The united American : a magazine of good citizenchip. (Portland, Or.) 1923-1927, November 01, 1924, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page Twelve
much, it is asserted, — but even so, there are many
who continue the custom and show their generous
spirit in generous tips, as supplementary payment
for particularly thoughtful attentions, and the
practice is not wholly to be condemned, but there are
too many places where the old system will not compare
with the new. The wealthy man may give, with dis­
crimination, tokens of appreciation for special
services rendered, but the man of the times, even
though wealthy, discourages the custom of indis­
criminate tips, and the man who cannot afford it, b.ut
who allows himself to be held up because he thinks
he must do so, should give some one a liberal fee to
show him where he is growing a large tuft of moss.
A true leader ain’t afeared o’ loneliness.
Ye can’t do wot’s right ‘thout yer willin’ to suffer
wot’s wrong.
The man with one idear is alius laughed at by
them with none.
The feller at the foot of the ladder mout climb
up a rung or two if he wan’t so tarnation busy pullin’
others down.
Don’t git discouraged. Even if yer only a oyster,
an openin’ ’ll come some day.
It’s easier to feel good than to be good.
Small talk often causes big scandals.
A rollin’ stone don’t climb.
W HERE IS THE best English spoken? James
Russell Lowell used to maintain that it was
spoken at Cambridge, Mass. Professor Mahaffy and
other Irishmen would probably contend that it was
spoken at Trinity College, Dublin. It was in this
environment that a proposal made by an outsider
to refer a disputed point to the dictionary was met
by the blunt declaration: “We are the dictionary.”
The latest claimant to the best English is Kentucky —
at least that claim is made on Kentucky’s behalf in
the Pall Mall Gazette. The assertion seems to be
based on the belief that the inhabitants of the
eastern Kentucky mountains, more nearly than any
other modern community speak the language of
This basis is insufficient. Nothing is more certain
than that during the three centuries between
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Agents for the Butterick Patterns and
Shakespeare and ourselves the vowel scheme of the
English language has radically shifted; in fact, the
oral delivery of Shakespearean text by Elizabethan
throats would be considerable of a puzzle to modern
ears. It is useless to look for the best English in
the backwaters of remote and isolated districts. It
is rightly to be expected among cultivated people
out “in the world” — people who have “lived gently”
and have been instructed in the best schools and
disciplined by social intercourse.
yo LIVE ACCORDING to your convictions.
1 Not to bend the knee to popular prejudice.
To say “No” squarely when those around you say
To be what you are and not to pretend to be what
you are not.
To refuse to knuckle and bend knee to the wealthy,
even though poor.
To remain in honest poverty while others grow
rich by questionable methods.
To speak the truth when, by a little prevarica­
tion, you can get some good advantage.
To live honestly within your means, and not dis­
honestly upon the means of others.
To stand firmly erect while others are bowing
and fawning for praise and power.
To refuse to do a thing which you think is wrong,
because it is customary and done in trade.
When mortified and embarrassed by humiliating
disaster, to seek in the wreck or ruin the elements of
future conquest.
To face slander and lies, and to carry yourself
with cheerfulness, grace and dignity for years before
the lie can be corrected.
To throw up a position with a good salary when
it is the only business you know, and you have a
family depending upon you, because it does not have
your unqualified approval.
Ida Lyon, in “The Wonders of Life”
<7 VERY NORMAL human being has within him
certain powers which enable him to rise out
of any condition into any condition. He may not
know how to use them, but he has them. There
are many instances in which this has been illustrated
and where seemingly impossible changes have taken
place to lift the unfortunate out of their unhappy
conditions into those which were all their imagina-
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