The Dalles chronicle. (The Dalles, OR) 1998-2020, January 25, 2020, Page 5, Image 5

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    Weekend of January 25-26, 2020   A5
The Dalles Chronicle
History Mystery
Connie Martin, Terray Harmon, Dan Rich, Debbie Tom,
Marilyn Urness, Lucile Stephens, Gary Conley and Randy
Hildebrand contributed to this report.
Last week’s History Mystery photograph, above, was
scanned from a photographic print from the archives of The
Reminder, a weekly paper in The Dalles that merged with The
Dalles Daily Chronicle in the late 1990s.
The photograph was published Jan. 15, 1982. The caption
reads, “Bud McGee, farm manager, walks down the rows of
chickens in one of four buildings on the farm. Each building
houses 40,000 chickens in six rows of cages.” In the accompa-
nying story, the farm was identified as the Carnation Egg and
Poultry Farm, located near Rufus. The operation produced 37
million eggs in 1981. The eggs were available in The Dalles at
“My Mart.”
Dan Rich, who grew up in Sherman County, said he re-
members working there in the early 80s as a kid, making $2 or
$3 an hour pulling chickens. He remembered the manager,
Bud McGee. The egg farm was bought out in the late 80s, but
the building is still there above Rufus on Scott Canyon Road
near the Rufus Sub-Station, he said.
The farm was originally owned by Alan and Niki Tom, said
Marilyn Urness. The ranch is on the cliff just above Rufus, to
the west. Urness said she and her husband bought the Tom
home in The Dalles, and they became good friends. Alan
Tom later became a state representative and they were both
active participants in the Republican party. That was in the
1950s, or early 1960s.
Debbie Tom wrote, “the picture is the inside of one of our
chicken houses. We built four buildings, housing 164,000
laying hens. We don’t recognize the person in the photo. We
sold the chicken operation in the early 1970s to Carnation,
they eventually sold to Willamette Egg. When we had it,
it was called Tom Farms. Seeing that picture brings back
lots of memories. Brian and I are living in Prineville now,
but travel through Wasco and Sherman county regularly,
Lucile Stephens remembered she had a classmate in the
1950s that lived up near there, and worked for the family in
the summer.
Gary Conley remembered the Alan Toms chicken farm. “I
went up there and got a free load of chicken manure. It stunk
so bad all winter around our place we couldn’t hardly stand
Connie Martin recognized Bud McGee as manager of
Columbia River Egg Farm.
Randy Hildebrand said the photo was taken in one of the
older barns: the newer barns were more automated, with
conveyor belts for the eggs and feed. The barns were as long
as a football field, he added.
Regarding a previous History Mystery photograph, Conley
said Raymond Crabtree was a farmer on Juniper Flats, just
north of Maupin. His was the first ranch on west side of the
road there, once you traveled out of Tygh Valley onto Juniper
Flats. He noted that the fence described as a “criss cross”
fence was as a rail fence, a very common fence style in the
early days.
History Forums
The annual regional history forums at the Original Wasco
County Courthouse begin in February. Program begins at
1:30 p.m. in the upstairs courtroom of the 1859 courthouse,
410 W. 2nd Place, The Dalles. Admission is free, cookies and
coffee will be served. Forums are Saturdays, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22
and 29.
Women’s Voting Rights in the 1920s is the topic of the
first Regional History forum at the Original Wasco County
Courthouse Saturday, Feb. 1. “From Radical Idea to
Ratification: Women’s Voting Rights” will be presented by
Janice Dilg, state coordinator for an online resource for the
2020 centennial of the 19th Amendment, which extend-
ed voting rights to women. She will tell the story of Sylvia
Thompson (D-The Dalles), who introduced the bill ratifying
the amendment in the 1920 special session.
The Women of Sorosis is the topic of the second Regional
History forum at the Original Wasco County Courthouse
Saturday, Feb. 8. Presenter Denise Dietrich Bokum is retired
from healthcare management and volunteers at Fort Dalles
Museum. She will share the far-reaching contributions
of women leaders in The Dalles who gave Sorosis Park its
name and founded the museum in a presentation titled “The
Women of Sorosis: Social ‘Influencers’ of Their Day.”
The army camp in Rufus is the topic of the third Regional
History forum at the Original Wasco County Courthouse
Saturday, Feb. 15. Presenter Cal McDermid is director of
the Fort Dalles Museum and a Sherman County native.
He explores the unique settlement in Old Wasco and later
Sherman County, and the role of Camp Rufus in develop-
ing technology for bridging the Rhine, in a presentation
titled “Rufus and the Army Camp that Helped End World
War II.”
Additional forums are planned Feb. 22 and 29.
To guess this week’s photo, above, email Mark Gibson at or call 541-296-2141, ext. 107, and leave a
message. Be sure to spell your name.
20 years ago — 2000
The city council is tired of
talking about the water rate
structure and wants only to
“tweak” the current format
and be done with it. And the
“tweaked” version does away
with the punitive “conserva-
tion rates”—where the more
water you use, the more it costs
per 1,000 gallons in hope of
encouraging people to water
their lawns.
A long-range planning task
force is slated to decide this
week what it will recommend to
The Dalles School Board as a
future middle school site.
Proposed new salmon
protection rules pack a wallop
—violators could be fined up to
$50,000 or sentenced to up to
a year in jail. The local link in
a chain of Northwest hearings
will be held by the National
Marine Fisheries Service
6 – 9 p.m. Thursday at the Mid-
Columbia Senior Center, 1112
W. 9th Street, The Dalles.
Proposed new fish rules are
making a big splash around
the Northwest. Environmental
groups say the draft rules don’t
do enough for salmon, and in-
dustrialists say they go too far.
The city is considering
raising its hotel room tax and
giving part of the proceeds to
the parks district to help with
parks and trail maintenance.
But the idea already faces
opposition: A local man who
helped defeat the council’s last
attempt to raise the tax opposes
this proposal as well.
officials will not meet 145-year-
old treaty obligations until they
restore healthy salmon runs in
the Pacific Northwest, tribal
leaders plan to tell White House
officials today.
40 years ago — 1980
Members of a Chamber of
Commerce committee voted
narrowly against a proposed
$50,000 storm sewer levy,
unanimously backed the
renewal of the Recreation and
Parks Levy and voted to boycott
the Olympic Games if held in
St. Mary’s Academy seldom
changes its flag. Through
its history, the Knights of
Columbus has furnished flags
for the school. Ted Walker
and Grand Knight Courtney
Browning delivered the newest
flag. St. Mary’s was established
Aug. 4, 1864, and at that time
was the only Catholic school
in Eastern Oregon. One of the
school’s major events of the year
is a fund raiser auction sched-
uled for Fe. 9. A dinner featuring
Mexican, Italian, Polish foods is
planned with the auction follow-
ing at 7:30.
Fire Engineer Earl Klindt of
The Dalles City Fire Department
hung up his uniform this morning
at 8 o’clock after logging 43
years, 26 with the city, as a
smoke eater. He began with
forest service units and retired as
an engineer.
A public hearing on a
$3,308,467 budget for the 1980-
81 school year, which has been
approved by the district’s budget
committee, will be held Feb. 14
at 7:30 p.m. in the administration
building. That budget will be on
the ballot on March 25.
As a result of President
Carter’s plan to reinstate military
registration, the Man on the
Street asked several people
whether or not the draft should
be reinstated. Nine out of 10 per-
sons asked about the draft felt
that it should be resumed, but
most felt that women should be
drafted but not serve as combat
Government plans to protect
habitat for the northern spotted
owl in western Oregon have run
into opposition from environ-
mentalists who claim the plan is
60 years ago — 1960
MORO—Effective work by
firemen, plus snow cover on the
roofs of nearby buildings, was
credited with preventing spread
of a fire early today that threat-
ened to engulf a whole block
of buildings on this Sherman
County city’s main street. A 100
by 100-foot corner building con-
taining the Moro Motors garage
and the A & Z cabinet shop was
swept by flames that erupted un-
noticed and surged out of control
before the alarm was sounded at
4:45 a.m.
Everyone who eats will pay,
but grade school youngsters will
get their spaghetti dinners at
half-price tomorrow evening at
The Dalles Junior High School.
The price schedule, as explained
today by the Senior High School
PTA, sponsor of the fund-raising
dinner, is one dollar for adults
and junior and senior high stu-
dents, and 50 cents for children
of grade school age.
Several of the bid figures were
separated by only small amounts
when the Corps of Engineers
opened bids for construction
of a security building, security
fencing and alterations to the
Big Eddy garage building at The
Dalles Dam.
Plan for Campaign—Members
of the Keep Dalles Growing
Committee of The Dalles
Chamber of Commerce met this
morning at the Chamber office to
plan for next week’s campaign.
Gordon Acker is chairman and
J. Merton Stein is co-chairman
for the campaign to obtain new
On-site payroll at John
Day Dam during 1960 will be
$11,000,000, President E. L.
Fagan told members of The
Dalles Chamber of Commerce
board of directors at the weekly
luncheon meeting yesterday.
A pre-school-age boy playing
with matches set a mattress afire
at 807 NE 14th Street Monday
Members of The Dalles Lions
Club plan an advance sale
of tickets Wednesday for the
annual March of Dimes dance
Saturday night at the Armory.
Music will be by Heck Harper
and his band and the dance is
open to the public.
A glaze of ice that made
streets and highways hazardous
and caused several schools in
this area to close for the day was
expected to melt clear this after-
noon as temperatures rose.
80 years ago — 1940
The Dalles today was under
half a foot of snow while virtually
the entire juvenile population
prepared to test its sleds on two
major hills and skiing enthusiasts
planned an excursion tonight
to the hill south and east of the
Eastern Oregon Tuberculosis
Max Kasberger was named
chairman of the Wasco County
chapter, American Red Cross, at
a meeting held this week at the
home of the Misses Anne and
Elizabeth Lang. Kasberger will
succeed H. R. Fancher, who has
served in that capacity for the
last five years.
Officials Visit Here—A busi-
ness meeting of Safeway employ-
ees from stores at Bend, Condon,
Arlington and the Mid-Columbia
area was held Tuesday night at
the Gold room of Hotel Dalles.
A five-inch snow over-
night, coming on the heels of
the half-foot snow the night
before, added to the pleasure
of county farmers and winter
sports enthusiasts, meanwhile
causing further complications to
transportation facilities.
MAUPIN, Jan. 24.—An
ice-skating contest for Maupin
high school students and alumni
was held Saturday at the Louis
Woodside pond. A large crowd
attended. First prizes were won
by Garland Mayhew and Darrel
of the American Japanese trade
treaty brought renewed demands
today by some senators for the
United States “to get out of the
Japanese-Chinese war” by plac-
ing an embargo on shipments of
war materials to Japan.
100 years ago — 1920
In order that the farmers of
Wasco County may better place
their work upon a business
basis, R. V. Gunn, federal farm
management instructor, will
speak to groups of farmers.
Demonstration and instruction
will be given on the keeping of
records. The making of income
tax reports by farmers will be
facilitated by Gunn.
There are cases of influenza in
this city. The fact is being talked
about in hushed tones on the
streets. However, there is abso-
lutely no cause for apprehension.
Seed Potatoes for 200
Acres—Looking toward spring
sowing of potatoes, two car-
loads of Netted Gem potatoes
have been ordered by Frank
Ingles and Ralph Butler of Dufur.
The consignment will be enough
to plant 200 acres. The variety
has been shown exceptionally
well adapted to Wasco County
and is a fine grade tuber.
Burgett Gets Architect’s
License—Chas. N. Burgett of
The Dalles has been issued an
architect’s license by the state
board of architect examiners, it
is announced today. Burgett is
eminently deserving of such a
ST. PETER’S Church – Third
and Lincoln streets. Morning
services, 8 and 10:30. Evening
services 7:30. Alter society first
Sunday of the month, Social cir-
cle, first Thursday of the month.
Young Peoples club second
and third Mondays. Knights
of Columbus, first and third
Mondays. Rev. P.J. O’Rourke,
BERLIN—Germany will decline
any request that she urge
Holland to grant extradition of
the former Kaiser, the Boureen
Gazette said today. Germany, the
newspaper pointed out, did not
promise under the peace treaty
to follow such course.
Actual High/Low
48° 54° 49° 50° 50° 56° 51°
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
A little snow in
the morning
A couple of
showers possible
Remaining cloudy
Clouds and sun
CALL 541-296-2141
Jan 16 - 22
Updated 1.23.20, 7:30 AM PDT
Data from