The Dalles chronicle. (The Dalles, OR) 1998-2020, January 11, 2020, Page 5, Image 5

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    Weekend of January 11-12, 2020   A5
The Dalles Chronicle
History Mystery
Terray Harmon contributed to this report.
Last week’s History Mystery, above, is from a collection of
2 1/4 by 2 1/4 negatives taken at the Wasco County Fair in
Tygh Valley in 1948. One of the carnival rides can be seen in
the background.
Harmon noted the device being demonstrated appears
to be some kind of pressure suit. He remembers that after
WWII, a lot of military technology was finding its way into
the civilian world.
The device may also have been related to a medical test.
To guess this week’s photos, above (and below), email Mark Gibson at or call 541-296-2141, ext. 107,
and leave a message. Be sure to spell your name. Both photographs are related to a group of “pioneer pix” from the collection of Raymond
Crabtree, captured on film in 1968. Who was Raymond Crabtree, and where was the Bill Davis Homestead, pictured above?
20 years ago — 2000
As Rep. Greg Walden
(R-Oregon) wound up his
Christmas holiday at home in
Hood River, he looked ahead to
working with Congress on the
pressing issues for the Pacific
Northwest. During his break,
Walden worked on improvements
at the family radio broadcasting
business, but also kept in touch
with constituents.
A rare find at a second-hand
shop in Prineville landed in the
Discovery Center & Museum’s
library holdings, thanks to
brothers Ted and Jim Comini.
The book, from 1882, titled “The
Charter of Dalles City,” outlines
city ordinances—from assessing
and collecting taxes to prevent-
ing and punishing those who set
up houses or rooms for opium
smoking or chewing.
While stray cats abound in
some parts of town, officials say
there’s little they can do about
it. Wasco County Animal Control
Officer Brad Heinege said stray
cats have become a problem in
parts of the county and he knows
of households with 20 or more
A possible water rate hike
would be an easier sell if custom-
ers could be told what the water
system’s large “savings account”
is for. That was the argument of
Mayor Robb Van Cleave made at
Monday’s The Dalles City Council
meeting, where water rates were
again on the agenda.
Work sessions this Thursday
and next are targeted toward
answering The Dalles Middle
School site questions that
are still preventing the dis-
trict’s long-range planning
task force from making a site
January 17, Martin Luther
King Day, may be a postal holi-
day, but the local post office will
be busy, busy, busy. The Dalles
Post Office will take advantage of
the holiday to move its opera-
tions across the street to the new
post office, which will open to the
public at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday,
Jan. 18.
40 years ago — 1980
Continued snow with warmer
temperatures, up to 40, was
forecast for The Dalles through
Saturday. Heavy snow resumed
here about 11:15 a.m. with a new
front moving up the Columbia
Gorge, which is still closed to
Two local boys were injured in
separate sledding accidents in
The Dalles Thursday, and one of
them is still in the intensive care
unit at the hospital.
With an eye on mounting ex-
penses and projected declining
enrollment, four of the five
District 12 school board mem-
bers turned down requests for
a part-time athletic trainer and
an elementary media specialist
Thursday night.
Human nature being what it is,
most people caught in a difficult
situation tend to make the best
of things and sometimes even
find enjoyable aspects. Such
has been the case with people
stranded in the area because of
the weather-forced closure of
I80N Tuesday.
Despite a forecast for 12
inches of snow in the Cascadces,
residents in the Gorge and else-
where Friday were taking things
good-naturedly. Reports from the
heaviest snowfall zones brought
no drastic cases of hardship, and
refugees were being moved out
of Cascade Locks Friday, both
eastward and westward.
60 years ago — 1960
The Dalles soon will have a
city band to play in parade and
at other public functions, if
present plans are carried through
to completion. First meeting for
organization of the band will
be held tomorrow evening from
7:30 to 9 in the band room at The
Dalles High School.
WASCO—Flames which broke
out late this forenoon destroyed
a brooder house containing 400
three-day-old chickens at the
Tad McCoy place occupied by
the Bill Long family west of here.
The fire is believed to have start-
ed from a short in the electric
brooder system.
A year-end report prepared
in The Dalles City engineer’s
office reveals a total of 199
building permits issued in The
Dalles during 1959, which
accounted for $980,123 worth of
Wasco County homemakers
are reminded by Betty Sedgwick,
Wasco County extension agent,
that the Dressmaking I prelim-
inary meetings are being held
throughout the county this week.
Committees appointed last
week by Dalles City and The
Dalles Chamber of Commerce to
study parking and traffic condi-
tions in the city have been con-
solidated into one committee.
Paul Kortge, Wasco County
rancher, was elected presi-
dent of the Port of The Dalles
Commission last night, suc-
ceeding Edward T. Chambers.
Chambers handed over the gavel
to Dr. Homer Webb, commission-
er, during last night’s reorganiza-
tion meeting of the commission,
then took the floor to nominate
The start of extensive park
development in the area by the
This photograph is also from the Raymond Crabtree collection, but the location of the post office and store pictured is unknown.
U.S. Corps of Engineers was cited
by W. S. Nelson, manager of The
Dalles Chamber of Commerce,
in a report yesterday to the
Chamber board of directors on
completion of an agreement
for the improvement of Celilo
Park. Nelson said the engineers
will develop the park facilities
under an agreement with Wasco
County to administer the park.
Sale of timber in Dalles City’s
watershed area was postponed
indefinitely today as the result of
heavy snowfalls. City Manager
Robert Laursen said this morning
an accumulation of some 16
inches of snow in the watershed
had made it impossible to reach
the stands scheduled for cutting.
The 11th 78,000-kilowatt
generator at The Dalles dam is
now turning for a mechanical
check and is expected to go on
the line within the next week.
80 years ago — 1940
Following the basketball game
Friday night, the High School
Parent-Teachers’ association will
sponsor another in the series
of student dances from 9 to 12
o’clock at the civic auditorium.
Special guests for the dance,
which is open only to students
of the senior and junior high
schools, will be the members of
the Baker basketball squad.
RUFUS—A benefit card party
was held at the Rufus grange hall
Saturday evening. Five hundred
was the diversion of the evening.
Mrs. Walter Madler and Atlee
Wilson held high scores.
The Lewis and Clark
monument, which has trav-
eled a bumpier road than the
original expedition, yesterday
hobbled over another obstacle
in its stormy career when the
city council passed a resolution
authorizing H. R. Landfare, res-
ident WPA engineer, to resume
operations on the monument
work January 21.
An ”unending fight” to rectify
poor housing conditions at Celilo
was promised today by John
Whiz, who said he and Chief
Tommy Thompson would like
to urge this improvement at
the federal capital. Whiz, who
said Indians at Celilo now were
behind the idea of improving the
Indian dwellings and of furnish-
ing proper sewage and sanitary
facilities, has contacted the local
Chamber of Commerce and the
Lions club. Whiz said he would
give his message to the Lions
club next Tuesday.
Wasco County relief expendi-
tures showed a substantial drop
in December, under figures for
the corresponding period a year
ago, Administrator Carl Sandoz’
report to the county public
welfare commission Wednesday
revealed. The welfare office
spent $2,079.90 on 126 cases
last month, as compared with
$2,949.30 in December 1938,
when 239 cases were given relief
LONDON (UP)—Nazi airplanes
in perhaps the widest aerial
activity of the war roamed along
the eastern coast of England and
Scotland today, attacked small
vessels and dodged a vigorous
counterattack by the royal air
force and anti-aircraft batteries.
BERLIN (UP)—Severe cold
caused increased suffering in
Germany today because of the
strict rationing of coal. Supplies
of coal were dwindling, because
canal boats were icebound.
100 years ago — 1920
In observance of the funeral
of Mrs. Anna Marshall Williams,
pioneer resident of The Dalles,
who died at her home in Seattle
yesterday, Mayor Stadelman has
proclaimed from 1:30 until 3:30
o’clock tomorrow afternoon a
holiday. Mrs. Williams came to
The Dalles in 1861 and was the
founder of some of the city’s
most prominent business insti-
tutions. She was born in London,
England, in 1840. When six years
of age, she came to America. She
was nearly 80 years old at the
time of her death.
Education is the means by
which Bolshevism and ultra-rad-
icalism can be stamped from the
United States, was the opinion
of General John J. Pershing,
who yesterday morning spoke
for 15 minutes to a crowd of
Dalles citizens gathered at the
local depot to pay tribute to the
great American leader who not
many months past was hurling
his mighty legions, thousands
strong, into the vortex of the
most stupendous military cata-
clysm in history.
The Dalles High School
basketball teams scored a double
victory Saturday over the Wasco
high boys, and girls’ squads in
the gymnasium at the local high
school and The Dalles gents
proved entirely too much for the
visitors and the final count saw a
total score of 60 amassed for the
locals against 11 for Wasco.
High School students hence-
forward are to be kept out of the
pool halls of the city. This is not
in its essence a morality drive.
Boys no doubt could play pool
under proper circumstances and
still be clean and upright.
A battery advertisement from the 1920s, published in The Dalles
Actual High/Low
48° 49° 45° 33° 23° 18° 27°
Showers of rain
and snow
A little snow in
the morning
A little snow at times
Mostly cloudy
and colder
Very cold with
snow possible
A chance of snow
Snow and ice possible
CALL 541-296-2141
Jan 2 - 8
Updated 1.09.20, 8:00 AM PDT
Data from