The Chemawa American (Chemawa, Or.) 19??-current, December 01, 1915, Page 20, Image 22

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Published Monthly at the United States Indian Training School
Chemawa, Oregon
H. L WADSWORTH, Superintendent
Entered at the Chemawa, Oregron, Fostoffice as Second-Class Mail Matter
Subscription Hate: : : : : 25 Cents Per School Year
Advertising Rates on Application
Soon Christmas will be here again, bringing good cheer and hap
piness to millions of Christian people throughout the world. The spirit
of its observation should be as Christ-like as we can make it, for the
name comes from "Christ." Centuries have passed since Christ was
on earth carrying the wonderful message of good will the Golden
Rule to all. To Him all people in need or suffering were alike He
ministered to their needs without regard to their station in life it was
sufficient that they were in need of His help and solace.
The Christmas time is one of general "good will toward men," of
good cheer, good wishes, of gift-giving for those who can afford it.
L,et us say before goin farther th it many give oeoii cti.'i: fi la 1
cial ability and thus do themselves more injury than they do good to
to those receiving tli2 gift. This is not wise, nor doss it adi to the
general or total good of the world. All cm give goo 1 will and good
wishes and these are of greater value than chattels far more precious
to the right-minded. Anybody can purchase chattels who has the
price, but money cannot buy good will nor good wishes it can only
purchase service. A personal good-will greeting is priceless to him
who is in the spirit to receive it. A card setting forth the sentiments
of the sender may be mailed to distant friends, assuring them of your
remembrance and good wishes. These things are beyond mere money.
In the midst of your rejoicing and merry-making it will be well to re
member the sick, sorrowing and suffering, and if any such oe near try