Wednesday, November 18, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS Continued from page 2 s s s To the Editor: For over four years the most powerful security agencies of the Obama administration and their comrades in the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, have attempted to put President Trump, his family, and his staff in prison or drive them out of office. Now the American people are expected to stand passively by while Joe Biden and his San Francisco minder ascend to rule America and implement the statist collectivist utopia the Left demands. Socialism with steel teeth. Larry Benson s s s To the Editor: What if the state of Oregon asserts it knows what is best for you and your ability to earn a liv- ing or live a full life, but that same state govern- ment can9t maintain it9s computer systems, can9t manage a healthcare exchange, can9t manage men- tal health services, can9t manage foster care, can9t manage Oregon9s forests, can9t track sex offend- er9s, can9t process unemployment claims and lacks transparency? What if Article X-A of the Oregon Constitution requires the Governor to get a three-fifths approval from both houses of the Oregon Legislature to extend any declared emergency beyond thirty days? What if the Oregon Supreme Court engaged in judi- cial gymnastics to strike down a lower courts ruling that Governor Brown9s emergency powers expired in May? What if the Oregon Supreme Court claimed the written words in Oregon9s constitution for emer- gency powers don9t mean what they say? What if five of seven justices on the Oregon Supreme Court were appointed by Kate Brown? What if the court handed the Governor unlimited power over you and I? What if a Philadelphia federal judge ruled that Philadelphia9s lockdowns and social distancing are unconstitutional by reasoning