6 Wednesday, February 17, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon ffee-table book celebrates Oregon hiking Coffee-table Renowned trail guide William Sullivan has part- nered with trail writer Craig Romano and photographer Bart Smith on a spectacu- lar coffee-table book that celebrates the trails of the Pacific Northwest with stunning photography, maps, rarely-seen archi- val photos, and infor- mation-packed text that brings the history of the trails to life. The authors will present the book in a virtual event through Paulina Springs Books in Sisters o n We d n e s d a y, February 24, at 6:30 p.m. Register for the free event at https://www.crowdcast. io/e/hiking-trails-of-the-pnw/ register. The backcountry of the Pacific Northwest covers PHOTO BY JESS DRAPER The large format of the book takes armchair adventurers on a journey into Oregon’s outback. millions of acres of wild lands protected within vast national parks, provincial parks, and w i l d e r n e s s areas 4 and thou- sands of miles of trails, including the Pacific Crest, Pacific Northwest, and Trans Canada Trails. Th The book is consid- ered a mu must-have for anyone drea who dreams of summiting peaks in North America9s most beloved region. R Craig Romano is one of the most prolific trail writ- ers in the Northwest, having authored more than 25 books covering the region. He has hiked more than 30,000 miles in Washington stat alone and is also state a avid ultra runner. an His