4 Wednesday, January 20, 2021 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Another beautiful evening sky... Sisters School District highlights By Charlie Kanzig Correspondent The Sisters School Board met for the first time in 2021 on Wednesday, January 6 via Zoom. " Superintendent Curt Scholl thanked the teachers and support staff for continu- ing to have a common focus and working together for the sake of Sisters9 students. " Early indications show little increase in enrollment, but housing projects con- tinue to boom in the area, so an enrollment increase is strongly anticipated. Scholl reported that with the expected growth for next year, the elementary school may need to install one or two portables to accommo- date students. " Scholl reported that the elementary school conducted the first week back from the holiday break in distance learning, but returned to the hybrid model January 11, which they have been in for most of the school year. Fifth and sixth grades at Sisters Middle School and ninth and 10th grades at Sisters High School will start in the hybrid model January 25, followed by seventh and eighth along with 11th and 12th on February 1. In both schools students will attend classes on two days and have Comprehensive Distance Learning on the other days. " Board member David Thorsett asked if there would be a chance that schools would open more fully dur- ing this school year. Scholl explained that, while it is possible, many factors are at play including whether staff will be vaccinated, how com- munity spread of the virus is trending, how to manage physical space, etc. " Director Jay Wilkins reminded the board that his position, along with those held by David Thorsett and Edie Jones, will be open as of May 31, and that he will not seek re-election. " A Political Action Committee (PAC) is being formed to aid in the passage of rolling over the school bond the district has been operating with. Wilkins vol- unteered as one of two board members who can serve as board liaisons. " The board acknowl- edged the dedication and contributions to the district by Kristy Rawls and Michele Hammer, who are retiring. " The next school board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 3, at 6 p.m. and will likely be con- ducted via Zoom. PHOTO BY KRIS KRISTOVICH Local photographer Kris Kristovich captured a colorful mid-January sunset on Mt. Jefferson. Runners’ efforts help charity Correspondent The pandemic has impacted local sports as well as the ability to gather, but cross country coach and teacher Josh Nordell came up with a simple way to do some real good during the holiday season through a running challenge designed to put a little money into some local charities. Nordell contacted Peterson Ridge Rumble Race Director Sean Meissner and asked if he would be willing to put up some funds from the race to help make the idea work. The two settled on a plan in which anyone could be involved. For every mile covered by biking, walking, running, rowing, skiing or whatever, the Rumble would donate 10 cents. Nordell shared the