THE TIMES Vol. I. No. 16 CHASING THE LOAN SHARKS INTO THE TALL TIMBER EASY SHOULD THE PROPER BACKING BE GIVEN PORTLAND, OREGON, FEBRUARY 2, 1912 Price 5 Cents T h e “P o p u la r C o n n a u g h ts” On T h eir V isit to N e w Y ork MATTER OF APPLYING THE WORD “ SCAD SEEMS TO PRODUCE MUCH BEFOGGING OF THE PUBLIC MIND City Auditor Barbur, we hope, tims. In the suit in question, ow­ will prove a good executioner. ing to this publicity, the suit Of course, we speak in a meta­ against the debtor was suddenly phorical sense. For the world, we would not urge him to put on dropped. This shows that agita- warpaint, seise his snickershee, . tion is a good thing. The de- chase after loan sharks and bring | Cendant appeared to stand trial, in their heads, dripping with on supplemental proceedings fol­ gore, literally, but he is to be lowing a default judgment, to be commended for his valiant effort informed by the court that there to put a stop to their quest ion- They wax fat and smooth and was “ nothing doing.” The facts in the case showed greasy upon their little five per- eentutms per month shaved off that last September the defend­ the warrants of city employes ant borrowed $75 from the United who have gotten into their grip. States Realty Company (the ag­ The mayor and city auditor got their heads together the other gregated name of a man who was day to see if something could not born Lesser, evidently wanting be done to protect the luckless more). To acquire this loan the wights who are forced to con­ victim was compelled to give two tribute on illegal portion of their weeks, and one for $50, due in earnings to this reprehensible notes, one for $50, due in two bunch of bloodsuckers. We sin­ cerely hope that a way may be six weeks. Lesser nagged the I found out of the difficulty. It note signer, by appearing a cou- ! is well known that the erecutive pie of days before the first note j board and the heads of each city was due at the place where the department have notified em­ maker of the note was employed, ployes to abandon this practice, but the order is “ more honored demanding assurance that ’■ He was in the breach than the observ­ could meet the note. ance.” I t’s a bad habit to get pacified until the next day, when into, and like other bad habits, he appeared again, and the re­ is hard to break. sult was that the man lost his We sincerely hope that some place and has been irregularly practical method will be found employed ever since. tq make illegal all warrant as­ Lesser took judgment by de­ signments, and by that method fault for $100 on the notes, for the loan sharks would execute themselves. They wouldn’t loan an attorney fee of $20, $6.00 money on any security, the legal­ costs and $2.50 interest, making U R IN G their brief sig h tse e in g tour of N ew York on the occasion of their recent v isit to th e city us th e g u ests o f A m b assador and Mrs. ity of which was “ shaky.” the total of $129.10, which the R eid the D u k e and D u ch ess o f C onnaught and th eir d aughter. I’rin- Ben selling, one of Portland’s borrower was expected to pay ee ss P atricia, view ed th e m etropolitan d istrict from th e to w er o f the broad-minded and far-sighted for a six weeks’ loan of $75. M etropolitan I.lfe building, th e ta lle st stru ctu re in the city . One o f our pho­ merchants, and one who is hu­ Attorney Hurst says that the tographs sh o w s three m em bers o f the group sta n d in g on th e narrow' balcony manitarian in principle, suggests loan sharks are now on the run o f m a t lo fty em in en ce. At th e 'left Is th e princess, a t th e right her m other a plan that seems feasible and and a little official and private and b etw een them C aptain R lvers-B u lkeley. nld to th e g overn or general and one that certainly would run loan backing will make them run with controller o f his household. T h e other photograph Is that o f the duke. Dur­ sharks out of business. Mr. Sel­ terror for the tall bushes. THE ing th eir sta y in N ew York th e ducal party w ere en terta in ed by the am b a ssa ­ ling thinks that a fund of $25,000 TIMES hopes that such will be dor at h is resid en ce, w h ere he g a v e a din ner and a sm all d an ce In their honor. W hen th ey appeared In public there w as a great deal o f In terest on the part should be established to loan to forthcoming. of the crow d s, and they su b m itted good hum oredly to all th e dem oustrutloua poor and worthy applicants on of cu riosity w hich atten d ed them w h erever th ey w ent. proper security for 1 per cent per month. Mr. Selling stands ready to put $10,000 into such a fund himself. He believes that U. S. M a r in es at G u an tan am o, 90 per cent of all men are honest O u r G reat C uban N a v a l Base and well-intentioned and would, if given a fair opportunity, pay all they owe. Indianapolis. — Attempts to I Roscoe P. Hurst of Portland re­ withhold J. J. McNamara’s check-! cently wrote a letter to Secre­ books from the government’s in­ tary of State Olcott, commending vestigation of the dynamite con­ his actions concerning a certain spiracy were blocked by Federal firm in Portland accused of high­ Judge Anderson in an order di­ handed, loan shark methods in its recting Leo M. Rappaport, an business operations. Recently attorney, to appear at once before Secretary Olcott gave out an in­ the federal grand jury and turn terview in which he scored the over the evidence required. firms operating under the guise As counsel for McNamara, Rap- of legitimate bankers to warrant paport claimed that whatever shaving and a salary loan busi­ checkbooks, stubs and canceled ness. The writer informs the checks McNamara had given him Secretary of State that there are were privileged communications firms in Portland reaping a har­ and could not be demanded as vest by making loans of small evidence. Rappaport had been sums and then compelling pat­ ordered to appear before the rons making the loans to pay grand jury, but he resisted by a large amount before releasing motion to quash the subpoena. them. Hurst says he is pre­ District Attorney Charles W. pared to submit proof to State Miller argued that the grand jury Bank Examiner Wright that the wanted the checkbooks to find illicit business is being carrier on out what McNamara did with the by certain firms in Portland. He $1.000 a month allowed him as also states that at the proper secretary-treasurer of the Interna­ time an attempt will be made to tional Association of Bridge and put an ordinance through the Structural Ironworkers for or­ city council in Portland, pat­ ganizing purposes. terned after the Milwaukee or­ “ That money was paid him as dinance. which will place some of an official of the union.” said ♦ he alleged Shvloeks on the rock- Mr. Miller. “ It was expended to pile. He says loan sharks are transport dynamite and nitro­ now on the run in Portland and glycerin about the country and to steps are being taken to put them pay the expenses of men who entirely out of business. blew up places.” Judge Anderson ruled that the Coming back to the local situ­ ation. we have a little story to checkbooks were as material as tell, which shows which way the a revolver or a knife with which wind is veering. One of these a murder had been committed ami K th e r n lte il State« jrovem m ent Hhould be obllsrfHl by th e continuation of The court money-lendine firms recently in­ might be presented. th e d isorders In Cuba to in terven e for the third tim e in the internal stituted a suit against an unfor­ also criticised Rappaport for re­ affairs o f th at islan d It would probably m ake use o f Its naval station at tunate debtor in Judge Olson’s fusing to state in court whether G uantanam o, on the bay o f the sam e nam e, thirty-seven m iles east of court to collect $129.10. The he had the checkbooks. Rappa­ S an tiago U pw ard o f $10,000,000 has been sp en t upon the th irty square m iles port immediately went before the Telegram, particularly, has been of territory w hich w a s granted to the U n ited S ta tes by treaty in the building unsparing in scathing the meth­ grancl jury. o f docks, m achine sh op s, storage houses, etc. P ractically th e w hole A tlantic The union now wants to unseat : fleet la m akin g the sta tio n Its base and would be av a ila b le for Instant service, ods of these financial pirates, who dislike exceedingly to being Judge Anderson for doing his ; as w ell a s the sold iers and m arines. 3,000 o f whom It Is th e cu stom o f the brought into the limelight of pub­ duty and carrying out the law. | govern m en t to m sln taln there The general staff o f th e arm y at W ashington licity. because it spoils their op­ Law and justice to one should be has long been prepared for an em ergency in Cuba, w ith plans matured for em barking several thousand troops w ithin a few d a y s’ notice. portunities to rope in new vic­ applied to all. D T E LLT A LE CHECK BOOK REVEALS DAWNING DETAILS I Scab, the word applied in will not take a job which the other derision to members of unor­ mail has left vacant.” ganized labor, seems hard to The first action of the police un­ down in this community. Every der Judge Tazwell’a ruling that days, it appears, this word comes for judicial construction the term “ scab” cannot he ap­ THE TIMES lias frequently made plied lawfully to old employes of mention of this word and the a company withstanding a strike, manner in which it has been lo came up again tlie other day when calv aplied. At one time we arc given to Patrolman Sherwood, on reading understand that it is taboo and a report of the ruling, proceeded at another time that it can he to enforce it at the Albina shops. applied if spoken in a gent'e- ! I*. A. Nordstrom, a persistent of­ leanlv, quiet, manner. Shades of fender. according to the police, Blackstone! As though it were over possible to use this nas*v was arrested for applying the word in a polite manner, '"’at abusive epithet to a machinist en­ never was the intention and tering the gate. never will he in the sense in The arrest was made on the ini­ which it is used. Frequent oc­ tiative of the policeman, who currences of late have brought this reprehensible term into the called the machinist hack to iden­ tify Nordstrom. Three witnesses limelight. The other day the epithet bob testified that Nordstrom had used bed v.p again before the m ciiei- the word, while he, admitting that pal court, the occasion being the he had hurled the term at the ma­ trial of six pickets iron I l.e chinist numerous times in the past, Brooklyn car shops charged with disorderly conduct, in that the testified that he had not used it folowed workers to their homes at the time at issue. perforating the atmosphere with Judge'Tazwell held that the un­ the word, “ scab,” yelled in a ion men should have time allowed most unladylike manner. Na­ them to adjust themselves to the turally these men objected and the «extette were accordingly new condition, and dismissed Nordstrom. He also addressed a I 'u 'lc J . It came out before the court warning to those in the courtroom, that the word, “ scab,” may he not to apply the word “ scab” in applkd legally by union pickets the future to men who simply re­ to men who quit their ranks when the voice of organized la­ mained in their old positions when bor whispered “ strike” last fall, the strike began. Similar warning has been served a .d staid by their jobs, where they could earn bread and butter by the police on pickets at the Al­ for their needy families in (he bina and Brooklyn shops. railroad shops, or to professional strikebreakers, there is a limit. That limit is reached when “ scab” is hurled at. men who are honestly continuing at their work in jobs they have held for years. This is an amplification of a for­ mer ruling by Judge Tazwell on the same matter. II. J. McCracken, who is a fore­ Edward Abcock and Frank man in the hoilershops, testified Domini, non-union machinists em­ that at the shops, when quitting ployes in the O.-W. R. and N. -time came, on one occasion. 20 of shops at the foot of Russell the foul-mouthed billingsgate street, were attacked last Sun­ slingers followed his men to their day night by 1(1 men at Gold­ homes with the reiterated expres­ smith and Russell streets and Ab- sion of “ scab.” Incidentally the eoek was struck in the hack of foreman expressed his opinion of the head with a rock. It is be­ policemen who stood at hand and lieved his skull is fractured. permitted such language. Domini was beaten and sustained The police, on inquiry, admit­ painful bruises. ted that such conduct on Wash­ The attack waa the result of ington street would not he per­ lh<* refusal of Abcock and Domi­ mitted. James Rudenmn is a foreman in ni. they say, to join the cause of the paintshop. After he had been the striking machinists. Follow- chased for eight blocks by the ill- iny the trouble the men’s assail­ mannered horde, he naturally be­ ants fled. Domini escaped from came angry, and admitted that he the attackers and notified the cussed them a little. Very few police. Abcock was taken to his home men would not have done so in like circumstances. He even went after being attended to by a phy­ so far as to remark: “ This has sician. It is feared he may die as gut to he stopped; we W o n ’t a resultof his injuries. stand it much longer.” That. too. The OREGONIAN very per­ was perfectly natural. The crowd tinently remarks of the above in­ of roughs following him. appealed cident : to the policeman at hand, con­ “ Things are quiet around the struing the remark into a threat. One non-union It is a little one-sided justice Albina shops. that permits one crowd of idle worker had his skull fractured loafers to molest an industrious Sunday night.” toiler, and that, too, apparently under police protection, and at the same time he not allowed to retort. As Rudeman informed the <•«>11 rt. “ We have to keep our mouths shut, while these fellows ean yell all they please. The police think j it is a joke,” The Times would like to see the under dog have his dav occasion j Indianapolis Condemning Fed eral Judge A. B. Anderson for ally. discharging Detective W. J. We reprint with the comment Burns, indicted on a kidnaping that this editorial paragraph re- I charge in connection with the ccntly appearing in The Orego extradition of -I. ,1. .McNamara, i nian. hits the nail squarely and the Socialist party of Indiana in ! fairly on the head : convention Sunday called on “ A ‘scab’ is a man who takes Congressman Victor L Berger, ! another man’s job, which the the Socialist representative from other man has quit. So Judge Wisconsin, to demand the judge’s Tazwell now appears to rule We removal by congress. R esolu­ should like t ohave a ruling from tions condemning the “ Roy the judge on the proper designa- Scouts” and the “ Militia of . tion of the man out of work who Christ” were also passed. TWO NON-UNION MEN HURT ONES SKULL BROKEN WOULD INVOKE RECALLOFJUDGE A. B. ANDERSON