THE TIMES COMING TO THE HEILIG. Thursday. July 11th. Karly reser-| pluck and charm, and o f course! a travesty on prison life, with W. vation should he made, for the de-1 pretty. Well, she is a friend of 1II. (Bill) Mack as the featured " i 1 “ Princess ' Yetive of Graustark and omedian. The act has six people, Playgoers o f Portland and vi­ main! will he unpre e d ’ e n te on a visit to the Princess meets and was constructed for laughing cinity will have a series of delight­ with a series of adventures both purposes only, and judging from ful midsummer treats during the AT THE HEILIG. Via the exciting and comical just as one reports of it, it is succeeding ad­ special engagement o f ('attirine would want her to. If she were a mirably. Countiss. beginning at the cool Kinemacolor; What It Is. . sample of all American girls who and beautiful lleilig theatre, 7th and T ailor streets, Sunday, July AT THE LYRIC. It is the latest and most perfect go abroad what a world o f respect 11th. 3-Day Tickets on Sale phase of kincmatography and the I old Europe would have for Cnele Season Tickets on SU N SET OGDEN »SHASTA Miss Countiss, a magnetic and only process in existence showing | Sain ! Well. Beverly meets with For the week commencing with Saturday & Sunday to Sale June 1st R O U TES i her prince allright, but he is not | the same kind o f a prince we are Monday matinee, July 1st, Keat­ j accustomed to reading about | ing & Flood will present the Arm­ | American girls marrying, and In­ strong Follies Company at the Ly­ is first discovered disguised as a; ric theatre in the very funny mus­ goat herder in the hills around ical comedy, entitled “ Madame This is a brand new, Graustark, where he gets wounded : Cherry.” defending her and is brought to I mirth-provoking musical melange Season fares from the principal points to Newport or Tillamook Beaches + + are as follows: the city and made Beverly’s pri­ ami as played by this clever com­ To Fare + Fare To vate escort and guard. “ Beverly” pany the Lyric patrons will have •P From Tillamook Beaches $4.00 $0.25 Newport is a most charming play, and the I one big treat. During the produc­ a Portland Tillamook Beaches 4.70 + C.25 role will lie played of course by tion the celebrated Barefoot Dance <& Oregon Citv Newport Tillamook Beaches 6.00 + by the chorus and led by Clara 5.15 Newport J Salem Alice Fleming Baker, the Baker Tillamook Beaches Howard will be featured. This 4.00 7.30 + Albany Newport Stock company’s most popular Tillamook Beaches 3.75 7.10 + Newport leading woman. Marie Baker will dance some three months ago Hp Corvallis Tillamook Beaches 5.80 Newport 9.00 + lie Old Aunt Fanny, whose many caused quite a commotion in Ber- ju Eugene Tillamook Beaches Newport 8.75 12.00 troubles in foreign lain ls ere-itc 'dl M'11 im<^ *a*er ' n Baris. It wiil be ^ Roseburg + Tillamook Beaches 12.00 17.20 Newport sorts of amusement. Don’t forget given just as it was given in those »> Medford + Tillamook Beaches cities and it will be given for the 12.00 17.75 T Ashland Newport the popular Baker bargain nights Tickets to above points on sale daily good all season, with correspond­ + first time in this city. It is clean every Monday. “ Beverly” is a ing low fares from other points. Week-end tickets are also on sale from + ♦ great matinee hill and there will and artistic and something that various points. > may he enjoyed by young and old. + lie matinees Sunday and Saturday, SUNDAY EXCURSION TRA IN ON THE C. & E. R. R. as well as a special holiday mat­ All the favorites will be seen to + Leaves Albany at 7:30 A. M., Corvallis 8:00 A. M. and connects with + inee Thursday at regular matinee good advantage and “ Madame Cherry” promises to be as pleas­ S. P. trains 1(5, 14 and 28 from points south. prices. Call on our nearest agent for “ Vacation Days in Oregon,” a beauti- . ing a show as any at this popular fully illustrated booklet describing various outting resorts, or write to playhouse. There will be two per­ 1 AT THE ORPHEUM. formances every night, a matinee JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. « daily and the famous chorus girls’ Attend the B. P. O. E. Elks Convention, Portland, July 8-13. ] “ The Battle Cry of Freedom.” contest after each performance on Low fares to all points East June to September. 2 That is the title o f the sketch Friday night. Thursday there will which is bound to create side­ be a sepcial holiday matinee. splitting laughter at tin* Orpheum W W A W A W .V .m V V .V .V . W A V * * .?.' .V A V .V V .V A M Ä 'J all during the first week o f July. May Tully, celebrated comedienne, I THE LARGEST TYPEW RITER SALE IN HISTORY. and her talented company will pre sent the comedy. It is a satire on Seventh and Taylor Sts. Phones: Main 1 and A 1122. Reno divorces and was written by Miss Tully in collaboration with Commencing Sunday, June 30th, ( Bozeman Bulger, the well-known DURBAB IX KINEMACOLOR sport writer. Miss Tully is the Return engagement of Animated happy funinaker who appeared Pictures in Nature’s own color. | with Christy Matthews and Chief All week, commencing Sunday, Meyers in “ Curves,” the base­ July 14th, ball skit. “ The Battle Cry of Special engagement of Cathrine Freedom” teems with bright lines Countiss and Sidney Ayers in McINTYRE AND GROVES AT THE EMPRESS NEXT WEEK. and comical situations and in tht Henri Bernstein’s masterpiece, have been sold to the “ THE TH IEF’ Western Union Telegraph gifted actress, has thousands of motion pictures in the actual tints, Prices to suit all Evening: 75c, Company for use in all of­ loyal admirers who will re-wel­ tones and hues of Nature. 50c. 35c and 25c Wednesday come her with enthusiasm. Sydney Kinemacolor effects and accur­ fices throughout its vast matinee. Ayres, also a great favorite, will ate presentation o f all the gorg­ organization. he the leading man. A company eous colors for which the photog­ All Telegrams, Night id' class and new stage productions rapher has yearned and striven will he provided. “ The Thief,” since the days when a visible im­ ' *• and Day Letters in the fu­ 7th and Alder Sts. Matinee daily. 3 ture will be typewritten Henri Bernstein's masterpiece, age was first projected by a lens will he the first week’s hill, fol­ and a strong and definite distinc­ Week commencing Monday mat- on the Underwood. lowed by famous plays never be­ tion must therefore he drawn be­ inee, July 1— Engagement extra-1 w fore offered except at the $2 scale. tween the kinemacolor pictures by Every well-known writ­ ordinary— America’s biggest and | Prices to suit all purses will pre­ the'Urban-Smith method and the best musical act, “ A NIGHT IN 8 ing machine was carefully vail : Evenings -75c, 50c, I15e and all stencil or otherwise mechanic­ THE EDELW EIS.” Company of 11 considered by the purchas­ 25c; Wednesday matinee, all seats ally colored photographs often er­ 15; magnificent costumes; gor-1 a ing committee and the Underwood won from the standpoints of 2f>c; Saturday matinee, entire roneously called “ kinemacolor pic­ geous scenic and electrical effects; *5 practical utility and mechanical construction. lower floor ¡»Or, entire balcony and tures.” night life of the rich vividly de- g gallery 25c. The season reservation Thus far the marvellous kinema­ pieted. Clarke & Verdi, those 2 sale begins Friday, July 5th, for color Durbar pictures, which come Waup comedians. Bond Morse, 3 patrons desiring to secure the to the lleilig theatre for seven aft­ king of the hoboes. Romano Bros., g same seats each week. The reg­ ernoon and nights, beginning Sun­ physical culture exponents. Dosch 5 ular sale for “ The Thief” opens day, June :10th, have only been 6 Zilhauer, musicians extraordi-1 § shown in London. A speical lec­ (Incorporated.) nary. Carl Rosine & Co., the m ag-jg turer and tine orchestra will be ieal act beautiful. Pantageseope, i g employed in this production. Pri­ MAY TULLY AT THE ORPH­ latest animated events. Popular § 68 SIXTH STREET PORTLAND, OREGON ces, 25c to 75c. EUM NEXT WEEK. prices. Matinee daily. Boxes and 8 balcony reserved. Box office open § “ BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARK.” hands of May Tully it is certain to from 10 a. in. to 10 p. m. Phones: | 8 “ THE MACHINE YOU W ILL EVENTUALLY BUY. create laughter from start to fin­ A 2236; Main 4636. Curtain 2:30, g Beautiful Love Play Presented ish. 7 :30 and 9 p. m. Next Week by Baker Stock. 8SS8SS88S8SSS88SSS88S88S8S88SSSSS8SS88^SSS8S888Si«88888888888888888888888888888i v /.v .v . Others on the new Orpheum bill 8 are Will Rogers, Oklahoma cow- A Cheerful Reaeon. Where is the woman reader of hoy and expert lariat thrower; A French governor of the south Pa THE light modern fiction who has not Chinko, youthful marvelous jugg­ clflc colouy of New Caledonia assumed pored over the pages of George ler; Kaufman Brothers, blackface his authority while the natives of New Barr MeCutcheon’s delightful comedians; the Four Lyric Latins, Caledonia were still cannibals. There comedy of love, “ Beverly of (!rau- a quartette of western business find been rumors of an Insurrection, stark.” and who could deny the men who sing artistically; Bert and the admiral called before him a fact that it was an altogether Terrell. Dutch character vocalist, native chief, who was faithful to tbe charming entertainment. Beverly and Minnie Kaufmah, skillful cyc­ French cause, and questioned him as to their truth. ♦J Has been successfully published for three years, and is all the a is a secpiel to MeCutcheon's first list. ‘ You may be sure." said the native, g name implies 8 novel along these lines entitled “that there will be no war at present, | Call at 223 Lumber Exchange Bldg, and get a sample copy. 1 just “ Graustark,” and it deals because the yams are yet far from De- AT THE EMPRESS. with the same scenes and some of Ing ripe.” 2 2 T h e yams, yon say T the characters that are to be found For the eoming week's Dill the \ % V . % \ V . V A V . V . V . V A V . V al­ lowed a man/ Willy — Monotony, ms am.—Uppincotf*. Frank. Incontestable Proof. Insurance Agent — What are the proofs of yonr husband's death, mad­ am'/ The Widow—Well, he has been borne for the last three nights. Ouaht to Know. “ 1 wonder bow It feels to be dead?” “ How sbonld I know?“ “ Yon work in s store that doean’t tdvertls»*—Houston Host. If you seek to make one rich study increase Ms stores, but to