The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, December 09, 2020, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, December 9, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Working to celebrate
Outlaws seniors
Despite the disruptions of
a global pandemic that have
upended the school year for
Sisters students, parents are
seeking a way to provide tra-
ditional grad night festivities
for Outlaws seniors.
They are seeking <spon-
sors= for students for grad
night celebrations in June.
In a letter to parents, the
grad night organizing com-
mittee noted, <...It is tra-
dition in Sisters to host a
post-graduation all-night
party for graduating seniors.
Graduation is scheduled for
June 4, 2021, and the party
will take place directly after
the ceremony. Parties in past
years have been from approx-
imately 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
The intent of the party is to
provide a drug- and alcohol-
free alternative for graduat-
ing seniors to celebrate their
graduation together.=
It9s not clear what will
be possible later in the year,
and current conditions make
fundraising for the traditional
event a challenge.
The letter noted, <In past
years fundraising events have
been held throughout the
school year to raise funds to
support the party... The com-
mittee decided to seek dona-
tions from parents and com-
munity members to effec-
tively 8sponsor9 each gradu-
ating senior.=
The estimated cost of the
party for each senior is $125.
See SENIORS on page 16
Christmas: The
birth of Jesus Christ
are we excited about?
It9s pretty exciting that a
multitude of angels showed
up in the skies above some
shepherds in the region
of Bethlehem over 2,000
years ago. I know I would
be amazed to look up to
see uncountable numbers
of heavenly beings shining
with the glory of the Lord.
Not many people have
witnessed such a miracle.
I9d probably side with the
shepherds to go check out
By Lisa May
Christmas is the sacred
day on which Christians
celebrate the birthday of
the Lord Jesus Christ. But
what is the primary focus of
that celebration? Certainly,
for Christians, the primary
focus is not family, food, or
festivities 4 as worthy as
those things are of enjoy-
ing. If a Christian9s desire
is to focus the Christmas
celebration on the birth of
Jesus Christ, exactly what
See CHRISTMAS on page 15
A group of community activists has been meeting — mostly virtually — to develop a community-based website.
Website aims to connect community
By Ceili Cornelius
Sisters Country has a new
community-based website at
Community Connects is the
title of the new community
website that was to launch
Wednesday, December 9,
built and created for and by
Sisters Country residents,
with the help from the organi-
zations Citizens4Community
(C4C), nonprofit Community
Website Partnership (CWP)
and funding from the Ford
Family Foundation.
Robyn Holdman, execu-
tive director of C4C spear-
headed the project with a
group of volunteers working
with CWP.
The Community Website
Partnership is a nonprofit
organization that strives to
bring community websites
to rural communities to cre-
ate a place where residents,
as well as new people, have
a resource to get connected
to their community. Brooke
Nuckles Gentekos, the
CWP9s project manager said,
<We strive to make connec-
tions with people and orga-
nizations in Oregon who are
making a difference in rural
The project started when
Mary Ward, founder of com-
munity systems, saw a need
for an online portal of web-
sites for communities. She
met Steven Williams, a web
developer, and together,
working with the Ford
Family Foundation, they
created the partnership that
works in rural communi-
ties, which create their own
leadership teams to develop
a website.
Each year, the partnership
selects one or two communi-
ties to be a part of the part-
nership based on inquiries
they receive from commu-
nities that want to develop a
<We try to select commu-
nities that are inclusive and
already doing work within
the community to connect
its people,= said Nuckles
Gentekos, whose role is to
manage the website9s cre-
ation and keep the leader-
ship team on task. <We9ve
loved working with Sisters
and with Robyn, who is a
great lead on the project.
We knew there was going to
be a wealth of content and
strong foundation laid prior
by the community. We were
impressed by the projects
already happening in Sisters
as well as with the visioning
The website strives to be
a one-stop shop for infor-
mation about Sisters, as
well as a place to access
volunteer opportunities and
a place to have a commu-
nity calendar to know when
See WEBSITE on page 6
As the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect gatherings, please contact individual organizations for current meeting status
Al-Anon Mon., noon, Shepherd of the
Hills Lutheran Church. / Thurs., 10 a.m.,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
Alcoholics Anonymous Thurs. &
Sun., 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the
Transfi guration / Sat., 8 a.m., Episcopal
Church of the Transfi guration / Mon.,
5 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church / Big Book study, Tues., noon,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church /
Gentlemen’s meeting, Wed., 7 a.m.,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church /
Sober Sisters Women’s meeting, Thurs.,
noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church / Step & Tradition meeting, Fri.,
noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church. 541-548-0440.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregiver
Support Group 1st Tuesday, noon,
SPRD bldg. 800-272-3900.
Black Butte Ranch Bridge Club
Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., BBR community
room. Partner required. 541-595-6236.
Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild
For Saturday meeting dates and
location, email: steelefl
Central OR Spinners and Weavers
Guild One Saturday per month, Jan.
thru Oct. For schedule: 541-639-3217.
Council on Aging of Central Oregon
Senior Lunch Tuesdays, noon, Sisters
Community Church. 541-480-1843.
Sisters Area Photography Club
2nd Wednesday, 4 p.m., meeting by
Zoom. 541-549-6157.
Sisters Speak Life Cancer Support
Group 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 1 p.m.
Suttle Tea. 503-819-1723.
East of the Cascades Quilt Guild 4th
Wednesday (September-June), Stitchin’
Post. All are welcome. 541-549-6061.
Sisters Area Woodworkers
1st Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. 541-639-6216.
Sisters Trails Alliance Board 1st
Monday, 5 p.m. Sisters Library.
Public welcome. 808-281-2681.
Sisters Astronomy Club 3rd
Friends of the Sisters Library Board
Tuesday, 7 p.m., SPRD. 541-549-8846.
of Directors 2nd Tuesday, 9 to 11 a.m.,
Sisters Bridge Club In-person
gathering suspended until further notice.
Go Fish Fishing Group 3rd Monday,
For free online bridge info,
7 p.m. Sisters Community Church. All
call Barbara 541-914-6322.
ages welcome. 541-771-2211.
Sisters Caregiver Support Group
Heartwarmers (fl eece blanketmakers)
3rd Tues., 10:30 a.m., The Lodge in
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Sisters City Sisters. 541-771-3258.
Hall. Materials provided. 541-408-8505.
Sisters Cribbage Club Please call for
Hero Quilters of Sisters Thursday, 1 to details. 541-923-1632.
4 p.m. 541-549-1028 or 541-719-1230.
Sisters Habitat for Humanity Board
Citizens4Community, Let’s Talk
of Directors 4th Tuesday, 6 p.m.
3rd Monday, 5:30 to 8 p.m. RSVP at
Location information: 541-549-1193.
Sisters Kiwanis Thursdays, 7 to
Military Parents of Sisters Meetings
8:30 a.m., Brand 33 Restaurant at
are held quarterly; please call for details. Aspen Lakes. 541-410-2870.
Sisters Parent Teacher Community
Oregon Band of Brothers – Sisters
2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at Sisters
Chapter Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.,
Saloon. 541-480-5994.
Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-549-6469.
Sisters Parkinson’s Support Group
SAGE (Senior Activities, Gatherings Meeting by Zoom.
& Enrichment) Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. 541-668-6599.
to 4 p.m. at Sisters Park & Recreation
Sisters Red Hats 1st Friday.
District. 541-549-2091.
Location information: 541-279-1977.
Sisters Aglow Lighthouse
4th Saturday, 10 a.m., Ponderosa Lodge Sisters Rotary 1st and 3rd Thursdays,
Noon, Aspen Lakes. 541-760-5645.
Meeting Room. 503-930-6158.
Sisters Veterans Thursdays, noon,
Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-903-1123.
Three Sisters Irrigation District
Board of Directors 1st Tuesday,
4 p.m., TSID Offi ce. 541-549-8815.
Three Sisters Lions Club 2nd
Tuesday, noon, Ray’s Food Place
community room. 541-419-1279.
VFW Post 8138 and American Legion
Post 86 1st Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.,
Sisters City Hall. 541-903-1123.
Weight Watchers
Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. weigh-in, Sisters
Community Church. 541-602-2654.
Black Butte School Board of
Directors 2nd Tuesday, 3:45 p.m.,
Black Butte School. 541-595-6203.
Sisters School District Board of
Directors One Wed. monthly, SSD
Admin Bldg. See schedule online at 541-549-8521 x5002.
Sisters Middle School Parent
Collaboration Team 1st Tuesday,
2 p.m., SMS. 541-610-9513.
Sisters City Council 2nd & 4th
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall.
Sisters Park & Recreation District
Board of Directors 2nd & 4th Tuesdays,
4:30 p.m., SPRD bldg. 541-549-2091.
Sisters Planning Commission
3rd Thursday, 5:30 p.m., Sisters
City Hall. 541-549-6022.
Black Butte Ranch Police Dept.
Board of Directors Meets monthly.
541-595-2191 for time & date.
Black Butte Ranch RFPD Board of
Directors 4th Thursday, 9 a.m., Black
Butte Ranch Fire Station. 541-595-2288.
Cloverdale RFPD Board of Directors
3rd Wed., 7 p.m., 67433 Cloverdale Rd.
541-548-4815. cloverdalefi
Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD
Board of Directors 3rd Tuesday,
5 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 541-549-0771.
Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Drills
Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall,
301 S. Elm St. 541-549-0771.
This listing is for regular
Sisters Country meetings;
email information to