THE TIM E S l August At The Beaches \ + + The beach season is in full swing. Go while the crowds go. + + Enjoy the cool breezes now, while the heat is so unpleasant in­ + land. Bathing, boating, hill climbing, fishing, hikes over de­ t lightful trails. Oregon beaches better prepared than ever be­ + + fore to care fo r the crowds. Plenty of accommodations. Lots + o f fun. The water is fine ♦ + GO V IA TH F + + Excellent train Newport, t service. Season + Nehalem, roundtrip fares. * S U N S E T \ ÌP »1 fOGOENèSHASTAJ Bayocean, + RO UTES * Special week­ t Tillamook Co., end and Sun­ + ,.°2 3 sS.\ + + + + + + -• + + + + + t + :: + t + + + ... day fares. + Beaches. + + Send fo r illustrated booklets about the Oregon resorts f + and our special folder on “ Vacation Days in Oregon.” It tells + i about the beaches, springs, mountain resorts, etc. i V Call on nearest agent fo r information relative to fares, lit­ t f erature, etc., or address, + JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. + (e + • R A Y B E LM O NT A N D M A T T IE K A R L A T TH E O RPH EUM N E X T WEEK. Variety is the keynote o f the around the desire o f womenkind hill to he presented at the Orpli* to look young despite age, and ( mum for the week of August 5th. Mrs. Hughes as the grandmother W. <'. Fields, a London juggler in the comedietta puts such life­ who has astounded the world liy like action and talk in the piece the art he puts in his work, is the women folk in the audience ex­ headliner. He is billed as the si claim ‘ ‘ Isn’t t hat real t ” lent humorist. Fields does not say Other big acts on the first a single word during the 20 min August hill are Venita Gould, utes he is on the stage, hut nev­ prcty little mimic, who imperson­ ertheless lie keeps his audience in ates stare for 15 minutes; Van an uproar of laughter from the Brothers, who play various musi­ time he makes his introductory cal instruments including the how until he waves adieu. mouth-organ in a comedy act that An Oregon woman has second is melodious; Itradshaw Brothers, place on the Orpheum poster. She who have an amazing scries of is Mrs. dene Hughes, formerly of comedy contortions; Belmont and Forest drove. Ore., who with her Hurl, hilled as “ the man, the girl own company will present and the piano;” and the Stanleys “ Youth.” a comedy of the side­ who provide silhouette fun in sha- splitting sro.t “ Youth” is built dowlam •I TH E L A R G E S T T Y P E W R IT E R S A L E IN H IS TO R Y . TEN THOUSAND Underwood 1 ypewnters have been sold • to the Western Union Telegraph Company for use in all o f­ fices throughout its vast organization. A ll Telegrams, Night and Day Letters in the fu ­ ture w ill be typewritten on the Underwood. \ Every well-known w rit­ ing machine was carefully considered by the purchas­ ing committee and the Underwood won from the standpoints of practical utility and mechanical construction. Underwood Typewriter Company (Incorporated.) 68 S IX T H STREE T PO R TLA N D , OREGON. COMEDY, “ L O U IS IA N A LO U ,” A T H E IL IG T H E A T R E AU G U ST 8-9-10. “ TH E M A C H IN E YO U W IL L E V E N T U A L L Y BUY. The big musical comedy success, “ Louisiana Leu ,” with Barney Bar­ nard, Sophie Tucker and the La Salle Opera House Co. of Chicpgo, .•VAV.VVAV.VAV *S8SSSS»% •.V V W .W ÎW «1 w ill be the attraction at the H eilig Theatre, 7th and Taylor Sts., Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 8-9-10. Matinee Saturday. $ TH E M U S IC A L V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.,.,.'.VV THE V C LA R A H O W AR D PA T S DREAM W EEK. A T TH E L Y R IC N E X T ■ L O U IS IA N A LOU COMING on and Helena Salinger a TO TH E H E IL IG couple o f the most tin ¡shed play­ ers in their profession. Like Ka At tin* Columhia theatre. San t¡slut's beauty spot in the “ Mi Francisco, “ Louisiana Lou,” com­ kudo.’ ’ “ Louisiana Lou ” is worth ing to the Heilig theatre August going miles to see, and its local 8-9-10, with a matinee Tuesday, engagement should be one of the scored an unequivocal success. big nights of the season. “ Louisiana L o u " came with a record o f Chicago endorsement, an Views of the Vice-President of a absolutely high-class company and Railroad— Red Flag Philosophy the best scenic equipment and cos­ Destroys Shop Discipline -San ; tuming seen in San Francisco for ta Fe Official Gives Some Time many weeks. Its comedians, sing­ ly Advice. ers and dancers proved capable and San Francisco gladly attested that it was getting its money’s CHICAGO Socialism with its] worth by the way it crowded the agitators who preach a sentiment Geary street plAyhouse. And while o f anarchism rather than the good [ Harney Bernard may (latter his o f tin* common peole, as was the soul with jtiNtiliable unction and aim of Lycurgus when he tried to < Sophie Tucker may glow with par­ remove from Greek life the evils donable pride, the stubborn tact o f insolence, envy, avarice and remains potent that Mr. Harry luxury, was discussed yesterday Askin and his La Salle Opera by \Y B. Storey, Jr.. viee-presi-J House people gave to “ Louisiana dent in charge o f the operation of MISS DE L IS L E OF DE LIS LE & V E R N O N 'A T TH E EM PRESS Lou” a verbal form, a musical the Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe W E E K OF AU G U ST 5. substance and surrounded these Railroad. two most enjoyable artists with a Holds Men Back. Mr. Storey’s discussion followed advanced to do a great deal in the dozen clever associates, one o f the the speech o f \V. L. Park, vice-1 The attitude iy a certain cle* interest o f his employer, makes best choruses within recent recol­ president and general manager of incut toward socialistic doctrines, him feel, said Mr. Storey, that the lection and a stage dressing un­ the Illinois Central Railroad, be-1 declared Mr t So rev. holds men less he does the less he produces rivalled in picturesque color, beau j fore the International Railway! back and anses a mutual feeling t,,r ,lu‘ man " h o pays his wages. ty and harmonic grouping. In Bes General Foremen’s Association on of antagonism, which can do tin and therefore the nearer he is ap­ sie He Voie and Eleanor Henry. Wednesday. In his address Mr. | employer little harm, but which proaching to the ideals o f the so­ “ Louisiana Lou ” has two ex­ Bark declared that railroads had i can do much toward making the cialistic propaganda. tremely attractive young women; “ temporized too long with social- workingman less prosperous “ I recognize that the tendencies in Mortimer Weldon, a dancer o f ism. syndicalism and other per- Socialistic proclivities in the em- o f socialism today are destroying exceptional a b ility; and in Harry nicious isms." t ployee. who otherwise would be the control o f the shop employees OREGON MINING & TIMBER JOURNAL Has been successfully published fo r three years, and is all the name implies Call at 223 Lumber Exchange Bldg, and get a sample copy. V.V.'.V.V. I * • é o é c *- and are hurting the essential I spirit for the proper conduct of! large industrial enterprises,” said' Vice-President Storey. Red Flag Doctrine. “ Efforts should be made to dis­ courage the principle among the men who are susceptible to the teachings o f a red tlag doctrine— which is in the interest o f a few who arc endeavoring to commer­ cialize the sentiment of socialism. “ The workingman who. as a rule, has the interest o f his family and home at heart, is spurred to action by stories o f the efforts of his employer to obtain the largest production possible from hint at the lowest cost. He is told that the product o f his labor belongs to him. and the weaker man, feel­ ing thta he is being robbed of ing that he is being robbed of to strike back. “ Immediately he becomes a foe to his employer. He develops into a barrier in the progress o f the business, rather than an aid.” Miss Countiss. for her fifth week, commencing Sunday. Au­ gust 11th. w ill give a revival of Clyde F itch ’s brilliant and viva­ cious eomedlv. “ The Girl with tho Green Eyes.” Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools. N E W TERM OPEING M O NDAY. A P R IL 1, 1912. Building, Cor. Sixth and Taylor St>. Class— Fee to June 1. Algebra ....................................... $ g.oo Architect, Draft ....................... 7.50 Arithmetic .................................. 2.00 Automobile Course .................... 50.00 Bookkeeping ............................... g OO Boys’ School .............................. 4.00 Business Eng. and Cor................ 2.00 Business Law ............................. 2.00 Carpentry and W oodw orking.... lo!oo Chemistry .................................... 10.OO Dairying ...................................... 2.00 Electricity & Electric Machinery 15.00 English for Foreign M en............. 3.00 English Grammar and R eading.. 3.00 English Literature .................... 3.00 Freehand Drawing ...................... 7.00 French ......................................... g.oo Forestry and Lumbering............. 10.00 Geometry .................................... g.oo German ....................................... g.oo Latin ........................................... 5.00 Mechanical Drafting ................ 7.50 Penmanship .............................. 2.00 Pharmacy .................................... 25.00 Plumbing Shop Practice............. 1 5 . 0 0 Public Speaking ....................... g.oo Rhetoric ...................................... 3^00 Spanish ....................................... g.oo Shorthand .................................... g.oo Show Card W ritin g..................... 12.00 Trigonometry .............................. g.oo Typewriting ................................ g!oo Vocal Music ................................ 3.00 Call or send for Free Illustrated Catalogue. Similar schools Seattle, Tacoma, Spo- krte.