14 Wednesday, September 1, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS Continued from page 2 (EMP) event. Such an event can result from an attack by an enemy, or it can occur natu- rally. It could result in devastating loss of life. There is disagreement on this, but why take chances? We should also have a ground-based GPS back-up system, (like Russia has,) or we could lose internet in an anti-satellite attack. Alvin Blake s s s Resort threatens water To the Editor: Thornburgh Resort, a proposed destina- tion resort near Cline Butte Recreation Area, close to Sisters and Redmond, intends to use millions of gallons of water daily at a maxi- mum daily rate. This would be drawn from the underlying aquifer, negatively affecting Whychus Creek. Trout, steelhead, and other wildlife are already struggling with drought and climate change. And right now we are all concerned about the future of our water and lands. Please direct comments and opinions to City Planner William Groves at william. groves@deschutes.org or call at 541-388- 6518. We need to be vigilant as a community to at least try to be heard before we are over- run by unscrupulous investors. Jeanne Brooks s s s Rights and responsibilities To the Editor: As American citizens we cherish our