A6   Weekend of January 4-5, 2020 The Dalles Chronicle TheDallesChronicle.com FOR THE RECORD EDITOR’S NOTE: All indi- viduals arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty. FIRE Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue Dec. 31, 10:48 p.m. - Crew responded to Mill Creek and Orchard roads on a report of a burn complaint. The agency also responded to six calls for emergency medical services on Dec. 30, seven on Dec. 31, and ten on Jan. 1. POLICE REPORTS The Dalles City A stolen vehicle report was taken Dec. 29 from the 3200 block of West 7th Street. Mary Margaret Urieta, 34, The Dalles, was arrested Dec. 29 in the 700 block of West 9th Street and is accused of post-prison violations. William David Barton, 59, The Dalles, was arrested Dec. 29 in the 1200 block of East 12th Street and is accused of coercion and strangulation. A criminal mischief report was taken Dec. 30 from the 400 block of Madison Street after a victim reported his tires were slashed. A theft report was taken Dec. 30 from the 2600 Denton Street after a victim reported a license plates to her vehicle was stolen and a different placed was put on her vehicle. A theft report was taken Dec. 30 from the 2600 block of West 6th Street after a victim reported some clothes were stolen. A dog bite report was taken Dec. 30 from the 1100 block of Laughlin Street. A theft report wast taken Dec. 30 from West 2nd and Pentland streets after a victim reported some items were stolen from two vehicles. Anthony Louis Hithe, 45, The Dalles, was arrested Dec. 30 in the 300 block of West 8th Street and is accused of three counts of See RECORD, page A7 Public Notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE On Januar y 15, 2020, at the hour of 10:00 AM at the Sherman County Sheriff’s Office, 500 Court Street, Moro, OR 97039, the real property commonly k n o w n a s : 91415 Biggs-Rufus Hwy., Wasco, OR 97065 and 91413 Biggs-Ru- f u s H w y. , W a s c o , OR 97065, will be sold. The Brownfield Report, prepared by the Oregon Depart- ment of Environmen- tal Quality, is avail- able upon request. The sale is a public auction to the high- est bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made pay- able to Sherman County Sheriff’s Of- fice. Minimum bid is $350,000. For more information contact Sherman County Sheriff’s Office, (541) 565-3622. Dec. 14, 21, 28 Jan 4, 2020 #8707 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASCO The Estate of CHARLES LEE SAN- DOZ, Deceased. C a s e N o . 19PB09584 LIMITED JUDGMENT ADMITTING WILL AND APPOINTING PERSONAL REPRE- SENTATIVE F E E A U T H O R I T Y: O R S 21. 17 0 ( l ) ( b ) FILING FEE: $591 U p o n Pe t i t i o n o f Kathaleen R. Sandoz for the probate of the above-named decedent, the Court accepts the allega- tions of the Petition; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED and AD- JUDGED: 1. Th e W i l l d a t e d January 8, 2019, is admitted to probate; 2. Kathaleen R. San- doz is appointed Personal Represen- tative of the Estate; and 3. The Personal Rep- resentative is not re q u i re d t o f i l e a bond; and 4. Letters Testamen- tary shall be issued forthwith to the Per- sonal Representative in the manner pro- vided by law. Signed: 12/13/2019 03:30 PM Circuit Court Judge John Wolf PERSONAL REPRE- SENTATIVE: Kathaleen R. Sandoz 6041 Mill Creek Road The Dalles, Oregon 97058 Te l e p h o n e : ( 5 41 ) 298-4214 AT TO R N E Y S f o r PERSONAL REPRE- SENTATIVE: Scott Howard, OSB No. 790583 Email: show- ard@k-hlaw.com Kivel & Howard, LLP P.O. Box 40044 Portland, OR 97240- 0044 Tel: (503) 796-0909 / Fax: (503) 802- 4757 Dec 21, 28, Jan 4, 2020 #8710 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of The Dalles Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 16, 2020, at 6:00 pm. The meeting will take place in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 313 Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. The pur- pose of the hearing is to receive public testimony regarding the following appli- cation: APPLICATION NUM- BER: ADJ 19-049, Taner Elliott REQUEST: Request- ing a reduction of t h e g a ra g e f r o n t yard setback from 20 ft. to 14.75 ft.; a 26.25% reduction. L O C AT I O N : Th e proper ty is locat- ed at 1489 Elberta Street. Property is fur ther described as 2N 13E 32 DC tax lot 3300. Property is zoned Low Density Residential – RL. All information relat- ing to this applica- tion and review cri- teria is available at, and comments may be delivered to, the Community Devel- opment Department, Joshua Chandler, phone (541) 296- 5481, ext. 1120 or by email: jchandler@ ci.the-dalles.or.us. All comments must include the name and address of the person making the comments. Com- ments for a quasi-ju- dicial hearing which are longer than one side of page shall be accepted only by mail or in person and only if 12 cop- ies are presented. Comments must be at least equal in size to ten point type. Comments must be received by the hearing date, or may be presented at the hearing. Additional information relating to comments and the quasi-judicial hearing process can be found in Article 3 . 0 2 0 . 07 0 o f Th e Dalles Municipal Code, Title 10 Land Use and Develop- m e n t . Th e C o d e is on line at www. ci.the-dalles.or.us. Th e m e e t i n g w i l l be conducted in a room in compliance with ADA standards. A n y o n e re q u i r i n g accommodations may call the office of the City Clerk, 541- 296-5481 ext. 1119, Monday through Fri- day, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to make arrangements. Jan. 4, 2020 ACUPUNCTURE #8713 PUBLIC NOTICE Th e S h e r m a n County Planning Commission will hold two public hearings, M o n d a y, J a n u a r y 27, 2019 beginning at 5:30 P.M. at the Steve Burnet Exten- sion and Research Building Confer- ence Room, 66365 Lonerock Rd. Moro, Oregon. The purpose of the first hearing is to consider an applica- tion for an amend- ment to the condi- tional use permit for a repower of the existing Klondike II W in df ar m. The project is proposed by Klondike W ind Power LLC , a wholly owned subsidiar y of Avangrid Renew- ables, LLC. The pro- posed site for the Repower is located in the exclusive farm use zone (F-1) and is approximately 5-7 miles east of Wasco, Oregon on Klondike Rd. The parcels are described by the Sherman County Assessors maps as T2N, R16E, Section 32, Tax Lot 1300; T1N, R18E, Section 3, Tax Lot 700; Sec- tion 4, Tax Lot 1000; Section 5, Tax Lots 1100, 1200, 1400; Section 8, Tax Lots 17 0 0 , 17 01 , 17 9 9 , 1800, 1900; Section 9, Tax Lots 1000, 1900; Section 10, Tax Lot 700; Section 15 , Ta x L o t 3101 ; Section 16, Tax Lots 3101, 310 4 ; S e c - t i o n 17 , Ta x L o t s 19 0 0 , 310 0 , 310 4 ; and Section 21, Tax Lot 3800, Sherman County, Oregon. The second hearing is to consider the adoption of a new flood plain to replace t h e e x i s t i n g 19 87 floodplain ordinance. The purpose of the new ordinance is to update the process to fall in line with cur- rent federal law and to provide a ready document when the new updated flood plain base elevation data is available for the County. At the conclusion of the hearing the plan- ning commission will make a recommen- dation to the County Court. PLANNING REGULA- TIONS The regulations re- garding these pro- p o s a l s a re i n t h e Sherman County Zoning Ordinance Ar ticle 3, Section 3.3, 3. Conditional Uses and Article 8, Amendments. All interested parties wishing to speak for or against the pro- posals are urged to attend. The Planning Commission may take one of the fol- lowing actions upon conclusion of public testimony; approve, DERMATOLOGY CASCADE ACUPUNCTURE CENTER, LLC • Offering Acupuncture, Allergy Elimination and Custom Chinese Herbs. • Very effective style of Acupuncture, often relieves pain during the first treatment • Treatments in Recliner Chairs or on massage tables • Accept and bill most insurances, Worker’s Comp, PIP claims • Accept Veterans Choice, ask us how! • Many insurances in OR and WA cover Acupuncture, free insurance check! • Sliding Fee Scale, monthly payment plans, VISA/MC • Wheelchair accessible locations, free customer parking • Open Monday - Saturday • No physician referral needed • New Patients welcome. Call for a free consultation! 1712 East 12th Street, The Dalles 541-298-2378 Hood River www.CascadeAcupuncture.org 541-387-4325 Providing comprehensive Chiropractic care for the entire family. We specialize in treating: • Motor vehicle injuries • Work injuries • Sports injuries We also offer the following treatment modalities: • Graston Technique • Kinesiology taping • Active Release Technique (ART) • Laser Therapy • Serving the local community for the past 28 years. • NEW PATIENTS WELCOME. We are contracted with most insurance companies and will bill them for you. 818 W. 6th Street, Suite 5, The Dalles, OR 97058 541-296-1900 CLINICS MCMC SPECIALTY CLINICS Mid-Columbia Medical Center 1700 E 19th St 541-296-1111 Celilo Cancer Center 1800 E 19th St 541-296-7585 Columbia River Women’s Center 1810 E 19th St 541-296-5657 MCMC Surgical Services 1810 E 19th St 541-296-6101 MCMC Cardiology 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6530 MCMC Internal Medicine 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6920 Luke Sloan, MD Melissa Arndt, PA-C Victoria Hopkins, PA_C 405 E. Steuben St. (Highway 14) Bingen, Wash. 509-493-0441 917 11th Street, Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 386-2517 HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NORCO MEDICAL Home Medical Equipment • Oxygen Equipment • CPAP and Supplies • Walkers, Canes, Crutches • Sports and Orthotics • Breast Feeding Supplies • Hospital Beds and more! Monday-Friday 8-5 333 Cherry Heights Road The Dalles, OR 97058 Toll Free • We serve the patients of ALL providers, ALL Hospitals and ALL Facilities in the Gorge area. • There is never a charge for our services, no charge, no co-pay. • Licensed by Medicare, Oregon and Washington. • No charge for a referral consultation. All doctors are required to offer a choice, see why we are the most experienced Hospice in the Gorge. Hood River The Dalles Toll Free 541-386-1942 541-296-2289 888-882-1942 See “What is Hospice/How to Choose a Hospice” On Line at www.HeartOfHospice.Org PROVIDENCE HOSPICE OF THE GORGE Serving residents of the Gorge for more than 30 years. • A local, multidisciplinary team of experts • Open access to care, no matter where your physician is employed • Nursing support available around-the-clock • Relationships with all community primary and specialty care providers • Service to all patients regardless of insurance coverage • Spanish speaking team available Please call for more information or to schedule a free consultation 751 Myrtle St., The Dalles, OR. 97058 http://www.providence.org/hospice 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-296-7202 MCMC Podiatry 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6500 MCMC Center for Sleep Medicine 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-296-7724 541-296-3228 866-680-6449 IN-HOME CARE BOBBI’S WAY IN-HOME HEALTH CARE Columbia Gorge Neurology 1935 E 19th St 541-296-1100 Gorge Urology 1805 E 19th St 541-296-2201 MCMC Occupational Medicine 1815 E 19th St 541-296-7811 Columbia Gorge ENT & Allergy 1815 E 19th St 541-298-5563 Assisted Living In YOUR Home • Our aim is to assist each and every client to remain as independent as possible, by providing compassionate cost effective professional in-home care services, in a safe and caring environment. • Caring and highly-skilled caregivers. • Locally owned and operated by Bobbi and Kaleena Casey. Please call for more information or to schedule a free consultation. MCMC Family Medicine 1620 E 12th St 541-296-9151 Serving Hood River, Klickitat, Sherman and Wasco counties MCMC Pediatrics 1935 E 19th St 541-506-6520 MCMC Dermatology 1935 E 19th St 541-506-6930 541-436-4515 Open every day 9 to 9 - Call for Holiday hours RECREATIONAL STORE, NO MEDICAL CARD NEEDED Medical and Recreational Marijuana Store with Department of Health Certified Medical Marijuana Consultants available to talk to you about products, and answer your questions. We carry CBD, Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), topicals, edibles, tinctures, flower, pre-rolls and concentrates. [You must be 21 to enter the store, unless you have a Medical Marijuana Recognition Card which is available here. To get your card, bring your WA ID and Doctors Authorization Form. We warn custom- ers that Marijuana can be habit forming and may cause intoxicating effects and should not be used before driving. It should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women.] ORTHODONTICS BICKLER ORTHODONTICS LLC 541-296-6131 1-800-272-2348 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-506-6500 MCMC Outpatient Therapy IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Probate proceed- ings in the Estate of Marlee S. Bak- er, Deceased, are now pending in the above entitled comi wherein Ryan Cln·is- topher Kaname has been appointed and has qualified as the MARGIE’S POT SHOP Heart. It’s in our name, it’s in our care. Byron Akita, DC Tim Akita, DC PUBLIC NOTICE The Mid-Columbia Center for Living announces a Pub- lic Meeting of the Tri-County Mental Health Board on Tuesday, Januar y 14th, 2020 at 11:00 A.M. The Meeting will take place at 1060 Webber Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058. The meet- ing location is ac- cessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an inter- preter for the hear- ing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabil- ities should be made at least 48 hours be- fore the meeting to Desirae Tarrance at [541] 716.4159 Ext. 5020. Jan. 4, 2020 #8715 personal represen- tative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, with vouchers attached, properly verified within four months after the date of the first pub- lication of this notice to the personal rep- resentative at the address designated in this notice for the presentation of claims or they may be bmTed: clo Jason Corey, Dick, Dick & Corey, LLP, 601 W a s h i n g t o n , Th e Dalles, OR 97058. All persons whose rights may be af- fected by the pro- bate of the estate proceeding may obtain additional infmmation from the records of the court, the personal rep- resentative, whose address is 619 8th Avenue, Kirkland, WA 98033, or the attorney for the per- sonal representa- tive, whose address is 601 Washington St, The Dalles, OR 97058. /s/ Ryan Cln·isto- pher Kaname Dated and first pub- lished Januar y 4,´ 2020. DICK, DICK & CO- REY, LLP The Dalles, Oregon Attorneys for Estate J a n . 4 , 11, 18 , 2020 #8716 HOOD RIVER DERMATOLOGY HEART OF HOSPICE AKITA CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC #8714 MEDICAL MARIJUANA HOSPICE CHIROPRACTIC deny, table, or re- cess the hearing to a set time and place. Failure of an issue to be raised in the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an oppor tunity to respond to the issue p re c l u d e s a p p e a l based on that issue. Copies of the pro- posals and other related information is available for re- view at the Sherman County Planning Department, 66365 Lonerock Rd., Moro, Oregon, during busi- ness hours. A copy of the staff report will available for in- spection prior to the hearing. Copies will be provided at a rea- sonable cost. Written testimony or questions may be directed to the Sher- man County Plan- ning Depar tment, P.O. Box 381, Moro, Oregon 97039 or by phoning (541) 565- 3601.The location of the hearing is acces- sible to the disabled. Please contact Georgia Macnab of the Sherman County Pl a n n i n g D e p a r t - ment at the number listed above if you need any special accommodations to attend or participate in the hearing. Times listed are for guidance only. Jan. 4, 2020 http://bobbiswayinhomehealthcare.com James Bickler DMD • Latest in 3-D imaging • Free consultations • Treatment of children and adults • Traditional and Clear brackets • ClearCorrect aligners • Experienced, professional, friendly staff. No interest financing. Visit us at bicklerorthodontics.com 541-298-4072 Bickler Orthodontics, Where your smile is our passion! Personal que habla español. PHYSICAL THERAPY REBECCA STREET PHYSICAL THERAPY A progressive therapist-owned physical therapy practice specializing in manual therapy. Our services include, but are not limited to: • Orthopedic care and sports injuries • Post-operative rehabilitation • Back and neck care • Neurological rehabilitation • Industrial medicine and return-to-work. Contracted with most insurances and handle all insurance billing. Licensed to treat patients without physician referral. 115 West 4th Street, The Dalles, OR 97058 fax www.rebeccastreetpt.com (541) 296-3368 (541) 296-7866 SENIOR LIVING THE SPRINGS AT MILL CREEK Changing the way people experience senior living: • Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care. Stop by anytime. We’d love to meet you. 1201 West 10th St., The Dalles, OR 541-296-1303 www.thespringsliving.com • Que habla español. SURGERY SKYLINE Seth Lambert, D.O. Specializing in: Laparoscopic surgery for appendectomy • Hernia repair • Gallblad- der removal • Breast biopsies • Soft tissue masses • Hemorrhoid surgery • and more 211 NE Skyline Dr White Salmon, WA (509) 637-2810