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About The Dalles chronicle. (The Dalles, OR) 1998-2020 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 2020)
A6 Wednesday, February 19, 2020 The Dalles Chronicle Public Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASCO PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: SHERREL LEE RATHWICK, Deceased. C a s e N o . 20PB00762 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned has been appointed person- al representative. All persons having claims againstthe estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal represen- tative within four (4) months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the court, the per- sonal representative, or the lawyer for the personal representa- tive, James M. Hab- berstad, Esq., 512 Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058-2232.16 Dated and first pub- lished on February 5, 2020. Stacy Monroe Personal Represen- tative 525 E.7th Street Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 PUBLISHED: February 5, 2020; February 12, 2020; and 24 February 19, 2020. Fe b . 5 , 12 , 19 , 2020 #8738 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE On information and belief, the Trust Deed described herein is a commer- cial trust deed, and is therefore not sub- ject to the require- ments applicable to a residential trust deed as defined in ORS 86.705(6) on the date of recorda- tion. This Notice of Sale is not subject t o t h e re s o l u t i o n conference require- ments applicable to residential trust deeds being fore- c l o s e d i n O re g o n after July 11, 2012. Reference is made to that certain Trust D e e d ( h e re i n a f- t e r “ Tr u s t D e e d ” ) made by Daniel L. Bolton and Mer- cedes Bolton, as tenants by the en- tirety, as Grantors, to AmeriTitle, as Tr u s t e e , i n f a v o r of Columbia River Bank, as the original Beneficiary, dated November 22, 2005, recorded Decem- ber 16, 2005, in the mortgage records of Wasco County, Or- egon as Document N o . 2 0 0 5 - 0 0713 9 and re-recorded on August 24, 2006 as Document No. 2006-004922 in the mortgage records of Wasco County, Oregon, and cov- ering the following described real prop- erty situated in the above-mentioned county and state, to wit: See Exhibit “A” at- tached. Pro p e r t y Ta x A c - count No.: 9959 Real property or its address is common- ly known as NNA, D u f u r, O R 97 0 21 (Proper ty Tax Ac- count No. 9959) (the “Real Property”). Th e u n d e r s i g n e d h e re b y d i s c l a i m s any liability for any incorrectness of the above-described street address or other common des- ignation. The undersigned as successor trustee hereby certifies that no assignments of the trust deed by the Trustee or by the Beneficiary and no appointments of a successor trustee have been made except as recorded in the mortgage re- cords of the county or counties in which the above-described Real Property is sit- uated together with appointing Saalfeld Griggs PC as the current successor trustee; further, that no action has been instituted to recov- er the debt, or any par t thereof, now remaining secured by the Trust Deed, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dis- missed except as permitted by ORS 86.752(7). The cur- rent beneficiary of the Trust Deed is Co- lumbia State Bank as successor in interest by merger to Colum- bia River Bank. The Real Property will be sold to satisfy the Note identified below secured by the Trust Deed and a Notice of Default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.752(3); the de- fault(s) for which the foreclosure is made are the following: Loan No: 84779 Grantors’ failure to pay the entire bal- ance due and owing upon the loan as of the date of ma- turity on January 25, 2018, pursuant to the terms of the Deed of Trust and modifications there- to securing that cer- tain Promissory Note dated November 22, 2005 and referenced therein (“Note”); Grantors are in fur- ther default for fail- ure to pay when due property taxes owing to the Wasco County Tax Collector upon the Real Property, as required in the Trust Deed, for the following: Account No. 9959: tax years 2017-2018, totaling $4,853.30, as of November 14, 2019; Lastly, Grantors are in further default for Grantors’ failure to pay IRS taxes when due, resulting in the District Director of Internal Revenue for the United States of America filing a tax lien against Grantors known as Federal Serial No. 335382718. B y re a s o n o f t h e defaults, the current Beneficiary has and does hereby declare all sums owing on the Note secured by the Trust Deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to wit: Principal Balance: $58,636.06 Interest to 8/15/19: $17,673.98* Reconveyance Fee: $ 166.00 Total: $76,476.04* *Total does not in- clude accrued in- terest at the rate of $29.3180 per diem f r o m A u g u s t 16 , 2019 until paid, ad- ditional late charges, e x p e n d i t u re s , o r trustee fees, and attorney fees and costs. A total payoff amount as of a spe- cific date is available upon written request to the successor trustee. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned successor trustee will on THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in accord with the standard of time established b y O R S 187 . 110 , ON THE WASHING- TO N S T R E E T E N - TRANCE STEPS TO THE WASCO COUN- TY COURTHOUSE, 511 WASHINGTON STREET, IN THE CITY OF THE DALLES, COUNTY OF WASCO AND STATE OF OR- EGON, which is the hour, date and place last set for the sale, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the Real Property which the Grantors had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by Grantors of the Trust Deed, together w i t h a n y i n t e re s t which the Grantors or Grantors’ suc- cessors in interest acquired after the execution of the Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing Prom- issory Note secured by the Trust Deed and the costs and expenses of sale, in- cluding a reasonable charge by the suc- cessor trustee. The successor trustee intends to foreclose upon the Real Prop- erty. Notice is further given that any per- son named in ORS 86.778 has the right, at any time not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure pro- ceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by paying the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with costs, trustee’s fees and attorney fees and costs, and by curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default, that is capable of be- ing cured by tender- ing the performance required under the Note or Trust Deed. F i n a l l y, n o t i c e i s hereby given that without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Ore- gon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufac- turing methamphet- amines, the chem- ical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospec- tive purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trust- ee’s sale. In construing this Notice of Sale, the singular includes the plural, the word “Grantors” includes any successor in interest to the Grant- ors as well as any o t h e r p e rs o n o w- ing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Trust Deed, and the words “Trustee” and “Beneficiar y” include their respec- tive successors in interest, if any. The mailing address for the successor trustee, as refer- enced herein, is as follows: Erich M. Paetsch, OSB 993350, V ice President of Succes- sor Trustee Saalfeld Griggs, P.C, Successor Trustee P.O. Box 470 Salem, OR 97308- 0470 Trustee’s Telephone Number: 503-399- 1070 Dated: This 21st day of November 2019. SAALFELD GRIGGS PC, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE /s/ Erich M. Paetsch By: Erich M. Paetsch, OSB 993350 Its: Vice President Exhibit “A” Legal Description Parcel B: (1S14E17 00100) West half of North- east quarter, North- west quarter of the Southeast quar- ter and all East of Boyd Market Road of East half of North- west quarter and Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter, Section 17, Town- ship 1 South, Range 14 East of the Willa- mette Meridian, TO- GETHER WITH East one-half of vacated RANN St which in- ured thereto by the vacation thereof as disclosed by Vaca- tion Order recorded December 10, 1938, Book 89 Pages 635- 639, Wasco County Deed Records. SAVE AND EXCEPT Blocks 7, 8, 10, 11 and 13 in the Town of Boyd, platted therefrom and being further described as: Beginning at a point on the center line of the Boyd Market Road which point is East 2453 feet and North 1322 feet from the Southwest corner of Section 17, Township 1 South, Range 14 East of the W illamette Meridi- an, running thence along the center line of the Boyd Market R o a d t ra c i n g t h e a rc o f a 6 ⁰ c u r v e to the right 233.7 feet; thence North 23⁰14’ West 1139.5 feet to the point of curve of a 7⁰ curve right thence trac- ing the arc of said curve 345.7 feet consuming an angle Legal notice address: of 24⁰12’; thence Westerly along sub- division line 1492.0 feet to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING THERE- FROM beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 8, TO W N O F B O Y D , which is the inter- section of the East line of Southern Av- enue (County Road) with the South line o f B o l t o n S t re e t ; thence East along the South line of Bolton Street 550 feet to an intersec- tion with the East line of said Town of Boyd; thence South along the East line of the said Town of Boyd and its exten- sion South 720 feet to an extension East of the North line of vacated Pugh Street; thence West along said East extension of the North line of vacated Pugh Street, 420 feet to the center line of va- cated Moad Street; thence North along the said center line of vacated Moad Street, 230 feet to the center line of va- cated Bridge Street; thence West along the said center line of vacated Bridge Street 130 feet to the East line of South- ern Street (County Road); thence North along the said East line of Southern Av- enue (County Road) 490 feet to the point of beginning, all in Wasco County, Or- egon. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quar- ter of Section 17, Township 1 South, Range 14 East of the Willamette Meridian and that portion of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quar- ter of Section 17, Township 1 South, Range 14 East of the Willamette Meridian, which lies Easterly of the Boyd Market Road, all in Wasco County, Oregon. Feb. 12, 19, 26 Mar 4, 2020 #8742 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that Craig D. Davis been ap- p o i n t e d Pe rs o n a l Representative of the Estate of Zada Rae Davis, de- ceased, Sherman County Circuit Court Case No. 1129. All persons having claims against the estate are required t o p re s e n t t h e m within four months from the date of the first publication of this Notice to the Personal Represen- tative at Campbell Phillips PC, P.O. Box 2449, The Dalles, Oregon 97058, or they may be barred. Any person whose rights may be af- fected by these pro- ceedings may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the Per- sonal Representative or from the Personal R e p re s e n t a t i v e ’ s attorneys. DATED and first pub- lished: Feb. 12, 2020 /s/ Craig D. Davis Personal Represen- tative Feb 12, 19, 26, 2020 #8748 PUBLIC NOTICE Auction Date: Feb 28th at 9:30am on storagetreasures. com # 518 Ta m m y H i l l , #314 Cheryle Mathi- as, #448 Tiffany Persinger Northwest Self Stor- age 954 Hostetler Way Th e D a l l e s , O R 97058 Feb 12, 19, 2020 #8751 PUBLIC NOTICE Wasco Electric Cooperative, Inc., gives notice that payments are now and have been avail- able at the of fice of Wasco Electric Cooperative, Inc., in The Dalles, Oregon to the person(s) named hereunder of payments which have been autho- rized for more than four years. Unless said person(s) or heirs claim said pay- ments not later than April 30, 2020, they will be forfeited to the Cooperative. A. Heath Aaron Cochran Al Green Al Kuhlman, De- ceased Al Pinkal Alan Linn Alan Vandiver Albert Thompson Alex & Judy Newman Alex Newman Alfred M Reher, De- ceased Allen Davis, De- ceased Or Deborah Davis, Legatee Alta Henderson Andrew Erickson Antelope Tv Viewers/ Neal Harris Anthony Baima Archie Ridings Arlin Schlaht Armond Sullenger Arrowhead Design & Const. Co. Art Nelson Arthur C Buether Arthur Clifford Arthur Mckee, De- c e a s e d / F l o re n c e Paull, Legatee Ashwood Post Office Or James & Alma Harvey Ashwood T.v. - V./ Roberta Keegan At&T Corporation/ Sempra Energy Sol. B C Swigart, De- ceased Barbara Conner Moore Barlow Timber Ben E Veatch B e n J a r re t t , D e - ceased Bernice Lindholm Betty J. Reed Betty Story Bill Massie Bill Sundin Bill Todd Billy E Ferguson Billy Poe Bob Mitchell Bob Ratcliff Bobby G. Richard- son Bonnie Metcalfe Brian Erickson Bruce Greenwald Bruce Hamaker Bruce Romine Bruce Steele Burl Burton Byron May Byron R Barr C.j. Dakan C.jim Lloyd C.n. Brown Calvin Howze, De- ceased Calvin J & Joan Ar- cher Caravan Lounge Or Ginger Henderson Carl E Green Estate Carl Tuma Carol Season Cary Williams Cassie Boshart C a t h e r i n e A b n e y, Legatee Catherine Watah Cathy Bailey Charles Bourcier Charles Brown Charles Conner Charles J Carvell Charles John Kee- gan Jr Charles Kyer Charles Mckinney Charles Moody Cheryl Holliday Chester Kantor Chris Gilde Chris Mcclure Christopher Showers Chuck Butler Chuck Harmon Chuck Willis Citicorp Acceptence Corp. Clarno Grange #674/ Sandi Thomas Clayton Nelson Clemens Welk Clifford Martin Clinton W. Hein Clyde Cansler Clyde Sample Clyde Williams Connie Land Craig Smith-Dixon Craig Sumpter D.h. Champ Dale A Coles, De- ceased Or Joan Coles, Pers. Rep. Dale Bagley D a l e F & L o re t t a Bagley Dale Hanson Dale Kreitler Dale Stockton Jr. Dan Byers Dan Lindhorst Dan Marcum Dan Rodda Dana Carter Daniel Basoco Daniel Dyke Daniel L Bolton Daniel Morrow Daniel Olson Daniel Pogue Darlene O’brien Darlene Wusthoff Darrel Wolff Darrell Inman Darrell Nelson Dave Gastman Dave Grassi Dave Turner David Carey David Cook David D. Smith David F Neikirk David Miller David Richelderfer Dean Phetteplace Dean Wilcox M.d. Debra Silvey Delbert & Sally Slack Dennis Brenden Dennis D. Tribby Dennis Driscoll Dennis Duree Dewayne Mooney Dick Marick Dick Rethwisch Dixie Smith Don D Anderson Don Shuman Don Stanley Donald Ameele Donald Leon Donald Moore Donald Rardin Donald Wonsyld Donovan Nigg Dorman D & Darla Moran Dorman Moran Doug Bergstrom Douglas Ayers Douglas Burr Douglas Finegan Douglas Jarrett Douglas Shull Doyle Belding Dr. W.a. Goss Duane Smeltzer Dufur Valley Aviation Inc. Dustin Ogg E. Ray Moore E.c. Coombs E.e. Evans Earl Cherry Earl Miller Earnest Wilson Ed Crause Edgar Rogers Edna Beaver Edna Peisley Edward Disbrow Edward Johnson Edward Smith Elden Wagenblast Eldred Lindsey Elijah D Bishop Elizabeth Dodd Thomas B. Malar- key, Deceased Or Elizabeth Malarkey Noyes Legatee Elizabeth R Spires, Deceased Ella Olson Ellison David Elmer Scott Jack Alben, De- ceased Or Elsie Al- ben, Legatee Emery Luff Ernest Sanders Ernest Shull Erwin Nielsen Fed Land Bank Of Spokane Federal Land Bank Thomas Chandler, Deceased Or Flor- ence Chandler, Leg- atee Floyd Tolman Floyd Wood Frances Adams Francis G Larson Francis H Palmer Francis Hiland Francis Wieland Frank Matlock Frank Scruggs Fred Beymer Fred Christensen Fred Coomer Fred Cotton Fred Epley Fred Simmons G. James Weiler G.william Larimer Gabriele Eaton Garrett Turner Gary Abernathy Gary Cochran Gary Harth Gary Morehead Gary W. Starkovich Gene Mcclendon Gene Tobie George B. Moon George Burnside George Foster George Jakes George Long George Mcquaw George Otter George Sohler Jr. Gerald Beebe Gerald Tenette Gertrude Finnell Gilbert Henry Gilbert L Wilson Gill Heideman Gill Schafer Glen Mulkey Glen Pock Glenda Fulton Glenn C. Runyan Golda Stephens Grace & Vernon Johnson Deceased Or James Johnson Pers. Rep. Grant Marchant Grant Vawter Graves Market Green Valley Farms/ T.m. Dimmick Co. Leland Houser, De- c e a s e d O r G re g g Houser, Legatee Gsa Finance Division Gwen Dofnas H D Temple H N Wayman Harold Adams Harold B. Utting Harold Barr Harold Depriest Ranch Harold Reed Harold Somers Harold Thogerson Harriette Moe, De- ceased Harry Barnes Harry Douthit Harry Holmes Harry Wilson Harvey Candeaux Heather Stone Helen Leedom D o n L e f l e r, D e - ceased Or Helen Lefler, Legatee Helen Roberts Helm Springs Ranch Henry & Pat Ciaffoni Henry Leon Henry Zak Herb Perkins Herbert Anderson Herbert Frank Herman Orlow Homer R Ames M . l . K i n z e y, D e - ceased Or Howard Kinzey, Legatee Howard Skow Howard W Roberts Hugh Rossell Hugh W. Wyman Inez Calica Irving E Smith Orrin Dunford, De- ceased Or Isabelle Dunford, Legatee Ivan Oberman J. Newman J.william Mccoy Jack Collins Jack Mulkey Jack Self (M. A.), Deceased Jack Tidyman Jack Vandoren Jack Vanhorn Jake Harding, Jr. Jake Rutz, Jr Jake Schmidt James A Steffey James A. Keehnen James Barnett James Bennett James Butler James Forkner, Jr. James Iverson, De- ceased/Angela Iver- son James Jacobsen James K. Russell, Sr. James Powers James Thomas James Walker James Wallace James Whitecotton Jamie Wilson Jan Hayertz Jay Reeves Jay Richards Jeff Heaton Jerry Harsch Jerry Lee Mckay Jerry R Cheek Jerry Winheim Jess Prophet Jim Cronin Jim Otter Joe & Cindy Pinell Joe Hobi Joe Klapak Joe Mccarty Joe Mcknight Joe Mikula Joel Vanderveen John Barger John Bennett Alex Bisset, De- ceased Or John Bis- set, Legatee John Buck John C. Moore John Cannon, De- ceased John D Shaw John Hoglund John L Green John Murtha Estate/ James J. Murtha John Nixon John R Easley John R Patton John Sumpter John Susac John Underhill, De- ceased John W Buether, De- ceased John W Wagner Jolene Austin Jon Woodside Joseph Hancock Joseph Robinson Joseph Trueax A.e. Cox, Deceased Or Judith Cox, Leg- atee Judith Fowlkes Julia Andersen Julie Meadows Karen Fields Karen Patton Karl Blois Kay M Metcalfe Keith Manning Kelly Page Ken Kramer Kenn Mccullough, Deceased Kenneth Cannon Kenneth Chard Kenneth Hattrup Kenneth Keys Kenneth L Bell Kenneth Miles Kenneth Moon Kenneth Moore, De- ceased Or Tyrell Ho- genkamp, Legatee Kenneth Morehouse K e n n e t h S a u t e r, Deceased Or Violet Sauter, Legatee Kenneth Tuter Kerry D. Wold Kerry Wold Kevan Howell Kimmel’s Little Giant Or Ray Kimmel Kirk Clark Kristan Campbell L.h. Mccarter Larry & Betty L. Leach Larry Bourland Larry Clark Larry Garrison Larry Hickman Larry Hull Larry Hunnel Larry Petersen Lavear L Hess Lawrence Smart Lawrence Trukositz Lawrence Weiner Lee & Beverly Mc- clain Leland Nelson Leo A Davenport Leon Redfern Leon Weed Leonard Diaz Leonard J Tanner, Deceased Leonard Paola Les O’connor Leslie Cole Lester L Kennedy Lester Smallwood Lillian Davis Linda Egland Hasher Linda Miller Linda Smerdon Linda Wood Lloyd Bradshaw Lloyd Musser Loel Hunley Legatee Lois Dyke Legatee Lois Pinto Loren & June Woods Popp Lori Aynes Lori Holste Lorraine Alonso Lowell Bloom Lowell Newby Es- t a t e / S a n d ra F i t z - gerald Loy A Parkerson Milt D. Neal, De- ceased Or Loye Neal, Legatee Glenn B. Olson, De- ceased Or Lucie Olson, Legatee Lucille Detwiler, De- ceased Or Carol Detwiler, Pers. Rep. Lucille Fox Lydia Goon Lydia Murphy Estate Ly n d a C o o l , D e- ceased M & M Ranches/ Kevin Mccullough M A Rolph M. Lee Russell M.d. Brenneman Marcile Preuit Margaret Charley, Deceased/Rose- mary Charley Paul Patton, Dece- aesd Or Margaret Patton, Legatee Margaret Rosenburg Marie Hale Marie Pierce Mark Adams Martin Enright Martin May Martin Miller Marvin Clemens Marvin L Williams Marvin Ventor Marvin Wall Mary A Walters, De- ceased Or Barbara Whitecotton, Leg- atee Mary Folmsbee Mary Murray Matt Beers Maupin Merc & Mini Mart/Bruce D. Carl- son Maurice Palmer Maurine Evans Max Nogle Maxine Larvick Mc Rae Ranch Mc Rae Ranch/Fay Williams Mel Du Rette Melissa Klise George E. Wann, De- ceased Or Mereida Wann, Legatee Merle Dalrymple Merlon B Hughes Michael Baker Michael Cox Michael Delangis Michael Haga Michael K Harder Michael Ogilvie Michael Teele Michael Thompson Michael Watson Michael Weber Mike Beymer Mike Carter Mike Lash, De- ceased Or Cindy Lash, Legatee Mike Mckinnon Mike P Fitzpatrick Er vin L. Johnson, Deceased Or Mil- dred Johnson, Leg- atee Mrs. John Fulton/ Patricia M. Welk Nancy Garner Naomi Cavanaugh Nat Smith Neil Sears Norma Davis, De- ceased Or Nicholas Davis, Legatee Nolan Anderson Norbert Thompson Norman Dunn Norman L W ilkin- son, Deceased/Tina Corral Norwood Watts Ora Lyons Oregon Trunk Rail- road Orville Ruggles Owen Hickman P & G Company Ranch P.j. Dillon P.m.r. Inc. Pacific Nor thwest Bell/Us West Comm. Pam Phetteplace Patrick Matthews Patrick Vowels Patsy Couey Paul Blumenstein, Sr. Paul Burke Paul M Lister Paul Petersen Paul Wilson Pearl E. Winslow Pedersen House Peggy Harrod Perren Baker Peter Eichhorn Phil Erickson Kenneth Oaks, De- ceased Or Phil Oaks, Legatee Phillip Ayres Phillip David Phillip Gustafson Phyllis Adams Pine Grove Gun Club Pine Grove Mercan- tile/John Jarrad P i n e H o l l o w Pro - d u c e rs I n c / D a v i d Williams Pure Gro R M Robson, Jr. Rainbow Café/Larry Williams Rainbow Café/Ron Roberts Rainproof Roofing/ Paul Baima Rajneesh Founda- tion Internat. Ralph Dye Ralph Swalley Randall Poole Randy Hybertsen Randy Liddell Ray Bennett Ray Delco Ray E Webb, De- ceased Ray Fulps Ray Kimmel Ray Mcclain Ray Nicklin Ray Whiting Raymond Riedberg- er Redside Sports Club/Bruce Meredith Reino Walbom Rena Dimmick Reuben Schwingle Richard Butts Richard Caldwell Richard Darnielle Richard E Nelson Richard Fassett Richard Foster Richard J Davis Richard Janke, De- ceased Richard Moody Richard Preston Richard/Leah Shull Rick Barnes Rick Cunningham Rick Newby Rick Noel Rick Stearns Ridge Water Coop./ Louis Demoss, De- ceased Robert A Duncan Robert Aschoff Robert Cox Robert E. Nash Robert F Underhill Robert Gerfen Robert Huff Robert Kamm Robert L. Osborne Robert Lucia Robert Mcdowell Robert Mcginley Robert Meier Robert Metcalfe Robert Reuther Robert Sallee Robert Schantz Robert Sjoli Robert Turner Rod Bradley Rod Conner Rod Helwig Rod Zade Rodney Potter Roger Bell Roger Noe Roger Scherz Roger Snow Douglas L. Beell, Deceased Or Roland Beell, Legatee Rolland Monette Ron Arthur Ron Braun Ron Noel Ron Trapp Ron Wells, Legatee Ron Wentz Ronald Thibodeau Ronald L. Hope, De- ceased Or Rose E. Hope, Legatee Roy Camargo Roy L Cameron Roy Woodside Ruby Hopkins Ruby Norton Ruby Price Rufus General Store Or Peggy Lockman Rupert & Nancy Webb Russ Penturf Russ Sedenberg Russell Snodgrass Russell Stovall Ruth E Crytzer Es- tate Or Herb Sno- dgrass, Executor S R Taylor Sally Adkisson Sam Alberty Sam Higgins Sandra L Spurling Sandra Osborn Sandy Schroeder Scott Cameron Scott Felker Scott Johnson Scott Lusted Seth Simonds, Sr. Shaniko Hotel Or Steve Farrell For J. Farrell, Deceased Shaniko Sam’s/Rod- ney Smith Sharon Ward Shirley Jones Si Sorenson Stanford Harvey Stanley Flynn Stanley Robertson Stephanie Caudle Stephen Earl Stephen Jones Steve Herrera Steve Justice Steve Marick Steven Baunach Steven Hemrich Steven Palmer Stewart Wallace Stuart Dustan Sybil Rambo T C Masonry & Tile Contracting T D Sherrard Ted Eldridge Teri Adams Terry Tramel Tharen Jackson Theopal Pranke, De- c e a s e d O r Th e d a Hlavka, Legatee Thomas Henderson Thomas W Davidson, Deceased Timothy Hager Timothy Park Tom Carpenter Tom Davis Tom Holster Tom Wallace Town & Country Es- tates/Phyllis Mizner Tracy Duffy Transamerica Troy Cheek Trudy Walker Twyla Shields, De- ceased Tywama Saddle Club Val Lesina, De- ceased Vance Gooing R on B le rs ch , D e - ceased Or Vera Wieland, Legatee Verland Stott Verlin Conner Vern Woodside Victor Shackelton Vurl Rober ts, De- ceased Or V irginia Roberts, Legatee Vonda Chandler W. C. & Lisa Thomas W. Osborn W. h . M o o re , D e - ceased/Diana Itami, Legatee W.todd Coffelt Wahtonka Develop- ers Or Harry Douthit Wallace Robertson Wallace Whitbey Walter A Brown Walter Lacey Walter West Wanda Clodfelter Wanda Macintyre Wayne Achziger Wayne Melzer, De- ceased Wayne Thompson Webster Byers White River Ranch/ E.k. Griffith White River Store/ Robert Massey William & Jan Eyler William A Reynolds, Jr. William C Lamb, Jr. William Campbell William Cornish William Elliott William H Randall William Johnson William Lewis William Moody William Moore William Palmer, De- ceased William Phillips, Jr. William Pinnix, Jr. William R Asay Wm. Jones February 19, 2020 #8754