or any other merely
ornamental specimen of fragility. It is
premised that we need a navy, partly to
protect New York City and principally
to' protect those -other amphibians, the
fur seals of Behring's sea, and the govern
ment contractors who are exterminating
Senator Spooner Saturday, made a
five hour speech in favor of the election
blD. t It . has been generally surmised
that this bill was to be talked to death
by its enemies but it is fair to suppose
that if Senator Spooner's example is fol
lowed to any marked extent, it will die
from an over dose of vocabulary admin
istered by its friends. Saturday was
one of those days on which the senate
did not earn its expenses.
The local travel is heavy at present.
seen walking about the village of
aereshofen, near Munich, barefooted.
undergoing the nerve-cure of the Roman
Catholic priest, Father Kelp. This doc
tor makes his patients go barefooted most
of the time, take a plunge every morn
ine into icv cold water, and eschew all
meats and intoxicating drinks.
The holidays are upon us and the
dawning of another day will usher in
Christmas, the merriest, happiest day
in all the year simply because it is the
children's day. Oh ! but wont there be
early scrambling out of bed, and scamp
ering feet flying to sample the bulging
stockings, and tangled hair and bright
vm from which for once, sleep fled
laughingly away. And the presents
What surprise, what joy, what intensity
of pleasure that only childhood may
know or feel, as the good and beautiful
things dreamed of by night, wished for
by day, are brought to light, filling the
wildest desires of hone. God bless the
little ones and shield them from disap
pointment when they wake tomorrow
May their little stockings be filled to the
top. and may their little hearts be tilled
with pleasure and happiness, until the
warm blood pulses through their arteries
rythmical with joy too great for utter
- If Senator Mitehell would like to make
the people of this section of Oregon
Christmas gift that would be thoroughly
appreciated we can suggest one thing
that would give entire satisfaction, and
that !h a telecram announcing the fact
that the secretary of the interior,
commissioner of the general land office.
attorney-general and all the balance of
the coroner's jury that are at present
holding an inquest on the remains of the
forfeiture matter, had reached a verdict
and got off the corpse. We are tired
waiting and are almost hopeless of the
present generation seeing these lands
thrown open to settlement. We knew
boy who was so indefinitely slow that he
couldn't suck an egg; it would spoil
while he was making a hole in the shell
He was from Ohio, and as we have not
heard of him for years, we imagine he
has been absorbed in the interior depart
ment and runs the lightning calculator
branch of it. This department has been
so slow that the silent changes of nature
and the attitions on the epidermis of
the earth have changed the nature
lands, while the lineal descendants of the
original locators have passed in then
checks, and passed down the evidences
of their location as heirlooms. Harney
lake has vanished, swamp has changed
to meadow, meadow to arable land, the
beaches are now a good quality
tertiary sandstone, and incipient Alt
Hoods are sprouting in the lang syne
swamps. The country has changed but
no change has taken place in the interior
department. The same old red tape off
the same old spool, still holds the cur
rent of its slothful and wrath provoking
wav. , ' . - .
- .
There is no use kicking ; there is noth
ing to kick ! The material presence of
the secretary is tangible, the secretary
himself is another essence. The secre
tary dies, yet the secretary lives ; he is
kingly in this respect. He exists for
ever! The man who wears the title
and manages the brakes, is mortal ; but
the secretary is immortal.' He is. the
silent center piece in the ghost dance ;
the nnmaterialized incorporeal heridita-
ment dropped down from the dark ages
as delicately intangible as the point of
Rabelais puns, or a first class case of
puppy love. He is above the reach of
the rich, and the poor couldn't touch
him with a cistern pole. He is an
anamoly, an incongruous negative,
chose in inaction. Nevertheless we hope
that his mighty essence may .evolve
set of rules governing the filing on the
forfeited railroad lands, and allow "we
the people" to locate thereon, ere it
everlastingly too late.
Secretary of Agriculture Rusk has
been for some time engaged in organiz
ing an expedition to explore the famous
.Death V alley" in uoiorado. . mis
region is a veritable terra incognitia.
The heat there is so intense that dead
animals do not decompose. Water in
the valley is unknown, and the expedi
tion will carry water and food for the
mules and men. It is a Question
whether the animals will be able to sur
vive the expedition. Two of the chief
botanists of the department are at
present working their way into the val
ley from isouthern .Nevada, while
another evpedition is on the march
rom Southern California, and the
two ' expeditions are expected, to
meet, if nothing ' goes wrong with
them, at a point previously decided upon
in the valley. Professor Merriam will
leave in a few days to take charge of the
expedition. There is reason to believe
that there are rich gold and silver mines
in the region named. A story is told by
an adventurous miner, who some years
ago penetrated into the valley and found
the skeleton of a miner, a wooden pail
lying near it, and in it a chunk of gold
oi great value. Un his return to Uali
fornia he showed his find to a group of
miners, and their curiosity was so ex
cited that, other means failing, they
tortured him to make him confess where
he had found the gold, believing that he
had discovered a gold mine, the location
of which he would not reveal. Scien
tific men with the expedition will make
a'map of the country and secure speci
mens ol such animals and insects as
exist there, if any do. Secretary Rusk
regards the expedition as of great im
portance. fret IHspatches.
An error in the above article locates
Death , valley in Colorado. It should
read California. It used to be considered
certain death to enter the valley which
by the way is several hundred feet
lower than the sea level, but this was
born of superstition and has long since
proven to be false. It is true the valley
is devoid of surface water, in this respect
resembling hundreds of other valleys of
Nevada, Utah and Arizona, but water is
easily found at no great depth, and a
canteen or two full of water will last one
the journey across it. It is hot there
bnt not equal to Yuma, and no hotter
than Marysville or Red Bluff, Cali
fornia, although the story of an adven
turous genius who went from White
Pine in 1S70 to explore the valley, fitted
out with an apparatus of his own inven
tion for keeping himself cool, would
indicate that he struck a hot wave.
This explorer working on the theory
that 'evaporation produces cold, had con
structed a sort of a suit of armor, so ar
ranged as to convert carbonic acid into
gas. It was provided with a spray pump
connected with a tank which was to be
carried in a wagon, and which would
sprinkle the horses as well as the man.
from Belmont, Nevada. Weeks passed
and no tidings of the adventurer were
heard. A relief party finally went after
him. . They had entered the valley but
a few miles when a glittering object
attracted their attention and reaching it
they found the adventurous explorer
lying on his back amid the. ruins of his
burned wagon, stone dead, and frozen
stiff. The heat of the burning wagon
had caused such rapid evaporation that
he froze to death in the midst of the
flames, and the machine still working
an icicle nearly seven feet long had
formed on the end of his nose, and by
its glittering reflection had made tne
discovery of the body possible. W
commend the idea to Uncle Jerry Rusk.
If we could entertain the hope that
the work at the locks could be taken out
of the hands of the War Department
and let by contract we would not favor
another appropriation until this had
been provided for. It is useless to hope
for this, and therefore we must ask
further appropriations even though
larger portion of them is squandered
If the work is to be pushed to an early
completion another appropriation must
be made by this Congress, in order to be
available next fall. The farmers are
awake to the importance of this question
and they are solidified now, so that
their - opinions can be made to bear
weight at the polls. They demand an
open river, and their representatives in
congress will do well to heed their de
mands. As sure as an appropriation is
not made during this session of congress.
that sure will Mr. Hermann's retire
ment happen. Politics are badly mixed
anyway, and the Farmers Alliance will
the next election hold the balance of
power at least. That party means bus
iness, and will not be put off with polit
ical promises, or platform planks,
There is a large sized political volcano
in Eastern Oregon, and it is likely to
become active before some of our politic
ians get out of its way.
Hunt iust now is in considerable
trouble financially but will probably pull
through all right as he is a manofinfi
nite resources. In the meanwhile the
proposed road down the Columbia is not
as many think abandoned. A party is
still at work on the definite ' location
survey, and while the matter has ceased
to-be talked about, it is not dead by any
means. It is almost certain that work
on the line down the north bank of the
Columbia will be commenced in the early
spring and prosecuted vigorously until
the road is completed. It may not be
Hunt, it may be Hill, it is bound to be
ome one. It is the only available route
left open between the Inland Empire
and the sea, and it will be, is now located.
The ever increasing crops to be handled
demand more transportation facilities
and the demand will be in part supplied
by this road. The Northern Pacific
owing to its heavy grades is pushed now
to its utmost capacity and no relief can
be expected from it, nor can the Union
Pacific with a single track increase its
carrying capacity to any great extent.
The north bank of the Colnmbia will
have a railroad down it, and we believe
it will be completed in time to assist in
moving the grain crop of 1891.
A Word to the Invalid -who is Well Ta
ken Care of.
The household magazines are always
telling us how to care for our invalids
and when one has read of all the little
attentions and tendernesses in the way
of constant care and smiles and cheery
words ; in the giving of light and air and
sunshine, of flowers, of fruits, of delica
cies, and the thousand and one little
things that they picture as being abso
lutely necessary if invalids are to live
and breathe and all, one can not but call
to mind the many, many thousands of
people who lie from year's end to year's
end on beds of suffering, with only the
bare necessites of life ; to whom suffering
is bread, despair is drink, and patience
is dessert ; to whom a kind word or cheery
smile is like a God-given holiday to
lonely child, and to. whom a flower is
glimpse of heaven. Oh, God, pity and
cheer all invalids who must lie within
four walls, and who may never be out in
the fields and the woods ! But let those
who suffer on beds of down, with many
friends, remember those who lie with
burning heads and uncheered hearts in
dark rooms that know neither sunshine
nor smiles. . "
President Harrison has vetoed the bill
for a public building at Bar Harbor
Maine, very properly too, on the ground
that the business of the place did not
require it. This is true, as Bar Harbor
is not of much force, and is not entitled
to such improvements while cities five
or ten times as large are ignored entirely,
The only thing iiat justifies comment
on the matter is the fact that it is sup
posed to have added zest to the duty of
signing the veto, and vigor to the pres
idents pen from the reason that Bar
Harbor is one of Secretary Blaine's pet
speculations, A he dispatches convey
the intermatioh daily that the feeling
between Blaine and the president is very
similar to that existing between Cleve
land and Hill, and for the same reason,
that both have their eyes on the nom
ination for 1892. Here are two cases of
distinguished consideration for each
other; Cold Platonic friendship that
borders on the Plutonic. . ''. -
A new explosive "has just been discov
ered called emmensite after its inventor,
Dr. E. H. Einmens. It is said to have
about the same explosive force as gun
cotton, and is not affected by friction or
changes in temperature such as freezing,
thawing or wetting It is asserted that
a shell loaded with a hundred pounds,
dropped on the deck of the . biggest
vessel known, would destroy it. The
problem of the national defense of our
harlors is being simplified by important
discoveries which are revolutionizing
the methods of war. Congress is ex
pected to soon make new preparations
to secure the benefit of it. '
This season's fruit pack is nearly ex
hausted. Prices are firm for all kinds of
fruits and must continue so for the rest
of the season. Packers are dealinfi out
their supply in small lots, so as to make
it go as far as possible. The Herald of
Trade thinks that another season will
witness a large increase in the number
of canneries on the Pacific coast.
Queen Victoria seldom retires before
2 a. m. Her son does not think she
retires soon enough. .
Caeso.v, Nev., .Dec. 21. About two
years ago quite an excitement on Carson
river was caused by the discovery of gold
and black sand. Messrs. Willard and
McDonald have been hunting the place
from which . the sand came, and have
traced it to a ledge of gold quartz, averag
ing twenty feet thick. It can be traced
two miles, and at least two miles are
already located. Out of twenty-four
samples, twenty showed gold. The ledge
is near Horseshoe Bend, about sixteen
miles from Genoa, and the river cuts it
in two places. It is regarded as one of
the most important mineral discoveries
made in this section for years. The
Genoa Courier of to-day corroborates the
news of the strike. It gives a column
account and says that over three miles of
the ledge is now located.
Illness and Insomnia Causes a Rich Man
to Take His Life.
Albuquerque, N. M., Dec. 21. Nich
olas T. Armijo, a wealthy citizen, and
one of the wealthiest men in the terri
tory, took his life this morning. For
several months he has been a sufferer
from insomnia and lung trouble, and
went to California with Dr. Easterday
for his health.- He returned home on
Wednesday night, but as there was no
change in his condition the doctor set
about preparing a trip to the eastern
cities for his patient. They were to
have left this alter noon. This morning
he got up from his bed, and while his
wife was absent, he went to a bureau,
took out a 44-caliber Colts -revolver and
shot himself in the left breast, the bul
let passing through his heart, His wife
and seven children, two brothers and
sister are left to mourn his loss. He
has a son in St. Louis and a son and
three daughters at school in Santa Clara
and San Jose, California. His wealth is
estimated at $500,000.
A Conspiracy to Flood the Country With
Counterfeit Money.
Pittsbueo, Dec. 26. A conspiracy to
flood the United States with counterfeit
silver ' dollars has ' been unearthed.
Nineteen Italians are already under
arrest and $1,100 in spurious coin se
cured. The money was brought from
the Central depot in New York to Pitts
burg by a gang of Italians employed to
pass it. According to information
given by the prisoners, similar gangs
have been sent from New York to other
cities, but the arrested men could not
tell what particular cities are being
operated. '
Welcomed by the Farmers and Will
Protect .the Winter Wheat.
Kansas City, Dec. 24. The first snow
of the season fell to-day in. Northwest
Missouri and Northern Kansas. Some
of the-incoming trains on the western
roads were delayed two or three hours,
A dispatch from Wichita, Kansas,
says a soaking rain fell in the southern
part of Kansas to-day. It was just what
the country needed and will extinguish
the threatened invasion of the hessian
fly.-. - - ',
A special from Topeka says the state
board of agriculture received telegraphic
advices from the northern half of the
state to the effect the snow storm to-day
had covered the winter wheat. The
snow was badly needed. -
The Irish Election.
Dublin, Dec. 21.-rTimothy Harring
ton arrived last night in Cork, in com
pany ' with the mayor of that city; The
Parnellites had intended to greet him
when he landed from the Aurania in
Queenstown, and had arranged for a
torchlight procession. They missed being
present when the steamer arrived, but
held a meeting on the quay soon after,
and were very demonstrative, cheering
for Parnell and Harrington, and groan
ing for Healy- and other MeCarthyites,
The anti-Parnellites gathered, mean.
while, and charged upon the Parnellites.
There was an ugly scrimmage, which re
suited in favor of the attacking party.
The torches of the Harrington admirers
were thrown into the water and many
persons were - hurt. Mr. Harrington
says the majority of the Irish in Amer-
ieffare supporters of Parnell, although
many newspapers and politicians oppose
him. Mr. Harrington does not believe
that Mr. Parnell will retire, even if the
election goes against him.
Louisville Banks Shaky.
Louisville, Ky.','Dec. 21. A meeting
of the presidents of all the Louisville
banks was held yesterday afternoon, the
object ' being - to meet the present
financial crisis and to help a few of the
weaker institutions out of their present
straits. ' One of the banks is in a decid
edly shaky condition; the clearing house
being compelled yesterday to tide it over
to the extent of $50,000. ;Today's meet
ing is a secret one. the real gravity of
the situation being suppressed for fear
of a run on the banks, and a probable
Farnell Used op.
New Yobk, Dec. 21. A Herald' t Kilk
enny special says : Parnell is a changed
man. ' He is thin in body and - haggard
in face: His beard is unkept, and his
hair " is - straggling. That his voice is
husky and almost - gone, is not to be
wondered at, for he has worked hard of
late. More serious is the fact that ' his
stock of nerve force seems gone also.
- Parnell Loses. . .
Kilkenney, Dec. 23. Official result of
the election yesterday to fill a vacancy
in the house of commons shows that
Hennesey, nominee of the anti-Parnellites,
was elected. Hennesey's majority
is 1146. ,.-...'.- .
Learned Professor Die.
WoosTEB, Ohio, Dec 23 Rev, D.
James Block, professor, of languages at
Wooster University, died this morning.
Aged 55. .
Parnell Sued For Slander.
Kilkenney, Dec. 23. It is announced
that Dr. Tanner begins suit against Par
nell for - slander contained in speeches
made by the latter during the course of
the last political campaign.
Safrar House Burned.'
New Yoek, Dec. 23. The sugar house
of Courtright Eusties, Fusileer Planta
tion burned this morning. Loss $100,000.
Insurance, $50,000.
Senators Will Eat-Turkey.
Washington', Dec. 24. The senate
has adjourned until Saturday next.
JLvdcje of Gold Bearing; Quarts
covered on tne Carson River.
Fears that her Commercial Supremacy
. jnay oe juisiuroea.
San Fbancisco, Dec. 24. "When the
Empress of India, Empress of Japan
and Empress of China begin running on
the Canadian Pacific route from Victoria
to Yokohama and Hong Kong, and that
time is less than three months distant,'
says the Exaviiner this morning, "San
Francisco will be facing a situation in
which the commercial supremacy of the
Pacific coast will have to be fought for or
abandoned. , New ships of 5400 tons
burden and nineteen knots speed, fitted
with all modern improvements and mak
ing the trip from Hong Kong to Vancou
ver in twelve days, are not to be over
matched in the race for public favor by
antiquities like the City of Pekin and
the Oceanic. When such vessels are
fitted out as cruisers with equipment of
rapid firing guns ready to be mounted at
a day's notice, they become political
as well as a commercial menaces. W
nave heard trom time to time of new
ships ordered by the Pacific Mail Com
pany. They cannot be built and put
into service any too soon. Meanwhile
the people of California should wake up,
We cannot do as much as the national
government has, but we can do some
thing. We should adopt every possibl
means of making this port attractive to
shipping. We should so amend the
constitution as to exempt American
vessels in foreign trade from all state
and local taxation. The trifle of
revenue we draw from that source is not
worth considering in comparison with
the discouraging effect of such taxes on
trade. We should abolish all unnecess
ary port charges and reduce the necess
ary ones to the lowest possible figure.
San Francisco should be made the
cheapest port in the world, instead of
the dearest, as it is said to be at present.
All this we can do ourselves, ' without
waiting for the national government to
act. If we are interested in maintain
mg itn I ranrisco against her vigorous
young rivals we must do it at once."
The 1 ledlcted Snow Storm Ari-lvcs-tcnae
New Yokk, Dec. 0. The predicted
snow storm arrived this morning. Ped
estrian:! few and fur between. The anr-
face cars are making poor progress
spite of the fact that four horses are try
ing to do the usual work of two. Navi
gation on the rivers and bay is seriously
interfered with. So far no accidents are
A One-Inch Bar Stands at Strain of Over
ISO Tons.
: Reaping, Pa., Dec. 24. At a test. of
steel manufactured at the Carpenter
steel works in this city, a one-inch bar
broke at a strain of 243,844 pounds, be
ing 20,000 pounds in excess of the high
est record authoritively known. The
test was made under the supervision of
government officers.
The German Emperor Will Test
Temper of the Paris Populace.
Paris, Dec. 24. Regarding Emperor
William '8 proposed visit to this city La
Liberie, although sure a majority of the
people ' will abstain from . offensive
demonstration, thinks the German
emperor coming to Paris, will be play
ing with fire. ,
The Indians Still on Deck,
Battle Creek, S. D., Dec. 26. The
weather is cold and the rivers are frozen
solid. A company of Cheyenne scouts
are encamped at the mouth of Battle
Creek. - Two attempts have been made
by the hostiles, who number ; about
eighty, to break into their camp. The
first attack was made by only a few of
the Indians who were quickly repulsed
with a loss of two killed and several
wounded, and it is thought one fatally
hurt. , The second attack was made
after dark by the whole band led by
Kicking Bear. Volley after volley was
fired on both sides and a destroying fire
was kept up for an hour or more. - It is
not known how many hostiles were
killed but judging from reports of scouts
there mnst have been several killed.
Troops sent to the scene report every
thing quiet and no hostiles in sight,
' ' Foreign Representation.
The department of state has been in
formed by the United States minister at
Bogota that Senator Don Climaco, Cal
dren and Senor Don Julo Rangifo will
represent the republic of Columbia at
the International American Monetary
Conference to be held in Washington
on Jan. 5. . The department is also ad
vised that a delegate from Venezuela is
in New York, but his name is not given
Value Cannot Yet Be Fixed.
London, Dec. 24. Professor Stuart, of
Sydney University, sent to Berlin to
study the Koch treatment, reports, after
studying hundreds of cases, that he
arrived at the conclusion that the pre
cise value of the Koch remedy cannot
yet be fixed. In advanced cases it
proved positively injurious, but in early
stages of the disease was apparently
beneficial. . .- . . ,
Indiana Reported Coming; In.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 26. General
Schofield this morning received the fol
lowing telegram from Gen. Miles dated
Rapid City, S. D., Dec. 25th : "Have
not heard from Col. Carr for thirty-six
hours. He started to intercept Big Foot,
Gen. Brook reports a. messenger from
Little Wound, Big Road and Past
Thunder, who went to the bad lands,
who says about half the Indians there
are coming in and he thinks the rest will
A Pendleton Christmas Shooting;.
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 26. Scolly
Marchbankwas shot here yesterday bv
man known as "Hobo." The shooting
was caused by a quarrel over a small
amount due "Hobo" from Marchbank.
Marchbanks condition ' is serious.
Hobo" is now in jail. .
Four Persons Burned to Death.
Rochbstfb. Ny., Dec, 26. A family
by the name of Dietrich living in the
out skirts of the city were burned out
early this morning, and four persons
perished in the flames.
O I The Snow, the Beautiful Snow!
- Pittsbubg, Dec. . 26. Another big
snow storm is raging here. It has been
snowing steadily eighteen hours, with
no indication of ceasing.
San Francisco Market.
San Fbancisco, Cal. Dec.' 24. Wheat
buyer 90$1.31?8'. Season $1.42.
The following joint resolution passed
congress and became a law September
30,1890. ' ' : ' . f
Retolved, etc., That whenever it shall
appear by the filing of such evfdence in
the offices of any register and receiver as
shall he prescribed by the secretary of
the interior that any settler on the pub
lic lands, by reason of a failure of crops
for which he is in no wise responsible,
is unable to make the payment on his
homestead or pre-emption claim required
by law, the commissioner of the general
land office is hereby authorized to ex
tend the time for such payment for not
exceeding one year from the date when
the same becomes due.
Approved September 30, 1890.
Is Unconstitutional.
Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 24. Judge
Reed to-day rendered a decision holding
that the state law forbidding the sale of
oleomargarine was unconstitutional.
a fice in Bchanno's building, op stairs. The
Dulles, Oregon.
DR. G. C. E8HELMAN HontEoraTHic Phy
sician and SURGEON. Ollioe Hours : 9
to 12 A. ' ; 1 to 4, and 7 to p' u. Calls answered
promptly diiy or night' Ottice; upstairs In Chap
man Block'
DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the
painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second btreet.
AR. THOMPSOX Attobnev-at-iiw. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon . ..
MAYS, HUXTIXGTON WILSON Attob-neys-at-law.
Oflices, French's block over
First National Bunk, The Dalles, Oregon.
DUFUR, WATKISS fc MENEFEE Attor-neyr-at-la
w Kooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
7 H. WILSON Attorney-at-LAW Rooms
. 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the Best Qual
ity Always on Hand.
The Dalles,'
Ghrismanfi Gofsod,
. - Successors to C. , CHRISIAI & SONS.
Dealers in all Kinds of
FIoui1, (Jpain, Ffuit?,
Etc., Etc., .(.
Highest Cash Price for Produce,
W. A. Km by;
(Jommiioq KjeMant
Oregon : Fruits, iProffuGB
Highest Prices Paid for
H.- 33.
Livery, peed and Sale Stable.
: Horses BougM ani Sold 01 Commission.
The Dalles & Goldendale Stage Line
Trucking and Draying. Bag
gage transrerrea to any pan.
of the City.
Furniture Jfloving a Specialty.
Leare Orders at Fish & Barton's, The Dalles.
Artistic Fainter am House Decorator.
TTnnui PuinHnu- and Deooratine a sneclsltr.
No inferior and cheap work done : but (rood lust
ing work at the lowest prices. .
8HOP Adjoining; Red Front Grocery, .
Next door to Columbia Candy Factory.
Boots and Shoes
' Made to Order, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Quick Work. .
Prices Reasonable.
fity i vi cxi Jtve u
is: '
Staple and Fancy Oiocei
Hay, Grain and Feed.
oueop hajji coa) Hoyuiii jiui. -i aim c.
Orders left nt the Store will receive prompt attention. " s ;
Trnnks and Packages delivered to any part of the City. ,
Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrivei.
No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts.
Clearance Sale!
For the Purpose
Fall and Winter Millinery,
Will Sell so it "will pay you to have a
new hat if only for "Looks."
ir ; ' MPS PTTTTT.TPS 81 Tnron S
Tlio Dalles,
Heal Estate and .
Insaranee Agents.
Abstracts of. and Information Concern-
- ing Land Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rem
Parties Looking for Homes in
. .. , .
Bugiqe location?,
' " ' Should Call on or Write to ns. '
. Agents Jor a Full Line of ,
Lealii Firelnsnraiice Companies,
And Will Write Insurance for
' """' ' t . on all ' " .
Correspondence Solicited. All Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
' Address, -J.
Opera House Block, ' " The Dalles; Or.
- Charles E. Dunham,
i' : - ... -i- t ;
Fine Toilet Soaps,
Brashes, Combs,
Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles.
In Great Variety. -
Pure Siraody, Wines and
Iiiquofs foi Jlediei
nal Purposes.
Phyticiarit' Prescriptioni Accurately
' ' ' Compounded. '
Cor. Union and Second Sts., The Dalles.
Old Qernapia
TP i3 1'TTtJ TT ATiTi.
The place to get the Best Brands of
Washington fffavkat, Saeond St.
O. K. Restaurant!
Next to Passenger Depot.
Day and Monthly Boarders.
Meals 25 cents.
Misses N. & N. BUTTS.
of Disposing of our
-a-lKa -4- AXXA4JJJ.4. f 11.1111' ' 1 AVAUAV A . ..
(Successor to K. BECK.) ' -
Jewelry Diamonds,
Watches; Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted. -.
' 165 Second St., The Dalles, Or. ' '
Late Rec. U. & Land Office. . Notary Public.
1H0P1T iPSfe'
PostofUce Box 335,
pilings, Contests,
And all other Business in the U. S. Land OfGee '
. . ; Promptly Attended to. . ' '
Entries and the purchase of Railroad
Lands under the recent Forfeiture Act,
which we will have, and advise the pub
lic at the earliest date when such entries
can be made. 'Look: for ' advertisement
in this paper.
- Thorncury & Hudson.
D. P. Thompson' J. 6. Bchenck, H. M. Bhu,
. . President.. . Mce-rreBldent ussnier.
First; pin BaaK.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to bight
.. Draft or Check. ; ,
Collections made and proceeds promptly
1 J X 11
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port- .
. land.
D. P. Thompson. ' . Jxo. 8. ScHKscr,
T. W. Sparks. '' Geo. A. Likbk.
H. M. Bkall.;
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States. ' - -Sieht
'' Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregoni
Seattle wash., and various points in urs
egon and Washington. ..
Collections made at all points on fav-
nrahle terms.
wasco Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
ates treasonable.
W Oo.