» LAND, OREGON, MARCH 30, 1912 Vol. I. No. 2 $ EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES FOR DEFENSE IN HICKS CASE LOOKS FAVORABLE FOR HICKS Steel Cars Save M a n y L ves In T w en tieth Century Crash Price 5 Cents A RESUME OF THE STATE S SIDE OF THE HICKS TRIAL WHICH HAS CLOSED ITS CASE Now that the .state so recently llieks guilty o f first degree mur­ The defense came into the lime on H icks’ part, to substantiate its rested in the ease against Burt der, as charged in the indictment, light in the Burt Hicks case Mon­ contention o f a first degree mur Hicks, charged with first degree the penalty with the Oregon sta day, when Bernard Voigt, A. W der charge. Glase was firm in his murder, in which W. A. Wortman tute is death. Such is not likely to Holmquist and W illiam F. llilger? stand that is Hicks had made such was the victim of the fatal bul­ be inflicted, fo r Governor West is were placed on the stand. They a threat, alleged, he would have let last November a resume o f the opposed to the death penalty. But are all machinists who declined certainly have heard it. case may be of interest. to turn a willing ear to the siren The testimony o f acts o f vio­ a verdict o f first degree murder it* The empanelling o f the jury, be­ unthinkable. The defendant’s at song of the strike spirit, in which lence and abusive language by the gun February 19, was a long torney said to the ju ry that he so many o f the machinists walked union men was given by C. E ,drawn out affair. March 15, the wanted no compromise verdict! out. Their testimony was to the Mack, Arthur Ila v ill and Leonard state commenced the examination but either acquittal or conviction, point o f acts of violence on the Eick. H avill testified to having of its witnesses, consuming a week. part of the union men and the been badly beaten up by union It is a matter o f record that It is more than probable that the vile epithets which they hurled at picketers and having lain in bed defense w ill take a far longer time Hicks, admitting the fear o f per the machinists who preferred tc four days at home in consequence than that. The arguments o f the sonal violence, received tacit per­ stand by their jobs and their em G. W. Bale a draughtsman fo r the attorneys w ill doubtless be mission o f Captain Baty, o f the Willamette Iron & Steel Works ployers. Police Department, to carry a re lengthy, since much testimony will As was to have been expected testified as to assaults on the men be given careful and painstaking volver. Patrolman Burstow testi­ the state strenuously objected to who had declined to join the strik analysis. One cannot predict how fied that llieks made a theatening the introduction o f their evidence, era. long it w ill be before this cele­ remark concerning the union pick claiming that it was immaterial Other witnesses put on by the brated case is finally terminated ets which had nagged at him prior The state’s attorneys argued, that defense were A. Iledlund, A. II to the tragedy, a point which the and the ju ry returns its verdict. acts taking place in other shops Stone, J. N. Maki and A. W . Kent. state considers proof o f premedi­ This is no ordinary case. It bore no relation to the case on The substance o f Schmidt’s testi­ means more than proving whether tation. Much has been made by trial, on the other hand the de­ mony went to show that he felt the defendant took a human life the state o f alleged “ malignant fense argued that such testimony himself compelled to go armed. in a fit o f passion, and premedi­ looks” on the part o f the defend­ would tend to show why Hicks had He had carried revolvers and | tated, or whether he acted in self ant, but the defense does not con­ good cause to fear fo r his personal clubs to keep the picketers’ at b a y., defense or believed himself in dan­ sider this as sinister to its inter safety. This question was thrashed Once when he was getting shaved 1 ger o f assassination or great bod­ ests. Witnesses Raser and Votur- out between the contending at­ in a barber shop a union picketer ily harm. The issue o f the closed ba, who saw the shooting (both torneys fo r an hour or two, until whispered in his ear that if he shop, so strenuously espoused by radical unionists) and II. L. Born finally the state’s objections were were the barber he w'ould slit his unionism, or the open shop, which was to the effect that Wortman partially overruled, and admitted throat. Sam Howard the propri­ employers desire to maintain, is as was on the defensive when shot. all such testimony touching the etor of a barber shop corroborated much on trial as is Burt Hicks. The fact that Witnesses lluber tactics o f the picketers with which Schmidt’s statement. Up to the time the state rested, and Raser were sent out o f town Wortman was connected. Leonard Eick testified that he every step was bitterly contested. that they might not appear before Tuesday, Madison Welch, Coun­ had been compelled to telephone Acrimonious argument, caustic re­ the grand jury, gives the state’s ty Superintendent o f Bridges and the police one time to protect him marks and even physical conflicts side a bad look. The phrase, Ferries and the fourth witness for from a gang of picketers who were occured between the attorneys “ Look at the scab harder,” ap­ the defense was placed on the follow ing him with abusive lan Judge Gatens admirably main­ plied by Wortman to llieks, prior stand to testify to the various acts guage. Hedluud declared that the tained the balance o f power, ami to the shooting is admitted, but of violence and the disturbances picketers had taken a snapshot his rulings have been just and im it is contended that never before which had been created by the with a camera o f him to illustrate partial. had any epithet except “ scab’ ) union picketers during the machi­ some union paper as an example Should the jury decide that the been employed by the union picks nists’ strike. Welch stated that he o f a “ scab.” His picture with a crime was premeditated and find eters against 1 licks. had visited the Hicks shop on tho personal description, he said, were east side on a number o f occa­ also tacked up in public places ad­ sions and had found it guarded by vertising him to the world as a pickets. During last December he “ scab.” He had never been as­ was leaving the shop on the occa­ saulted, but it is probable that his Photos by American Prese Association. sion o f one o f his visits when three IX serious accidents have occurred In the last few weeks to the fast pickets, one o f whom carries a trains running between New York and Chicago. The latest was the de­ SOCIALISTS DENOUNCE I. W. piece of gas pipe accosted him. railing o f the Twentieth Century limited o f the New York Central near W. AS ANARCHISTS. “ They asked me if I were look­ Poughkeepsie while it was running at a high rate of speed. Five ABERD EEN, Wash.— In an at­ ing for a job in the shop. I told coaches were thrown into the Hudson river, at that point covered with Ice. and ABER D EEN, Wash.— The first tack by strikers on the Anderson them I was not, and paid no fu r­ o f serious rioting dur­ twenty-eight passengers, many of them still in their berths—it was about evidence 9 BOISE, Idaho.— Open war was ther attention to them,” said declared between the Socialist and a. in.—were injured. Railroad men say that It was almost a miracle that no ing the present Industrial W ork­ & Middleton mill March 25, sev­ Welch. Industrial Workers o f the W orld one was killed, but attribute the passengers’ escape from death to the fact ers o f the World strike among eral young men were injured, one Welch said he knew O. S. Raser, o f this state March 22nd, and a that the steel coaches, in spite of the terrifle crash, were scarcely damaged the harbor millhands was seen being taken to the hospital. They an important witness fo r the state, reeent meeting held here at state With the old fashioned wooden care the lose of life would undoubtedly have been appalling. The arrow in the upper llluatratlon Indicates the position of 'M arch 25, when three men, two were all high school boys, who who was one o f the picket cap­ headquarters there was a near the broken rail which caused the accident. o f whom were badly battered by were spending their vacation fill­ tains. lie said Raser told him on riot over the bitter denunciation one occasion that he believed the by Socialist leaders o f the I. W. non-strikers, were placed under ing the places o f strikers at the strikers were justified in using vio­ W. members. The conflict wasi arrest. The arrest followed a mob mills and those o f longshoremen lence, also declaring that Raser started by R. C. Massey, one of assembly at. the Anderson Middle- on the waterfront. None is badly had made accusations against the pillars o f the Socialist party ton mill when an effort was made hurt. The strikers threaten the Hicks. Attorney Malarkey fo r the in this state, who filed charges by the strikers to attack a num­ closing o f this mill so as to cut off defense stated that he wished to against 30 members alleging an­ ber o f men leaving the mill. the electric lights for the city. show that Raser had a particular­ archistic sympathies. The attempt A number o f small boys began When the employes started out ly vicious and malicious feeling made to oust the Socialist mem­ throwing rocks at the men. Just with their teams they were as­ against Hicks. bers attacked failed by a vote of as two high school students who saulted by the strikers, and a gen­ Emil Schmidt, chief witness for 29 to 24. Massey and his follow ­ had been taking the place o f the the defense Wednesday morning, ers left the part yto form a new strikers, turned on I I Street, a fo r­ eral mixup occurred. Matters are testified that he had been hounded one and declared that they would eigner stepped from the ranks of confident, while the men anxious and threatened by union pickets not return to the Socialist party the strikers and struck one o f to work and the general public day and night fo r a year and a unless I. W. W. members w\?re them. In a moment the crowd are exasperated and indignant. half and that he himself had ousted. surrounded the man. Officer .Strikers are attempting to buy re­ threatened to shoot W . A. Wort- Massey, who is a wealthy man Kempter was forced to draw bis volvers and otherwise preparing man, stating that he had to keep has contributed large sums to the revolver to keep back tin* crowd. for violence. him at bay with a loaded revolver. Socialist party o f Idaho to keep A demonstration at the West­ Angered by the capture o f one Schmidt told of more than a half the organization on its feet. Grad­ ern Uooperage almost resulted in of their comrades, the crowd fol­ dozen instances in wThieh he had ually the I. W. W . members joined lowed tin- officer to the City .fail, trouble. Several high school boys, been threatened with bodily in-i the Socialist party and. it is where it demanded the man’s re­ lotigshoring, were assaulted, one ju ry at the hands o f union pickets claimed, raised the red flag. This lease. A squad o f policemen drove named McKenna was hurt ami and relating in broken English a caused the conservatives to pro­ the crowd back ami it was not trouble was averted only by the straightforward story o f persecu­ test. Massey, who had been active prescence o f special police. necessary to resort to violence. tion by the striking machinists be­ in the recent election to institute At (lie Aberdeen Lumber Com­ cause he would not join the union. a commission form of government! pany three o f tin’ officers were He told o f having been twice ar­ was severely criticized by the So­ forced to draw their revolvers to rested at the instance o f the pick­ cialists and forfeiture o f his mem keep back the mob, when Joe ets fo r carrying a revolver for self bership demanded. Massey refused Smith, a non-striker, was pulled protection, but was both times ex­ to resign, but in turn filed charges from his bicycle. No blows were onerated by the grand ju ry when against the I. W. W. members of struck ami the mills resumed work the facts o f the case were present­ the party. with a full crew. ed. When the Massey charges were IIO(¿l JA M , Wash. An Ameri The previous morning, when an j Patrolman Glase testified that made there was a riotous scene effort was made to block the street l can flag floats over the entrance to he had never heard Hicks make The language at times became vio- I i leading to tin- Western Cooperage every mill on Grays Harbor March any threatening remarks toward'* lent. The speakers defied the j Company, two men were arrested, 2t> signifying that hereafter none union picketers. which contradict­ chair. ¡and taken to the City Jail. Dur-1 but American citizens will be ed the testimony of Patrolman Finally cries fo r a vote raised : ing the melee the National flag hired in the plants. The decision Burtsow who had previously testi­ from all quarters o f the hall| ¡was raised above the mill, three | was reached at a meeting o f the fied for the state that Hicks had calmed the meeting temporarily sections o f hose were trained on I mill men, who had foreseen all said in his prescence and that of but the vote, taken on the motion 1 the strikers and in less than ninc- kinds o f trouble since the employ­ Patrolman Glase: “ I f any o f these that the 30 “ accused be east out I teen minutes the mill began opera ment of Greeks and Slavic labor, fellows start anything, there was lost. Bedlam broke loose and since the strike started a week ] t ions with a full crew. P h o to s oy A m e ric a n P re ss A sso cia tio n w on’t be so many o f them le ft.” again and the meeting broke up ago. No violence has resulted in Glase stated that Burstow on see­ HE rainfall in the southern AtianUc states has been abnormally heavy in disorder. this city. ing a bunch o f pieketers re this season, and many rivers have overflowed their banks in conse­ Strike at Raymond. A. If Kuhn, for years manager Carrying out his threat the day marked: “ Boys if there is any­ quence of I t Considerable damage to property resulted, and in the o f the Iloquiam Lumber & Shingle thing going to be doing it seems after the heated session. Massey | wake o f the storm that swept the coast on March 15 there was some While mak Uompany’s mill, resigned his posi­ and 90 other Socialists organized lose of life. Damage to cropo amounting to millions was done in 'ieorgla Raymond, Wash. to me it might be tonight.” mg no demands the l. W. W. tion, and will leave soon for I’ana alone A t Augusta the Savannah river rose so high that the cellars of stores This came out in connection what is known now as the “ Real with the alleged remark on Hicks Socialist P a rty.” leaving the I. were flooded and business was suspended while merchants removed their ' '-ailed a strike March 2ti. There nía. II*' says the tight lias proved a half-hearted response too strenuous for bis advanced in threat, upon which the state re W . W. Socialists in control o f the go*ids to pieces of safety The ecconipenying illustrations »how a bank tem­ ! was porarily Isolated and a vista of one of the principal flooded streets of the city. | among the workers at the mills. age. lied as evidence o f premeditation old party. S I. W. W. HELD STRIKERS MAKE BACK BY GUNS ATTACK ON HIGH IN COPS’ HAND SCHOOL WORKERS A u g u sta , Ga., Visited B y Devastating Torrents AMERICAN FLAGS REPEL I. W. W. INVADING HOST T