Are You Thinking of Sending Money to Norway DO IT NOW! At the Present Time 30 Per Cent Is Made On the Exchange Between the Dollar and The Krone Money may be paid in dollars to our credit at the National City Bank of New York, N. Y. As soon as we receive notification that the money has been paid in, w7e recon the amount in dollars into kroner, according to the best current rate. Or you can go to a bank at your place of residence, buy a draft on a Norwegian bank and send the draft to us. The deposit book will be sent . to you or kept free of charge in our bank in accordance with your desire. If you intend to visit Norway in the future, you should buy your exchange now while the rate is favorable. At the present our rate of interest is 5 per cent on Savings deposits and 5% per cent on 6 months with­ drawal notice. Your deposit will be exempt from tax in Norway. The Bank of Commerce has a special department for American transactions. We shall be pleased to give information, write to us. The Norway Bank of Commerce, “Den Norske Handelsbank” was established in 1885 at Trondhjems Bank of Commerce, “Trondhjems Handelsbank”, and it has now a paid up stock capital of 41 Million Crowns and a reserve fund of 40 Million Crowns, with branch banks in Trondhjem, Kristiansund and Kristiania. Trondhjem, Kristiansund N. Kristiania, February 15, 1920 THE Norway Bank of Commerce Den Norske Handelsbank