The Dalles chronicle. (The Dalles, OR) 1998-2020, January 25, 2020, Page 4, Image 4

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    A4   Weekend of January 25-26, 2020
The Dalles Chronicle
Exploring the faces behind #TheDalles
friendly and a honk of a horn is a
familiar greeting.
This is where our children thrive
by exploring various sports, joining
in activities at the library, and al-
most always run into a familiar face
while playing at the park.
This town supports our children
in music, art, sports and personal
training like cross fit, gymnastics,
karate and more.
This is the town where we take
care of our elderly, watch out for
our teens, and prepare our young
adults for life after school.
This is the town with dogs in
every store greeting each visitor
with a sniff. In this town you will
feel welcomed. You are no stranger
here, and your bartender and baris-
ta know your order. This town is full
of familiar faces, kind smiles, and
welcomes you with a nod.
This is The Dalles, and we are a
great community!
Angela Pollard is a photographer
in The Dalles. The commentary
above is an introduction to her proj-
ect featuring local business people
holding #thedalles signs.
we should see the currently silent
war England has been engaged in
with Catholic Europe for 500 years
shift to a different geographical are-
na. England will abandon Europe
To the editor,
allowing the Russian bear to begin
Though the 2020 legislative ses-
her conquest of that continent.
sion has just begun, our newly ap-
We are going to see a different
pointed state senator, Lynn Findley,
England. The new British prime
appears to have already made his
minister, Boris Johnson, along with
mind up on certain legislation be-
his hand-picked cabinet, are firm
fore it is out of the starting gate. The
supporters of Israel. Is Britain men-
legislation in question is a revised
version of last year’s Clean Energy
tioned in Scripture? Yes, Britain is
Jobs bill (HB2020).
referred to in the Hebrew scriptures
In a recent newsletter to constit-
as an island nation that is successful
in world trade, maintains a power-
uents, Senator Findley said the new
ful navy and is a source of tin.
“cap and trade” bill will “do nothing
but bankrupt Oregon businesses
The Scriptures foretold that this
and families.” Instead of simply
powerful island nation would be
accepting this unsupported scare
instrumental in reestablishing
tactic, I did some research.
the nation of Israel, which she did
In its current draft form, this bill
after World War I with the Balfour
(called Legislative Concept 19) ad-
Declaration. Since then she has
faltered in aiding Israel and those
dresses many of the concerns that
within the body of the “one truth”
opponents had to HB2020. Here are
have been waiting for England
some of the primary compromises:
to reverse her course. It is time.
Fuel price increases—LC19
To the editor,
leaves rural Oregonians exempt
What does 2020 have to offer us? We can expect what King Henry
To the editor,
from fuel price increases resulting
With an honorable daily reading 8th began to resume once again:
It’s heartening to see growing
from the legislation, while impos-
and diligent study and open discus- protestant England and Catholic
support in the Senate for limiting
Trump’s use of war powers. Last
sion of all the scriptures, they reveal Europe fighting not for the freedom
ing increases in metro areas from
of Europe but for the right of Israel
2022-2025, until at least 19 counties week the House passed a resolution that we should see England take
voluntarily decide to participate in to limit his war powers against Iran. up her assigned role as protector of to exist.
There is another nation identified
The measure, although it doesn’t
the program.
Israel. With the completion of Brexit
carry the force of law, said Trump
Taxing natural gas users—LC19
should withdraw U.S. forces from
will not impose a carbon tax on
conflict with Iran within 30 days
industries using natural gas for
if he does not get congressional
energy, cutting in half the number
of facilities that will be regulated.
Sen. Ron Wyden and Sen. Jeff
Further, LC19 provides that funds
Merkley should push for the same,
from selling emissions credits
or even a stronger version, in the
would be specifically targeted
toward wildfire prevention, which
We do not want war with Iran,
would seriously benefit rural
Oregonians. Here in Wasco County, and we most definitely do not want
we have all seen the devastating ef- this rogue, impulsive president to
create or fan any more war flames.
fects of increasing wildfire activity.
Vicki Nunenkamp
Climate change is upon us,
Hood River
thanks to our unbridled consump-
tion of fossil fuels. It’s time to pay
the piper. Status quo and wishful
thinking by our leaders will not be
enough. As history shows, in-
dustries will choose their current
financial benefit over the good of
To the editor,
future generations. And so will most
In small towns and rural areas,
individuals. This is where good
depending on your neighbors is
government comes in. Responsible a way of life. We pride ourselves
regulations are necessary, and
in taking care of each other when
regulations to reduce our carbon
needed, regardless of the things
in scripture that will side with
England, Saudi Arabia. We should
see more British and American
military personal on the Arabian
Peninsula from this alliance.
The Scriptures reveal that peace
and justice will come to individuals
who align themselves politically
with Israel now, not Democratic
and Republicans. I know it’s nearly
impossible for you to touch the
books, let alone read them. I must
speak for the scriptures in order to
prick your curiosity and rouse your
courage to look into them for the
answers we all seek.
“For behold in those days and
at that time, when I restore the
fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will gather all the nations and
bring them down to the valley of
Jehoshaphat, then I will enter into
judgment with them there on behalf
of my people and my inheritance,
Israel, whom they have scattered
among the nations, and they have
divided up my land.”
With humility I offer that brave
individual the opportunity to un-
derstand the universal question...
“What is truth?”
Gary Fischer
The Dalles
These are the faces of #TheDalles
Behind The Business Photo Project.
The business owners, crews, fami-
lies and more.
This is home. This is the town our
children move back to raise their
family in. This is the town visitors
stop by and fall in love with. This is
the town full of history where every
old building carries a story. This
is the town where we support our
small business owners, our teach-
ers, our coaches, and our friends.
We honor our service men, lining
our sidewalks with American flags
This is the town people visit to see
the bald eagles, to fish in our river
and lakes, to hike, bike, kayak and
This is where you go to stop by
the local cafe for the best coffee or
tea in town. This is the town people
stop to check out the huge murals
on our buildings, to shop our small
on holidays. We take care of our vets community stores, to eat at locally
owned restaurants, to play base-
and help them live their best life
after service. We show appreciation ball in our fields, basketball on our
and respect to our police, fire-crews courts, swim in our community
and other community service
pool and so much more!
This is where the community is
Stay in Salem
to vote
consumption are among the most
necessary of all right now.
Many compromises have already
been made to address the opposi-
tion to last year’s cap and trade bill.
It’s time for Senator Findley and his
Republican colleagues to stop their
flat-out opposition to any and all
carbon regulation simply because
it’s the party line, bought and paid
for by big oil, the richest, most de-
structive industry on Earth.
Please join me in writing to
Senator Findley to let him know that
walking out to circumvent the dem-
ocratic process will not be tolerated.
We expect him to do the job our
taxes are paying him to do and stay
in Salem to vote; Sen.LynnFindley@
Deborah Ferrer
The Dalles
war flames
that separate us, like politics or
It would be good for our state
senators to take a clue from this
cooperative style, so they can work
together effectively on legislation
that affects all of us. There are items
on Oregon’s 2020 legislative agenda,
like funding for police and wildfire
protection, that are important to all
of us and that need to be dealt with
conscientiously, not thrown under
the bus by partisan politics.
This year our state senators need
to stay in Salem and negotiate all
legislation before them in good
faith, instead of sowing seeds of
mistrust among us and taking off for
the hills as they did last year.
Pamela Starling
What does
2020 offer?
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