THE TIMES Empress during the coming musical merriment. Zenita, vio­ week, when La Petite Gosse with linist extraordinary. N'adje. the t 12 dancers will trip across the world’s perfect woman. Special ('athrine (,’ who is muii* stage. The feature dancers are | injc tin- cud of her very successful Lillian Lester and Carlo Cassette. ! added attraction. The Four Fly- season at the llcilig, corner Sev­ The act is described by reports j nig ( asters, the world s most sen- enth and Taylor streets, lias in froni the managers on the east- j National aerialists. Popular prices ” I)ivorcons.' ’ for her sixth week, era end of the circuit as being Matinee daily. Boxes and first eonimciicinfi Sunday. August lHth. The beach season is in full swing. Go while the crowds go. a stupendous pantomimic produc­ row balcony reserved. Box o f­ £ the merriest comedy of tin* sum­ tion with lots of life and ginger i mer. " Divorcoiis” made Grace fice open from 10 a. in. to 10 p. + EAjoy the cool breezes now. while the heat is so unpleasant in­ in it. George famous. It is comedy, m. PhoQts A 223b. Main 4t>3(>. i' land. Bathing, boating, hill climbing, fishing, hikes over de- One of the best tenors to be bordering upon tin* farcical. sent over the circuit is Jack All- Curtain: 2:30, 7:15 and fl p. m. ♦ The up-to-date dramatization of .j. lightful trails. Oregon beaches better prepared than ever be­ man. the Irish tenor. Allman is Sari Ion’s frivolity was made by said to have a golden voice, ll fore to care for the crowds. Plenty of accommodations. Lots Margaret Mayo, who wrote ‘ ‘ Pol­ whose quality is as mellow as a BADEN POWELL SAYS OUR ly o f the Circus” and ‘ ‘ Baby t of fun. The water is fine rippling brook. YOUTH NEEDS REIN. Mine.” It lias been secured by + Two very capable xylophonists special arrangement with Win. A. ♦ Lowe and Edwards, will go the GO VIA THE Brady. It satirizes the divorce NEW YORK.— Sir Robert S. music route. Their offering is to f problem from a very amusing an­ be a very exceptional bit. Baden-Powell. after six weeks Excellent train gle. A philosophical man of the Von Hamjiton and Josslyn will spent in America, was especially - Newport, service. Season sing, talk and play the piano, impressed by the American boys, + Nehalem, adding a little dancing by way of roundtrip fares. [ W / S U N S E T \ # 1 lie visited probably 75,000 or 100,- •i* entertainment. 1 (OGDENèSHASTAl + Bayocean, RO U TES 000 boy scouts of America and Spécial week- had an opportunity to scrutinize | Tillamook Co., the boys carefully and closely. 4 . end and Sun- ‘ ‘ The American boy.” he writes ♦ day fares. Seventh and Taylor Sts. Phones: as a result of his visit, ‘ ‘ is sing­ I ¡j. Beaches. Main 1 and A 1122. ularly bright, self-reliant and ♦ Last week but one o f the sum­ sharp beyond his years, as com­ * Send for illustrated booklets about the Oregon resorts ° mer season.— Seven nights, begin­ pared with tli is European brother. ning Sunday, August 18 at 8:15 He is splendid material if there * and our special folder on “ Vacation Days in Oregon.” It tells o ’clock, bargain matinee Wednes­ were only added to it a character 4. about the beaches, springs, mountain resorts, etc. day, special matinee Saturday.— for self-control, discipline, thor­ Last week but one o f Portland’s oughness, chivalry and capability Call on nearest agent for information relative to fares, lit- favorite actress, CATHRINE for sticking to his job. His good J COUNTIES, supported by Syd­ qualities I could see for myself, * erature, etc., or address, ney Ayres in the uproariously but my attention was drawn to his funny divorce comedy, “ DIVOR- defects by numbers of Americans ? JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. COXS,” adapted by Margaret having different points of view Mayo, author of ‘ ‘ Baby Aline.” from which to judge him. Prices— Evenings: 75c, 5()c, 35e, “ These were men who saw 25c; Wednesday matinee, any value in scouting, which I had not seat, 25c; Saturday matinee, 50c, previously realized. THE LARGEST TYPEW RITER SALE IN HISTORY. 25c. Farewell week. Sunday, “ I had thought that in the case August 25th, Clyde Fitch’s com­ edy. ‘ ‘ Her Own W ay,” Seat sale of British boys, and still more in the case of some of our Continent­ opens next Thursday. al neighbors, the training might be expected to help the develop­ ment in them of manliness, self- reliance, alertness and other such 7th and Alder Sts. Matinee daily. qualities, whereas in the American Portland’s only absolutely fire­ boy these already appear to exist. proof vaudeville theatre. Week “ But it was shown to me that, have been sold to the commencing Monday matinee, whereas the old world boy inay AVestem Union Telegraph August 1!)— Extra! Extra! Ex­ want pushing on and waking up, p /( L / ' I 'n r t e r w o o ^ - tra!— Thte original copyrighted the new world boy rather needs Company for use in all of­ moving pictures o f the WOL- holding in. and the inculcation of fices throughout its vast GAST-RIVERS BOXING CON­ discipline and the sense of duty to organization. TEST for the lightweight cham­ others which he does not other­ pionship of the world, presented wise get. So if scouting really All Telegrams, Night for the first time in Portland. helps to bring about some of these and Day Letters in the fu­ Matthews & Duffy in ‘ ‘ The Rang- it will be a work o f national world finding that his butterfly AT THE LYRIC. ture will be typewritten wife faneies herself unsatisfied ‘ ‘ The Girl With the Pink Can tor’s Merrv Kids m value.” on the Underwood. and in love with another man, Mask,” who has been causing neatly turns the tables by pretend­ such a sensation in all tin* east­ Every well-known writ­ ing to humor her desire for a di- ern cities during the past week, ing machine was carefully H ow They Brought the News vorce. Then tin* couple deceive will be the attraction at tin* Lyric considered by the purchas­ the lover by going secretly to u theatre all week commencing From Chicago to W ashington ing committee and the Underwood won from the standpoints of private room in a French restau­ with Monday matinee. This will practical utility and mechanical construction. rant. where the fun is fast and lie her first appearance in this furious until the capricious wife city and sin* will be seen at every finds I lint she loves her own hus­ performance all next week. Will band best after all. Armstrong, who is about the hig­ “ Divorcoiis” reverses the situ­ hest favorite that lias ever ap­ ation in ‘ ‘ A Woman’s W ay,” peared in this city, will be seen which recently caused so much in a role different, from anything it (Incorporated.) amusement at the llcilig. Miss tlita be has appeared in so far Countiss and Sydney Ayres have this season. Gus Leonard will 68 SIXTH STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. capital parts in this vivacious be in his glory in a neat German summer night diversion. gentleman and Ethel Davis and The engagement of Miss ('ount­ Clara Howard will handle the THE MACHINE YOU W ILL EVENTUALLY BUY.” iss has been extended to a seventh I'emiiiene roles. Ralph BeVan, the week, commencing Sunday. Aug. handsome juvenile man. will be ^ 8888 S 88 S 88 SS 88 S 8 S 8 S 88888 S 88 S 88 S 888 S 8 S 88888888888 S 8 S 8 S 25th, when she will hid a long heard in a couple of ballads and farewell to Portland in Clyde the Baby Dolls will be up to 8 Fitch's comedy. ‘ ‘ Her Own their usual standard. There will •I THE W ay,” as played in New York lie three performances daily of and London by Maxime Klliott. ibis interesting and sensational AT THE HEILIG mixed with her old. never-to-be- forgotten bits and her old-time charming ways. That Grace Cam­ eron has the distinction of being tin* only woman who is an honor­ ary member o f the Portland Press Club adds interest to her second visit to the (frpheuin here. Other acts on tin* big bill led by the Portland favorite are: Ed­ mund Hayes and company in ‘ ‘ The Piano .Movers” ; Carl Mc­ Cullough, the dynamite comedian, ill ‘ ‘ Footlight Impressions;” Har­ rison Armstrong's Players in “ Squaring Accounts” ; the bound­ ing Pattersons; the Takiness, Ital­ ian singers in a musical novelty and tin* Kemps (Hob and May) in ‘ ‘ .Matrimonial Mliss.” t l August At The Beaches j W HEILIGTHEATRE PANTAGES Theatre y +