8 Wednesday, August 18, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS Continued from page 2 a mask, she became happier, more confident, and engaged in the learning process. She never com- plained about wearing a mask and was willing to make the sacrifice needed. I am really proud of her. Besides having the parent perspective of mask wearing, I am also a teacher in a local school dis- trict. Luckily, our students and staff were able to do in-person learning, either hybrid or full time, for the entire 2020-21 year (except for a four-week distance-learning break around the holidays). We wore masks the whole time. Was it hard? Yes, it really was at times ... AND ... it was a great oppor- tunity to teach our students that we can all do hard things. That we can persevere through adversity and make sacrifices for others. Did our students learn and grow last year? Absolutely! It was a year full of challenges and laughter, math and fun. And we did it ALL with our masks on. Shawn Steele s s s To the Editor: Thank you for the careful, extensive reporting on the recent School Board meeting. We have such a need, in these trying times, for clear and clean journalism, free of spin or propaganda. I was saddened to hear of this eruption of hate- ful, arrogant, belligerent bullying and badgering. This has become a common attitude among a certain crowd, but remains a shocking affront to responsible civil behavior. My condolences to the board members, taking a beating while dealing as best they can with a complicated and challenging pandemic. How does this end, all the yelling and screaming and fighting? Can9t we do better than this? John Rahm s s s To the Editor: I cut out the