THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN 7 found many p'aces strewn with skulls and bones of the Indians, to gether with quantities of stone implements. "Captain Clarke on visiting the Multnomah tribe was in informed by an old Indian who brought forward an Indian woman, whose face was covered with smallpox pits, that some 30 or 40 years before a disease had been contracted that killed them off by the thousands, almost de populating the tribe of Multnomah. Hence it is to be inferred that more Indians died by pestilence than by warfare. "The location of this island at the junction of the two rivers, with its many lakes filled with wapatoes, the greatest number of waterfowls and other game in abundance, made it an asylum of refuge for all tribes and explorers. "A large Indian god carved out of basaltic stone, weighing some where near a ton, was found on Oak Island and remained until some 40 years ago when a tenant not knowing or caring about the value, needed some stone to build a chimney, broke it to pieces, thereby de stroying one of the largest and grandest pieces of stonework that Ore gon ever produced. The Indians worshiped it, imploring it for rain or dry weather, for food or journeying to the happy hunting grounds. "Each and every stone impliment or carving has its uses. The mor tar and pestles for grinding corn and edible roots were frequently orn amented with heads of birds and animals. The sinkers for anchoring salmon nets. The stone chisel for pelting skins used in clothing, sleep ing beds, wigwams, etc. The rock hammers for breaking bark, bark holds fire longer and more heat by blowing it up. The stone knives (obsidan volvanic glass) for skinning game. The stone targets for arrow practice. Spears and arrow points are used in procuring game. "The bad doctor that fails to cure his patient they tie to a tree and jab his eyes out without disfiguring the facial expression. "The stone bludgeon for fighting to be carefully concealed under his blanket. ' 'Gambling balls are all sizes. The large stone ball weighs 99 pounds. The game played war. by pitting two large skilled athletes belonging to opposite tribes in rolling these stone balls into ground holes. The side gaining the greatest number of holes won, thereby carrying off every possible movable outfit belonging to the losing tribe, consisting of ponies, dogs, wigwams, skins, and even the clothing on their back, in great glee, while the losers would go off mad, tired and hungry. "Indian John or Casinov, described the game in his own way as fol lows: "Nanitoh kla-hop copaillahe mit-lite ict-yokwa Nonitch kla-hopcopa illahee yahwa. Hi u Siwashes Hi u cuitin Hi u skins hi u ictas mitlite yokwa. Hi u Siwashes Hi u cuitin Hi u skins Hi u ictas initi yawah.