12 Wednesday, April 28, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon A N N O U N C E M E N T S Crafters Wanted Quality craft-consigners wanted for 45th Snowfl ake Boutique, November 5 and 6. Juries will be held on Saturdays, May 15, August 14, September 4, and October 9, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Highland Baptist Church, Redmond and Monday, October 18 at 6 p.m. Info: www.snowfl akeboutique.org or call Jan 541-350-4888 or Tina 541-447-1640 Free Rides for Vaccinations Sisters Transportation and Ride Share (STARS) is booking free, nonemergency medical rides and deliveries Tuesday and Th ursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with rides available Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. At least 48 hours advance notice is required. STARS is booking free COVID vaccine rides Monday through Friday with rides available 7 days a week. If no answer when requesting a vaccine ride, please leave your name and number and a dispatcher will call you back promptly to book your ride. Rides are based on volunteer driver availability, but people needing rides to vaccination sites are being given special attention. STARS dispatcher number for all rides is 541-904-5545. FireFree Debris Disposal Starting next Saturday, May 1, residents will be able to dispose of yard debris for free during spring FireFree events across Central Oregon. Wildfi re season is approaching, and now is the time to improve the defensible space around your home. FireFree events will be held at Northwest (Fryrear) Transfer Station near Sisters from Wednesday, May 26 to Saturday, May 29 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and again Wednesday, June 2 to Saturday, June 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Th ere will be additional events in early May at Knott Landfi ll in Bend. Grass clippings, brush, pine needles, pinecones, weeds, trimmings and branches, stumps or trees (no larger than 12" in diameter) may be dropped off during the FireFree events. Visit the FireFree website at www.fi refree.org for more info about how you can prepare your property for wildfi re season. Sisters History Museum Now Open Volunteer with Sisters Habitat for Humanity Free Weekly Grab-N-Go Lunches For Seniors Sisters History Museum is open at the historical Wakefi eld Building, 410 E. Cascade St. (corner of Larch) on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Entry is free, with private tours on other days by appointment. Th e public is invited to visit the exhibits on Sisters-area history, gift shop and bookstore. Th e museum welcomes new volunteers (training provided) and book donations (all genre). Books can be dropped off at the porch during open hours Friday and Saturday or by prearrangement. Email: threesistershistoricalsociety@ gmail.com. or leave message at 541-904-0585. Have fun, make new friends and be involved with an amazing organization! Positions are available at the Th rift Store, ReStore and on the construction site. All areas follow strict COVID-safety guidelines. New volunteer orientations are off ered each Tuesday, Wednesday, or Th ursday at 12 noon at the Sisters Habitat Offi ce, 141 W. Main Avenue (upstairs). Please RSVP at 541-549-1193 or marie@ sistershabitat.org as space is limited. Th e Council on Aging of Central Oregon is serving g seniors (60+) free Grab-N-Go lunches on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, esdays, and Th ursdays each week. Th e lunches are distributed buted on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served -served basis drive-through style yle from 12 to 12:30 p.m. at the he Sisters Community Church, urch, 1300 W. Mckenzie Hwy. Seniors eniors may drive through the e parking lot and pick up a meal eal each day of service. Come on n by, no need to make a reservation. ation. Info: 541- 678-5483. Sisters Library Children’s Activities Deschutes Public Library is off ering virtual events and take- home activities for children. On Tuesdays at 10 a.m. join community librarians and other preschoolers for songs, rhymes, stories and fun. Online story time is live at 10 a.m. on Th ursdays, where children can develop literacy skills and join in music and movement. Parents, don’t miss the opportunity to pick up a story time activity kit for your preschooler at Sisters Library on Th ursdays starting at noon. Available while supplies last. Go to www.deschuteslibrary.org/kids/ programs or call 541-312-1032 for more info. Organ Donor Awareness A new nonprofi t is in the planning stages to educate the community on the importance of organ donation. Fundraisers and events will be discussed. If interested in taking part, please call Fifi Bailey at 541-419-2204. Career Funds Available Applications are available for the Sisters Kiwanis Career Opportunity Fund to help adult residents of Sisters establish an occupational path. Pick up forms at the Kiwanis House, corner of Oak and Main, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Th ursdays, and during regular hours from the Sisters Habitat for Humanity offi ce. For additional information, please call 541- 719-1254. Sisters Speak Life Cancer Support Group Th is cancer support group meets the second and fourth Monday of every month, time and location to be determined. Caregivers, as well as patients and family members, are welcome to join in. Please contact Suzi Steele at 503- 819-1723 for more information. Weekly Food Pantry Wellhouse Church has a weekly food pantry on Th ursdays. Food is currently being distributed drive-through style from 12:30 until all food is distributed at the Wellhouse Market building, 222 N. Trinity Way. People in need of food may drive through the parking lot and pick up a bag of food for their household. Other Sisters-area churches are joining with Wellhouse Church to contribute both fi nancially and with volunteers to help sustain the program. For more information, please call 541-549-4184. Prayer Shawl Ministry Looking for yarn donations of any kind that are washable — even remnants — for knitting or crocheting blankets, scarves, and lap robes for people in need of comfort and love. If you are interested in joining this prayer shawl ministry, please call or text Suzi at 503-819-1723. Sponsor an Impoverished Child from Uganda Hope Africa International, based in Sisters, has many children awaiting sponsorship! For more information go to www. hopeafricakids.org or call Katie at 541-719-8727. Please call the church before attending to verify current status of services as restrictions are adjusted. SISTERS-AREA CHURCHES Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (ELCA) 386 N. Fir Street • 541-549-5831 10 a.m. Sunday Worship www.shepherdofthehillslutheranchurch.com Sisters Community Church (Nondenominational) 1300 W. McKenzie Hwy. • 541-549-1201 10 a.m. Sunday Worship www.sisterschurch.com • info@sisterschurch.com St. Edward the Martyr Roman Catholic Church 123 Trinity Way • 541-549-9391 5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 9 a.m. Sunday Mass • 8 a.m. Monday-Friday Mass Calvary Church (NW Baptist Convention) 484 W. Washington St., Ste. C & D • 541-588-6288 10 a.m. Sunday Worship • www.ccsisters.org Th e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 452 Trinity Way • Branch President, 541-420-5670; 10 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meeting Baha’i Faith Currently Zoom meetings: devotions, course trainings, informational fi resides. Local contact Shauna Rocha 541-647-9826 • www.bahai.org or www.bahai.us Chapel in the Pines Camp Sherman • 541-549-9971 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Sisters Church of the Nazarene 67130 Harrington Loop Rd. • 541-389-8960 www.sistersnaz.org • info@sistersnaz.org 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Wellhouse Church 442 Trinity Way • 541-549-4184 https://wellhousechurch.churchcenter.com 10 a.m. Sunday Worship (Indoor & Outdoor Venues) Vast Church (Nondenominational) 541-719-0587 • 5 and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Worship at 442 Trinity Way (Wellhouse building). See www.vastchurch.com for details. Seventh-Day Adventist Church 386 N. Fir St. • 541-595-6770, 541-306-8303 11 a.m. Saturday Worship Th e Episcopal Church of the Transfi guration 68825 Brooks Camp Rd. • 541-549-7087 8:30 a.m. Ecumenical Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare) 10:15 a.m. Episcopal Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare) PET OF THE WEEK Humane Society y of o Central Oregon 541-382-3537 Free Pet Food d Budget tight this s month, but you still need d pet food for your dog or cat? Call the Furry Friends pet t food bank at 541-797-4023 to schedule your pickup. We have all sorts of pet supplies too. Pickups kups available Tuesdays and Th ursdays, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Located at 412 E. Main Ave., Ste. 4, behind Th e Nugget offi ce. Band of Brothers Band of Brothers, after a long delay due to COVID, have decided to resume weekly lunch meetings on Wednesdays at Takodas in the regular room (which should hold 20 people). Th e doors open at 11 a.m. and the meeting will start at 11:30. You have to wear a mask if you’re moving about the building but can remove it if you’re seated. All veterans of any service are invited to attend! Call 541-549-6469 for more information. GUS: Sometimes you just have to wonder why some pets have not yet been adopted! Take Gus, for instance. Dogs like Gus, are full of spirit, playfulness and just love humans loving them. He awaits at his kennel for his next walking adventure or time in the play yard for a little one- on-one tennis-ball chasing! He is social, intelligent and just begging to fi nd that doggie- savvy home; plus a treat or two will be nice! SPONSORED BY Francois’ Workshop 541-549-0605 541-815-0624 CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES... SISTERS CITY COUNCIL Mayor Michael Preedin mpreedin@ci.sisters.or.us Council President Nancy Connolly nconnolly@ci.sisters.or.us Councilor Andrea Blum ablum@ci.sisters.or.us Councilor Gary Ross g.ross@ci.sisters.or.us Councilor Jennifer Letz jletz@ci.sisters.or.us Sisters City Hall 520 E. Cascade Ave. PO Box 39 Sisters, OR 97759 541-549-6022 Rep.DanielBonham@ oregonlegislature.gov www.oregonlegislature.gov/ bonham OREGON STATE SENATE Senator Lynn Findley District: 30 503-986-1730 900 Court St. NE, S-301 Salem, OR 97301 Sen.LynnFindley@ oregonlegislature.gov www.oregonlegislature.gov/ fi ndley Senator Tim Knopp District: 27 503-986-1727 900 Court St. NE, S-309 Salem, OR 97301 DESCHUTES COUNTY Sen.TimKnopp@ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS oregonlegislature.gov Commissioner Patti Adair www.oregonlegislature.gov/ Patti.Adair@deschutes.org knopp Daisy.jpg 541-388-6567 U.S. HOUSE OF Commissioner Phil Chang REPRESENTATIVES Phil.Chang@deschutes.org Cliff Bentz 541-388-6569 Congressional District 2 Commissioner 541-776-4646 Anthony DeBone 14 N. Central Ave., Suite 112 Tony.DeBone@deschutes.org Medford, OR 97501 541-388-6568 www.bentz.house.gov/contact OREGON HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Daniel Bonham District: 59 503-986-1459 900 Court St. NE, H-483 Salem, OR 97301 U.S. SENATE Sen. Ron Wyden www.wyden.senate.gov/contact/ email-ron Sen. Jeff Merkley www.merkley.senate.gov/contact POLICY: Business items do not run on this page. Nonprofi ts, schools, churches, birth, engagement, wedding and anniversary notices may run at no charge. All submissions are subject to editing and run only as space allows. Email lisa@nuggetnews.com or drop off at 442 E. Main Ave. Your text must include a “for more information” phone number. Deadline is 5 p.m. on Fridays.