Weekend of March 7-8, 2020 B5 The Dalles Chronicle TheDallesChronicle.com HISTORY History Mystery Joann Johnston, Michael Houser, Terray Harmon, Gary Conley, Caroline Zeigler, Larry Hoctor, Mike Kilkenney and Ed Wilson contributed to this report. Last week’s History Mystery, above, is an “aerial of Harvey Aluminum with farms along the river.” It is from the digital archives of The Dalles Chronicle. Michael Houser said the photo was likely taken between 1958 and 1964. A few highlights of what was there—Harvey Aluminum, The Dalles Drive-Inn Theater, Jones Auto Wrecking, Mt. Fir logging and I-82N, renamed to I-84 in 1980. The Klindts family, for which the Klindt’s Cove Pocket Park is named, was farming along the river on land that has since become the Port of The Dalles Industrial Park. Their home can be seen in the lower left side of the photo, and Chenowith creek is on the right, said Terray Harmon. He said there was a To guess this week’s photo, above, email Mark Gibson at MGibson@thedalleschronicle.com or call 541-296-2141, ext. 107, and leave a message. Be sure to spell your name. beautiful sandy beach, visible in the photo. “You had to drive through the creek to get to the beach,” he remembers. Ed Williams said he worked at the plant 23 1/2 years, first for Harvey and later for Northwest Aluminum. LOOKING BACK 20 years ago — 2000 Improving runs will bring the welcome return of a spring chinook sport fishery on the Deschutes this year. Oregon Department of Fish and wildlife will open the Deschutes River to angling for hatchery spring chi- nook from April 15 through July 31, the agency announced Friday. The season will be the first in four years and the first seven-day-a- week fishery since 1993. Amtrak’s Pioneer could ride the rails again – if cities along the route, including the Dalles, chip in to bring it back. That was the pitch made to The Dalles City Council last Monday by Wayne Kinney of Sen. Ron Wyden’s of- fice. Wyden is working on a plan to bring back the Pioneer, gone since 1997. While the original Pioneer route ran from Chicago to Portland, the proposed revived route would be much shorter, running from Boise to Portland. Concerns regarding confi- dentiality, costs and follow up counseling topped the list of questions by more than 40 par- ents and students at a presenta- tion given by SATURN research- ers last night at The Dalles High School. SATURN, which stands for Student Athlete Testing Using Random Notification, is a feder- ally funded program developed by Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) researchers to determine if the threat of a random, no-advance warning drug testing will prevent students from using drugs and alcohol. After 34 years of working for the U.S. government, Robert Ames spent his first day of retire- ment sleeping like there was no tomorrow. Until March 1, Ames worked as a power plant elec- trician for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He was one of the people who worked on high and low voltage electrical equipment ensuring that the spillways, locks and fish ways functioned proper- ly. During his career, Ames put in countless hours working on The Dalles Dam, Bonneville Dam and John Day Dam. The new Staples sore is open and ready to do business in The Dalles. Staples, Inc. is a $7 billion retailer of office supplies, furniture and technology to consumers and businesses in The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal. The new store employees 28 people, and General Manager Kevin Vaughan. “We basically hired ev- erybody locally except myself and Geoff (Guillespie, sales manager.) 40 years ago — 1980 The proposed expansion at The Dalles General Hospital was approved unanimously by the Eastern Oregon Health Systems Agency Inc. board of directors on Thursday, Mark Scott, assistant administrator at the hospital said Friday. The next step for the plan is approval by the State Health Planning and Development Agency which meets on March 26. Once you enter the People’s Republic of China, you lose control of what you want to do, according to George (Bun) Stadelman, The Dalles. “The government has great control over its people, despite the fact that only 15 percent are communists.” “This is because the state controls 100 percent of the cities, and many of those living in the countryside, live in communes,” he told The Dalles Kiwanis Club Thursday. Local police are seeking public help in locating a 24-year-old prison escapee who was seen in The Dalles earlier this week, but eluded officers. Being sought is Paul Evan Broadhead, 24, who Church Directory Bethany Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . 541-298-8385 Pastor Rob Lawson, Principal Pastor Jesse Jacobsen, 2323 E. 12th St. The Dalles. Sunday worship service, 11 a.m. Sunday school 12:15 p.m. Home to Columbia Lutheran School. www .gorgelutherans .com Calvary Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . 541-296-2711 3350 Columbia View Dr. The Dalles. Sunday Worship 10am, Sunday Anchored H.S Youth 6pm, Tuesday Refuge M.S. Youth 6pm, Wednesdays AWANA Clubs ages 4 years through 5th grade 6pm. www .calvarythedalles .org Christian Science Society . . . . . . . . . 541-298-2711 701 Washington St., The Dalles. Sunday service and Sunday School at 10 a.m. Testimony meeting last Wednesday of every month 7 p.m. www .christiansciencethedalles .org Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints The Dalles Ward, Bishop Jason Corey, 541-296-6082; Sacrament meeting 10 a.m.; Missionaries 509-306-0016. 1815 E. 15th St., The Dalles. Columbia Gorge Christian Fellowship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-298-7202 walked away from a minimum-se- curity facility in Salem last June. The election of new officers and an explanation of classes for the learning disabled are on the agenda for the Dry Hollow Parent Teachers Club meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the school media center. Nominations for new officers require prior consent of the nominee. A president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and publicity representative will be elected. 60 years ago — 1960 More than one-half of our young people are in 4-H work or have been associated with it at one time or another. The far-reaching influence the program was emphasized as observance of National 4-H Club Week, March 5-12, began. The week is set aside each year to tell the 4-H Club story. Scholarship funds, including the American Field Service program for foreign exchange students, will benefit to the extent of approximately $1,000 from the outstandingly successful all-school musical play. “Finian’s Rainbow,” performed before capacity audiences Friday and Saturday nights at The Dalles High School. Gross receipts for both nights totaled about $1,800, the school reported today. Members of the Good Will Committee of The Dalles Chamber of Commerce met this morning to begin the job of placing decals on the windows of Chamber members. Herb Zutz, chairman of the committee, told the Chamber board yesterday noon that about 292 decals and membership cards were to be delivered today. Dalles City council last night put the official seal of approval on plans to regroup the city street and water departments under a single command known from now on as the Public Works Department. Jim Manes, present street department head, was named public works superinten- dent, and his current monthly salary of $329 was raised to $650. A third meeting on Chenowith rezoning was scheduled when some of the interested persons from that area told the County Planning Commission last night, they wished to attend the school reorganization hearing in progress at the same time at Chenowith school. John Michael Sales, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert (Johnny) Sales of Goldendale, owes his life to blood donations during first few days following his birth at The Dalles General Hospital. The boy, delivered by Caesarian Section, required five pints of blood – nearly five complete changes of his blood supply – and three of the pints were donated by walking donors with rate type of blood the infant required. The donors were John Thomas, Don DesRochers and Ed Spangler. Bob Myers, chairman for the Retail Trade Bureau’s “Dollar Days” promotion March 1 and 19, reported on the bureau’s plans at yesterday’s meeting. Myers said merchants will be encouraged to give change in silver dollars during the two-day promotion. Mid-Columbia Development Corp. board of directors yesterday voted to purchase the William Taylor property west of the city in order to provide sites for industrial development. 80 years ago — 1940 The Dalles planning no protest over new wheat rates—Sherman county fears that a public agency serving The Dalles would attempt to thwart railroad rate reductions on shipping wheat from Heppner, Condon and Shaniko branches 100 years ago — 1920 Rush to pay taxes—These days the office of Sheriff Christman is filled with visitors who come to pay their taxes for the first half of 1919, which are due now. Between her bedtime hour last evening and sometime this morn- ing, Mrs. Roxie S. Shakelford, on of the oldest residents of The Dalles, died in bed at her home at 410 W. Fourth Street...although her exact age is not known to persons here, she is known to be more than 70. Relatives will arrive later. The local chamber of com- merce is asked to recommend to Oregon senators and represen- tatives in congress that postal employees salaries be raised in order that efficiency may be maintained the the department may be able to keep employees, many of whom it is asserted are leaving for more lucrative positions. Put up street signs—That it is an impossibility to find the names of streets which intersect Second Street from Brewery Grade to Mill Creek is the fre- quent assertion made by persons to the Chronicle office. Yesterday a woman dropped in to tell us that she had been hunting fo9r half an hour to find a street here. She asked that the plea be made to city authorities to replace torn down street signs or place new ones where there have been none before. WASHINGTON—The United States must continue its prewar naval building program until it is determined whether this country is to be a member of the league of nations, secretary Daniels told the house naval affairs com- mittee. The complete program recommended by Daniels calls for only 69 vessels due to the treaty delay. Emmanuel Baptist Church . . . . . . . . 541-296-2631 Rufus Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . .541-739-2328 Pastor Nate Warren, 2819 W. 10th St. The Dalles, Sunday School 9:45 a.m. , Worship 11 a.m., Sun. Eve. 6 p.m.; Bible Study Wed. 6 p.m., Student Ministry - 6th-12th grades Wed. 6:30 p.m. Interim Pastor Scott Holliday, 309 Wallace St., Rufus, Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday Evening 6 p.m. Faith Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . . . . 541-296-3586 New Location: 3339 E. 13th St. Adventist Elementary Services: Saturday, 11 A.M. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor David Woodruff Pastor Zachary Patterson, 2810 W. 10th Street, The Dalles, Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m., Bible Study Sunday 9 a.m. First Christian Church . . . . . . . . . . . 541-296-6189 Pastoral team - Dan Trautman and Mike Wilson, 909 Court St. The Dalles, Friday night service at 7 p.m., Sunday School 9:15, Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. First United Methodist Church . . . . 541-296-4675 Pastor Gigi Siekkinen, 305 E. 11th St., The Dalles. Story & Song 10:30am, Sunday Worship 11 a.m., Book Group Tuesdays 7:45 a.m. facebook .com/DallesFUMC Email: thedallesumc@gmail .com Seventh-Day Adventist . . . . . . . . . . . 541-298-1956 Sovereign Grace Baptist Church . . 541-296-9651 Pastor Norm Wells, 1003 Sunflower St. W. The Dalles, Sunday School 10 a.m., Sunday Worship 11 a.m. and Wednesday Evenings 7 pm St . Peter Catholic Church . . . . . . . . 541-296-2026 Rev. Father Joseph Levine, 1220 W. 10th St. The Dalles, Vigil Mass, Saturday, 5:30 p.m., Sunday, 9 a.m., Mass in English; noon Mass, Mass in Spanish. St . Paul’s Episcopal Church . . . . . .541-296-9587 Gateway Church (ECO) . . . . . . . . . . . 541-298-8531 1805 Minnesota St., The Dalles, Sunday Services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Adult Forum 9 a.m., Rev. Marilyn Roth, interim priest. John Geiter Lead Pastor, 1111 Dry Hollow Rd., The Dalles, Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Sunday Worship 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Time 10-10:30 a.m. www .gatewaypc .org The Dalles Salvation Army . . . . . . . . 541-296-6417 Lifeline Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . 541-296-1508 Lt. Raymond Morris, The Dalles, Sunday Coffee fellowship 10 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m.; Wed. Bible Study, 6:30 p.m. Pastor Fred Sheldon, 801 E. 10th St. The Dalles, Sunday School 10:00 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Sunday, Wednesday 7 p.m. United Church of Christ Congregational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-296-2909 Life In Christ Center (Assemblies Of God) . . 541-296-1136 Rev. Dr. Bill Comfort, Pastor, 111 E. 5th St., The Dalles, Worship 10 a.m. Pastor Allen Refsland, 3095 Cherry Heights Rd, The Dalles, Sunday School and Adult Life Groups 9 a.m., Sunday Worship Celebration 10:15 a.m. Wednesday night activities include: Kids clubs, Youth and Adult classes all starting at 6:30 p.m. See more info at www .christcenter .net Maupin Community Church . . . . . . . 541-395-2653 Pastor Bob Middleton. 112 Oak St. W, The Dalles. Sunday morning 10:00 a.m.. Wednesday Evening Home Group 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Men’s Bible Study 6:00 a.m. at Holstein’s Coffee Co. Pastor Tim Morelli, 490 Fifth St., Sunday School, 9:00 a.m. with Sunday Worship, at 10 a.m. Youth Group Wed. 6 p.m.; Women’s Bible Study Thurs. 10 a.m.; Men’s Breakfast Fri. 7 a.m. Cornerstone Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-604-8986 Mid-Columbia Church of Christ . . . . 509-767-4901 1313 Mount Hood Street, The Dalles. Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. Sundays at 10:45 a.m. Building Blocks (k-5th), Agents of Christ (6th-12th Youth Group), Anchored Women’s Bible Study, Wednesdays 6-7 p.m. Pastor David Astin, 206 6th St., Dallesport, Wash. Sunday Worship, 11 a.m., 6 p.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Wednesday 7 p.m. Dufur Christian Church . . . . . . . . . . .541-467-2257 Pastor George Clark, 5964 Hwy 30 West, The Dalles (Rowena), Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship, 10:45 a.m. Ladies Bible Study Wed. 9:30 a.m. Good News Club Thurs. 4:30-5:30 p.m. - School Year - at Church. 315 NE Harrison St., Dufur. Sunday School all ages 9 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. See website for youth groups, events, and to livestream services. www .dufurchristianchurch .org were alleviated here yesterday afternoon at the informational meeting of men interested in traffic matters. Rate reductions, which total 3 cents on the Shaniko branch serving Sherman county and 2 cents on the Heppner and Condon branches of the Union Pacific Railroad will go into effect April 5. No definite action on recon- struction plans for The Dalles high school building will be possible until a report has been received from J. W. Moe, adjuster for the companies that held insurance on the building, it was revealed last night at a meeting of the District 12 school board. The Wasco County court today ordered collection of a 50-cent penalty for each dog license not purchased prior to the deadline on March 1. This will bring the cost of the licenses to $2 for unspaded fe- male dogs, and $1.50 for spaded female dogs and male dogs. Economists see a “new kind of world” after the present war is concluded: a world the like of which most persons at present have no realization nor conception. It really makes little difference which side wins the war, insofar as altered world conditions are concerned...the entire world, except the United States, will be bankrupt when peace comes again. Announcement of the closing of the grocery department of the Edward C. Pease company was made yesterday. The department will be closed for two days to prepare for a special sale to start Saturday. PUD taxes levied for 1940 by the northern Wasco county peoples’ utility district are legal and must be paid by taxpayers, an opinion issued by Attorney- General I. H. Van Winkle’s office indicated today. Rowena Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . 541-296-5933 White River Christian Fellowship . .503-704-3701 Pastor Jeff Hoover, Tygh School Community Center Annex, 57594 Tygh Valley Road. Worship 9 a.m. Sunday. Email: wrcfellowship@ gmail.com; http://wrcfellowship.com; PO Box 11, Tygh Valley, OR 97063 Zion Lutheran Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 541-296-9146 Rev. Tyler Beane Kelly, 101 W. 10th St., The Dalles. 9 a.m. Children and Adult Education; 10 a.m. Holy Communion. To be included in the next church directory, contact us at 541-296-2141 ext 101 or email npiacente@thedalleschronicle.com