B6 Weekend of March 14-15, 2020 The Dalles Chronicle TheDallesChronicle.com FOR THE RECORD EDITOR’S NOTE: All indi- viduals arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty. ACCIDENTS The Dalles City March 10, 11:34 a.m. - Two vehicle, non-injury, East 2nd and Washington streets. Officer assisted with the exchange of information. Wasco County March 9, 2:02 p.m. - Search and rescue responded to Frog Lake on a report of a snowmobile crash. Driver suffered minor injuries and a report was taken. FIRE Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue March 7, 10:01 a.m. - Crew responded to Orchard Road on a report of a burn complaint. March 8, 6:06 p.m. - Crew responded to the 3500 block of Royal Crest Drive on a smoke investigation. March 9, 4:46 a.m. - Crew responded to the 4100 block of Chenowith Creek Road on a structure fire. March 11, 12:17 a.m. - Crew responded to the 1000 block of West 9th Street on a report of a fire alarm. March 11, 4:56 p.m. - Crew responded to the 2100 block of Steele Road on a report of a prescribed burn. The agency also responded to five calls for emergency medical services on March 6, ten on March 7, eight on March 8, seven on March 9, six on March 10, and five on March 11. POLICE REPORTS The Dalles City A runaway report was taken March 7 from the 800 block of Garden Court. Police responded to the 1200 block of East 12th Street March 8 after a caller reported his juvenile son was violating his probation. A report was taken. A theft report was taken March 8 from the 600 block of Sherman Drive after a victim reported his vehicle was entered and had some items stolen. Police responded to 3900 block of West 6th Street March 9 after an employee reported finding a bag of drugs on the premise. A report was taken. A theft report was taken March 9 from the 500 block of East 10th Street after a victim reported some cans were stolen from her property. Police contacted a female subject March 9 in the 100 block of East 2nd Street who was cited and released for identity theft in connection with a previous investigation. Police responded to the 700 See RECORD, page B8 Public Notices TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain Tr u s t D e e d m a d e by Russell T. Lough- miller and Jennifer T. Loughmiller, as tenants by the en- tirety, as Grantor, to Wasco Title, Inc., as Trustee, in favor of Mid-Columbia Eco- nomic Development District, a special district under ORS 190 and RCW 39.34, on behalf of the Or- egon Investment B o a rd , a s B e n e - ficiary, dated July 23, 2014, recorded J u l y 2 9 , 2 014 , i n Wasco County, Or- egon as Instrument No. 2014-002386. S a i d Tr u s t D e e d covers the following described real prop- erty situated in the above-mentioned county and state: Lot I (eye), and West 27 feet of Lot J, Block 65, FORT DALLES MILITARY RESERVATION TO DALLES CITY, in City of The Dalles, Coun- ty of Wasco and State of Oregon. Both the Beneficiary and the Successor Trustee have elect- ed to sell the real property to satisfy the obligations se- cured by the Trust Deed and a No- tice of Default and Election to Sell has been recorded pur- s u a n t t o O re g o n Revised Statutes 86.752(3); the de- faults for which the foreclosure is made are Grantors’ failure to pay when due the following sums: (A) payment short- age of $602.50 due July 15, 2019 plus late fee of $30.13; monthly payment o f $ 1, 5 5 0 . 0 0 d u e August 15, 2019 plus late fee of $77.50; monthly payment of $1,550.00 due Sep- tember 15, 2019 plus late fee of $77.50; monthly payment of $1,550.00 due Oc- tober 15, 2019 plus late fee of $77.50; monthly payment o f $ 1, 5 5 0 . 0 0 d u e November 15, 2019 plus late fee of $77.50; and monthly payments and late fees becoming due thereafter (B) Cost of foreclo- sure report; attorney fees; any other sums due or that may be- come due under the Trust Deed and the obligations that is secures by reason of this foreclosure; and any further advances made by Beneficiary as allowed by the Trust Deed and the obligations that it secures. Pursuant to the terms of the Trust Deed and the ob- ligations that it se- c u re s , t h e e n t i re re m a i n i n g u n p a i d balance owing be- came immediately due and payable o n N o v e m b e r 18 , 2019, and all sums owing are therefore immediately due and payable as that date, those sums being the following: Th e l o a n b a l a n c e that the Trust Deed secures is the sum of $120,134.20 plus interest thereon plus interest thereon after November 18, 2019 Legal notice address: tdclegals@thedalleschronicle.com at $36.22 per day until paid; cost of foreclosure report; attorney fees and trustees fees; and any other sums due or that may become due under the Note or by reason of this foreclosure; and any further advances made by Beneficiary as allowed by the Trust Deed and the obligations that it secures. WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the undersigned S u c c e s s o r Tr u s t - e e w i l l o n F r i d a y, June 12, 2020, at the hour of 11:00 o’clock A.M. Pacific Daylight Time (which is in accordance with the standard time established by ORS 187.110), at the East front steps of the Wasco County Court House, 511 Wash- ington Street in the City of The Dalles, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the real property described above which the Grantors had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obli- gations thereby se- cured and the costs and expenses of the ACUPUNCTURE sale, including a rea- sonable charge by the Trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.778 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclo- s u re p ro c e e d i n g dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstat- ed by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default com- plained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addi- tion to paying those sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by pay- ing all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee and attorney fees not ex- ceeding the amounts p ro v i d e d b y O R S 86.778. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Ore- gon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufac- turing methamphet- amines, the chem- ical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospec- tive purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trust- ee’s sale. In construing this Notice, the singular includes the plural, the word “grantor” includes any suc- cessor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the trust deed, and the words “trustee” and “beneficiar y” include their respec- tive successors in interest, if any. DATED January 2, 2020. /s/ V ictor W. Van- Koten Victor W. VanKoten, Successor Trustee 417 Sherman Ave- nue, Suite 7 H o o d R i v e r, O R 97031 Phone (541) 436- 3422 Feb 29, Mar 7, 14, DERMATOLOGY CASCADE ACUPUNCTURE CENTER, LLC • Offering Acupuncture, Allergy Elimination and Custom Chinese Herbs. • Very effective style of Acupuncture, often relieves pain during the first treatment • Treatments in Recliner Chairs or on massage tables • Accept and bill most insurances, Worker’s Comp, PIP claims • Accept Veterans Choice, ask us how! • Many insurances in OR and WA cover Acupuncture, free insurance check! • Sliding Fee Scale, monthly payment plans, VISA/MC • Wheelchair accessible locations, free customer parking • Open Monday - Saturday • No physician referral needed • New Patients welcome. Call for a free consultation! 1712 East 12th Street, The Dalles 541-298-2378 Hood River www.CascadeAcupuncture.org 541-387-4325 Providing comprehensive Chiropractic care for the entire family. We specialize in treating: • Motor vehicle injuries • Work injuries • Sports injuries We also offer the following treatment modalities: • Graston Technique • Kinesiology taping • Active Release Technique (ART) • Laser Therapy • Serving the local community for the past 28 years. • NEW PATIENTS WELCOME. We are contracted with most insurance companies and will bill them for you. 818 W. 6th Street, Suite 5, The Dalles, OR 97058 541-296-1900 CLINICS MCMC SPECIALTY CLINICS Mid-Columbia Medical Center 1700 E 19th St 541-296-1111 Celilo Cancer Center 1800 E 19th St 541-296-7585 Columbia River Women’s Center 1810 E 19th St 541-296-5657 MCMC Surgical Services 1810 E 19th St 541-296-6101 MCMC Cardiology 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6530 MCMC Internal Medicine 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6920 Luke Sloan, MD Melissa Arndt, PA-C Victoria Hopkins, PA_C 405 E. Steuben St. (Highway 14) Bingen, Wash. 509-493-0441 917 11th Street, Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 386-2517 HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NORCO MEDICAL Home Medical Equipment • Oxygen Equipment • CPAP and Supplies • Walkers, Canes, Crutches • Sports and Orthotics • Breast Feeding Supplies • Hospital Beds and more! Monday-Friday 8-5 333 Cherry Heights Road The Dalles, OR 97058 Toll Free • We serve the patients of ALL providers, ALL Hospitals and ALL Facilities in the Gorge area. • There is never a charge for our services, no charge, no co-pay. • Licensed by Medicare, Oregon and Washington. • No charge for a referral consultation. All doctors are required to offer a choice, see why we are the most experienced Hospice in the Gorge. Hood River The Dalles Toll Free 541-386-1942 541-296-2289 888-882-1942 See “What is Hospice/How to Choose a Hospice” On Line at www.HeartOfHospice.Org PROVIDENCE HOSPICE OF THE GORGE Serving residents of the Gorge for more than 30 years. • A local, multidisciplinary team of experts • Open access to care, no matter where your physician is employed • Nursing support available around-the-clock • Relationships with all community primary and specialty care providers • Service to all patients regardless of insurance coverage • Spanish speaking team available Please call for more information or to schedule a free consultation 751 Myrtle St., The Dalles, OR. 97058 http://www.providence.org/hospice 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-296-7202 MCMC Podiatry 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6500 MCMC Center for Sleep Medicine 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-296-7724 541-296-3228 866-680-6449 IN-HOME CARE BOBBI’S WAY IN-HOME HEALTH CARE Columbia Gorge Neurology 1935 E 19th St 541-296-1100 Gorge Urology 1805 E 19th St 541-296-2201 MCMC Occupational Medicine 1815 E 19th St 541-296-7811 Columbia Gorge ENT & Allergy 1815 E 19th St 541-298-5563 Assisted Living In YOUR Home • Our aim is to assist each and every client to remain as independent as possible, by providing compassionate cost effective professional in-home care services, in a safe and caring environment. • Caring and highly-skilled caregivers. • Locally owned and operated by Bobbi and Kaleena Casey. Please call for more information or to schedule a free consultation. MCMC Family Medicine 1620 E 12th St 541-296-9151 Serving Hood River, Klickitat, Sherman and Wasco counties MCMC Pediatrics 1935 E 19th St 541-506-6520 MCMC Dermatology 1935 E 19th St 541-506-6930 541-436-4515 Open every day 9 to 9 - Call for Holiday hours RECREATIONAL STORE, NO MEDICAL CARD NEEDED Medical and Recreational Marijuana Store with Department of Health Certified Medical Marijuana Consultants available to talk to you about products, and answer your questions. We carry CBD, Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), topicals, edibles, tinctures, flower, pre-rolls and concentrates. [You must be 21 to enter the store, unless you have a Medical Marijuana Recognition Card which is available here. To get your card, bring your WA ID and Doctors Authorization Form. We warn custom- ers that Marijuana can be habit forming and may cause intoxicating effects and should not be used before driving. It should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.] ORTHODONTICS BICKLER ORTHODONTICS LLC 541-296-6131 1-800-272-2348 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6500 MCMC Outpatient Therapy NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of The Dalles Historic Land- marks Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednes- day, March 25, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will take place in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 313 Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. The pur- pose of the hearing is to receive public testimony regarding the following appli- cations: Historic Landmarks Commission Ap- plication #177-20, Todd Carpenter and Carla McQuade, requesting approval to modify approved HLC Application and is further de- scribed as 1N 13E 3 BD tax lot 9800. Property is located in the National Com- mercial Historic Dis- trict and zoned CBC – Central Business Commercial. The review criteria for each application are the Secretary of the Interior’s Stan- dards. These stan- dards have been ad- opted by The Dalles Municipal Code, Chapter 11.12 His- toric Resources as local review criteria. All information re- lating to the appli- cation is available at, and comments m a y b e d e l i v e re d to, the Community Development De- partment, phone (541) 296-5481 ext. 112 5 . C o m m e n t s must be received by the hearing date or may be presented at the hearing. Th e m e e t i n g w i l l be conducted in a room in compliance with ADA Standards. A n y o n e re q u i r i n g accommodations may call the office of the City Clerk, (541) 296-5481 ext. 1119, Monday through Fri- day, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to make arrangements. March 14, 2020 #8777 MARGIE’S POT SHOP Heart. It’s in our name, it’s in our care. Byron Akita, DC Tim Akita, DC PUBLIC NOTICE Auction date: March 27th 9:30am storagetreasures. com # 17 9 M i c h e a l Swineheart #36 James Van- camp Northwest Self Storage 954 Hostetler Way Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 M a r c h 14 , 1 8 , 2020 #8775 # 16 4 - 19 f o r t h e façade restoration of the Recreation building due to limit- ed original materials being found with the restoration project. Option 1: restore the façade using brick laminate; Option 2: restore the façade using a wood finish. The properties are located at 213-219 E a s t 2 n d S t re e t , The Dalles, Oregon and are further de- scribed as 1N 13E 3 BD tax lot 3600, 3500, and 3400, respectively. Prop- erties are located in the National Com- mercial Historic Dis- trict and zoned CBC – Central Business Commercial. Historic Landmarks Commission Ap- plication #178-20, S c o t t A u s t i n , re - questing approval to remove a section of Building B due to foundation con- cerns, as well as approval to install hardy plank siding to best replicate a ship- lap siding in use on a nearby structure, and replace metal windows with vinyl windows to match the back windows on Building A. The property is located at 412 Washington Street, Building B, The Dalles, Oregon HOOD RIVER DERMATOLOGY HEART OF HOSPICE AKITA CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC #8763 MEDICAL MARIJUANA HOSPICE CHIROPRACTIC 21, 2020 http://bobbiswayinhomehealthcare.com James Bickler DMD • Latest in 3-D imaging • Free consultations • Treatment of children and adults • Traditional and Clear brackets • ClearCorrect aligners • Experienced, professional, friendly staff. No interest financing. Visit us at bicklerorthodontics.com 541-298-4072 Bickler Orthodontics, Where your smile is our passion! Personal que habla español. PHYSICAL THERAPY REBECCA STREET PHYSICAL THERAPY A progressive therapist-owned physical therapy practice specializing in manual therapy. Our services include, but are not limited to: • Orthopedic care and sports injuries • Post-operative rehabilitation • Back and neck care • Neurological rehabilitation • Industrial medicine and return-to-work. Contracted with most insurances and handle all insurance billing. Licensed to treat patients without physician referral. 115 West 4th Street, The Dalles, OR 97058 fax www.rebeccastreetpt.com (541) 296-3368 (541) 296-7866 SENIOR LIVING THE SPRINGS AT MILL CREEK Changing the way people experience senior living: • Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care. Stop by anytime. We’d love to meet you. 1201 West 10th St., The Dalles, OR 541-296-1303 www.thespringsliving.com • Que habla español. SURGERY SKYLINE Seth Lambert, D.O. Specializing in: Laparoscopic surgery for appendectomy • Hernia repair • Gallblad- der removal • Breast biopsies • Soft tissue masses • Hemorrhoid surgery • and more 211 NE Skyline Dr White Salmon, WA (509) 637-2810