24 Wednesday, January 27, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Don’t ignore hearing problems — get tested now Do you notice you have to turn up the volume on your TV in order to hear the dialog in your favorite show? When your son calls on the phone, do you find yourself asking him to repeat what he just said because you didn9t catch it all? These can be indications of early hearing loss and mean it9s time to schedule a hearing test. Hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities in elderly peo- ple, affecting about one-third of peo- ple over the age of 65, according to the American Academy of Neurology. Peripheral age-related hearing loss is caused by problems in how the inner annoying and can also indicate hear- ing issues. Do you find yourself more fre- quently asking people to repeat what they just said? Is it becoming more difficult to hear when you are talk- ing on the phone? You may need to adjust the volume on the television or when you are on your computer in a Zoom meeting. Any one or more of these situations could be indicating a loss of hearing.