f THE TIMES ( ’larunce Wilbur and his famous funny folks arc hilled to keep Em­ press patrons lutighing from the heifininir to the end of next week. Their offer ini' will he “ The New Scholar.'’ which has a laugh for every word. The act is presented to the vaudeville public under the direction o f Millie Burke, who has engaged Mr. Wilbur to make the tour of the Sullivan & Considine houses. Few sleight-of-hand performers are as dextrous as E. J. Moore, billed as the monarch of mystery, who finds high place on the bill to reign at the Empress for the week of July 22. He has a number of extraordinary tricks. May Elinore. the topsy-turvy comedienne, noted in the stage world as one of the Elinore sis­ ters, is to make her initial bow in vaudeville at the Empress next week. She has a most pleasing personality, and her grotesque mannerims make her a comedienne of her own peculiar kind in the funny field. Keely and Wilder, who are list- mi as vaudeville's sweetest sing­ ers. are among the entertainers to shine at the Empress. They were a hit of an Empress bill last sea­ son. and music-lovers will be de­ lighted over their return engage­ ment. Miss Wilder is regarded as one of the most striking women in vaudeville, and has a wonder fully sweet voice. KELLY & WIDDER AT THE EMPRESS NEXT WEEK. ! It is greeted with enthusiasm, j The critics are cordial in praise. Miss Countiss has returned, a de- ! lightful actress with a world of] magnetism. She rings true m comedy and strong emotion. Portland playgoers love this charming woman and brilliant ar-1 tist. They have given her a series of ovations, and will watch eager­ ly for her portrayal of each new j / role. For her second week, beginning j Sunday evening. July 2 ’ st, Miss Countiss turns to the sparkling American comedy, " A Woman's | W ay,” by Thompson Buchanan. “ A Woman’s W ay” is a bright | clean comedy, with amusing char j aeters that will introduce many new members of the fíne, high- class company, with capital parts for Miss Countiss and Mr. Ayres. There is a tremendous demand for a revival o f “ Merely Mary Ann,” and it has been put in preparat ion. The cooling plant ot the Heilig theatre is a wonderful attraction on hot nights. AT THE LYRIC. Now For The Seashore! ? Via Season Tickets on the * o 3-Duv Tickets on Sale SU N SET 0 0 0 EN »SHASTA ROU TES Sale June 1st Saturday & Sunday to o O TILLAMOOK AND NEWPORT BEACHES Season fares from the principal points to Newport or Tillamook Beaches are as follows: To Fare Fare To From Tillamook Beaches $6.25 $4.00 Newport Portland Tillamook Beaches 6.25 4.70 Newport Oregon Citv Tillamook Beaches 5.15 6.00 Newport Salem Tillamook Beaches 4.00 Newport 7.30 Albany Tillamook Beaches 3.75 Newport 7.10 Corvallis Tillamook Beaches 5.80 9.00 Newport Eugene Tillamook Beaches 12.00 8.75 Newport Roseburg Tillamook Beaches 17.20 12.00 Newport Medford Tillamook Beaches 17.75 12.00 Newport Ashland Tickets to above points on sale ilailv good all season, with correspond- ing low fares from other points. Week-end tickets are also on sale from various points. SUNDAY EXCURSION TRA IN ON THE C. & E. R. R. For the coming week commen­ Leaves Albany at 7:30 A. M., Corvallis 8:00 A. M. and connects with cing with Monday matinee the S. P. trains 16, 14 and 28 from points south. Call on our nearest agent for “ Vacation Days in Oregon,” a beauti­ famous Armstrong Follies Com­ fully illustrated booklet describing various outting resorts, or write to pany will present “ A Winning Widow.” This production is built JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. for laughing purposes and as Attend the B. P. O. E. Elks Convention, Portland, July 8-13. played by this clever company it Low fares to all points East June to September. will no doubt answer the purpose Miss Beatrice Flint, a prima don­ na of note, who has been spending her vacation in this city, has been persuaded by Mr. Armstrong to THE LARGEST TYPEW RITER SALE IN HISTORY. play the title role. Miss Flint has a remarkable voice and excellent stage apeparance and will be a very valuable addition to this company. “ A Winning W idow” is all that the name implies and g promises to be a pleasing and en- 8 tertaining production. There will j § lie two performances every night, S a matinee daily and as a special ; »J feature on Friday night the Baby Dolls will hold one o f their pop­ have been sold to the ular contests. Western Union Telegraph Company for use in all of­ fices throughout its vast organization. Seventh and Taylor Sts. Phones: Í TEN THOUSAND Underwood Typewriters HEILIGTHEATRE AJain 1 and A 1122. Cool as an iced cucumber. Second Week Special Summer En­ gagement, Seven Nigths, Begin­ ning Sunday Night, July 21 Bar j gain matinee Wednesday; special matinee Saturday. One eontinu- j ous ovation for Portland’s favorits ! ( ‘ATHRINE COFNTISS. support etl by Sydney Ayres and the cue tile splendid company in Grace George’s delightful divorce-com­ edy success. “ A Woman’s W ay,” j Droll humor; witty epigram. Prices Evenings; 75c, 50c, 35c.! 25c ; Wednesday matinee, any seat i 25c: Saturday matinee. 50e. 25cj Week of Sunday. July 20. Zang- w ill’s charming love story “ Mere-1 ly Mary Ann.” Seat sale opens next Thursdav. P A N T A G E S Theatre All Telegrams, Night and Day Letters in “the fu­ ture will be typevrritten on the Underwood. Every well-known writ­ ing machine was carefully considered by the purchas­ ing committee and the Underwood won from the standpoints of practical utility and mechanical construction. Underwood Typewriter Com pany (Incorporated.) PORTLAND, OREGON. 68 SIXTH STREET THE MACHINE YOU W ILL EVENTUALLY BUY.” /b V .V A A N V m V .V .V iV .V iV .V .V S ? •.v.v.v.v.v.vv/.v.v.v.v.v 7th and Alder Sts. Matinee daily. ’fififififi& ^ fififi'fifi'fifi'fifii& S S filfiS S S S fifilfillS i f i ■ Week commencing Monday mat- 8 inee, July 22 Special engagement jfc THE of the w orld’s scenic masterpiece. I S "T h e Hold-up,” with Pereival j jjj Lennon and a large company. Sen, 5$ the real limited express; the ban-In dits’ lair; the daring robbery: j Jg positively the greatest production | g of life in the Far Southwest ever a Has been successfully published for three years, and is all the presented. Howard & Delores, 18 name implies singing entertainers. Bert Leu- « Call at 223 Lumber Exchange Bldg, and get a sample copy. non, impersonator de luxe. T h o jg Four Jnnowskvs. sensational eon-18 _____ ___ tmental balancers. Bankoff & V .V /r W W .V .5 5 5 V /.,.5 5 ,/- 5 '- ,-'-'» ,»5W 5 ,“ V .V .V .V .V .’ .V ,y ,V i Belmont, the dancers unique, .~nl,lotlne.. became general from the 1 ant;igt*s(* 0 |>t\ latest animated burst o f surfffcmJ enthusiasm. I d which events. Vantages Orchestra. II, Dr. Guillotine In 1788, after deploring D a y a n d N i g h t S c h o o ls . K. Even son, director. Popular1 the tedious torture o f hanging, ex- priees. .Matinee daily. Box of- claimed. •‘With ray machine 1 strike NEW TERM OPEINO tice open front 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. off your head III the twinkling o f an MONDAY, A P R IL 1, 1912. Boxes and first row balcony re­ eye, and you never feel It!” —London Building, Cor. Sixth and Taylor Sts. Class— Fee to June 1. served. Phones: A 2236; Main Globe. Algebra ............................................. $ 5.00 4636. Curtain 2:30. 7 :30 and 0:30 Architect, Draft ........................... 7.50 OREGON MINING & TIMBER JOURNAL An actress of Austrian birth. - who made her debut in a Yiddish pla.\ only a few years ago and ¡now is considered as one of the j foremost emotional artists o f the English-speaking stage, headlines the bill to open at the Portland jOrpheum with the matinee of Monday. July 22. She is Madame Bertha Kalieh, whose rapid and astounding success is the talk of tin* world. She will appear in vaudeviiJe in “ A Light From St. Agues. an intensely dramatic playlet in which she will be sti|>- | ported by John Booth and John Ilarington. New York critics have referred to “ A Eight From St. Agnes as the most ambitious production ever attempted on the ! vaudeville stage. The remaining acts on the big jOrpheum bill are Chick Sale, mar­ velous rapid-change artist who portrays a dozen characters, old and young; Lydia Nelson and her boys and girls fresh from London in English specialty dances; John lleidy and Elsie Currier, harpists and singers; Mobhe and Dale, com­ edians with a brand-new novelty eat; Kathi (lultini. Europe's fore­ most woman juggler, and Winsl- low and Stryker in a skating flir­ tation. AT THE HEILIG E raT C H R bL -A .T T1 f X , X Y K IC The ( ’attirine Countiss season at the Heilig theatre, corner Seventh and Taylor streets, begun with a magnificent performance of "'The Thief.” is a niidsuraer revelation. Y. M . C . A. S o m e w h a t M ix e d . THE A HALIFAX GIBBET. S o rt of G u ill o t m , T h a t W a a U sed In E n g la n d . One« An ancient law o f Uardwlck forest, a tract coextensive wltb Halifax par­ ish. la suug by Taylor, the water poet: A t H a li f a x th a law ao a h a rp a d o t h d e a l« T h a t w h o a o m o r e than t h ir te e n p e n c e d o th at rata T h e y n a v e a tin th a t w o n d r o u s q u ic k a n d wel' Benda .hlevee a ll headleaa tato heaven or uelle. This "Jin" resembled the guillotine In construction ant) stood on a stone scaffold, unearthed wben Gibbet bill was leveled The ax la preserved. This, the only guillotine used In Eng­ land. was the forerunner o f the “ maid en." Introduced Into Scotland by Re­ gent Morton and now In the Edin­ burgh Antiquarian museum. The "U sllfa x gibbet" was last used to 1050 and the "m aiden" for Lord Argyll In 1661 and bta son In 1085. who spoke o f it as the sweetest maiden ba aver kissed. Dr. GblllotlDe did not Invent the giacblne. Dr. Louis constructed on# tn 1T£t. tha "L oolaon." but tbs name "W illie, can you tell me wbat a vege­ tarian Is?” "A vegetarian ts a person who lives on vegetables.” replied Willie. "That Is correct. Now I wonder who can tell wbnt an octogenarian la ” "I know," replied Eddie. “ Wall, what is an octogenarian?” “ An octogenarian is a person that knocks the otder ge n a fa n s.''—Chicago Record-Herald- W e d d in g s In B arc e lo n a. The wedding invitation means much tn Barcelona. Spain, for then every one who receives one must go and give a »oln to the bride That ts for ber d ow ­ ry The rather is usually unable to fum lsb one. He has nad to buy a bouse for ber and tit It up. and t h a t la usually expensive. V e ry E x tra o r d in a r y . "Eh. d o cto r.’ *ald a gillie o f a amali Scotch town to a friend, "he maun bae been an ettran nary man, that Shakespeare There are things hae ___ _______ come Into his need that never would i -C hristian bae come Into mine at Register Arithmetic ..................................... 2.00 ; Automobile Course ..................... 50.00 ¡Bookkeeping ........ ......................... 6.00 B oys’ School ................................. 4.00 Business Eng. and Cor................ 2.00 Business Law ............................... 2.00 Carpentry and W o o d w o rk in g ..., 10.00 Chemistry ......................................... 10.00 Dairying ............................................ 2.00 Electricity & Electric Machinery 13.00 English for Foreign M en............... 3.00 English Grammar and B ea d in g.. 3.00 English Literature ....................... 3.00 Freehand Drawing ......................... 7.00 French ................................................ 5.00 Forestry and Lumbering.............. 10.00 Geometry ......................................... 5 00 German ’ .................................................. sjoo Latin .................................................. 5.00 Mechanical Drafting ................... 7.30 Penmanship ................................... 2.00 Pharmaey ......................................... 23.00 I Plumbing Shop P ractice.............. 15.00 ' Public Speaking ........................... 6.00 Rhetoric .............. 3.00 Spanish .............................................. 5.00 Shorthand ......................................... 6.00 I Show Card W riting......................... 12.00 I Trigonometry ................................... slot) I Typewriting ..................................... 6.00 I Vocal Music ..................................... 3.00 Call or send for Free Illustrated Catalogue. Similar schools Seattle, Tacoma, Spo- I kane.