THE TIMES te LAMB AND BEEF + ». •V« W V t ► vv.v DONT BE A HORSE’S ENEMY K ID N EY S . East 3 3 B 7118 Troy IDNKYS. If properly prepared make a very appetizing dish, al though they should only be serv DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY ed now and then. Some authorities taboo this meat, while others are just as positive In recoin mending It us an I LATE HOURS MAKE SLEEPY DELIVERIES occasional diet. Beef and sheep's kidneys are the Join the I ones most generally selected, and they fi should, of course, be most thoroughly cleansed before they nre cooked. There Is no doubt that kidneys nre quite as wholesome and digestible as liver, tripe or sweetbreads. Kidneys are inexpensive, which Is an advan- & See, Phone or Write PH ILIP S. HATES Sec., 21S Oregonian Bldg. tage lu these days of high priced meats The French make many delicious dish­ I, fwVVVVVVV, .W « .W W V V V V V V s V .* .* .V .V .V * V V .W V « ? w V V V V .W .V .t , es with them. PORTLAND Soma W ay a of Uaing Kidnaya. W A SH IN G T O N , Dec. 2 G .— \ and pour Into a well greased pudding Bake until light and brown. Kidney Saute With Sauce. —Take six The six justices o f the District tMsh. S e rv e a t once. lamb kidneys, clean and split, put luto a frying pan with three tablespoonfuls Supreme Court will sit in special l EAST COR. EAST YAMHILL FOR LO B S T ER LOVERS. of butter, a tenspoonful of Worcester­ session Saturday to hear the ques- 63 timony in the contemp case pend­ ANY persons do uoi care for lob­ shire sauce, a little onion juice, salt ster. There Is little nourish and a dash of cayenne. Drop the kid ing against Samuel Gompers. M ment in its flesh, and it is not ueys into the pan, thicken the gravy president o f the American Fed­ with browned Hour, wet with a little eration o f Labor; Vice-President easy to digest. Fresh lobsters are ex­ pensive. and fastidious persons balk cold water and serve. John Mitchell and Secretary lit our barbarous method ot cooking Baked Kidney.—Take half a pound Frank Morrison, o f the same or­ the lobster alive. of beef kidney cut into pieces. ganization. The hulk o f the tes­ Lobsters are best from December to Place in u pan with a little gravy and stew for an hour. Wbeu cold stir half timony will be taken before an Aprii. a dessertspoonful of dry mustard Into examiner. Lobster Recipes. a spoonful of Hour. Add cayenne pep­ j Here are some recipes that may ap­ per and salt. Place the kidney in an peal to lovers of lobsters: 180 Grand Avenue oven. Add a piece of butter and cook ot flour, a cupful each of milk and Creamed Lobster. Cut into dice a until the meat is well done. The kid­ lard, three cupfuls ot New Orleans mo­ pint ot lobster meat and prepare this PORTLAND ney should be lender, with a little thick lasses. two leaspoonfuls ot soda, three mixture: A dozen mushrooms, sliced gravy sticking to it eggs and two tablespooufuls ot ginger. thin aud heuted in a cup ol their juice Reat the yolks ot the eggs and add to with a slice ot onion. Thicken with Stewed Kidney. Kidney Utipout.— Prepured ns a slew them the lard, the milk. soda, molas­ Gutter and Hour and brown. Remove kidney Is most easily digested. Take ses. ginger and flour in the order Hie onion nnd add a quarter pint ot a good beef kidney nnd cut up about named. Beat the whites ot the eggs to stock, two drops ot tabasco sauce, a half u pound Into small pieces and dip a froth and add them to the ginger­ tenspoonful of lemon juice. Heat the C o m m e rc ia l A r tis t In flour. Season with pepper, salt and bread mixture. Hake in a moderate lobster meat in this and serve hot. a little nutmeg. Put this Into a paper oven for three-quarters of an hour. Spanish Lobster.—Chop tine a green and Cheap Gingerbread.—Combine in the pepper, a tomato and a slice of onion. cooking bag with a finely minced onion and a teacupful of brown stock thick order named the following ingredients: Mix and cook in a tablespoonful of C arto o n ist ened with flour. Cook for forty min­ A cupful of molasses, a teaspoonful of butter till tender, then add three-quar­ utes. Serve on a hot dish with squares soda, a tablespoonful each of ginger ters of a cupful of stock and let it sim­ of toast round and a little chopped and melted butter, a half teaspoonful mer for five minutes. Flit in the meat 348 MARKET STREET parsley over. of salt and one-half cupful of hot milk cut up and when heated serve nt once. Savory Kidney.—Take a kidney and and two cupfuls of flour. Hake in a Rissole of Lobster.— Boil the lobster cut it in half. Remove the fat and al* deep square pan which has been well Take out the ment nnd mince It tine Phono Main 5645. Ros. Phono E 6185. stringy parts. Then cut Into dice greased. Round the coral smooth and grate for Place n frying pan on the stove nnd one lobster the yolks of three hard For the Children. when It is heated drop Into It three Gingerbread Cakes.—To one pound of boiled eggs. Season a batter of milk, tablespoonfuls of butter. Add to the sifted flour allow half a pound of ( flour and well beaten eggs, two table­ butter n chopped onion nnd the kidney pounded loaf sugar, three-quarters of a spooufuls of milk and oue of flour to Civil and Hydraulic Engineer Let It cook, stirring all the time, over pound of fresh butter, one pound mo­ each egg. Reat this batter well and 587 E. 15th St. N. Portland, Ore. a good fire for about three minutes lasses. one nutmeg, grated, the weight j mix the lobster with it gradually till Season with salt and pepper, a couple of a nutmeg of pounded mace and as | it is stiff enough to roll into balls the of tablespoonfuls of stock and enough much of pounded cinnamon, one ounce | size of a large plum. Fry in fresh but- General Surveying, Landscape En­ flour to thicken. In about a minute it of pounded ginger, one ounce aud a j ter or the best salad oil and serve ei- gineering, Construction Superinten­ is ready to serve. dence, Reports and Estimates on Proj­ half of candied orange nnd lemon peel ther warm or cold, ects, Water Supply, Irrigation, Sewer­ cut small, one-half ounce of blanched Canned Lobster W H E N BANANAS ARE SERVED. age. Now Lumber Exchange Bldg. Devllpd U lhsu.r _ „ evlled'lobnter can OME persons maintain that they sweet almonds cm In Ion« thin bits cannot eat bananas because they and two well beaten egga. Melt the bp mude wUh (.anneU lobateri lf Your business should be repre­ find them bard to digest. If. butter with the moluxses and when fresh lobster is not convenient. Half a after peeling, the outside o f the banana nearly cold stir in the eggs and the can will be needed. Melt one ounce sented in T H E T IM E S . W e in­ is scraped with a sharp knife so that rest of the ingredients. Mix all well of butter in a pan. add one tablesi>oon terest ninety-two nnd ono-hnlf the stringy substance that sometimes together, make Into round cakes and full of chutney and oue tnblespoon­ per cent. T IIE T IM E S will give bake upon tins. remains is completely removed there ful of made mustard. Have a few you the best run for your money Lemon Gingerbread.—Grate the rind slices o f bread fried In fat and keep Is no reason why bananas need not be you ever had. Figure it out with of three lemons. Mix the Juice with as easy to digest as any fruit. them hot. Heat the mixture in the us. Bananas are most often served sugar to sweeten. Mix the rind with pan. add the lobster, chopped finely, sliced with sugar and cream. Some a pound of flour. Add half a pound nnd a few breadcrumbs. Stir till boil­ of New Orleans molasses, half a pound ing. then place on the hot bread and people eat them with salt. V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V Í Sliced bananas alternated with lay­ of melted butter aud the lemon juice. garnish with cut lemon and parsley. ers of lady fingers and dressed with Mix altogether with a half ounce of A In Newburg.—Cut the ment In one ginger and hake In a slow- oven. whipped cream make a fine dessert. two-pound enu of lobster into small Dsai ert Daintias. • I pieces. Put two ounces of blitter In a C H O IC E C H E E S E . You can quench your in­ Bananas lu Gelatin.—Take the skin LD cheese if eaten after a meal pan and when hot add two tablespoon- from six bananas, let them simmer fuls of flour and mix smooth Then ward fire with just as good will old digestion. with the grated rind of half a lemon Being hard to digest, cheese add a cupful o f good cream and the for ten minutes, then pass through a lobster. Rub the yolks of three hard "h o o tch ” at the following should be eaten only in small quanti­ sieve. Add half an ounce of gelatin boiled eggs to a paste with a little ties. which has been dissolved In a gill of OPEN SHOP bars, and not Cheese cooked is more easy to digest cream and stir luto the lobster. Sen milk with sulllclent sugar to sweeten. son to taste with salt, pakrlku and a than when eaten raw. have the enjoyment les­ When cold stir In gradually two tea­ Cheese has a high food value. It little grated nutmeg. Serve at once. spoonfuls of lemon Juice and half a pint S u b s t a n t ia l U n « a . contains about twice as much nourish­ sened by a big union card. of cream that has been sweetened and Club Sandwiches.—Toast three half flavored nnd whipped until fairly stiff. ment os any other food of the same inch slices of bread. Heat four table* These life-saving stations Whisk the mixture until It shows bulk Cheese is not a suitable food for chil­ spoonfuls of milk, add one-fourth tea­ signs of setting, then pour into a mold are classed as not being fair spoonful of butter, dash of red pepper which has been rinsed out In cold wa­ dren. I Used with cereals, vegetables and and thicken with a little cornstarch ter. Decorate with glazed cherries. by labor publications. W eb­ dissolved In a tnblespoonful v.-iter. Golden Pudding.—Slice four or five meats, it is palatable ami nourishing. In winter cheese supplies a needed Into this put two level tablespoonfula ster says fair means "pleas­ bananas and use to line a dish, alter­ of chopped beef. Cut a tomato into percentage of heat to the system. nating with split lady fingers. Make half inch slices, season with one tea­ Cheese should never be eaten alone, ing to the eye— beautiful. ” a custard of one pint of milk, yolks of spoonful of olive oil mixed with one- three eggs and a tnblespoonful of sift it digests best when taken with some half tenspoouful of vinegar and a We claim that these places ed flour. Flavor with vnnilla. Pour other food. Cheese is served with dessert, H \ pinch of salt. Put creamed chipped the cUstnrd over the bananas In the qualify according to W eb­ beef between two layers of toast, add dish. Make a meringue of the white appears with pie to aid the digestion the tomato and third slice of toast. of the pustry. It may also come on of the egg. Place In cool oven to ster- ! Rutter the top. Set in the oven several brown. Stand In a cold place for sev with the salad. I minutes before serving. eral hours. Should Be Well Done. I Emergency Sandwiches. — A crisp A Good Cako. In cooking cheese see that it is well I leaf of lettuce between thin slices of Banana Lunch Cake.—Take one cup­ done, but not left on the Ore till it is 1 bread with a teaspoonful o f mayon­ ful each of sugar and Hour, one half tough nnd unpalatable. naise Is a dainty sandwich. Slices of cupful of sweet milk, three eggs, one Here are some good cheese dishes: cucumbers in place of lettuce are al­ teaspoonful of baking powder. Bake Cheese Puffs.—Make a dough as for ways favorites of the sandwich plate 128 6th St. In two or three layers. Take this baking powder biscuit. Roll until a Ground cold boiled ham or minced dressing: One pint of milk, one egg. little thicker thnn pie crust Spread I chicken with mayonnaise to complete one tablespoonful of cornstarch and with grated cheese m 4 %^ . ' er as for Its flavor Is good. Cold boiled eggs flavor with vanilla. When cold spread Jelly roll. Cut alum 9 id I i thick chopped fine and made into a paste on the sliced bananas which have been Place these cubes upnr .*. and bake j with dressing are palatable. 1 a O tU S laid on the layers of cake. Some Sausage Dainties. until light brown. Bananas and Rice.—Take three bn Baked Sausage.-Boil nnd mash a 127 6th St. W ith Vegetable». nanas. one cupful of rice, one^half tea Cheese and Potatoes. Prepare about half dozen good sized potatoes. Sea­ spoonful each of salt nnd butter and two pounds of potatoes, two ounces of son with salt and pepper. Spread in three tablespooufuls of sugnr and a Parmesan cheese, three tablespoonfuls a baking dish nnd make up about a dash of nutmeg After the rice has of butter, half h saltspoonful of salt pound of sausage meat into cakes been washed put It on and boll for and paprika Mash and pass the pota l^ay the <-ukes 011 top of the potatoes twenty minutes. Drain and sprinkle toes through a sieve, add the butter in the dish and place in a hot oven 4th and Alder with salt. Butter a shallow baking and cheese and mix. Fill patty shells Turn the sausages »0 that both sides dish and cover the bottom with the with the mixture and brown them in a may be well browned. Serve in the rice Skin and scrape the bananas quick oven Then brush them over with dish, garnishing the top with celery and divide them ipngthwlse laty on melted cheese and butter, return them leaves or sprigs of parsley. the rice Sprinkle with sugar and to the oven one minute and serve hot. English Sausage —The English use P' serve with '-ream and sugar Cheese B ills-C h eese balls are little beef in their sausage meat. For those 5th and Washington H O M E M A D E G IN G E R B R EA D . balls served hot with green salad and who find an all pork meat too rich the POET Das sung with reason the toast. Beat an egg until light, add to following may be tried I hm a pound I £ charm of homemade ginger it h cupful of grated breadcrumbs, ni'-li of lean pork aud real, one pound 1 *• bread, "that fragrant umber mix well, add a cupful of grated ¿r beef suet. a half pound of bread I»* shadowed cake Made well, ginger cheese and season with a teaspoon erti mb«, four teaiqioonful, of powdered j bread is delicious: otherwise It la an ful of tomato catsup and a pinch of sage, a apri* of thyme, marjoram and • bonrinatlou If |>osslble It should be paprika. Wet the baud» aud niaka lit »ummer sarory and a gruted nutmeg 5th and Washington served hot. wet! spiced and moist rath tie tailla aa big ue plums Dip euch bull Free the maat from akin or gristle er than dry. In families where there In egg. roll lu hreaderumba and fry in ( bop an fin» aa you ean and aee that it In well mlied Add tbe hreaderumba j are children gingerbread la s desirable hot fat a light brown Cbeeae Souffla - Brown a tablespoon and other Ingredlenta all aa fin# aa poa- addition to Ibe dessert Hat. for eaten Pour upon j alble. Mold Into llttla oaken. Powder In moderation It satisfies the childish ful of butter and flour craving for sweets and yet la tbor l them a eupful of aealdtog milk and j with flower and fry In hot lard 6th and Stark | *tlr until a mouth When a I moat cool Ongniy wholesome heat tbe amice Into four well beaten A T ro. and Triad Reoipe. i eggs Htlr In a eupful of grated cbeeae Soft GtDgerbreal-Take atx captala j Season with ».sit nnd cayenne pepper K I :• Portland Horse-Owners Association Laundry Company 201 East Water Street u. s. Laundry Company C. C o p y r ig h t by A m e r ic a n i re « « A atjociatlon , 1911. AUGUSTUS 0. STANLEY, GRAND INQUISITOR OF STEEL O congressional Inquiry for years has (riven promise of more In­ teresting revelations than the Investigation conducted by the Stanley committee Into the afTalrs of the steel trust—a promise which was amply fulfilled In the charges made before the com­ mittee by the Merritt brothers, who alleged that John D. Rockefeller took an unfair advantage of their financial embarrassment to acquire their Minnesota Iron holdings, which afterward became the property of the United States Steel corporation. Augustus Owsley Stanley, who la a successful Kentucky lawyer. Is serving his fifth term In the house of representatives, and this Investigation has brought him more fame In four or five months than all his steady going work as a legislator In nine years. The committee Is largely responsible for the bringing of the suit for the dissolution of the steel trust, although the Initial work was done by Herbert Knox Smith of the bureau of corporations, whose spe clal investigators scrutinized the trust's activities for several months N J. W I L S O N A r t h u r D . M o n t e it h S 0 H o f brau L o u vre MAHARAJAH O OF JAIPUR. GREAT INDIAN POTENTATE. NE of thè n m t entlghtened of thè native Indlan prinree wheee presence lenda splesder to such etately revemonUls as thè dur bar la K avil Madho Na< Rahadar. thè maharajah ef Jalpar He la a wtse aad rapatele a dm In tetra tor ef tela dominion ef seme 15.000 square allea aad tate sa a 4eep Interest la all metterà ad setta* thè w si fa re of thè Brlttete empire He la prlncely tu tele beoefartlens. tea» lng auherrlbed 2,000^*0 rapace teeward thè permenent Indtao famlae fund. and patri ette. tee. tram thè R ritta b pelai ef Vle-e. fot he ree trtbuted 100.000 ni pesa for »he Traaevaal war faad Whea he vtaHed England far thè r arena ti ea ef Klag Edward he rherlered a wbole ablp aad all aatablea and èrtatela* water for tbo potiod of Me toar wer# brooght from India Ha vaa meda aa LL D of Edlnbwfb nolvoriity In ieOH Ho lo santi od to a gelata af twaaty-aso runa 'erkins A Schultz Quelle ■MHammmmransawBWMflMMfl