The times. (Portland, Or.) 191?-19??, January 06, 1911, Image 1

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    fleo II Himes,
City Hall
Vol. I. No. 12-
January 1, 1912.
C( >1,1'M HI'S,
O.—Republican ! Burroughs, intimate friend of Col­
“ progressives” meet and vote 52 onel Roosevelt, intimates that,
to 32 not to indorse La Follette (while the latter does not seek the
for the presidential nomination.
Republican nomination, lie would
ALBANY, O.—J. Otto Lee, accept, provided the call is strong
through a $500 investment in a enough. This is in direct contra­
California gold mine made one diction of Gifford Pinchot, also
and one-half years ago, receives friend of Roosevelt, who says he
$100,000 through the sale of the won’t accept under any condi­
mine to a syndicate.
Cl IICAG(>. — Central W e s t
Stough, 04 years old. a member of swept bv a blizzard. Iowa. Kan­
the San Diego Swimming Club, sas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Min­
took a swim for half an hour, de­ nesota. Michigan and parts of Il­
spite the coldness of the water.
linois, Missouri and Indiana arc
NEW YORK. — Sheriff-elect affected.
Ilarburger intimates that he may
Persia. — British
appoint a number of prominent government rushes troops to
women as deputies.
Southern Persia to protect consu­
KERMANSIIAH, Persia.—Sa- lates and trade routes.
lari Ed Dowieli, brother of the ex­
OAKESDALE, Wash.—Safe in
shah, defeats government forces.
CHICAGO.—The aftermath of Northern Pacific depot is mysteri­
the New Year’s carousal shows ously rohbed of $2500 in gold
two murders, many robberies, a billed to the Exchange National
fire driving many persons from Bank of Spokane by the National
their beds to the icy streets, Bank of Oakesdale.
wreckage and debris in hotels and
cafes, numerous scandals, missing Pasha reappointed grand vizier by
persons and many violent deaths. the Sultan.
MILWAUKEE.—Board of Esti­
nounced that individual members mates of the Socialist Council of
of organized labor are not likely city provide for expenditures for
to contribute to defense fund for I city budget for 1912 aggregating
the indicted labor leaders, Tveit- I $5.791,122.30, an increase of $706,-
moe. Johannsen and Clancy, but 503.86 over 1911.
that the money will come out of
NEW YORK.—Evelyn Nesbit
Trades Council treasury.
Thaw will not oppose liberation of
MEMPHIS, Tenn.—It is re­ Harry K. Thaw from Matteawan
ported that William Hardesty was asylum. Rumored that she is to
murdered and his body burned by marry a New York physician.
15 negroes on Centennial Island,
January 2.
in the Mississippi river, 20 miles
from Memphis.
December 29.
ington Times prints report that
TABRIZ. Persia.—A nie-day Senator La Follette will withdraw
siege of the city by Russians re­ from the presidential field.
ATLANTA, Ga.—Federal pris­
sults in its complete occupation
on here will adopt the policy of
by them.
RENTON, Wash.—Andrew Ful­ abolishing stripes in convicts uni­
ler, oldest man in King county, forms for those remaining in the
prison, retaining it only for those
celebrates his 104th birthday.
VIENNA, Austria.—In the dis­ working on the outside.
trict of Sloboda, northern Galli-
PEKIN. China. — The Lanchow
cia, 800 starving peasants forci­ arsenal guard (imperial troops)
bly occupy 200 acres of land be­ mutiny. Dowager contributes $2,-
longing to proprietor, oust his la­ 000,000 and royalists take heart,
borers and take possession of their believing Chinese republic gels a
LON DON, Out.—Fire breaks
steps are taken looking toward the out in an insane asylum, but is
combination of the Pacific Coast subdued. No lives lost; damage.
breweries, reaching from Seattle $75,000.
to Los Angeles.
A $25,000,000
January 3.
combination is planned.
Magazine suspends publication,
after 12' years’ experience, and
proprietors plan filing a petition
in bankruptcy.
NAVAJO, Sonora.—Pablo Mo­
reno dies at the age of 127 years.
Had smoked cigarettes for 115
December 30.
DENVER. — Blizzard sweeps
the Middle West.
In Colorado
mercury reaches 16 degrees below
zero. Trains are stalled by snow
and livestock suffers on ranges.
sa n
Price 5 Cents
Stevens, of Portland, is swept off
the steamer Roanoke by a comber
into the Pacific and drowned.
NEW YORK.—Foreign ambas­
sadors fail to attend famous peace
CENTRALIA, Wash. — Law­
rence Bar. 72 years old, president
of the Farmers & Mechanics’ Bank
of Centralia, shot to death by
youthful bank robber.
NEW YORK.—J. P. Morgan
leaves for Europe, where he will
proceed to Africa for a winter's
yachting cruise up the Nile.
pearances indicate that Governor
Wilson against the field for the
Democratic presidential nomina­
tion in 1912 is the outlook.
December 31.
is completely lifted in San Fran­
cisco New Year’s Eve, and every­
body joins in the San Francisco
brand of joyous conviviality, ush­
ering in the New Year amid a
bombardment of champagne eorks.
K id e r le n - W a e c h t e r , G e r m a n y 's ,
M i n is t e r o f F o reig n A f f a ir s
ROSEBURG, Ore. City Mar­ | While the strikers declare they
shal B. Fenton’s 6 feet 2 of brawn, | will not initiate physical violence,
brought into play at tin* crucial they insist they have the right to
moment, prevented what might
have proved to lie a serious battle use the word “ scab” and say they
between strikers and strikebreak­ will apply the term at every op-
ers in the Southern I’acifie yards portuni y. The nouuuionists, on
here Monday night. Following a the other hand, say that they will
rough-and-tumble tight between a stand no more abuse, and several
striker and independent worker ol' them admit they are carrying
¡at the opening of the stockade on- revolvers for an emergency. One
Icircling the shops, members of of them made a gun play on the
both parties assembled and a gen­ streets Sunday night when assail­
eral inixiip light seemed imminent. ed by a trio of st rikers.
Marshal Fenton appeared at this
Monday night’s affair at the
juncture and someone called him stockade entrance followed the
a “ scab herder.” tjuiekly sing­ discharge by the railroad company
ling out the striker whom he be­ of the 12 depoties who have been
lieved made the remark, a man as patrolling the yards since the
large as himself, Fenton sent him strike began. As they have done
sprawling into the mud with a on previous occasions, the strikers
Expecting an immediate gathered at the entrance and
attack from the other strikers. jeered every strikebreaker who
Fenton drew his club, but the pre­ came within view. If this practice
caution was unnecessary. The is continued, the city may he com­
display of physical force overawed pelled to grant the petition pre­
thi‘ strikers, and they soon dis­ sented by the Southern Pacific
persed. amid the jeers of the non- Company several days ago for ad­
equate police protection for its
The danger of serious trouble is workmen upon the dismissal id' the
not believed to he over, however. force of special guards.
pistol and list of witnesses.
The need for this clearly shows
the carelessness in the district at­
TRANSGRESSING torney's office, and it is time for a
KANSAS CITY. Mo.—In ans­
wer to what they believe is a Gov­
ernment prosecution under the
P h o to
by A m e r ic a n
P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n .
A L F R E D VON K I D E R L E N (he p ro n o u n c e s It w ith th e a c c e n t on th e se c ­
e rn
ond sy lla b le M V A E C H T E R , im p e ria l m in is te r o f fo re ip n affa irs , u n lik e
m o st G e rm a n d ip lo m a ts, is th e son o f a b o u rg eo is, th o u g h his m other«
fro m w hom he ta k e s th e second p a r t o f his n am e, w a s a b a ro n e ss.
W h a t his c o lle a g u e s re g a r d a s h is h u m b le o rig in , h o w ev er, h a s n o t h a m p e re d
h is c a re e r. H e e n te re d th e d ip lo m a tic s e rv ic e th ro u g h th e in flu en ce o f his
m o th e r ’s fa m ily a n d soon b ec a m e socially a n d p o litic a lly p ro m in e n t. H e w a s
a m e m b e r o f th e m u ch ta lk e d a b o u t “ R o u n d T a b le ,” b u t w as n o t in v o lv ed in
th e sc a n d a l t h a t ru in e d h is frie n d . P rin c e E u le n b u rg .
H e h a s been looked
u p o n a s G e r m a n y ’s “s tr o n g m a n ” a m o n g h e r d ip lo m a ts, b u t th e d is s a tis f a c ­
tio n m a n ife s te d by a la rg e se ctio n o f G e rm a n o p in io n —in c lu d in g th a t o f tlie
c ro w n p rin c e —o v e r th e r e s u lts o f his h a n d lin g o f th e M orocco n e g o tia tio n s h a s
b e e n a se rio u s blow to his p re stig e . O ne o f h is c h a r a c te r is tic s is sa id to be
p la in sp e a k in g , ev e n to b is im p e ria l m a s te r, an d he w as fo r so m e y e a rs o u t of
f a v o r b e c a u s e he v e n tu r e d to tell th e k a is e r t h a t h is p ro te s t (on a te c h n ic a lity )
a g a in s t th e d e f e a t o f h is y a c h t M eteor by a B ritis h b o at w a s b ad policy.
E ra o f R a ilro a d R adi­
calism Is N o w
O ver
dent Taft is reported to have said
today at the White House: “ Noth­
ing hut death can keep me out of
the fight now.”
WASHINGTON, l>. 0.—Sena­
B y G o v e r n o r E M M E T T O 'N E A L o f
tor Bristow, of Kansas, introduces
A la b a m a
a bill providing for a line of
steamships through the Panama
e c o v e r i n g from the effects of
Canal to Central and South Amer - 1
rate wars between themselves,
iea, the Secretary of War to ac­
which had impaired their ability to
quire 15 ships to be operated by
the Government’s Panama Rail­
serve the public, and finding in
road Company, or leased to a pri­ combination by which the general public was
vate company not connected with
rendered helpless a fruitful soil for the
any railroad line.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Press growth of wealth and power, the great rail­
dispatches state that “ National roads became OPPRESSIVE in their ex­
labor officials affiliataed with Sam­
uel Gompers and the American actions, generating that PUBLIC HOS­
Federation of Labor were in­ TILITY which later flowered into laws that
formed two years ago by Charles were perhaps in some instances unduly (•) A m erican P re s s A s s o c ia -J
A. Bookwalter, who. as Mayor at BURDENSOME.
that time, conducted a secret in­
The enforcement of these laws was responsible for the opposition
vestigation. that John J. McNa­
mara had directed a series of dy­ to all the laws and the development of that new doctrine which DE­
namite explosions.”
WASHINGTON, I). C.—Repre-j upon the intrastate road any regulation of even its intrastate traffic.
sentative Sulzberger introduces a I
resolution to have Chinese Repub- I This was a right never before questioned, but in fact affirmed by the
lie recognized by the United j rulings of all the courts until a recent day.
At no period in the history of Alabama has there been a more cor­
WASHINGTON. D. C.—Rear dial feeling between the people and the carriers, a feeling which has
Admiral Robley I). Evans dies
after an illness of only three been produced by the recognition on the part of both that only by just
and equal laws, which permit no discrimination or favoritism, can wo
secure permanent peace and mutual and friendly co-operation between
January 4.
LISBON.—Portuguese bishops the state and the carrier.
proclaim their independence of
the Government, following the ex­ R E A C H E D T H A T P E R I O D W H E N A W I S E R 8 P I R I T O F C O N S E R V A -
pulsion of the patriarch of Lisbon. T I S M . B A S E D U P O N T H E R E C O G N I T I O N O F T H E N E C E S S I T Y O F
Monsignor Anthony Mendea Bello. F R I E N D L Y C O - O P E R A T I O N A N D M U T U A L G O O D W I L L , W I L L D O M I ­
Portuguese Republicans mob the N A T E T H E L E G I S L A T I O N O F S T A T E A N D N A T I O N .
Catholics and drive out the priests.
Sherman anti-trust law charging
them with restraint of trade, the
first suit of that nature ever
filed against a labor leader in the
United States—three officials of
unions, the members of which are
striking for better working condi­
tions on the liarriman lines, were
ordered by the Government to ap­
pear January 1 before the United
States Court of the Western Dis­
trict of Illinois, at Danville.
The men summoned are M. F.
Ryan and A. Ilinznian, president
and vice-president respectively of
the Railway Carmen of America,
and J. A. Franklin, international
president of the Brotherhood ol’
Boilermakers. The summons was
issued at the instance of Judge
Wright, of the Federal District
Court, and approved by Chief
Justice White, of the United
States Supreme (,'ourt.
The original court order is di­
rected against the International
Association of Machinists and its
president, James O’Connell, of
Washington, I). ('., and was
brought by the Illinois Central
railroad. Heads of the other strik­
ing unions and about 200 minor
officers and employes are named
in the summons.
Five unions that are striking on
the Harirnan lines have joined to­
gether to prosecute the strike, and
local leaders believe that the the­
ory of the railroads is that the
combinations of the unions is a
violation of the Sherman law. The
railroad asks that the men he or
dered hack to work.
Tveitmoe, Johannsen, Munsey and
Clancy Charged With Dyna­
mite Conspiracy.
more blanket indictments were re­
turned today by the Federal grand
jury in the National dynamite con­
spiracy ease.
Three additional
charges are enumerated in the new
hills against ( >lilf Tveitmoe, Anton
Johannsen, E. A. Clane.v and J. E.
Munsey, the labor leaders indicted
last week together with the McNa­
mara brothers and Me.Manigal,
blit United States District Attor­
ney A. 1. McCormick intimated
that arrests of other men might
occur both in San Francisco and
Los Angeles at, any time.
INDIAN AI’< >LIS. Jan. 6. Fed­
eral Judge A. It. Anderson issued
today a writ of habeas corpus, re­
leasing Detective W. J. Burns
from the custody of the county au­
thorities. 11 is bondsmen had sur­
rendered him to the County Crim­
inal Court., where lie stands indict­
ed on the charge of kidnaping -I.
J. McNamara.
Paving the way for the testi­
mony of Ortie E. Me.Manigle, en
route to this city, Burns appeared
before the Federal Grand Jury to­
Spurgeon P. meadows, promi­
nent labor leader and business
agent, of the District, Council of
the International Brotherhood of
Carpenters and Joiners, came for­
ward today with the declaration
that out of town men caused the
four dynamite explosions in this
city at midnight. October 24, 1909.
Louis J. Wilde, who is now on
trial for wrecking the Oregon
Trust & Savings Bank, makes an
BOSTON, J an. 6.—Rev. C. V.
offer of reward as follows:
T. Riehesnn, former pastor of the
Portland. O re ., Jan. 3, 1912
Immuniiel Baptist Church, of Cam­
RECEIVED of Charles E Sum bridge. today made a written con­
nier, for Louis .1. Wilde, the sum fession to the effect that lie poison­
of one thousand dollars ($10001. ed his former sweetheart, Avis
placed in my hands as a reward (Linnell
for the apprehension and eon vie- I
tion of the person or persons who BACHELOR OIRLS USING
entered the office of George J.
Cameron, District Attorney, on
tin- night of January 1. 1912, and
GREAT BEND. Kan . Jan. 6
certain lofty bachelor girls of Great. Bend
pages from the ledger of tin- Ore­ will give the unmarried men of
gon Trust & Savings Bank and this town no i-hanee to form a eluh
certain other pieces iff document­ similar to tin- Grant*Countv Baeh-
ary evidence; and the office of A. elors’ Club.
The' “ lean
ftp yoar
E. Clarke on said night and ab­ IfftKiif ” ortrani/ffl by the ^irl* on
stracted therefrom certain per­ ■yew Year’s eve will makt that,
sonal property, including cigars a fjuite mini ■cessary., ,
I . I i ' l l I I ; nil .ieil-11/.'» nil/oli o n nn
‘Kit lo la -i I -K iloi-llon // a .liiioiik