Geo U I « ® “ ' City THE TIMES ____ ________ Vol. I. No. 13 _____ ____ PORTLAND, OREGON, JAN U AR Y 13, 1912 ECHOES OF THE WORLD S NEWS GATHERED OVER LAND AND SEA EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH É W M Results From Panama Canal to Astonish Business W or Id January 5. ___________ Price 5 Cents SNORTY, FUSSY RIVER DREDGERS TIE UP BRIDGE TRAFFIC AND COMMISSION SNUBS COUNT COURT to take the place of cocaine or It is Portland’s misfortune to regardless of the needs of others. morphine, which leaves no bad possess two bodies whose contin­ The regular river boats were real after-effects. It is a quinine in­ uance ni power under present little gentlemen in, comparison, stantaneously anesthetic and hem­ conditions is equivalent to insert­ though they irritate the public a E know that the canal ostatic. Out of 500 cases, only ing wedges in the cogwheels of great deal themselves. Some day is going to hit the one failed. the municipal system of machin­ we may decide to show them up By ery. If their arrogance and self­ in their true colors, but not now. WASHINGTON, D. C.— Senate railroads pretty hard G. W . passes bill authorizing erection of esteem were not a serious draw­ As soon as the County .Court in a way. We will LUCE. a $1,000,000 postofiice building in back to this community, the self- discovered that the Port of Port­ lose freight. It means that New Portland on Block S acquired last importance which they carry land Commission (the individual York manufacturers will be able year by the Government. about would make them the members of which are pretty laughing-stock of the entire body good citizens by the way, but in to quote practically New York prices to San Francisco consumers. January 9. politic. the aggregate taken as an allo­ Just as soon as the canal is opened the big employers of labor in NEW YORK.—Equitable Life THE TIMES has had consider­ pathic dose arc simply hard to Assurance Company’s building the west will be able to solve the labor problem of many years’ stand­ able to say about one of them— swallow), the County Judge and burns, causing a loss of $6,000,- ing and by importation of unprejudiced men handle the labor market the antiquated, Fossilized Bunch the County Commissioners ad­ 000. Six deaths and 12 injured. known as the School Board, and dressed at respetful note to the WASHINGTON, 1). C. — Inter­ in such a way as to clear the whole atmosphere. This is not a fight, will probably say a great deal august combination which makes state Commerce Commission holds but simply an adjustment, and will be ALONG N A T U R A L LINES. more when it gets certain data the laws for its own governance. that Federal laws must always Another thing that is not known is that oriental goods will go together now in the gathering, It was politely suggested that if govern and are paramount; that DIRECT TO N EW Y O R K instead of transshipping to rail at San but this article does not refer the Commission would let the when state laws contravene them, specifically to the School Board, noses of its snorty little dredgers they must retire, since the na­ Francisco and Seattle. This will greatly increase New York’ s trade. only generally. rub up against its own wharf be­ tional law is always paramount. The popular idea that the ships will all go one way is wrong. They A group of barnacles known low the bridges it would help per­ PARIS, France. — Raymond will GO B ACK A G A IN W ITH AM ERICAN GOODS. as the Port of Portland Commis­ sons out a great deal who have January 6. Duncan and Penelope Duncan, his sion is worthy of credit for one to cross the bridges. It also sug­ 8 0 V A S T IS T H E T R A D E M O V E M E N T A L R E A D Y S T A R T E D N O W thing, anyway — its’ persistent gested that if the smokestacks CHICAGO.— In recognition of wife, shock Parisians on account IN T H E S H A P E O F T A N G I B L E N E G O T I A T I O N S , S U C H AS M A N U ­ work loking toward the improve­ could be equipped with hinges so his services for Belgium, in pre­ o f scanty wardrobe they wear. F A C T U R E R S ’ A G E N C I E S . T H A T H O N G K O N G , S AN F R A N C I S C O A N D ment of the Portland harbor. If that the active little gravel grub­ senting condition of affairs in the WASHINGTON, I). C.— United Congo Free State in 1908, Profes­ States Senator Lorimer denies N E W Y O R K W I L L FOR M A C H A I N O F I N T E R D E P E N D E N T M A R ­ the Commission has any satisfac­ bers could scoot back and forth sor Frederick Starr of the Uni­ under oath on witness stand that K E T S , SO L I N K E D T O G E T H E R T H A T T H E Y W I L L F OR M A D O M I ­ tion in its self-sufficient, self-per­ without the necessity of opening petuating characteristics by any the bridges, it would be mightily versity of Chicago, receives dec­ he purchased his election to a N A N T F A C T O R IN W O R L D T R A D E . oration of Commander of the Or­ seat in the United States Senate. Under an apparently quiet surface this gigantic movement has word of commendation, THE appreciated. The County Court TIMES can give it, it is welcome was absolutely in the right, and der of Leopold II. This is the SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.— Miss made such headway that when its actual operation sets in motion the to it. But wre would like to in­ everybody knows it, but the Com­ highest honor given by the Bel­ Gertrude MacFarlane sues Cap­ BUSINESS W ORLD W ILL BE ASTONISHED. quire, upon the behalf of many mission, it seems. It did not even gian Government. tain AVm. W. Greene for $15,000 good thousands o f persons who make have the courtesy and LA GRANDE, Ore.— Accident­ for breach of promise of marri­ use of, the Portland bridges daily, breeding to reply to the County al discharge of a shotgun in the age. and especially those who reside Court’s letter, but snubbed the groin of Frank Pierce, a wood- CHICAGO. — Frank Holloway, on the East Side, “ upon what latter body in a snobby sort of chopper, causes fatal injuries. B y B R U C E arrested as a pickpocket, con­ meat doth this our Caesar feed way, by preserving a sphinx-like CALVERT. BOSTON, Mass.— Rev C. T. V. fesses to four murders in Colum­ silence, or breaking out in the that he is grown so great” ? Richeson admits the murder of bia, S. A., in Panama, in Tulsa, Social Philos­ In the interest of this large daily press with an attempted his former sweetheart, Avis T. Okla., and in St. Louis, besides opher body of persons, the County justification. Linnell. bank roberies in British Colum­ Some day this bridge annoy­ Court did a little “ gumshoe” WASHINGTON. D. C. — New bia and Panama, hinting at still work and discovered that many ance will be settled, and when it Mexico, as the 47th state, is ad­ other crimes. of the exasperating delays to is settled, it will bo settled right. mitted into the Union. trans-river traffic were due to the When it is settled, the great ma­ January 10. NEW YORK. — Commercial fussy and snorting little dredge jority o f the people will get their Travelers’ National League an­ NANKING, China. — Wu Ting F you live in a two room flat you have a TW O ROOM SOUL. boats owned by the Commission. just and equitable rights, and nounces a vigorous campaign Fang and Tang Shao Yi, repre­ I f you are able to afford a seven room and bath apart­ Whenever they thought, appar­ the Commission and the rivermen against the fast-growing “ tipping sentatives of the rebellion in ently that they could inconveni­ will all be lined up on the wrong ment then your mind and spirit have slightly better oppor­ evil” . China and the Manchu dynasty ence the greatest number of peo­ side of the fence. tunity for expansion. respectively, confer as to terms of The County Court is to be ple at a given time, they begin January 7. settlement between opposing chasing up and down river, highly commended in its fight for I f you live in a basement, heaven help y o u ! BOSTON.—Rev. Clarence V. T. forces. It is believed Manchus shrilly whistling orders to bridge- the rights of the people as H E A V E N H E L P A L L D W E L L E R S IN C I T I E S A N Y H O W . THEY Richeson’s friends believe that will consent to abdicate. tenders to swing open the draws |against an inconsequent minority. AR E D W A R F E D . T H W A R T E D , ERO TIC, AN D K E E P T H E M 8 E L V E S his confession of the murder of NEW YORK.— Professor Gran­ K E Y E D U P T O T H E D E M A N D S O F C I T Y L I F E B Y T H E U 8 E O F his sweetheart Avis Linnell may der Matthews, while heartily fa­ save him from the gallows, and voring movement for universal 8 T I M U L A N T 8 . N A R C O T I C S A N D H I G H L Y S E A S O N E D FOODS. that he will interpose a plea of peace, prophesies that United It is the new life from Europe and from the west and south that insanity and be sent to an asy­ States will probably be involved keeps New York going. The men who rule New York were COUN­ lum. in a war in 1930. T R Y BRED MEN. The native New Yorker, with hero and there LOGAN, Utah.— A snow slide SPOKANE. Wash. — In 1911 in Blacksmith Canyon, 25 miles a very rare exception, does nothing worth while. How can he I His the people of Spokane consumed from Logan, covers four men, The following, reprinted from INDIANAPOLIS. — Detective about $6,000,000 in liquor, of soul is C R AM PE D BY THE CONDITIONS OF H IS LIFE. three of whom are killed. William J. Bums was not guilty The Oregonian, shows there is which $2.295,000 was for beer. A L L T H E BIG ID E A S . T H E G R E A T P O EM S . T H E W O N D E R F U L one man who is proud of being WASHINGTON, D. C. — Sen­ SALEM, Ore. — Attorney-Gen­ D I S C O V E R I E S , N E E D T H E W O O D S A N D T H E S T A R S , T H E S U N ­ of the crime of kidnaping when an independent workman because ator LaFollette, of Wisconsin, he captured John J. McNamara eral opines that decision of L I G H T A N D T H E R AIN F O R T H E I R D E V E L O P M E N T . T H E R E I 8 N T he places his sacred duty to his and William Jennings Bryan, of United States Supreme Court in S P A C E FOR T H E M IN T H E T W O ROOM S O U L . T H E S P I R I T U A L here and took him to California Nebraska, meet and discuss pol­ last April. Judge Anderson in­ family above his loyalty to a Pacic Coast lumber rate cases in­ T E N E M E N T O F T H E C R O W D E D C I T I Z E N O F A L A R G E C I T Y . itics. dicated that, such would be his dictatorial union: validates the Oregon 14-hour law. ROSEBURG, Jan. 8. (To the Men and women in the city eat highly spiced foods. They stimu­ ruling. The Judge said the ease CHICAGO. — Hamilton Club SALEM, Ore. — Secretary of against Bums was without merit. Editor.)— I am a strikebreaker, holds public meeting at Auditor­ late their lagging brains with alcohol or soothe their exhausted nerves State Olcott’s suit o f ouster Argument on the kidnaping a scab, a scale, or any other old ium Theatre and endorses Presi­ against State Printer Duniway, with naroetics. City vices are the inevitable outcome o f city life. charge was begun. The action name they choose to call me. dent T a ft’s treaties in the inter­ whom he would eject from cap- came up on Detective Burns’ After all, I feel I am only a man est of international peace. itol building fails in lower court. EAST SIDE BUILDING NOTES. story brick building, 52x100 feet, petition in a habeas corpus pro­ trying to earn an honest living NOGALES. Sonora, Mexico.— in Albina. ceeding for permanent release for a family. I hope you will Virulent smallpox rages along The Peters Manufacturing Plans have been fiished by W. from an indictment by the publish a few of my views, and I west coast of Mexico. Guavmas Company is erecting a new fac­ County Grand Jury dare say they are the views of A. Carpenter for a three-story Marion and Mazatlan are quarantined. 90 per cent o f us. We look at tory for the manufacture of mis­ frame apartment building to be charging him with kidnaping. KANSAS CITY.— Alice Stone, the situation in just this light: W. A. Kctcham, former At­ sion furniture on East Fifteenth a 12-year-old girl, has her two erected at a cost of $22.000 at In the first place, tin- strikers torney-General of Indiana, coun­ I street, near the Southern Pacific East Thirteenth and East Taylor braids of hair clipped from her sel for Burns, contended that threw up their jobs which paid head by a negro on a streetcar, tracks. It will be 75x200, and streets. all the requirements of the Fed­ them from $65 to $175 per month who mak^i good his escape. when finished the company will A. J. Becker will erect a one- eral laws regulating extradition when labor on an average was Police Arrest etc one-half less and hard to find on January 8. ABERDEEN. Wash.—Nineteen immediately move into it from its story brick building on Killings- were complied with, and said the the outside. They vote their em­ indictment against Burns was worth Ave. near Albina Ave. old quarters on Hawthorne Ave., WASHINGTON. D. C —W ill­ arrests were made here Wednes­ G. T. Moore and others will based on provisions of the In­ ployer’s ticket and then tight iam Jennings Bryan fails to un­ day and Thursday when the the which it has outgrown. put up a brick building at the diana law which imposed restric­ him all the rest of the year. The seat Colonel James M. Guffey, I. W. W. attempted to speak on Rabupk & Crum are erecting a northeast corner of East Thirty- tions not contemplated by the way we look at it they threw up member of the Democratic Na­ the streets. The regular police two-story and basement building their jobs and we took one of force was aided by the special on Millard avenue, in the Mount fourth and Belmont streets at a Federal statutes. tional Committee. Burns was unable to appear, our own. citizen police, sworn in some Scott district, on the site of the cost of $15,000. NEW YORK. — John McNa­ time ago for that purpose, who I was at one time a strong The J. M. Wallace three-story having been delayed on a train, mara. of San Francisco, arrested to the number of 1000 responded recent fire. It will have a di­ brick building at the southeast Mr. Kctcham argued that the union man, but strikes never did mension of 93x104 feet. Offices, on charge of having dynamited to the general call. com er of Belmont and East Thir- United States Constitution and me any good. I, like the most of living rooms and a hall will oc­ and robbed the Bank of Montreal the Act of Congress governing us, would rather scab against Alll arfests have been made cupy the second floor, while the ty-eventh streets is rapidly ap­ at New Westminster. B. C., of proaching completion. It will extradition required only that them than against my family. promptly and quietly. The speak­ first floor will be arranged for $375.000 September 14 last. Here in Roschurg I can truth­ cost about $25,000. The first the Governor of a state in hon­ ing followed attempts made dur­ stores. floor will be used for business oring a requisition should lie sat­ fully say the boys or strikebreak­ MARSHFIELD. Ore. — Gov- ing the past few days to settle At the intersection of West purposes and the two upper isfied that the person arrested ers are a very quiet set, and with ernor West is entertained at con­ the controversy and was origin­ was the fugitive. The Indiana few exceptions ever answer back victs' camp at dinner. All are ated in Iloquiam where the more avenue and the Section Line floors for apartments. Road William Hutchinson has statute, reqiring that the person when they are called scab and The Powell estate has erected a honor man. radical members of the organiza­ completed a two-storv store arid handsome two-story pressed brick arrested should be taken before scaly. I have for a long time PEABODY. Kan.— Club of nine tion have congregated. apartment building 100x100, cost­ building at the northeast corner a court for identification, was a been a Socialist. I do not be­ Swedish young women, taking ing $50.000. Stores occupy the of Hawthorne avenue and East burden on the Federal Constitu­ lieve in tights or strikes. Not all, advantage of the leap year priv­ The Director of the Mint re­ first floor and apartments the see- Thirty-seventh street, Sunriyside. tion and law. but as a general thing, the scab ilege. launch marriage proposals. ports that, in 1911, Oregon mines ond. Edgar W. Hutchinson, his John W. Boltzmann, appear­ is respectable, and a great many 100x50 fet. Mix store rooms oc­ LOS ANGELES. Cal — Dr. W produced $599.235 in gold and soo, is building a similar struc­ cupy the ground floor and th ing for the sheriff of the county, are married men. Also h great C'arlson Smith, of Redlands, dis­ 69,116 fine ounces of silver, val­ ture close at hand. second flor is devoted to office argued that the Indiana statute many of the strikers work at covers new anesthetic, calculated ued at $38,014. (Continued on Page 3.) E. II. Ingram will erect a two- and apartments. (Continued on page 4.) SAN FRANCISCO.— Abe Ruef, political boodle prisoner at San Quentin, who expected to be paroled March 25, has his parole endangered by newspaper clip­ pings and chocolates being found concealed on his person after a visit by a friend. WASHINGTON, t). C. — An­ other possible Republican candi­ date appears in the person of Senator Cummins of Iowa. WASHINGTON, I). C.— It 1« expected that President Taft will send to Senate name of United States Circuit • Judge Hook of Kansas as successor to the late Justice John Harlan of Kentucky for United States Supreme Court Justice. HURON, S. D. — Republicans endorse T aft’s candidacy. m 4 r Expansion Im ­ possible In Crowded Cities ir I AN INDEPENDENT BURNS RIGHT IN TAKING M'NAMARA WHO FEARLESSLY SHOWS COLORS TO LOS ANGELES POLICE ARREST 19 I. W. W.’S WHO DEFY THEM