Wednesday, March 3, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Fit For Sisters Andrew Loscutoff Columnist Stress and weight gain The pandemic has been tough on people9s waistlines. It9s reported that 36 percent of people have admitted to gaining a lot of weight during the pan- demic. This should come as no surprise. In a stress- ful environment, the body is naturally receptive to weight gain. And the direc- tion people turn to soothe some stress isn9t beneficial for the waistline either. Forty percent of people report eating and watching TV as their main coping mechanisms. Anyone reading this ought to know by now the body is a system, which is all wired together, rather than a machine of binary units, which only per- form one function. Stress, whether psychological or physical, produces a simi- lar reaction; this imposes on many unrelated func- tions of the body, whether or not it has to directly do with the stress. What happens to the body in a stressful situation? First, there is a hor- monal response. Stress sends a cascade of chem- istry, which changes the way the body digests and assimilates its resources. Cortisol and glucocorti- coids increase blood pres- sure, free fatty acids, and send signals to the fat cells to take up energy. What this means is that the body wants to store fat 4 and accumulates it in areas like the abdomen. These hormones hijack a few other bodily systems 4 notably, the hunger and fullness hormones. The hormone leptin regulates the sensation of fullness and cravings to eat. Under stress, the hormones are positioned to make you feel hungrier, and less full. This can lead to eating more, despite intentions to lose weight. Another way that stress is holding back weight loss is in the head. It9s known that stress down-regulates the prefrontal cortex of the brain, dulling deliber- ate thinking and higher- level cognition. This is a response to the fight-and- flight mechanisms that will save your life if you drop everything and run instead of thinking about it. So, under stress, you9re more prone to store body fat; you9ll want to eat more, and you won9t be so thoughtful when making choices. What can be done? Use a