The times. (Portland, Or.) 191?-19??, March 02, 1912, Image 3

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be object* of your anxious concern be­
fore tbe voyage 1» done.
Tbe boat Is slipping smoothly along
Famous French Farce to be Seen tbe unrlppled reach. You look up o f a Disguised as a Workman Hs Foolsd the
Ham Fortress Guard.
at Baker Theater Next Week.
■udden and cntcb your breath. The
From the researches made by M.
rapid is directly In front of you. the
It tines not offend Paul M. Pot­ steamer is tearing luto it. and how can Thlrriu come some Interesting details
i of the escape of Louis Napoleon from
ter. author o f “ The Girl From auy vessel get through such a place? the fortress of Ham. In northern
Rector’s,’ ’ to speak o f his plays Here goes the narrow stream, roaring Frauce, ou May 23, 184fi.
| as “ risky” . He litis in the past I and
tt. singing past the rocks. You can
It seems that the sole credit for the
see the bottom everywhere. It looks
escape must lie with Louis Napoleon
tuiiitx .'in is "litten all kinds nt only an Inch or two from the surface
plays, such ns ’ ‘ Shcridirti.” “ The The whole thing pitches visibly down­ himself. He made his valet. Thelin,
| City Directory........ 1'rilhy,” “ The ward Beyond at a lower level shines buy a black wig, some rouge, a cap
“ Under
Two the smooth, dark green surface o f the which was scrubbed with pumice
I Flag's,” “ Queen of the .Moulin next reach. The green and the silver | stone and a pair of sabots. Then he
cut off his mustache, put on a blue
“ llalf-W av
to I are beautiful. Tbe singing of the wa- apron, a blue pair of trousers and a
Paris” . His one endeavor has i ,,M' N ,m‘slc- b,,t f,,r
.v° ' ' ' !,r*‘ "<>t.
I.,.a t,, ........... , 1, „ . i i i ,
| f u r y o n «ee p l a i n l y that in a n o t h e r mo- close fitting shirt o f coarse stuff.
Some workmen were carrying out
• on p v M l, the chaiiging Ull.nt th(, llo:It. even now lurching aug-
1, a 11 1 taate Ot the seasons. Th„ K«tlvely. will he rolled over like n log, some repairs to that part o f tho fort­
tm*atn*-gomg public of ten y e a rs and you will be grasping at some bowl- ress where the prince lodged, aud this
gave color to his disguise, so much so
j ago
to demand sweet. I der in the flood.
| homely. sent¡mental plols, chock-
Meanwhile the captain spins the that the two watchmen entertained no
fill of love, while the public of "heel bat-1; and forth liken squirrel's suspicions regarding the man who
today clamors for broader s situa
cn*;o- xvitl1 his gaze fixed intently upon walked past them and out nt the great
it ua
gate, a pipe In his mouth and a plank
Writing plays is only a the water Just ahead, us if he read ! on his shoulder. The sergeant on
business after ail. and like any
neath. The brown Maoris stand for­ duty at the drawbridge was reading a
oilier business to he successful it ward and aft. with their poles in their letter as he passed and took no notice EAST
must satisfy a popular demand. hands
of him. It was then 5 o ’clock In the 63
I ho morality or immoralitiy of
As the boat plunges into the first morning.
Four times that day, the last time
a drama should not affect the au, line of boiling breakers the bow sinks
i thor one way or the other. He under you. the swift current catches at 3 in the afternoon, did the governor.
•should bring absolutely no bias the stern and slings it sidewise. A | Domnrle, send for the prince. Each
tremendous clatter arises, the boat ca- time I>r. Con non u replied that the
to the work.
" ■
• *
■ 1111111111
i lawyer
f t 11 » i i
, prisoner could not see anybody be-
engaged to defend a murderer " '1'"*
8hake* !,s ir 8"° wor,‘ f!'"-
i ,
. ing apart, and you, standing on the Tip- i cause be had taken medicine. When
" "
<ar' 11 » P whether the per deck k a.„I
aerv...,siv holding -he at last the governor lost patience and
and nervously
man is g u ilty or innocent.
baud rail, give yourself up for lost, for went himself to the prince’s room and
makes his plea ju st the same. lit tlie keel is already traveling on the 1 walked up to the bed on which the
i supposed invalid was lying he discov­
lakes his tee, even if the man is rocks aud gravel of the bottom.
“ Now. then! Now, then!” yells the ered that a very presentable dummy
the greatest crim inal unhung. A
180 Grand A venue
! n ew spaper rep orter is n ot influ­ captain. The Maoris put their strength had taken the place of Louis Nupo-
HENRY WOODRUFF IN THE PRINCE OF TONIGHT” at HEILIG enced b y the m orality o f a crim e upon the poles. Just as the craft seems loon. The discovery was made too
late. By that time the fugitive was
The favorite actor, Henry Woodruff, will present his latest musical : he is paid to describe. An artist sliding sidewise into the bowlders that over the Belgian frontier.—Furls Jour­
her path she slips out through the
fantasy, “ The Prince of Tonight," at the Heilig Theatre, 7th and Tay­ j u il1 P »in t the p o rtra it o f a n u de line
passage into the placid green and sil­ nal des Debates.
lor Sts., for four nights, beginning Sunday, March 3. Special-price woman o r a railroad president, ver o f the next reach, and the captain,
matinee Wednesday.
rheti w hy sh o u ld n ’t a p la y w rig h t sounding the jingle bell, settles down
" " H i at his business and p rov id e to a cup of tea. bolding the wheel with
Commercial Artist
■the plays the pu blic most desire, one hand. You could not touch bottom Curious Experience of a German Or­
and is most w illin g to pay fo r ? here with the statue o f Liberty.
ganist In St. Petersburg.
If 1 can read men better than rapids
In writing a play which the
Not very long ago a Herman organ­
prudes call “ risky” you devise the Scot himself is not always sure ist who went to St. Petersburg to live
how he is coming out of these tangles. had there an experience with a new
or pick up genuine amusing com­ Sometimes
his quick, rasping orders to
plications. One of the funniest the Maoris have the ragged edge of
: acenes and one which has been anxiety, aud his manner of tearing believe in the magic o f the Teutonic
most harshly criticised, is the last with hands and feet at t lie wheel in fairy tales.
The organist bought the cap during
act ol “ The Girl From Rector’s,” dicutes a considerable concern. Once his first day at the Russian capital and
yet during the entire climax of 1 heard him mutter under his breath | wore it the next day when ho went out Phono Main 5045. Bos. Phono KtilSS.
this act there is not a word spo­ the uational slogan: ‘‘ I lme rna doots! for a walk. On his return to his lodg­
ken on the stage. The audience I line ma doots!” as we shot into a ings he was amazed to find two gold
enjoys it better than the subtlest particularly abominable piece of water. purses in his pocket, one o f which con­
Tbe channel, no more than wide
w it! Played by exepert and com­ enough for the little hull, turned sharp­ tained a sum equivalent to $30.
Civil and Hydraulic Engineer
The next day. after ills usual walk,
petent comedians it is ridiculous­ ly at the bottom of the slide, and I bad
he found four purses in his outside
¡>87 E. 15th St. N. Portland, Ore.
ly funny.
something rather worse than doubts
pocket, a find that caused him to doubt
us the boat went sidewise down, seeing bis senses. A third day. with a simi­
what was ahead for her. If in au in­ lar profitable result, sent him to the Ueneral Surveying, Landscape Ea
stant she can gather full speed ahead
chief o f police to tell his story.
dence, Reporta and Estimates on Proj­
she citn slip through; otherwise plain­
The authorities detailed a detective ects, Water Supply, Irrigation, Sewer­
ly she will strike her side against the
to go with the German to the tailor age.
Now Lumber Exchange Bldg..
reef and capsize.
who made the cap. Investigation dis­
“ Now, then. Jumbo.” shouts the cap
closed the fact that it had been con­
Your business should bo repre­
A New Zealand Stream That fain as he paws with one band for tlie structed of an odd piece o f English
engine bell, “ give it to her!" The pro­
clotli brought in by a stranger. From sented in T H E TIM E S. We in­
Yields a Series of Thrills.
peller buzzes. The Maoris, with feet
it the tailor bad made fifteen identical terest ninety-two and one-half
braced, tug at the poles. They seem
caps to order. Having a bit left, he per cent. T H E T IM E S will give
to be too late. With a bang the boat
constructed a sixteenth cap, which you the best run for yotir money
RUNNING THE RIVER RAPIDS. hits tlie bank, careens far over and had
was the» one sold to the organist.
yon over hnd. Figure it out with
amid the startled screams of the pas­
The detective then followed the or­ ns.
sengers slides off into the deep water
ganist through the streets o f the city,
The Journey Down the Wanganui Is aud goes safely on her way.
when the mystery was solved. The
Highly Exciting In Spots, Where the
I conclude that that pilot must be a
Swaying Steamer Plunges Through master of his craft. Of a score of cap, it appears, was the emblem of a
gang of pickpockets working co-oper­
the Lines of Boiling Breakers.
places he Is able to hit the bank at the
atively. The one who secured a purse
single spot that is safe
dropped It Into the pocket of the first
Steam boating in New Zealand, to
judge by Charles Edward Bussell’» ac­
confederate he saw. The cap had Iden­
You can quench your in­
The Advance of Science.
tified the German, hud he had reaped
count of it in the Twentieth Century
We used to think that the smartest the reward.
Magazine, has in it more excitement
fire with just as good
than relaxation. It is u more or less man ever born was the Connecticut
With this clow it was an easy matter
nerve racking experience, not only for
for the Russian authorities to catch
“ hootch” at the following
the anxious passengers, but for the sea­ maples and grew barber poles. Now the whole gang.—Youth’s Companion.
OPEN SHOP bars, and not
soned steamboat men as well.
The swift water courses that come place goes to au experimenter attached
The Port of Workless Men.
the enjoyment les­
down from the lofty backbone of the
One morning we passed through a
islands are full o f rapids that can keep ed carrier pigeons with parrots, so that square fn Moscow containing noth­
sened by a big union card.
tbe most skillful idiot on tbe anxious Wilhelmstrasse can now get verbal ing but men—wild eyed, long haired,
teat until they have been successfully messages through the enemy’s lines.— long bearded men—men in rags, most
These lifesaving stations
•’run ” Tills is tbe story of such an Lipplncott’s.
of themr and all of them compelled to
achievement somewhere ou the Wan
come there and wait to be hired to
are classed as not being fair
ganui river:
work. To that square must all work­
Willing to Help.
by labor publications. Web
Mr. Bacon—It Is said It would take ingmen go who seek work. The city
The captain, a sunburned and active
MRS. LESLIE CARTER IN DRAMA. “ TWO W OM EN," at HEILIG young Scot, stands at the great wheel a man working eight hours a day over feeds them while they wait a single
ster says fair means “ pleas­
America’s famous actress, Mrs. Leslie Carter, will present Rupper- forward on the upper deck, whence he ninety years to count and slack a small piece o f black bread each day
Hughes’ play-success, “ Two Women,” at the Heilig Theatre, 7th and can see bow and stern. Two stout billion dollars nt the rate of a dollar A Some never leave that square, but wait ■
ing to the eye—beautiful.’ ’
Bacon—Don’t worry there their lifetime through.
They |
Taylor Sts., for three nights, beginning Thursday, March 7. Special- Maori youths sit on tlie forecastle; two second.
hover above the rudder; all are armed About It. dear. If you ever get It 1*11 gazed upon our handsome landau with |
We claim that these places
price matinee Saturday.
with long, iron »hod poles that are to promise to help yon count It.—Yonkers hungry and wolfish eyes. I never be j
qualify according to W eb­
! fore beheld so frightful, unkempt n
I company of hopeless, hapless, hungry ,
Learning makes a wan fit company j human slaves as these Russian work !
Ing men who waited for a Job.—Wll
for him self—Young.
I liam Seymour Edwards In "Through
' Scandinavia to Moscow.”
A Great Blow.
| A western financier was talking to a
Wrong, but True.
| Washington reporter about a financial
"Now, Johnny," said the teacher oft
deal that had ended disastrously
• r she had explained the meaning of
"It was too bad.” said the reporter
the word. *1 wish you would write a
"Too bad?” said the financier, with I sentence containing defeat.' "
j a grim smile. "Oh, 'too bad’ is not
After a struggle which lasted for
| strong enough to fit the case ‘Too bad’ ! about twenty minutes Johnny an
is ludicrous. It suggests the farmer I nouncod that he was ready to be beard
who when his wife and family were
"Please read your composition." th. i
tiled by a cyclone said it was *a great teacher directed.
127 6th St.
blow’ to him."—Exchange.
I "When you git shoes dot’s too tite,” !
; Johnny rend, “ It’s hard on de feet.” —
No Emancipation.
Chicago Record Herald.
"And so you are an ex-slave," said
the traveler in the south "How in­
teresting! But when the war was end­
"What struck you most forcibly dur
ed you got your freedom.”
ing your visit to the city. Uncle Hi
"No. sub,” replied Unde Hiatus. "Ah ram?” asked the village oracle.
didn't git no freedom. Ah was mar­
"Waal,” ruminated Uncle Hiram,
ried.” —New York Times.
"when I cum to in the hospital I’ll be j
gosh dinged If I could rec’ lect whether
An Improvement.
it was a trolley car or one o’ them 1
Mrs Winks So you have taken an­ denied ottymobiles ” Philadelphia Rec
other companion for better or worse. ord
| eh? Mrs Second Trip One for lx*t*
ter. my dear
He can’t possibly be
H e r S tr ik e s.
Mr Benedict- Do you know, my i
worse than the other one was
dear. I think we have a pretty good
cook, flow does «he strike you? Mrs I
Not Envious.
Mrs. Kicker The Filigrees have a Benedict— For more wages about once .
a week II lust rat »si Bits
Corot in the dining room
Mr K icker-That’» nothing We hava
Showed It.
a whistler in the kitchen Satire
Dora—Do yeti think It would be con
Tbe real man Is the one who always celted of me to sav I made fids dress
finds excuses for others, but never e i- myself? Grace (sweoflv»-Not conceit
ed. dear; only superfluous — London
cuseii blmaeif.-Henry Ward Beecher
Watch Dog
B 7118
201 East Water Street
u. s.
Laundry Company
C. J. W I L S O N
Arthur D. Monteith
128 Lth St.
L o tu s
4th and Alder
5th and Washington