1 .1 . .... Mm r VOL, 1. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1890. NUMBER 1. i 4 BY TELEGRAPH. Clarknon C-l Hlin:rintcrTlrwet. Boston-, .Mam., Dec. IS, 1SSX). Ex Assistant Postin.is-ter Oeneral Clarkson in an interview fin national politic!? said - he did not ascribe -to big importers an extraordinary large fhare in the defeat of Republicans at the recent election. Speaking of t he election bill, Clarkson a'dIie was in favor of it, hut there were no a86nranees that it would pass un prospects of financial legislation Clark son thought-there viu a majority in each house in favor of free silver coinage. lie thought a revision of banking law was needed in favor of the farmer and said the fanners alliance had come to stay until some modification of the present banking system was made. ' . Deny their Action wan Intruded to In jure Southern Democracy. Topeka, Kas., Dec. IS, 1890. Various prominent ' Kansas Farmers'" Alliance members mentioned in late dispatches ' as having been concernel in a plot to disintcrgrate Southern deuiocracv bv Pmmr.rt.in47 Hie mh trenmirv hill at re- cent Farmers' Alliance "conventions, laugh at the ytory and say they voted !.. tli loll ltorfinu t pr luWiore in it. .' t Zieetlns of Railroad Presidents. - , ""New York, Dec. iS, 1800. At a meet ing of presidents of railroads west of Chicago for the piir-iose of forming a western association this morning at J. Pierpont Morgan's residence, there were present representatives from all roads that agreed to respond to the call.- No representatives of Chicago & Alton nor Vanderbilt's lines were present. " Xo in .. formation can be given out about it at the residence. When ready information will le ' made public at the office of ' Drexel, Morgan & Co. - ' More J i l ilexes fr Komesteaders. ; WAsnixoTox, D. C, Dec. 15, lsOO. The senate paired the bill to-day enlarging rights of homesteaders on pnblic lands. The bill provides that when parties have settled opposite nnsurveyed lands and "therefore were obliged to take less than il 60 acres they may extend their holdings to not to exceed 100 acres. ..'.-', . Extending Time an Bonded Good. .WashiS.-tov, D.C., l")ec.lS. 1S00 The House committee on ways and means today, unanimously ordered n favorable report upon Flower's resolution extend ing the bonded period for goods import ed previous to October first, from Feb ruary 10th to July 1st 1891. .. ' A Montana Man Get There. James W; Hathway of Montana took office as postmaster of the honse this morning: Investigating the Alleged Silver Pool . The house committee on rules Jiad under consideration today a resolution' providing for investigating the alleged silver pool but came to no conclusion. Oregon IndUn Depredation Bill Passes ' the House In the house of representatives on nio- ion of Herman (Oregon) the house sus- j -pended rules and passed the bill for ' adjustment payment of claims arising from Indian depredations. The bill provides for the appointment by the president of three judges to constitute a court to adjudicate all claims for property taken by Indians, without just cause. Dlssentlon Among; the Bad Land In- dlnns. No Fighting Yet. General SchoCeld received a telegram from General Miles confirming reported dissention among Indians on the Bad Lands, The reported engagement be tween ' troops and Indians believed untrue. . , Large Tobacco Firm Assigns.. STAEKYII.I.K, TkXN., Dec. 13. 1800 Hancock, Hallanis & Co., proprietors of a large grocery and tobacco warehouse,, in this city, assigned to-day. : liabilities tlS0,000. Assets thought to exceed that amount. - ' Won the Sculling Match. J .Sydskv, X. S.AV. Dec. IS, 1890. The great sculling match for .00 a side, and ; the championship'of the world, took . place today between Kemp and McLanc, -.resulting in a victory for the latter. Secretary Tracy Loses his Sister. Skw York. Dec. 12. 1801 Mrs. Matil tda Dodge the aged sister of secretary Xavy Tracy died this morning suddenly . at her home in this citv. The "United Ireland" on Deck Again. DuBi.rs", Dec. 14r 1890. The sup pressed United Iceland, a paper issued . by the. McCarthyites appeared to-day. it contained- a letter from Archbishop Walsh supporting the opponent's of ' Parnell. ... : . Denouncing Parnell. ' Rev. Oreagan Dean of Chapter Cloyne, called a meeting at which a resolution was adopted, repudiating Parnell. A number of those present procuretl.a ; picture of Parnell and burned it. At a meeting called by clergy Gealway for ' purpose of denouncing Parnell, support ers of Parnell turned out in force. . They paed a ' resolution supporting their lenders. - Was Itnnnlng a Divorce Mill. . Chicago. Dec. 13. Judge Blodgett, in the United States district court, today tenteuced George R. Sims to fifteen mon ths in jail. He was found guilty of issuing fraudulent deTees of divorce, purporting to lie issued by the probate court of Box Eider county, Utah. ' In this way he di vorced hundreds of people throughout the country. JOeath of General Terry." XewUavev, Conn., Dec. 16, 1890. Brevet-Major ttoieral Alfred H. Terry, -on the retired list of the V. S.' army, .died this morning at Washington, D. C. San Francisco Wheat Market. Sax FKAxeiKCO.Dec 15. 1800 Wheat Buyer 90.1.30JS'- Season, 1.41 Chicago Wheat Market. j Chicago, 111.. Dec. 'IS, 1890. Wheat steady. Cash 92, July 9:1, May 1,00 Lifeboat Overturn and Kills Two uf the Crew. . Pas Fkanxisco, Pec. .13. The life - saving crew for practice at Point. Reyes went out yesterday morning, though there was considerable sea on and the wind was blowing stronglv. The j launch was made all right, and a few J momenta before 10 o'clock the lifeboat i was headed for the shore. It was just 10 o'clock when the boat was headed j through breakers ami beached. -The crew were on tne point ot leaping out to haul the boat np high and drv, when, without any warning, a tremendous shock was felt. A huge, sea had swept in, and, catching up the heavy lifeboat as if it were a cockle shell, overturned it in the surf. All hands went under in the rushing water, for not one bad had a chance to get out.- "When the sea had receded two of the men were found to have leen seriously injured. The heavy boat had fallen upon them. A doctor was sent for but could not relieve their sufferings and they died one hour and ten minutes later. The two men Mere Andrew Anderson ' and Fred Carstens. W. L. Lock, keeper of the Point Reyes ! ''""ving station, telegraphed the facts J Captain J. P. White, the government I ......,,. BEGINNING OF THE END. Slttlnr Bull's Death will be the Means of the Indians' Itetarn. , Chicaoo, 111., Dec. 18, 1800, Up to noon to-day no further news had been received at aruiy headquarters with regard to' the Indian situation in the northwest.. Speaking of the death of .Sitting Bull, Adjutant .General-Corbiu said to an associated press reporter that it was most probably the beginning of the end of trouble. He said that as Sitting Bull was now dead the Indians who had great faith in him as a medicine man woidd come into tlie agencv within the next two or tlicee days! when they hear of his death. If they do not. General Brook has things in shape to make snort work ol tlieirt. j. hey are penned up in the bad lands where no- bod v lives and where thev can do no damage. ' " ' KITTING BI LL KILLED. The Did Warrior Has Made His Last Fight If is Death at the Hands nf . the Indian Police. Saint Pvri., Minn., Dec. 16, 1800. Sitting Bull was arrested yesterday by the Indian police. His friends rallied and attempted to rescue him. A fight ensued in which eight Indians', includ ing Kitting Bull and bis son Crowfoot, were killetl. In the fight seven of the Indian police M ho had arrested Sitting Bull were also killed. The police were rescned by U. S. troops, who now have the body of Sitting Bull in charge. P.l KGI.AItY AT ST. HELENS. Safe Breakers Make a 20,000 Haul at Mlckel Bros. Expense. Pouti-And, Ob., Dec., 16, 1890. Chief of Police Parrish, today receivd a tele gram from Mickel Bros., dealers in gen eral merchandise at St. Helens, Or. stat inS t,iat last n'ght burglars entered their twe an blew open the safe, rifling it of its contents. . It is stated the . burglars seenred about $2,000 in cash, and papers and notes to the value of about $1S,000. Xo clue vet discovered. UNION PACIFIC WORK STOPPED. Gonld Begins to Show His Fine Italian Hand. Portland, Or., Dec. 10, 1890. Work on the Union Pacific extension from Portland to Seattle has been ordered suspended. ' , Proceedings of the Senate. ' Wasmixcton-, D. C, Dec lfi, 1890. Senator Morgan in opening resolution, called attention to the fifteenth amend ment of the constitution, criticising it, and contending that the foundation of the country would le much better had tlie government been content with the ftHirtecnth amendment. Dolph of Oregon, introduced a resolu tion "providing for the investigation whether the right to vote "had been de: nied or abridged in any state, with Vest amendment extending investigation to inquire as to whether by state legislation any man has been denied work on pub lic works by reason of his color. Taken p-. . ' ;. Clew's Financial Views. Xew York, Dec. 16, 1890. Henry Clews has -addressed an open letter to the Secretary of the Treasury hi which he says: ' "Congress should amend the present silver law by inserting a clause giving the Secretary of the Treasury authority to change at his discretion the periods of purchase of silver." Congress shonld also pass Sherman's bill which provides for national bank bills to be issued up to par value of V. S. Bonds. This will increase that class of money fifteen mil lion dollars. -' Feared that all Will Not be Lovely. Mixxkapolis, Minn., Dec. 16, 1890. The Journal's Bisuiark, X. D., special says r "The country ronndr about is ter ribly wrought up over the killing of Sit ting Bull. Instead of creating an easy feeling it has aroused much apprehen sion and it is feared that many families of settlers will fall before the yengance of Sitting Bull's ' followers. Sitting Bull's son .who was killed was only twelve" years old. J . , ' , ' An enterprising Bismark merchant this morning offered $1000 for Sitting Bull's hide. The V'nnal Parnellites Dose. Dcbmx, Dec. 10, 1800. At Baltyny Hill today while meetings of the two factions were being held near together, the Parnellites attacked the opposition McCarthyites and 'repelled them after a spirited defense led . by rDavitt, Dr. Tanner and a number of priests. Many persons on both sides . were injured. Parnell presided over a meeting of his supporters. - . " . San Francisco Wheat Market. t-AS t BAKCISCO, Dec. lb, 1890. U heat j -buyer season, 1.407; buyer 00 days, ,1.3 - l. :.. BY CAULE. Parnell Suntains Bodily Injury. Dublin, Dec. 17, 1800. Though Par- j nell suffered intense pain from the effects of lime thrown in his eves yesterday, he was able at midnight to make an address from the window of the Victoria hotel at Kilkenny to a large crowd. During the. address his face was kept covered with landages. He detailed the events of the day, and the crowd became exasperated at the manner in which he had been treated. Manv threats of ven- j geance were made, : i ! This morning Pamell's breakfast was cago Avenue police station, and declared served to him in lied. A close exauiina- j t-iat ,-a father had attempted suicide, of his eyes revealed the fact that his j yjieil tne polios, with a physician, sight was not injured. The surgeon de- j reached the house, the old man was stili clares, however, that inflammation may -alive, but could not. speak. 4ie bnl set in. He ordered Parnell to keep his j crawled from bed, and on a piece of yel eyes closed and that hot water foments be -ow wrapping paper, which was bespat constantly applieil. It is not likely that j tered with blood, he wrote in German, he will be allowed to leave his room pai Uoltx did it." The paper was toilay. . - . . i the first intimation the police had of the In a published interview Maurice true nature of the affair. The doctor Healyjs represented as saying that as surance can lie given the pnblic that no settlement of the political crisis is pos sible by arbitration. In 'regard to the contest he said "It must lie fought to the bebitter end." Notwithstanding the injunction issued against suppressed "Vuilfd Ireland" the paper has again apjieared. Hereafter the paper will be entitled the IitMiprr ahle Vuilfd Ireland. DK. KOCH'S LYMPH CITRE. It is Being Tried on Patients in a Wash ington Hospital. Washington, Dec. 14, 1S90. Dr. Koch's lymph cure is now being tried on five patients in various stages of pul monary tnlHrculosis, at Garfield hospital in this city. The first inoculation was made several days ago, and the 'results are being watched with great interest by the hospital physicians and doctors of the city. So far, in none of the cases has the pat Tent grown worse under the j treatment. In one of the earlier capes the rise in temperature and other symp toms observed by Dr. Koch in" his ex periments have been noticed. lut in another case the expected reaction has not occurred. The doctors, however, are far from being discouraged, and the in oculations will be continued. It may be a month yet, they say, before they will be ready to announce their conclusions as they intend giving the lymph a thor ough trial. A FARMERS' ALLIANCE BOYCOTT. They Declare One Against a Prominent Dressed-Meat Firm. Terra Haite, Ind., Dec 14. The mass-meeting called by the Farmers' Alliance Association was largely attended bv the farmers yesterday afternoon, Several hundred merchants and profess ional men took part in a general discuss ion of the most practical means of driving the Xelson, Morris & Co. meat out of this market. The final decision was to boy cott it. The. farmers held that since Chicago dressed meat had come into the city the local beef market had been de stroyed, that Xelson, Morris & Co. were selling at a loss to accomplish their pur poses, and then, when they were secure in it, they would raise the price. Revising the Methodist Constitution. - Indianapolis, Dec. 14. The session of the commission of the revision of the Methodist constitution has ended, and it is hoped at the next meeting to have a complete rough draft of the constitution. At the final meeting, just before the con ference of 1892, the finishing touches will be given to the work. Hogan Wins a Trlxe Flget. Xew York, Dec. 16 1890. Jimmy Mnrray, Xew York, and Hogan, "St. Paul Kid," light-weights, fought to a finish at Rockaway Beach early this morning. Hogan won the match in thirteen rounds. Conger's Successor Elected. Washington, D. C. Dec. 10, 1800. In the house of representatives the coinage committee today elected Wickham of Ohio, chairman, to succeed Conger, who resigned to become minister to Brazil. The Idaho Legislature Ballot for Senator. Boise Citv, Idaho, Dee. 16, 1890. The legislature today balloted in separ ate session Jot U. S. senators. First ballot resulted:. Stevenson (Dein.) 10, Dubois, 17; McConnell, 9;. Shoup, 8; Claggert, 8. : Powder Works Explode. YouxGHTOWN, Ohio, Dee. 16, 1S90. An explosion occurred to-day at the works of the Ohio Powder Company, killing two employes. - -Bank Suspension. lit Rox, S. D., Dec- 16, 1S90. The Home National Bank, of the city, sus pended this morning because of with drawal of deposits. . "' ' The Messiah Craze Reaches California.. Cmco, Cai.., Dec. 16, 1800. The In dians of the-Tancherirs near Chico have commenced the Messiah or ghost dance. Some '"00 participants will dance. ' . . An Important Discovery. Coixmbia, S. C, Dec. 16, 1800. P. A. Emanuel, a member of the bar of this state has discovered a process by which aluminum can be made from kaolin at a cost of $2S0 per ton. A Bank Failure. Clarfield, Pa., Dec. 16, 1890. The ! Clarfield County Bank closed its doors this morning. The owner of the bank, is ex-U. S. Senator Wm. A. Wallace. Liabilities $.150,000, assets $650,000.' . Wheat in Chicago: Chicago, 111., Dec. 16, 1890. Wheat easy, fl,1'?; January 92, May Shipping Intelligence. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 17, 1890. The British bark Mennock cleared today for London, England, with a cargo of 30, 882 cases of salmon. Ban Francisco Market. Sax Pkaxcisco, Cal., Dec. 17, 'iSflO. : 'Wheat Buyer- K, 1 .30. . AN UNNATITRAI. SON. Cut III Father Throat to Ohtaln Home Life Insurance. . C -. - Chicaoo, Dec. 15. A eriniR of . sur passing diabolism and dramatic sqfuiel took place to-day in a little tenement on West Chic-go avenue. 'Carl Holt-!, an aged widower, lived alone with": his son Paul,, aged 16. To-night 'the ;3oy took to bed with him an old table-knife, and after his father had gone to sleep, raised up in bed and cut bis father's throat from ear to ear, severing the jug- ular vein and winduine. The youthful patricide Uieu rushed to the West Chi- bandaged up the man's throat, and to the surprise of every one, he uttered a few hoarse words. With his linger pointing to his son, he said: "You have killed me, Paul, but can never en joy the money. God will punish yon." A few moments later the. old man ex pired. The money referred to was $2,000 life insurance. j THEY WILL FIGHT. Strong Probabilities that the Indians Will Begin Trouble Today. .. ' Dexver, Coi.., Dec., 17, 1890. A spec ial to the Newg by courier from Daily's ranch, S. D. says "Things have about reached a crisis here. Indians are seen in all direct ions ;e prepared for engage ment any moment'. The whites have pickets thrown out and report seeing larg numbers of Indians. Scouts report thai we would lie attacked thislnorning and the signal would lie setting fire to th0 grass. The grass has lieen'set on fire and a numlier of ranches are seen burn ing. They may not attack our camp ! till night or tomorrow 'morning. A rancher reports several white men killed on Chevenne River. - FAILURES AND ASSIGNMENTS.. Brick Company Short of Cash. " Xew York; Dec. 15. The Lorillard Brick Work company, of this city and Keyporti X. J., have been placed in the hands of Receiver .Chas. Seiler. . The company has been carrying a large amount of real estate on builders' paper and were short of cash. Jacob Lorillard was president of the company, and R. 0. Guyer, secretary and treasurer. The liabilities of the company are reported to amount to upwards of $1,000,000 which includes'inortgages on the property for $080,000. Assignee ' Seller savs the assets amount to $1,500,000, which is enough to pay every debt and leave a large surplus for Lorillard. 'flE WAS FLEECED. ' Jonathan Bourne Suing a Gambling House for Money Lost. Boston-," Dec. 15. A civil action was begun by Annie Everett for Jonathan Bourne, of Xew Bedford, to recover $48, 000 from John Stetson. The money is alleged to have been lost in gambling rooms, occupied by the "Carlton Asso ciates," in Howard place. Stetson is president of the "association. Bourne came into a fortune of $1,000,000 about a year ago, and, it is claimed, he was the victim of a fleecing game. JUMPED FROM THE TRAIN. Mrs. Roberts, of Portland, Supposed to Have Committed Suicide. Wood River, Xeb. Dec. 15. Mrs. William Roberts, who, with her husband and two children, was on the way to Sen eca, Kan.: from their home in Portland, Or., was found dying beside tlie railroad track near here tonlay, fatally injured. She was not missed till the train reached Grand Island. She had tried to commit suicide before while temporarily insane, and it is supposed she jumped from the train. -: v ' :' , :.: DEATH UNDERGROUND. -" Powder Explosion Sets Fire to a Wis. eonsin 'Mine. . Ashlaxd, Wis., Dee. 15.- A box of giant powder exploded in the Sunday Lake mine, at Wakefield, Mieli., today, killing two instantly and wounding two others. ' The accident occurred at ' 2 o'clock today. The explosion set fire to the mine and it burned brisklyr There are some men yet in the mine, but particulars cannot be learned. ' ; - ' The Indian Troubles.. Washington, D. C, Dec 17. General Schofield this morning recieved a tele gram from General Miles dated Long Pine, Xeb. J3ec. 16r which ; reads as fol lows: "General Brooks reports Two Strike and about 800 Indians now camped at Pine Ridge agency and these with other Indians at Pine Ridge and Rose Bud all tliat can be drawn from disaffected Camps.' Other Indians are defiant and hostile and determined to go to war and has no hopes that no other effort at paci fication would be successful. He esti mates tlie number of men in the hostile camp in the Bad Lands at 250." General Riidge's estimate represents 200 men on Cheyenne river and '300 at Standing Rock reservation, who would be liable to leave, making in all 750 men. Sixteen thousand Sioux who have been restrained and professed loyalty should have positive assurance withtbe least possible delay that the government will perform and fulfil its treaty obli- rations. i Glad sittins- Bnii is Dead. '" White Buffalo Man who lives on Bad ! 0?iP,"nler b?ttle Hance f th,e P"8 ,,. . , t , i of the State. It is impossible for any River, who came in today, says Bad 1 newflpaper here with our present popula River Indians are glad Sitting Bull is ; tion to take the dispatches, but the dead: ' , - ... ' -.. "' . . Two-Strike Come In. Pixe Kidge Agency, S. D., Dec. 7.-r to loO lodges, reached the agency this morning. TroopB are still waiting nni!ir arms for orders to march. - SYMPATHETIC PORTLAND. The Oregonian in speaking of the Col umbia river, recently says ; "The rivers are free to local enterprise. Xo right of way is necessary in order to use their, channels in the interests of commerce. The method heretofore purT sued has been to growl at and pile up complaints against, the transportation companies for lack of adequate facilities for conducting the traffic of the Inland Empire; for exhorbitant freight and passenger charges and for several inat tentions to the people's interests. Years of these complaints have failed, for obvi ous reasons, to bring relief. If the people who havp lodged them can do better for themselves than the existing transpor tation companies can do for them the river is theirs, let them show a determi nation to use it. If they will not do this, it is clear that to continue in the old line of querulous fault-finding is but a waste of time and energy. Prudence must suggsst to them the wisdom of striving to possess their souls in patience while they tell to the child on the knee, tales of the wonderful prosperity that will be the inheritance of those who live to see the canal and locks at the Cascades coin- w statement of the case, a frank admission as to Portlands inter est heretofore in the matter. It is brutally frank, cruelly true. We are told that the river is free, and that we can take advantage of it, or let it alone, as it suits our- will. Were the river open it would be possible for us to make the best of the invitation, but as it is the cost of transferring low priced freight at the Cascades precludes our utilizing the far from cheerful advice. Josh Billings said that castor oil and advice, were better to give than to receive, and the above sample is no exception. It may be,v and no doubt is true, that we of East ern Oregon have not shown proper energy and "determination in our efforts to take advantage of the Columbia as a means of transportation. It may lie and perhaps is true, that with proper energy, unity and determination, the people of Eastern Oregon culd themselves have constructed unaided the locks at the Cascades; and it is further true, that had this been done wars ago, the saving in freight rates on grain alone, would have comjileted the locks long since. We admit this, but we add that it is equally true that Eastern Oregon paid her proportion of taxes to construct the locks at Oregon City, and give the Will aiuette valley an open river and cheap transportation to Portland. It is equally true that the members of the last legisla ture from the Willamette yalley voted against a beggarly $50,000 appropriation for constructing and equipping a half mile of railroad at the Cascade's, which ! ivflldd Iimva AfTordryt lis rAliof nnt-'I tho locks . were completed, and would no doubt have accelerated the work there. We have no kick at the Union Pacific, management. Whatever their sins of omission may have been, they are doing their best now, but that best is not enough. ' The trade of the Inland Empire has growu beyond their capacity to handle, no matter what thier motive or road equipment may be. Our products must find a market, and if that market is to be Portland the river must be util ized. Portland is interested in the solu tion of this problem as much as the pro ducers, and in will fiind to its cost that the Oregonian'i advice may yet be fol lowed,' and the Columbia from Celilo to Pasco be used by the producers to send their products to the Sound. That por tion of the river is "free to local enter prise." '. BREAD FOR THE WORLD. The area of Wasco county is in round numbers 2,500,000 acres. Of this 00, 000 acres are susceptible of cultivation, and 400,000 acres are under cultivation,, or have been, though . much of this, owing to the cost of transportation, is at present lying idle. With cheap trans portation to markets, all, or nearlv all this immense tract would be cultivated and its golden harvest would load a small fleet of ships. Land situated far enough from the railroad that a round trip cannot be made by the farmer in a day, is practically unprofitable when sown to wheat. The hauling to. market added to high rafes on the railroads leave no margin , for profit." With Wasco's 400,000 acres of cultivated land in wheat, at twelve bushels to the acre the crop would be about five million bushels, or with its total acreage in wheat, for which the soil is peculiarly adapted, this output would be raised to seven million bushels. It is estimated that wheat is arriving in Portland - now at the rate of 1,500 tons or 50,000 bush els a day.- With a full crop of wheat grown in this county, it alone could keep UP this supply for four months iu the year. When the other Eastern Oregon counties, Sherman, Morrow, Gilliam, Union and Umatilla, all superb grain growing' counties, add their outputs it will be seen that Eastern Oregon alone could with one year's crop furnish the present amount arriving daily in Port land from all sources, for two -ears, or could send double the present supply every day in the year. .An open river and railroads from it to the interior will accomplish this result. Given cheap transportation, . which an open river would give, and Eastern Oregon and Washington can supply the world with bread, and at prices that will defy com petition. - The telegraphic news in this paper is cliDued from the colums of the Oresronian which is a legitimate subject for abuse. Chronicle has arranged for a special aAsamA u'KiaK n i 1 1 rt tutcau t-i i r tyttf TTI 1 IV TV 11IL1I TV XI I HVVVnPUl II V STV 11 IV ! We make this statement as we do not wish to sail under false colors. What is the difference between Ouakers and careless landladies? The former omit to bare their heads and the lattc-r to air their bty.'sy THE LATE SITTIXO DULL. ..mug .iiui in uc(W(, nmi iiiumvi of the gallant Custer is in part avenged. This now good Indian has committed crimes enough to have caused his execu tion, years ago, were it not for the good grandmotherly government who con dones the faults of her red wards. - Sitt ing Bull was pre-eminently a politician, and while his hands were reddened with the blood of Custer's gallant band, his was not the brain that conceived or exe cuted that dastardlv massacre. He was shrewd enough, however, to assume that it was his work and to impress this idea on his followers. He has always been over-rated except in his ability to create mischief, but will no doubt pass into American history as a great warrior. He lacked the elements which make a great leader, but possessed in abundance all those things required to make what he was, a great villian. It is to be hoped that his death may dampen the ardor of his fellows and end the present troubler. If so, the ghost dance has rendered good service. A BUSINESS CITY. Strangers arriving in The Dalles are at' fii-st ant to think it a Quiet, or as some I of them exnresa :t a deaj town. Even a cursory examination into tne amount of business done here will dispel this idea. The amount of wool, grain and live stock shipped from this point is simply immense; and the amount of supplies purchased here would astonish even our own business men, by its grand total. It has back of it the best and largest pastures in the northwest,, and the country capable of producing grain, which is naturally tributary to this point is as large as any of the Xew England States. The larger portion of this agricultural land is still uncultivated, simply because the cost of transporting the grain to market is yet too great. In I the near future this difficulty will lie re moved, and thousands- of acres of virgin soil will be covered with waving fields of golden grain. The fruit industry is its infancy, bnt promises to take a promi nent place. When the business created by the rapidly developing country tribu tary to it, is added to that it already has, The Dalles will be second only to Port laud in the volume of its trade, and wit h the opening of the Columbia this trade will be again more than doubled. The Dalles is doing a bigger and better busi ness to-day than any-city of its size in the state, but that business is done through well established channels, and sweeps along as quietly as the mighty Columbia, which makes not as much noise as some babbling brook, yet sur passes all suhenthoiJBndfold. A CHANGE REQUIRED. The Dalles has entered upon a new era, an era of prosperity of progress of development, and we all want to adapt ourselves' to the new order of things. We want to in a measure at least forget self, and understand that the good of the community results in good to its indi vidual members. We want to remember that there are many ways of accomplish ing a result, and while working to have that result reached in our way, when the majority are against ns and adopt some other plan, stand in and work for it. Adopt the plan of the political conven tion and when hi the minority give it np peacefully and make it unanimous. Personal likes, or dislikes should have no place in our municipal work, but all of us should put our shoulders to the wheel wherever the interests of The Dalles are concerned, and working for the good of all, add to the prosperity of each of onr citizens. The new order of things requires it, self interest demands it, loyalty to The Dalles compels it. . We are informed by Mr. Samuel L. Brooks that the Portland board of trade, chamber of commerce and some, other business societies have determined to make an energetic effort to ' have the locks at the Cascades completed. They purpose going at it In a business-like way, and are compiling statistics show ing the area of wheat lands, and the amount and' value of products, that would find market by the way of the Columbia." There is abundant cause for congratulation in this, and the silver edges of hope shine out from behind the black clouds of despair that have so long shadowed this undertaking. Tlie pres ent wheat blockade has been prolific of results, and the waking of Portland to her danger is the most important of all of them. . . The Hunt Road Will be Built. - That the line of railroad down the north bank of the Columbia will be built next year is reasonably certain. The line is being definitely located now, the work being about completed. It is about the only route across the Cascades that is not already appropriated, and so many roads are seeking tidewater that if Mr. Hunt is unable to float his bonds and constrdct the road, others will be found that will take it off his hands and build it. It will not be many years before the Inland Empire will furnish a million tons of grain for shipment to tidewater, or in round numbers, ten trains of twenty cars each every day in the year. The resultant counter trade, would make an immense traffic, and this with the through traffic seeksng Portland and the Sound over these roads will keep every one of them crowded, and the Columbia busy with steamers and barges. The possibilities ' of the country are great indeed, and every available transportation route, natural or artificial, will be crowded to its ut most capacity. Whea They Hush. "Your duties must be somewhat monot onous," said a ladv to a mailing clerk.' "They are, indeed." "The" same round day after day and week after week. So excitement.'"' "No excitement excepting when,we have to rush things." "What is that?" "When we find 'In Haste' written oh the corner of an envelope." . "Oh ! ves, that creates excitement i'' "Tremendous?" j Gibons, Jfeeallistef &Go. Groceries, AX 13 FARM WALTER A. WOOD'S REAPERS and MOWERS. Hodge and Benica Headers, Farm Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, .Road Carts, Ganj and Sulky Plows, Harrows, Grappling Hay Forks, Fan Mills, Seat Cush-" ions, Express and Bngpy Tops, Wagon Materials, Iron and Coal, etc. etc. - ' Agents for Little's Sheep Dips. A Complete Line of OILS, The Dalles, - - JOL.ES -: DEALERS IX :- Staple and Fa Hay, Grain Cheap Express Wagons flos. l and 2. ' .. .,".' " ' Orders left at the Store will receive prompt attention. . ; . '.'. Trunks and Packages delivered to anypart of the City. -s Wagons always on hand when Trains of Boat arrivej. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. Clearance Sale! For the Purpose of Disposing of our - Fall and Winter Millinery, WiU Sell so CHEAP that new hat if only MRS. PHILLIPS, 81 Third Street. Tlie Dalles, Crandall MANUFACTURERS FURNITURE Undertakers and Embalmers. XO. I GO SECOND STREET. Parley eS? (Successors to L. D. lilaifaGiers A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPATBIUQ FKD2ULFTxr and ITEATLY DClTI- : Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse Blantets, Etc. Fall Assortment of Mexican Saddlery, Plain or Stamped . SECOND STREET, - - - - THE DALLES, OR. O NICKELSEN, -DEALER STATIONERY, flOTIOfiS, BOOKS AND MUSIC. lealers in Hardware; Lime and Sulphur, etc. GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS. - - . Oregon. BROS., and Feed. it will pay you to have a for "Looks." & ai?qet, AND DEALERS IX"' ' ' CARPETS. Frank, deceased.). 1 E MINTS viies, OPALL JrCI2STX)S OF: IN