The Dalles chronicle. (The Dalles, OR) 1998-2020, March 04, 2020, Page 8, Image 8

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    A8   Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Dalles Chronicle
EDITOR’S NOTE: All indi-
viduals arrested are presumed
innocent until proven guilty.
The Dalles City
Feb. 28, 4:59 p.m. - Two
vehicle, non-injury crash, 1800
block of West 2nd Street. Officer
assisted with the exchange of
Wasco County
March 1, 11:30 a.m. - Single
vehicle, injury accident, Browns
Creek and Wells roads. Driver lost
control of vehicle, going off the
road and injuring himself and his
passenger. The driver was cited
for failure to maintain a lane
and careless driving. Both were
transported to the hospital. A
report was taken.
Fire & Rescue
The agency responded to
three calls for emergency med-
ical services on Feb. 27, six on
Feb. 28, six on Feb. 29, and eight
on March 1.
The Dalles City
A recovered stolen vehicle re-
port was taken Feb. 27 from the
900 block of Washington Street.
A theft report was taken
Feb. 27 from the 1900 block of
West 10th Street after a victim
reported his vehicle was entered
overnight and had some items
A theft report was taken
Feb. 27 from the 2800 block
of West 7th Street after staff
reported someone vandalized
some of the machines in the
community washroom to get to
the quarters.
Ethan John William Stephens,
28, The Dalles, was arrested
Feb. 27 in the 1800 block of
Thompson Street and is accused
of probation violation.
Johnathan Michael Wallace,
33, The Dalles, was arrested Feb.
27 in the 1700 block of East
10th Street and is accused of
three counts of second-degree
criminal trespass.
Michael James Miles Jr.,
35, The Dalles, was arrested
Feb. 27 in the 1200 block of
West 6th Street and is accused
of probation violation, parole
violation, and felon in possession
of a weapon.
Stephen Thomas McHugh, 62,
Hood River, was arrested Feb. 27
in the 400 block of Court Street
and is accused of probation
A theft report was taken Feb.
27 from the 2500 block of West
8th Street.
A theft report was taken Feb.
27 from the 1700 block of West
13th Street after a victim report-
ed a doormat was stolen.
A lost property report was
taken Feb. 27 from the 900 block
of Pomona Street Feb. 27 after
a caller reported her ring was
Police responded to the 700
block of Pomona Street Feb.
28 after staff reported a male
subject who is not a member
continues to come onto the
property and use the bathroom.
Subject was verbally trespassed
from the property, and the call
was logged.
Kevin Allen Hightower, 29,
The Dalles, was arrested Feb. 28
in the 400 block of Court Street
on a Umatilla County warrant
for two counts of probation
Police responded to the 2200
block of East 13th Street Feb. 28
after a caller reported a group of
kids were walking through the
area egging cars and houses.
A criminal mischief report was
A theft report was taken Feb.
28 from the 500 block of Mt.
Hood Street staff reported a
customers wallet was stolen.
Police responded to the 900
block of Chenowith Loop Road
Feb. 28 after a caller reported
observing juveniles on the roof
of the school. Contact was
made with five juvenile subjects
whom all had alcohol and mari-
juana. All were cited for minors
in possession and a report was
A criminal mischief report was
taken Feb. 29 from the 300 block
of West 9th Street after a victim
reported his home was tagged
with graffiti.
Joshua Alan Miller, 26, The
Dalles, was arrested Feb. 29
in the 1300 block of West 6th
Street and is accused of proba-
tion violation.
David James Sendejas, 28,
The Dalles, was arrested Feb.
29 in the 500 block of Mt. Hood
Street and is accused of two
counts of probation violation
and two counts of post-prison
Mark Anthony Rowell, 26,
Hortense, Georgia, was arrest-
ed Feb. 29 in the 300 block of
West 3rd Street and is accused
of second-degree disorderly
Police responded to the 2900
block of East 2nd Street Feb.
29 on a report of a weapons
purchase denial. A report was
Police responded to the 1200
block of East 12th Street Feb. 29
after a caller reported his juvenile
son admitted to smoking mari-
juana this evening. The juvenile
was cited and released for minor
in possession of marijuana. A
report was taken.
Geoffrey William Ponath, 29,
The Dalles, was arrested March
1 in the 2400 block of East
12th Street and is accused of
Police responded to the dog
shelter March 1 after a caller
found a dog on the freeway. The
dog was lodged and a report was
Police responded to the 800
block of East 12th Street March 1
after a caller reported his juvenile
grandson assaulted him during
an altercation. The juvenile was
cited and released for harass-
ment and a report was taken.
A theft report was taken
March 1 from the 300 block of
Lone Pine Drive.
Alyssa Rianne Adams,
28, The Dalles, was arrested
March 1 in the 500 block of
Cherry Heights Road and is
accused of third-degree theft
and unlawful possession of
Wasco County
A burglary report was taken
Feb. 27 from the 7000 block of
Sevenmile Hill Road.
A found property report was
taken Feb. 27 from the 2000
block of West 9th Street after a
caller found a drivers license in
the area.
Deputy responded to the
6900 block of Wells Road
Feb. 27 after a caller reported
he was watching his security
cameras and noticed there was
an unwanted male subject on
his property. The subject was
trespassed from the property.
Deputy responded to Dufur
Feb. 28 after a caller reported
her husband shoved her during
an altercation. A report was
Sherman County
Jacob E. Peterson, 20,
Madras, was arrested Feb.
28 in Kent and is accused of
three counts of third-degree
sexual abuse and investigation
Regional Jail
Michael Jan Jagelski, 52,
The Dalles, was jailed Feb. 28
on a court commitment for
two counts of second-degree
criminal trespass.
Adam Rish Vittoria, 44,
The Dalles, was booked and
released Feb. 29 on a court
commitment for second-degree
Kenneth Allen Matney, 43,
The Dalles, was booked and
released Feb. 29 on a court
commitment for second-degree
Parole & Probation
Jerrett Lee Bray, 36, The
Dalles, was arrested Feb. 27
in the community corrections
office and is accused of four
counts of probation violation.
set for
Barbless hooks
now mandated
by both states
SALEM—The directors of
the Washington and Oregon
departments of Fish and
Wildlife have reached an
agreement on allocations
and gear types for Columbia
River salmon fisheries in
The Washington and
Oregon Fish and Wildlife
commissions earlier this
year delegated develop-
ment of 2020 Columbia
River fisheries to Oregon
Department of Fish
and Wildlife (ODFW)
Director Curt Melcher and
Washington Department of
Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Director Kelly Susewind.
“Consistency in the reg-
ulations between our two
states is always a top priori-
ty when talking about man-
agement on the Columbia
River,” Susewind said.
“This agreement is similar
to what occurred last year,
and brings Oregon and
Washington in line with
each other on some key
Melcher agreed, saying “I
am pleased we could come
to an agreement.”
Public Notices
On information
and belief, the Trust
Deed described
herein is a commer-
cial trust deed, and
is therefore not sub-
ject to the require-
ments applicable to
a residential trust
deed as defined in
ORS 86.705(6) on
the date of recorda-
tion. This Notice of
Sale is not subject
t o t h e re s o l u t i o n
conference require-
ments applicable
to residential trust
deeds being fore-
c l o s e d i n O re g o n
after July 11, 2012.
Reference is made
to that certain Trust
D e e d ( h e re i n a f-
t e r “ Tr u s t D e e d ” )
made by Daniel L.
Bolton and Mer-
cedes Bolton, as
tenants by the en-
tirety, as Grantors,
to AmeriTitle, as
Tr u s t e e , i n f a v o r
of Columbia River
Bank, as the original
Beneficiary, dated
November 22, 2005,
recorded Decem-
ber 16, 2005, in the
mortgage records of
Wasco County, Or-
egon as Document
N o . 2 0 0 5 - 0 0713 9
and re-recorded on
August 24, 2006
as Document No.
2006-004922 in the
mortgage records
of Wasco County,
Oregon, and cov-
ering the following
described real prop-
erty situated in the
county and state,
to wit:
See Exhibit “A” at-
Pro p e r t y Ta x A c -
count No.: 9959
Real property or its
address is common-
ly known as NNA,
D u f u r, O R 97 0 21
(Proper ty Tax Ac-
count No. 9959) (the
“Real Property”).
Th e u n d e r s i g n e d
h e re b y d i s c l a i m s
any liability for any
incorrectness of the
street address or
other common des-
The undersigned as
successor trustee
hereby certifies that
no assignments of
the trust deed by
the Trustee or by
the Beneficiary and
no appointments of
a successor trustee
have been made
except as recorded
in the mortgage re-
cords of the county
or counties in which
the above-described
Real Property is sit-
uated together with
appointing Saalfeld
Griggs PC as the
current successor
trustee; further, that
no action has been
instituted to recov-
er the debt, or any
par t thereof, now
remaining secured
by the Trust Deed,
or, if such action has
been instituted, such
action has been dis-
missed except as
permitted by ORS
86.752(7). The cur-
rent beneficiary of
the Trust Deed is Co-
lumbia State Bank as
successor in interest
by merger to Colum-
bia River Bank.
The Real Property
will be sold to satisfy
the Note identified
below secured by
the Trust Deed and
a Notice of Default
has been recorded
pursuant to Oregon
Revised Statutes
86.752(3); the de-
fault(s) for which the
foreclosure is made
are the following:
Loan No: 84779
Grantors’ failure to
pay the entire bal-
ance due and owing
upon the loan as
of the date of ma-
turity on January
25, 2018, pursuant
to the terms of the
Deed of Trust and
modifications there-
to securing that cer-
tain Promissory Note
dated November 22,
2005 and referenced
therein (“Note”);
Grantors are in fur-
ther default for fail-
ure to pay when due
property taxes owing
to the Wasco County
Tax Collector upon
the Real Property,
as required in the
Trust Deed, for the
Account No. 9959:
tax years 2017-2018,
totaling $4,853.30,
as of November 14,
Lastly, Grantors are
in further default for
Grantors’ failure to
pay IRS taxes when
due, resulting in the
District Director of
Internal Revenue for
the United States
of America filing
a tax lien against
Grantors known as
Federal Serial No.
B y re a s o n o f t h e
defaults, the current
Beneficiary has and
does hereby declare
all sums owing on
the Note secured
by the Trust Deed
immediately due and
payable, those sums
being the following,
to wit:
Principal Balance:
Interest to 8/15/19:
Reconveyance Fee:
$ 166.00
Total: $76,476.04*
*Total does not in-
clude accrued in-
terest at the rate of
$29.3180 per diem
f r o m A u g u s t 16 ,
2019 until paid, ad-
ditional late charges,
e x p e n d i t u re s , o r
trustee fees, and
attorney fees and
costs. A total payoff
amount as of a spe-
cific date is available
upon written request
to the successor
hereby is given that
the undersigned
successor trustee
will on THURSDAY,
MARCH 26, 2020 at
10:00 a.m. in accord
with the standard
of time established
b y O R S 187 . 110 ,
TO N S T R E E T E N -
EGON, which is the
hour, date and place
last set for the sale,
sell at public auction
to the highest bidder
for cash the interest
in the Real Property
which the Grantors
had or had power to
convey at the time
of the execution
by Grantors of the
Trust Deed, together
w i t h a n y i n t e re s t
which the Grantors
or Grantors’ suc-
cessors in interest
acquired after the
execution of the
Trust Deed, to satisfy
the foregoing Prom-
issory Note secured
by the Trust Deed
and the costs and
expenses of sale, in-
cluding a reasonable
charge by the suc-
cessor trustee. The
successor trustee
intends to foreclose
upon the Real Prop-
Notice is further
given that any per-
son named in ORS
86.778 has the right,
at any time not later
than five days before
the date last set for
the sale, to have
this foreclosure pro-
ceeding dismissed
and the Trust Deed
reinstated by paying
the entire amount
then due (other than
such portion of the
principal as would
not then be due had
no default occurred),
together with costs,
trustee’s fees and
attorney fees and
costs, and by curing
any other default
complained of in the
Notice of Default,
that is capable of be-
ing cured by tender-
ing the performance
required under the
Note or Trust Deed.
F i n a l l y, n o t i c e i s
hereby given that
without limiting the
trustee’s disclaimer
of representations
or warranties, Ore-
gon law requires the
trustee to state in
this notice that some
residential property
sold at a trustee’s
sale may have been
used in manufac-
turing methamphet-
amines, the chem-
ical components of
which are known to
be toxic. Prospec-
tive purchasers of
residential property
should be aware of
this potential danger
before deciding to
place a bid for this
property at the trust-
ee’s sale.
In construing this
Notice of Sale, the
singular includes
the plural, the word
“Grantors” includes
any successor in
interest to the Grant-
ors as well as any
o t h e r p e rs o n o w-
ing an obligation,
the performance of
which is secured by
the Trust Deed, and
the words “Trustee”
and “Beneficiar y”
include their respec-
tive successors in
interest, if any.
The mailing address
for the successor
trustee, as refer-
enced herein, is as
Erich M. Paetsch,
OSB 993350, V ice
President of Succes-
sor Trustee
Saalfeld Griggs, P.C,
Successor Trustee
P.O. Box 470
Salem, OR 97308-
Trustee’s Telephone
Number: 503-399-
This 21st
day of November
/s/ Erich M. Paetsch
By: Erich M.
Paetsch, OSB
Its: Vice President
Exhibit “A”
Legal Description
Parcel B:
(1S14E17 00100)
West half of North-
east quarter, North-
west quarter of the
Southeast quar-
ter and all East of
Boyd Market Road
of East half of North-
west quarter and
Northeast quarter of
Southwest quarter,
Section 17, Town-
ship 1 South, Range
14 East of the Willa-
mette Meridian, TO-
one-half of vacated
RANN St which in-
ured thereto by the
vacation thereof as
disclosed by Vaca-
tion Order recorded
December 10, 1938,
Book 89 Pages 635-
639, Wasco County
Deed Records.
Blocks 7, 8, 10, 11
and 13 in the Town
of Boyd, platted
therefrom and being
further described as:
Beginning at a point
on the center line
of the Boyd Market
Road which point
is East 2453 feet
and North 1322 feet
from the Southwest
corner of Section 17,
Township 1 South,
Range 14 East of the
W illamette Meridi-
an, running thence
along the center line
of the Boyd Market
R o a d t ra c i n g t h e
a rc o f a 6 ⁰ c u r v e
to the right 233.7
feet; thence North
23⁰14’ West 1139.5
feet to the point of
curve of a 7⁰ curve
right thence trac-
ing the arc of said
curve 345.7 feet
consuming an angle
of 24⁰12’; thence
Westerly along sub-
division line 1492.0
feet to the place of
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To t h e c o n s t i t -
uents of Columbia
Gorge Community
Columbia Gorge
Community College
is independently
accredited by the
Northwest Com-
mission on Colleges
a n d U n i v e rs i t i e s .
The Commission’s
most recent action
relating to Colum-
bia Gorge Com-
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BY GIVEN that the
Board of Commis-
sioners of Dallesport
Water District will
hold a hearing on
March 4th , 2020
at 5:30 p.m. at the
Dallesport Commu-
nity Center located
at 136 6th Avenue
Dallesport, Wash-
ington to hear and
re v i e w c o m m e n t s
concerning a pro-
posed increase in
water ser vice and
o t h e r ra t e s . Th i s
rate hearing affects
Dallesport and Mur-
dock. Copies of
the proposed rate
changes are avail-
able for review at
the Dallesport Water
District office.
Dated this 18th
d a y o f F e b r u a r y,
Dallesport Water
By: William Mor-
ris, Board Pres.
Feb. 22, 26, 29
Mar 4, 2020
munity College’s
accreditation was a
mid-cycle review in
2016. The Commis-
sion will conduct a
seven-year compre-
hensive evaluation
of Columbia Gorge
Community Col-
lege’s accreditation,
which will include a
visit by an evaluation
team, from April
22 to 24, 2020. In
accordance with
Commission Policy
A-5, “Public Noti-
fication and Third
Pa r t y C o m m e n t s
Regarding Full-
Scale Evaluations,”
Columbia Gorge
Community College
invites the public
to send comments
regarding the Col-
lege’s qualifications
for accreditation to
the Commission. All
comments must be
in writing, have an
original signature,
and be submitted
to the President of
the Northwest Com-
mission on Colleges
a n d U n i v e rs i t i e s ,
8060 165th Avenue
NE, Redmond, WA
98052, (425) 558-
4224. All comments
must be received
by the Commission
no later than March
22, 2020. Signed
comments are for-
warded, as received,
to Columbia Gorge
Community Col-
lege, the evaluation
committee, and the
Commission. A copy
of Commission Pol-
icy A-5, “Public No-
tification and Third
Pa r t y C o m m e n t s
Regarding Full-Scale
Evaluations,” may
be obtained via the
Standards and Pol-
icies / Operational
Policies links on the
Commission’s web-
s i t e , w w w. n w c c u .
org, or by contacting
the Commission
office, (425) 558-
Mar. 4.,2020
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FROM beginning
at the Northwest
corner of Block 8,
TO W N O F B O Y D ,
which is the inter-
section of the East
line of Southern Av-
enue (County Road)
with the South line
o f B o l t o n S t re e t ;
thence East along
the South line of
Bolton Street 550
feet to an intersec-
tion with the East
line of said Town of
Boyd; thence South
along the East line
of the said Town of
Boyd and its exten-
sion South 720 feet
to an extension East
of the North line of
vacated Pugh Street;
thence West along
said East extension
of the North line
of vacated Pugh
Street, 420 feet to
the center line of va-
cated Moad Street;
thence North along
the said center line
of vacated Moad
Street, 230 feet to
the center line of va-
cated Bridge Street;
thence West along
the said center line
of vacated Bridge
Street 130 feet to the
East line of South-
ern Street (County
Road); thence North
along the said East
line of Southern Av-
enue (County Road)
490 feet to the point
of beginning, all in
Wasco County, Or-
South half of the
Northwest quarter of
the Southeast quar-
ter of Section 17,
Township 1 South,
Range 14 East of the
Willamette Meridian
and that portion of
the South half of the
Northeast quarter of
the Southwest quar-
ter of Section 17,
Township 1 South,
Range 14 East of the
Willamette Meridian,
which lies Easterly
of the Boyd Market
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