APRIL, 1923 THE WESTERN AMERICAN 14 But Zulamith with sturdy heart one evening had begun or messenger a check or money order to the churches To build a bridge of light to span the space from star to sun; or pastors held worthy, always selects the time of And Salami in. loving faith from her lone home afar, church service to make their donation in such con- She, too, began to build a bridge of light from sun to star. spicious manner, displaying to the world that they They toiled and built a thousand years in love’s all-conquer­ have as little respect for the sanctity of the church as ing might; And so the Milky Way was made—that starry bridge of light, they have for the principle of Christian worship, is something upon which the public has a right to pass Which stretches out to distances no mortal eye can trace, And spans the awful gulf between the shores of boundless judgment. There can be but one reason: that of space. attracting attention. But all the angels stood aghast at their presumptuous guilt: But should an individual, even numasked and with “O God, behold what Salami and Zulamith have built!” less ostentatiousness, no matter how prominent, On the Almighty’s face they saw a smile and not a frown: choose similarly to display both his generosity and “What love hath built in either world that will not I pull approval of a pastor and his church during the do'wn.” hour of worship, his intrusion would most likely And Salami and Zulamith, when their long toil was done, be frowned upon by the recipients and the pub­ Straight rushed into each other’s arms and melted into one; And thus was born the brightest star in 'heaven’s arch that lic alike and he would be held up to scorn as a man seeking cheap publicity, a man whose sense of pro­ dwelt, Great Sirius, the mighty sun, beneath Orion’s belt. priety and regards for the deity could hardly be re­ Thus all who on the earth of ours have loved so true and glad, garded in the light of anything but a mockery. Just But have been torn apart by death and sin and sorrow sad, why this organization can flauntingly violate accepted May meet again and be as one in everlasting bliss; principles, that would not be tolerated on the part of For love and faith can bridge the space between that World an individual, is something that furnishes food for and this. MISLEADING CREEDS OF AMERICANISM (Continued from page 9) unceremoniously halted while a spokesman of this Invisible Empire has in the name of his organization expressed his approval of the church, its pastor and congregation and substantiated that sentiment with a small donation to the church. In all instances, so far as we are aware, have this cheap proffer of the organization to buy itself into the good graces of the church in question been accepted with thanks. In no instance, to our knowledge, has any minister felt the impropriety of such intrusion of. a.hQuse of wor­ ship sufficient to deal with the intruders according to the. code of principles expressed by Rev. Urmy. Why this organization instead of sending by mail thought. There is something about this movement in this direction as well as in every other way that smack of politics, something enlarged upon and used to further some cause or other with the gullible elements who are too busy to do their own thinking and perfectly willing to take for granted the inflated “facts and figures” presented by some hysterical individuals busy hunting for some vehicle or other that may serve the purpose of carrying them to a measure of fame and fortune they could not otherwise gain in ordinary pursuits. It is time to take stock. An accurate inventory should help us to get a better and more defined opinion of the relatively of superior values. Inferior quality has displaced superior quality to a menacing degree in the mental storehouse of America. ¿llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillll||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l||||||||||||l|||||||||l||ll||l||||||||m|||||||l||l|l||||||||mmi|m||l|||l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||lllllll£ diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiin Ask Your Dealer | for the following brands I Manufactured in Portland | Mt. Hood Overalls Mt. Hood Shirts University Overcoats University Mackinaws | The Bank for Savings yOUR NEIGHBOR and your 1 neighbor’s neighbor prob­ ably carry Savings accounts here at the United States National —and are growing wealthier day Jenny & Joe Playsuits Columbi-Ann House Dresses Columbi-Ann Ladies’Night Gowns | A Warranty Bond with Every Garment | | Place Your Orders With The Western American Advertisers—and Tell Them Why