4 HU 111 m MH MM HH .. HH W H MM - H .11. Fine Selection of Goods We especially invite you to come to the Stockton's Store before buying elsewhere, as it is completely filled with the most beautiful, dainty and appropriate seasonable goods. Come :! and look them over, we think it will be a pleasure to you, and you are welcome whether you buy or not. ....AT...., STOCKTON'S fll Ml 25c Will get you THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN For a Year GROCERIES Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, etc., larg est in Salem, at prices that will make you a steady and satisfied customer. Goods delivered at Che mawa daily. Weller Bros.... THE TROVER-WEIGEL STUDIO ESTABLISHED 1892 PORTRAITS AND VIEWS Kodak work quick results OPP. BLY'S THEATRE 442 STATE STREET PHONE MAIN 324 SALEM, OREGON White House 362 Stato St., Salem, Or. Is the most popular restaurant in the Willamette Valley and is headquarters for Chemawa Chicken Dinner . . . .'. served in most appetizing style on Sundays for the small price ot a common meal. The SPA Confectionery Manufacturers of Everything in Their Line The Store, of Twenty-one Years' Reputation 382 STATE ST, SAL,EM, ORE. EPLEY & OLINGER DENTISTS Over Oscar Johnson Corner State and Liberty Sts. Salem, Oregon