2 Wednesday, November 25, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon O P I N I O N Editorial… Your kids are looking Thanksgiving is a date on a calendar to you for leadership Many people9s Thanksgiving plans have been disrupted by the surge in COVID-19 cases. Sisters9 traditional holiday kickoff events this weekend will be sorely missed. So much has been canceled and so much that the Sisters community values has been put at risk this year. We9re all fatigued and most all of us have suffered losses of one kind or another. And yet& There remains much to be thankful for and much to appreciate. The stalwart vol- unteers who stage the Sisters Community Thanksgiving Dinner have found a way to make it happen 4 even if it9s not the same as gathering with friends. Teachers continue to find ways to give Sisters students a version of the remarkable educational opportunities that make Sisters schools stand out (see story, page 1). Shopkeepers and restaurant owners keep finding ways to persevere, and neighbors con- tinue to reach out a helping hand. A friend who has had a particularly brutal 2020 noted that,