The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, August 18, 2021, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, August 18, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 8
workers would like a word!
This virus is far more deadly than the
flu, can result in long-term disabilities, is
fast spreading, and has moved down to
younger ages. If you can9t teach your chil-
dren to endure some discomfort now, how
will they ever cope with the realities of life
ahead? There are children on ventilators at
St. Charles, if you want to talk about discom-
fort! This is prime time to help kids learn to
think of others, and maybe some parents.
Wendie Vermillion
Apologies to McDonald’s
To the Editor:
To be clear, mine was NOT the Facebook
post that started the story of McDonald9s
refusing to serve firefighters (it turns out they
did no such thing), but I did post kudos to
Chops and shame on McDonald9s after seeing
the story on our local TV news.
I was SO proud of Chops for taking such
good care of our firefighters, to whom we
owe so much, and was utterly dismayed at
the thought of any restaurant refusing service
to them. As someone who does not believe all
that is said on TV news, I thought at least our
local channel got it right 4 but they did not.
I will be even more skeptical of TV news
from now on and apologize to McDonald9s
staff for believing what I heard on the news.
I am grateful to The Nugget for getting the
story right! The news did get the Chops info
right, so I again thank the owners of Chops
for taking care of our firefighters.
Terry Hardin
Hospital crisis
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A birthday for a Sisters icon…
Sad over state of America
To the Editor:
As I watch all the negative things happen-
ing in our country, it makes me terribly sad.
My wife lived in Venezuela when it was
the best country in South America; now it is
the worst with Marxism!
The ruling party in America with 19
RINOS are trying to take our country in the
same direction and are succeeding rapidly.
I grew up (in) a racist family, but over my
77 years I9ve seen 95 percent of it erased.
But the Marxists are again using race and
COVID-19 to divide the country.
I9m seeing people and friends yelling at
each other over COVID.
I9m sad that even the churches in America
aren9t talking and praying for the country as
a whole.
Chet Davis
There is no monster under the rug
To the Editor:
Do other Nugget readers tire of
ANOTHER Jeff Mackey diatribe cloaked as
his weekly windmill in need of one more of
his seemingly endless written jousts?
Somehow it seems that Mr. Mackey all too
often inserts Karl Marx (or some other com-
munist baddie) as the hidden agenda behind
his latest nemesis. In Jeff9s August 4 latest
edition of <The World According to Mackey,=
he chose Critical Race Theory as his latest
punching bag. Does Jeff actually believe that
when students are exposed to open discus-
sions of how race and law have intersected
in our history as a nation that there might just
be a Marxist looming in the background? And
here I thought Joe McCarthy had died in the
1950s. Good grief!
Does Jeff actually believe what he writes?
And, as he states, is his source of educational
enrichment in this case, that font of truth,
knowledge and objectivity& YouTube?
Well, I have been deeply involved in all
levels of public education for more than 50
years (the last 19 as a volunteer at Sisters
High School), and I have yet to detect any
right- or left-wing conspiracy reaching out its
icy tentacles to ensnare our students. Rather,
I have witnessed an open system of educa-
tion led by highly-educated, underpaid folks
dedicated to enriching our children9s lives.
And they don9t appear to be in need of being
second-guessed by internet theorists.
There is no conspiracy. There is no mon-
ster under the rug.
Rather than accuse, I suggest that Mr.
Mackey stop by Sisters schools and observe.
Volunteer. Be supportive.
Steve Mathews, Ed.D.
To the Editor:
We are told that 95 percent of people hos-
pitalized for COVID-19 now are not vacci-
nated. That tells us vaccines ARE effective.
We are told St. Charles Hospital is in crisis,
overloaded with COVID-19 patients and
understaffed; basically overwhelmed because
some egocentric people are saying they have
the right to decline vaccination, which is true.
As a result people who need hospitaliza-
tion for matters beyond their control find <no
room in the inn.=
OK, those people who have avoided their
responsibility to society should not expect
society to look after them. They should not
be admitted to the hospital for treatment of
a disease that they could have avoided con-
tracting. When resources are limited triage is
necessary. It is time for <societal triage.= You
make your bed, you sleep in it!
Donald Harner
Register at sistersrecrea
-- • ­ W. McKinney Bu‡ e Rd., Sisters
Gerry Tewalt (right) celebrated his 76th birthday with a cold
one with his friend Ed Peterson. Tewalt remains active in the
excavation business he pioneered here in Sisters.