The Chemawa American (Chemawa, Or.) 19??-current, December 01, 1915, Page 19, Image 21

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beginning of the term was a pretty tough proposition, but later on a
few veterans showed up. These strengthened things materially, but
raw men had to be developed to fill vacant shoes. Material was scarce
on first call for recruits, scarcely two teams appearing for outfits.
These few though by steady practice and proper coaching developed
into formidable players and can be counted on next year as veterans.
Speed was our mainstay, on account of our weight, and this was de
veloped through a system of coaching of Mr. Hauser. "Basketball"
football was used as a means of getting wind, while mutual football was
used to a great extent in learning the finer points of the game. Both the
first and second team men were provided with a training table at the
Domestic Science Hall, and this of course, did much to develop their
speed and good will, strength and hitting powers. Very few serious in
juries wTere received, Colby being the only one, he having received a
fractured rib in the early season. Downie at quarter played his usual
good game and directed plays with tact and ability from that important
post. Captain Peratrovitch at tackle, was there as usual with his win
ning smile and dangerous grin. Russell and Dick Adams at half and
end, respectively, were the same old combination. Clyde Fields at guard
was there with bells in every department, and Lane, the midget end, used
the same old tactics with good effect. Peter Dick, a Cushman product,
at tackle, showed up beautifully. George, from the same institution,
loomed up very prominently in the line also and has a future. Frank
Chamberlain, our little demon half back, surprised us immensely.
Frank has been out of knickerbockers but a short time, but neverthe
less performed like a "vet." Elk, the "let'er buck" product, surprised
many by his stellar work in the full back position and is considered a
real find. Logan and Phillips, centers, are good men and will be
looked to as prospective regulars next year. Colby, who received a
fractured rib, was doing things around the end position when put out of
the running. Bird, was a bird for sure, but entered a little late for any
fame. He's from Montana.
Support was nominal and enthusiasm above the ordinary, but with a
strong Athletic Organization visible in the distance, prospective mem
bers for next year's squad are full to the brim with "pep" for the com
ing season. In the meantime, basketball is claiming the attention of
all aspirants and enthusiasts.
For various reasons, we were refused admittance to the Willamette Val
ley League organized in Portland two weeks ago, but nevertheless, Man
ager Frachtenberg and Coach Hauser are highly optimistic over the out
look for a successful season in every respect. Practice has been started
in earnest and with Downie, Chamberlin, Adams, Colby, and other vet
erans in the line up, we can be counted on for a favorable showing.
From the girls' side we see rising a new spirit in the athletic line.
Mrs. Willis has taken charge of all athletic activities for girls. While
the boys were on the gridiron the girls were in the gym shooting
baskets. Marian Minugh, Margaret Harney, Agnes Kiernan, Anna
Loftus, Alice Keeley, Marian McClusky, Rose Simmons and Laura
Squiqui are the bunch complete, so we can't help but feel that there
will be quite a string of victories chalked up to our credit ere many